Ri 160 Impl
Ri 160 Impl
Ri 160 Impl
Implementation Guide
Release 16.0
December 2016
Oracle Retail Insights Implementation Guide, Release 16.0
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. xi
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... xi
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... xi
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... xi
Customer Support ...................................................................................................................................... xii
Review Patch Documentation .................................................................................................................. xii
Improved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation Corrections ....................................................... xii
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network ................................................... xiii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... xiii
3 Internationalization
Translation ................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Multi-Language Setup ............................................................................................................................ 3-2
Scenario 1............................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Data Scenario 1a .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Data Scenario 1b.......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Scenario 2............................................................................................................................................. 3-3
Data Scenario 2a .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Scenario 3............................................................................................................................................. 3-3
5 Performance
Key Factors in Performance.................................................................................................................... 5-1
Purging and Archiving Strategy ...................................................................................................... 5-1
Flexible Aggregates............................................................................................................................ 5-2
ETL Programs Performance.............................................................................................................. 5-4
Setting ETL Program Multi-threading..................................................................................... 5-4
ODI Configuration...................................................................................................................... 5-4
ETL Batch Scheduling ................................................................................................................ 5-5
Additional Considerations ........................................................................................................ 5-5
Report Design ..................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Additional Factors.............................................................................................................................. 5-6
Partitioning Strategy.......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Data Base Configuration ................................................................................................................... 5-6
Adequate Hardware Resources ....................................................................................................... 5-6
Leading Practices ...................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Customizations................................................................................................................................... 5-7
ODI Best Practices .............................................................................................................................. 5-7
Oracle BI EE Best Practices ............................................................................................................... 5-7
Batch Schedule Best Practices........................................................................................................... 5-7
Automation .................................................................................................................................. 5-7
Recoverability .............................................................................................................................. 5-8
Retail Insights Loading Batch Execution Catch-Up ...................................................................... 5-8
High Availability ........................................................................................................................ 5-9
Batch Efficiency ........................................................................................................................... 5-9
Aggregates List.......................................................................................................................................... 5-9
6 Retail Insights Aggregation Framework
Overview of Retail Insights Aggregation Framework...................................................................... 6-1
Aggregation Framework Initial Setup and Daily Execution ....................................................... 6-1
Importing ODI Components for Aggregation Framework .................................................. 6-2
Importing Aggregation Framework Shell script .................................................................... 6-2
Initial Aggregation Framework Setup ..................................................................................... 6-2
Aggregation Framework Verification...................................................................................... 6-4
Aggregation Framework Configuration......................................................................................... 6-4
Creating Customized Aggregation Table ............................................................................... 6-4
Configuring Framework in W_RTL_AGGREGATION_DAILY_TMP .............................. 6-5
Populating the Customized Aggregation Table ........................................................................... 6-8
Batch Process ............................................................................................................................... 6-8
Batch Status Control ................................................................................................................... 6-8
Batch Logging.............................................................................................................................. 6-8
Aggregation Framework Data Flow...................................................................................................... 6-9
Send Us Your Comments
The Oracle Retail Insights Implementation Guide provides detailed information useful
for implementing the application. It helps you to view and understand the
behind-the-scenes processing of the application.
The Implementation Guide is intended for Oracle Retail Insights application
integrators and implementation staff.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Insights
Release 16.0 documentation set:
■ Oracle Retail Insights Installation Guide
■ Oracle Retail Insights Data Model
■ Oracle Retail Insights User Guide
■ Oracle Retail Insights Operations Guide
■ Oracle Retail Insights Release Notes
For information about Oracle BI administration and end use, see the documentation
library for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, particularly the following
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware System User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition
Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network
Oracle Retail product documentation is available on the following web site:
(Data Model documents are not available through Oracle Technology Network. You
can obtain these documents through My Oracle Support.)
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
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monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
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Oracle Retail Insights Implementation Guide
Retail Insights offers cloud-based rich business intelligence solution to retail industry
users. Retail Insights is built on top of the latest Oracle technology stack and utilizes
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) the data
and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (BI EE) for end user reporting and
analysis needs.
Retail Insights architecture is designed to meet the retail industry's business
intelligence needs in both program and report performance.
The main characteristics of the Retail Insights product are:
■ Rich Reporting Capabilities: Retail Insights offers report creation capabilities in
three different flavors: Historical (As Was), Current (As Is) and Point-In-Time (PIT)
in same environment. Packaged reports are provided as reference examples for
users to create their own customized reports according to their needs.
■ Comprehensive Solution: Retail Insights includes an end-to-end solution for
reporting and BI needs of the retailer by providing data integration with source
applications, transforming and loading the fact and dimension data, rolling up the
data for improved query performance, Web-based graphical user interface (GUI)
for report creation, shell scripts for setting up the batch schedule, and an
automated installer by following business intelligence best practices.
■ Performant ETL Code: Retail Insights data processing tool, ODI, offers high
performance for the database batch processes on Oracle database.
■ Extensibility: Retail Insights ETL code can be customized and extended for client
specific needs.
■ Flexibility: Retail Insights ODI and Oracle BI EE code promote flexibility during
implementation based on client specific needs and help in improving batch and
report performance.
■ Performant Reports: Retail Insights metadata is built using Oracle BI EE and are
designed to work in complex reporting scenarios.
■ Robust Data Model: Retail Insights data model is designed for supporting a
retailers’ data needs in a business intelligence environment. Data model elements
are designed to work with Oracle BI EE architecture.
The Setup and Configuration chapter provides parameters for setting up Retail
Insights. The following sections are included:
■ "Sizing Information"
■ "Data Migration from a Legacy Data Warehouse System"
■ "Reporting Scenarios"
■ "Data Initial Load from RDE"
Sizing Information
This section provides a list of factors that should be taken into account when making
sizing plans.
There are two major hardware components that make up the Retail Insights physical
■ Middle Tier Application Server - The middle tier application server hosts software
components such as Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition (EE) or Oracle Business Intelligence Standard Edition One (SE
■ Database - The Oracle Database stores large amounts of data that are queried in
generating Oracle BI reports. The daily data loading process and report query
processing process are both heavily dependent on the hardware sizing decision.
Sizing is customer-specific. The sizing of the Retail Insights application is sensitive to a
wide variety of factors. Therefore, sizing must be determined on an individual
installation basis.
Testing is essential. As with any large application, extensive testing is essential for
determining the best configuration of hardware.
Database tuning is essential, just like any other database. The Oracle database is the
most critical performance and sizing component of Retail Insights. As with any
database installation, regularly monitoring database performance and activity levels
and regularly tuning the database operation are essential for optimal performance.
Factors to Consider
■ Application Server
Report Complexity - Reports processed through Oracle BI can range from very
simple one-table reports to very complex reports with multiple-table joins and
in-line nested queries. The application server receives data from the database and
converts it into report screens. The mix of reports that will be run will heavily
influence the sizing decision.
Number of Concurrent Users - The Retail Insights application is designed to be a
multiple concurrent use system. When more users are running reports
simultaneously, more resources are necessary to handle the reporting workload.
For more details on Clustering and Load Balancing, refer to the Clustering, Load
Balancing and Failover section in Oracle Business Intelligence chapter of the Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide.
■ Back End Database
Functions Used Determine Tables to be populated - Retail Insights is designed to
be a functional system so that some functions (such as supplier compliance or
order processing) that are available do not have to be used. To the extent that some
functions are not used, the amount of resources may be reduced correspondingly.
Fact Tables and Indexes - Disk space is required for tables and indexes. To identify
the database objects necessary for the selected functions, refer to the Data Model.
Dimension Tables and Indexes - Dimension tables and indexes also require space
and generally indicate the size of the data to be stored. Disk space must be
planned on the basis of record counts in the dimension tables.
Data Purging Plan - How Much Data to be Stored - The number of years of data to
be stored also contributes to the amount of disk space required. Disk space to store
fact data is generally linear with the number of years to data to be stored.
Database Backup and Recovery - The importance of the data and the urgency with
which a recovery must be made will drive the backup and recovery plan. The
backup and recovery plan may have a significant impact on disk space
■ Data Storage Requirements
Transaction Volume - Sales - the higher the number of sales records, the higher the
disk storage requirements and the higher the resource requirements to process
queries against sales-oriented tables and indexes.
Positional Data - Inventory, Price, Cost - Positional data (data that is a snapshot at
a specific point in time, such as inventory data "as of 9:00AM this morning") can
result in very large tables. The Retail Insights concept of data compression (not to
be confused with database table compression) is important in controlling the disk
space requirement. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Compression and
Extract, Transform, Load - Daily Processing - The daily loading process is a batch
process of loading data from external files into various temporary tables, then into
permanent tables, and finally into aggregation tables. Disk space and other
resources are necessary to support the ETL process.
Data Reclassification Requirements - Frequent hierarchy reclassification impacts
Processing Report Queries - Report queries submitted to the back-end database
have the potential to be large and complex. The size of the temporary tablespace
and other resources are driven by the nature of the queries being processed.
■ Configuration issues
Archivelog mode - If the database is being operated in archivelog mode,
additional disk space is required to store archived redo logs.
SGA and PGA sizing - the sizing of these memory structures is critical to efficient
processing of report queries, particularly when there are multiple queries running
Initialization Parameters - The initialization parameter settings enable you to
optimize the daily data loading and report query processing.
Data Storage Density - As is the case with many data warehouses, the data stored
in the Retail Insights database is relatively static and dense storage of data in
database data blocks results in more efficient report query processing.
■ Hardware Architecture
Number and Speed of Processors - More and faster processors speed both daily
data loading and report query processing in the database. The application server
needs fewer resources than the database.
Memory - More memory enables a larger SGA in the database and will reduce the
processing time for report queries.
Network - Since the data from the report queries needs to go from the back-end
database to the application server, a faster network is better than a slower
network, but this is a relatively low priority.
Disk - RPMs, spindles, cache, cabling, JFS - I/O considerations are very critical to
optimal performance. Selection of disk drives in the disk array should focus on
speed. For example, faster RPMs, more spindles, larger cache, fiber optic cabling,
JFS2 or equivalent.
RAID - The selection of a RAID configuration is also a critical decision. In
particular, RAID5 involves computations that slows Disk I/O. The key is to select
the RAID configuration that maximizes I/O while meeting redundancy
requirements for data protection.
Backup and Recovery - The backup and recovery strategy drives disk
configuration, disk size, and possibly the number of servers, if Dataguard or Real
Application Clusters are used.
Reporting Scenarios
By default, Retail Insights provides the features to use the following types of BI
reporting scenarios:
■ As-Was
■ As-Is
■ Point in Time
For more information on the reporting scenarios, refer to the Oracle Retail Insights User
Based on business needs, you can configure to have one or all of these scenarios, or the
combination. These configuration changes will be in ODI (the change is only in the
batch scheduler, which is not available by default with Retail Insights), Oracle BI EE,
and the Oracle Retail Insights Data Model.
If the business requirement is to see the history as it happened all the time, which is
the As-Was scenario, then it is recommended that you disable all ODI jobs related to
As-Is and vice versa. The reason for this is to reduce the load and avoid unnecessary
jobs to improve the batch time. For more information on identifying these jobs, refer to
chapter 6 ODI Program Dependency in the Oracle Retail Insights Operations Guide.
Once the ODI jobs are disabled, the appropriate tables/objects must be disabled in
Oracle BI EE and the data model.
Lets take an example of Inventory Receipts fact and following are the required steps if
As-Is is not needed.
Disable the jobs related to the following tables:
This information can be found in the Oracle Retail Insights Operations Guide.
Oracle BI EE
In the "Fact - Retail Inventory Receipts" logical table, disable the following sources:
With this change, these tables can never be accessed and As-Is reporting cannot be
done for inventory receipts. The same changes must be done for all the other fact areas
as well. Since Retail Insights has three subject areas (Retail As-Was, Retail As-Is and
Retail Point in Time), all three are available to the user. Since As-Is components should
be disabled, go to the Administration -> Manage Privileges on Oracle BI EE web and,
for all the users/roles, change the permission setting to "Denied" for the As-Is subject
area. This way, the As-Is subject area will not be available for reporting. The following
figure displays the Administration screen.
Data Model
All the unused tables can still be in the schema and will be not used by ODI and
Oracle BI EE programs. It can be maintained for future changes.
Point in Time reporting can be done with As-Was, As-Is, or with both. There are no
separate ODI processes for PIT. PIT can be derived from either As-Is or As-Was data
and the processing will happen during report execution. Only difference is, PIT reports
cannot use aggregate tables and will always be reported from the base fact tables.
There are some limitations to do this reporting in some fact areas owing to
performance. For example, with the Positional facts, PIT is possible only for Product
hierarchy because there are corporate aggregates for product which have the
decompressed data.
The real differentiation of As-Is and As-Was in the data happens above the base fact
table or when reporting is done at the parent level. Otherwise if the reporting is done
at the lowest grain level, the result set will be the same for both.
2. Execute the Retail Insights SIL script prcilsil.ksh to load pricing seeding data from
the staging table to the Retail Insights base fact tables W_RTL_PRICE_IT_LC_DY_
3. Execute the other Price PLP scripts to populate the Retail Insights Price
aggregation tables. These are chosen by the client for reporting purposes.
4. When the initial loading is complete, change the filter condition back and
regenerate the two scenarios.
1. Create an attribute in the rpd mapping to the column where URL is stored.
2. In answers, add this new attribute to required report. Go to the column properties
of this attribute and change the data format to Image URL. Save the report.
3. Bounce all the services (including WebLogic).
4. Run the report to see images.
Note: Retail Insights uses DB language code and not ISO codes for
all the supported languages. Retail Insights will look up language
codes from RDE. If, in the case a language supported by Retail
Insights is not available in the source system, then the language under
SRC_LANGUAGE_CODE will be used as the local language.
This section describes configuration settings and features of the software that ensure
that the base application can handle multiple languages.
Translation is the process of interpreting and adapting text from one language into
another. Although the code itself is not translated, components of the application that
are translated may include the following:
■ Graphical user interface (GUI)
■ Error messages
■ Reports
The following components are not translated:
■ Documentation (online help, release notes, installation guide, user guide,
operations guide)
■ Batch programs and messages
■ Log files
■ Configuration tools
■ Demonstration data
■ Training materials
The user interface for Retail Insights has been translated into:
■ Chinese (simplified)
■ Chinese (traditional)
■ Croatian
Internationalization 3-1
Multi-Language Setup
■ Dutch
■ French
■ German
■ Greek
■ Hungarian
■ Italian
■ Japanese
■ Korean
■ Polish
■ Portuguese (Brazilian)
■ Russian
■ Spanish
■ Swedish
■ Turkish
Multi-Language Setup
Retail Insights data is supported in 18 languages. This section provides details of
various scenarios that may come across during implementation. See "Translation" on
page 3-1 for a list of supported languages.
Since multi-language data support in Retail Insights is dependent on the availability of
the multi-language data in the source system, it is important to understand various
scenarios the user may encounter. Before proceeding review the following facts about
multi-language support:
■ Retail Insights programs extracts multi-language data from source systems.
■ A list of languages for multi-language data support can be chosen during the
installation process. Please refer to the Oracle Retail Insights Installation Guide for
more details.
■ Depending on the implementation, the source system may or may not have data
for particular supported language(s). For example, RMS supports Item
Descriptions in multiple languages but the item's description may not be available
in the translated languages.
■ For source system released languages, please refer to source system Operations
■ You must select a Retail Insights primary language for data purposes to be
supported within the source system.
Scenario 1
All the supported languages are implemented in Retail Insights and the same set of
languages are supported in the source system as well.
Multi-lingual data sets are enabled in both Retail Insights and the source system.
Data Scenario 1a
Translated data exists for all records in Source System: This is an ideal scenario where
the source system supports data for the same set of languages as Retail Insights and
data for the required column exists in all the languages in the source system.
In this scenario the attributes that are supported for multi-languages will get all the
multi-language data in Retail Insights.
Data Scenario 1b
Translated data does not exist for some of the records in the source system.
For the attributes for which data is not available in the source system, Retail Insights
will display the attribute in source system primary language. For example, Retail
Insights requests data in German and English languages. In RMS the Item attribute
description is not available in the German language but is available in English
Retail Insights will display Item description in English to a user who is logged into
Oracle BI EE (assuming English is the primary language of RMS for that
Scenario 2
All or a subset of languages are implemented in Retail Insights and some of these are
not supported in the source system:
Data Scenario 2a
Translated data does not exist for some of the languages in the source system. In this
case, the data is displayed in Retail Insights' primary language.
Scenario 3
Source system supports more languages than are supported for Retail Insights. In this
case Retail Insights filters out the additional languages' data. This data will not be
loaded into Retail Insights tables and cannot be used for reporting.
Internationalization 3-3
Multi-Language Setup
This chapter describes how Retail Insights implements compression and offers a
discussion of Oracle partitioning.
Overview of Compression
Although data warehouses are often very large, the amount of detail generated in
some Retail Insights tables is enormous even by usual standards. That is, a retailer
with 500,000 items and 500 locations would generate 250,000,000 new rows each day.
Storing this amount of uncompressed data is impractical from a disk storage
perspective, in the cost to store the rows, the cost to perform backups, and other
database maintenance operations.
One approach that Retail Insights uses to reduce the data volume is compression. This
chapter describes:
■ What compression does
■ Mechanics of compression
■ Which tables are currently compressed
■ Oracle features that are related to compression
■ Strategies for implementing compressed tables
times within a data block, it will be only stored once and for the other four times a
symbol entry will be stored in symbol table. Oracle database table compression can
also significantly reduce disk and buffer cache requirements for database tables while
improving query performance. Oracle database compressed tables use fewer data
blocks on disk, reducing disk space requirement.
Mechanics of Compression
The purpose of decompression views is to give the application the illusion that there is
a record for each possible combination (that is, an item-location-day record for each
permutation), when in fact there is not. Thus, the fact of whether a table is compressed
or not should not be visible to the application that queries data from that table.
A compressed table is made up of two distinct parts: a 'seed' that consists of all
existing combinations at a point in time (typically the first day or week of the table or
partition) and the changed data since that time. Retail Insights compressed tables use
FROM_DT_WID and TO_DT_WID columns to indicate the time range in which
records are valid.
When resolving a query for a particular record, the decompression view provides the
latest record for the requested item and location with the maximum day that is less
than or equal to the requested day. A decompression view needs to encompass both
the seed and all of the changed data since that seed. A decompression view compares
FROM_DT_WID and TO_DT_WID of records with FROM_VALUE and TO_VALUE on
partition mapping table W_RTL_PARTITION_MAP_G to make sure that a right
partition is used by the decompression view.
To illustrate how the decompression views actually work, assume the following:
■ The user is interested in the inventory position of item 10 at location 10 on
■ The seed was done on 1/1/02. Changes were posted on 1/4/02, 1/15/02, and
■ The row that is presented to the application by the decompression view is the row
on 1/15/02, because it is the latest date that is less than or equal to the requested
As a second example, assume that the inventory position of item 10, location 10, day
1/3/02 was desired. Because there was no change record less than or equal to the
desired date, the seed record from 1/1/02 will be presented to the application.
Compression's performance is excellent when the user is querying for a single day (as
in the example above). When querying over a group of days, however (that is, all of
the inventory positions at a given location on a given day), the performance can be
unacceptable. Even though the user is requesting a group of information back, and in
most cases the database can process groups of information efficiently, each individual
row must be evaluated individually by the decompression view and cannot be
processed as a group. To counteract the slow performance of these summary
operations, you may take advantage of compressed table partition seeding (see
"Overview of Partitioning Strategies" on page 4-4).
This partition seeding utilizes the latest position status tables (also known as 'current'
tables). An example is the W_RTL_INV_IT_LC_G table, which holds the current
decompressed position for every item and location on the W_RTL_INV_IT_LC_DY_F
table. This position can be used as a partition seed. This position is also utilized by
base Retail Insights code during major change fact seeding.
longer valid beginning tomorrow, when the newly seeded records (from PLP_
RetailFactOpenFact) become active. In the case of the compressed week table, W_RTL_
INV_IT_LC_WK_A, PLP_RetailFactOpenFact inserts seeded records with next week’s
warehouse ID.
dropped along with its corresponding table partition, whereas an entire global
index will need to be rebuilt after it becomes unusable when a table partition is
■ The optimizer can generate better query access plans that use only an individual
■ When multiple index partitions are accessed, the optimizer may choose to use
multiple parallel processes rather than just one.
Setup and Maintenance for Partitioning Retail Insights Compressed Inventory Table
The following procedure describes how to setup and maintain Retail Insights
partitioning of the compressed inventory table (W_RTL_INV_IT_LC_DY_F) using
Retail Insights partitioning:
1. Make the following determinations, among others (see the Oracle Retail Insights
Installation Guide for details):
■ Your partitioning strategy.
■ The time period your partitions will use.
■ The 'values less than' boundaries according to your multi business calendar
WID values.
■ How many partitions are to be used.
Partitions are useful for breaking up large tables into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Take note of the following partitioning recommendations:
■ Consider partitioning tables that are in the RA_partitioned_tables.xls spreadsheet
(see the Oracle Retail Insights Installation Guide) and fact tables that are in a slow-
running query.
■ Use the date as the partition key for range partitioning.
■ When tables are partitioned, make their indexes local.
■ Consider putting each partition in its own tablespace and each tablespace on its
own mount point.
■ After updates on a partition cease, consider changing its tablespace to READ
ONLY to reduce backup requirements.
■ If partitioning compressed tables, be sure to address any special requirements for
Retail Insights is a high performance data warehouse, capable of moving and storing
massive amounts of data, and providing efficient access to that data via the delivered
and custom built reports. For any BI solution, including Retail Insights, smart
decisions on how to implement and run your data warehouse will ensure that you are
getting the most out of it. This chapter contains information that will help you get the
best performance out of Retail Insights and identifies common contributors that can
weaken performance, as well as best practices that will ensure Retail Insights is
running in the most optimal manner.
All implementations are unique and the factors that are beneficial for one
implementation may not have the same effect for all the implementations. It is a good
practice to test several settings/approaches for the factors and recommendations listed
below and use the ones that work best for your environment. The factors listed in this
chapter are the key factors that impact performance but no absolute values or settings
can be provided for implementation purposes due to the uniqueness of each
Oracle Retail Insights includes ODI for extract, transform and load and Oracle
Business Intelligence (BI EE) for analytic reporting purposes. The recommendations in
this chapter will focus on both back end (ETL) and front end (Oracle BI EE)
components of Retail Insights.
Performance 5-1
Key Factors in Performance
■ Design your archiving and purging strategy as early as possible in the Retail
Insights implementation. This helps in designing the most optimal table
partitioning for large tables.
■ Ensure that the data is deleted in the most optimal manner. SQL delete statements
may not be the most efficient way of removing unnecessary data from Retail
Insights tables. Consult with your database administrator to discuss purging and
archiving techniques.
■ Purging and archiving of tables must be carefully designed as it requires a good
understanding of analytic reports required by business users or regulatory
requirements that require companies to retain certain data for a required duration.
For example, in certain cases, aggregated data may be kept longer as compared to
the base level fact data because the users are interested in summary level reports
as compared to detailed (base level) reports for data older than two years.
■ Automation of the archiving and purging processes ensures that a consistent
approach is being followed in maintaining tables with large data volumes and
provides consistent report performance to the users.
■ While designing purging programs, make sure that dimensional data is not
deleted for which fact data is available or will be available.
■ An important consideration during purging is to make sure that Retail Insights
seed data (where applicable) is not deleted accidentally.
Flexible Aggregates
Retail Insights, by default, provides several aggregate tables. For the complete list, see
"Aggregates List" on page 5-9. These pre-built aggregate tables are selected based on
the following:
■ General usage patterns of the data
■ Reporting needs (As-Is or As-Was or both)
■ General aggregation ratio
The ratio between data in the base fact table versus data in the potential aggregate
table should be considered while deciding whether the fact table should be aggregated
or not. A ratio of 1:5 through 1:10 is a good starting point, a ratio of 1:10 through 1:20 is
good to aggregate, and a ratio of 1 to more than 20 must be aggregated.
During implementation or before, it is expected for the retailer to identify these
scenarios and select the appropriate aggregate tables for best performance and
usability. All the aggregate tables which are pre-packaged will have the ODI and
Oracle BI EE mappings. It is highly recommended not to use Retail Insights with all
the available aggregates.
Using all these aggregations improves report performance but the improved report
performance should be weighed against reduced ETL batch performance and
increased storage requirement.
The reason for providing these aggregates is to give flexibility for the customer to pick
appropriate levels and doesn't have to invest in customizing the product.
Below are the different groupings of aggregations. See "Aggregates List" on page 5-9
for additional details.
■ As-Was aggregates
■ As-Is aggregates
When the aggregation is only on a level from Product or Organization dimension then
those are referred as Corporate Aggregates. These kinds of aggregates are very useful
when reporting is done on any level of Product and Calendar hierarchy or
Organization and Calendar hierarchy. For the list of this type of aggregates for every
fact area see "Aggregates List" on page 5-9. Corporate aggregates are also classified
into As-Is and As-Was because they need to be processed separately to capture the
current as opposed to historical parent information.
Season aggregates are useful to do reporting specific to Season dimension. All the
aggregates on Season can be used for both As-Is and As-Was.
For each group of aggregations, as mentioned above, there is a mandatory aggregate
table that needs to be used for other selections of the aggregates and that can be
identified in the FlexAggregates document with the highlighted text.
For example, if the business only needs As-Is, the following points need to be
1. Get the general usage patterns of the data and aggregation ratio. Based on that,
select the list of aggregate tables. This may not be accurate for the first time but
can always be changed over a period of time based on the usage and the changing
2. Ensure that you disable/freeze all the As-Was aggregate jobs and some of the
As-Is aggregates which were not selected, in ODI and disable the same in Oracle
BI EE as well. See the Oracle Retail Insights Operations Guide for more information.
This section only covers As-Is and As-Was aggregates, but Retail Insights also offers
PIT (Point in Time) reporting, which does not require any special processing of data.
There are no special tables or ODI jobs for PIT. In Oracle BI EE there is a separate
subject area for PIT reporting. For additional information on PIT see the Oracle Retail
Insights User Guide. PIT reporting is always done from the base fact tables or the
corporate aggregate tables. If PIT is required along with As-Is, As-Was, or both then
Performance 5-3
Key Factors in Performance
choose the corporate aggregates so that all the three reporting scenarios will be
4. If the number of thread required is more than 10, you need to modify the DDL for
intermediate temp tables used by the ODI scenario. DDL changes require adding
extra partitions to hold the data. The number of partitions on the intermediate
temp table must be the same or higher than the required number of threads (which
is the value for LOC_NUM_OF_THREADS set in the previous step).
5. The value setup in the C_ODI_PARAM (in step 3) should be bigger or equal than
the max value of column ETL_THREAD_VAL in the staging tables. Otherwise,
some records could get missing.
6. If RDE SDE programs are not used, it will be the client's responsibility to assign
the data evenly across partitions in the staging tables based on the partition key
column ETL_THREAD_VAL. The following is the things that need to be
considered when data partition is manually made:
■ To get the most benefit of multi-threading, the data in the staging tables
should be evenly partitioned by column ETL_THREAD_VAL.
■ Records with same location (store or warehouse) should have same ETL_
THREAD_VAL, otherwise, unique constrain could be violated.
ODI Configuration
ODI must be configured prior to implementing Retail Insights. See the Oracle Retail
Insights Installation Guide for details on configuring ODI.
Additional Considerations
■ Sort the W_RTL_INV_IT_LC_G table data after the data is seeded for the first time
to improve ETL performance.
■ In a production environment, fact tables with large data volume can be created
with the No Logging option. This improves the ETL performance and can be
implemented on a case by case basis.
Report Design
Report design can affect the performance of a report. While creating custom reports,
refer to the following guidelines:
■ Report developers should be trained in Oracle BI to learn how to design reports in
the most optimal manner.
■ Design reports at the highest level possible and allow drill down to more detailed
levels when required.
■ Design reports in a manner that multiple users can utilize a single report output
rather than multiple users running the same report. A best practice is to run one
report and distribute that report to multiple users. For more information on how
to distribute reports, refer to the Delivering Content chapter of the Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition User Guide and the Configuring Oracle BI Scheduler
chapter of the Oracle Business Intelligence System Administrator's Guide.
■ Do not design reports to request data at a level lower than the minimum level that
a metric can be reported. In addition, drilling must not be performed at these
levels. This ensures that reports do not produce misleading or invalid results. For
example, reports must not be designed to request planning data at the item level
because planning data is only available at the subclass level and above.
■ As-Is reporting for all the positional facts such as inventory, cost and so on is only
possible at the corporate level aggregates.
■ Evaluate and purge reports periodically to eliminate any outdated or duplicate
■ Design reports to use the least amount of fact areas necessary. This reduces the
number of fact table joins and in turn reduces the risk of poor report performance.
For example, a best practice is not to design a single report with all sales,
Performance 5-5
Leading Practices
inventory, pricing and cost metrics, as this report will perform poorly due to joins
on big fact tables. In this type of scenario, try creating separate reports with one or
two fact areas on the report at a time and combining the results after these reports
have run successfully.
■ Design reports with the least number of metrics necessary.
■ Schedule reports according to priority. This ensures that critical reports are
available when needed. For more information on how to schedule reports, refer to
the Configuring Oracle BI Scheduler chapter of the Oracle Business Intelligence
System Administrator's Guide.
Additional Factors
Decision support queries sometimes require retrieval of large amounts of data. The
Oracle BI server can save the results of a query in cache files and then reuse those
results later when a similar query is requested. Using the middle-tier cache permits a
query to be run one time for multiple runnings of a query and not necessarily every
time the query is run. The query cache allows the Oracle BI Server to satisfy many
subsequent query requests without having to access back-end data sources (such as
Oracle database). This reduction in communication costs can dramatically decrease
query response time.
To summarize, query caching has the following advantages only when the same report
is run repeatedly:
■ Improvement of query performance
■ Less network traffic
■ Reduction in database processing and charge back
■ Reduction in Oracle BI server processing overhead
For more details on Caching refer to the Managing Performance Tuning and Query
Caching chapter in the Oracle BI EE System Administrator's Guide.
Partitioning Strategy
Database level table partitioning is very important for ETL batch and report
performance. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Compression and Partitioning".
Leading Practices
Changes and modifications to the Retail Insights delivered code or development of
new code is considered customization. Retail Insights does not support custom code
developed by clients unless the issue related to customization can be recreated using
Retail Insights delivered objects. Listed below are recommendations that will help you
in maintaining Retail Insights code:
■ Naming convention: it is recommended that you use a good and consistent
naming convention when customizing Retail Insights delivered code or building
new code in the Retail Insights environment.
This strategy is helpful in identifying custom code and also helps when merging a
retailer's Retail Insights repository with future releases of the Retail Insights
repository. There is a possibility of losing customizations to Retail Insights
provided ODI scripts or Oracle BI EE repository, if the customized code uses the
same object/script names that are used by Retail Insights.
■ As a best practice, keep all the documentation up-to-date for capturing any
changes or new code that has been developed at a site. For example, if table
structure has been customized, create or update the custom Data Model Guide
with these changes.
■ While customizing the rpd, do not make any changes directly on the main
shipped/original rpd. Make a copy of the original rpd and start the changes on the
copied rpd which will be the modified version. This is useful while applying any
patches in future releases of Retail Insights through Oracle BI EE's merge utility.
For more details refer to the Managing Oracle BI Repository Files chapter of the
Oracle BI EE Metadata Repository Builder's Guide.
The batch schedule should be automated as per the Oracle Retail Insights Operations
Guide. Any manual intervention should be avoided.
Performance 5-7
Leading Practices
Set up the batch schedule in such a manner that the batch can resume from the point
where it failed.
High Availability
Depending on your specific requirements and for facilitating performance
improvement, a reporting mirror (exact copy of existing data warehouse) can be
created. With this approach, one database can be used for ETL processes and the
second database instance can be used by users for running their reports. There are
several ways (database level solutions, operating system level solutions and hardware
level solutions) of creating a database mirror. Consult with your IT resources or
database administrator for evaluating available options.
If this approach is adopted, you must run your queries from the reporting mirror area,
not from core data warehouse area. Take the following into consideration:
■ Consider this approach for large data warehouse implementations.
■ Creating data marts can be a good option when implementing mirroring.
■ Build a user notification mechanism should be built to notify users after the data
has been refreshed on the mirror.
■ High availability of data warehouse. When batch is running, the users access the
mirror and the only downtime is when data is copied over from the core data
warehouse to the mirror.
■ There are no conflicts between user queries and the ETL batch schedule.
■ Storage requirements are increased.
■ Additional database maintenance is required.
Batch Efficiency
Keep revisiting the batch timings on a periodic basis to identify the candidates for
performance improvements.
Aggregates List
The table below lists Retail Insights aggregates grouped by subject area and
aggregation type.
Performance 5-9
Aggregates List
Performance 5-11
Aggregates List
Performance 5-12
Aggregates List
Performance 5-13
Aggregates List
Performance 5-14
6Retail Insights Aggregation Framework
Note: The sql files mentioned below can be found under the
<STAGING_DIR>/ora/istall/Aggregation_Framework folder.
1. Under the Retail Insights batch user schema, execute the provided script W_RTL_
TMP.sql in the same sequence as mentioned to create the configuration table W_
2. Under the Retail Insights batch user schema, execute the provided script W_RTL_
AGGREGATION_MSG_TMP.sql to create the Staging Log table W_RTL_
3. Under the Retail Insights batch user schema, execute the ra_aggregation_daily.sql,
ra_aggregation_rec.sql, and RA_ATTR_AGGREGATION_DAILY_PROC.sql scripts
to create a PL/SQL stored procedure RA_AGGREGATION_DAILY RA_
4. Create customized aggregation tables under the Retail Insights data mart schema.
5. Configure database UTLFILE folder and execution mode in the ra.env file. The
UTLFILE folder location will be setup on the application server.
Note: It is a good practice to keep the column name as the same with
the column name in the source table. This will reduce the task on the
column mapping under the SP_MAPPING column.
■ For Attribute aggregation, the attribute column name in aggregate table should be
same as that of the attribute tables. SP_MAPPING on attribute columns is not
supported. 'ITEMDIFF' is one of the exceptions, for 'ITEMDIFF' attribute the
attribute column name in aggregate table should be the differentiator name .i.e the
attribute value of FLEX_ATTRIB_10_CHAR from W_RTL_ITEM_GRP1_D
attribute table.
■ The attribute aggregation framework only supports attributes from W_RTL_
attributes columns from one of these tables should be used while creating the
Aggregate tables, if the aggregation is at attribute level.
■ The name of aggregateable columns (using sum or average) and only the name of
aggregatable columns should end with _AMT, _LCL, _GLOBAL1, _GLOBAL2, _
department level. The temporary table name can be found in the DML
statement file generated by the program under the UTLFILE folder.
– CL_REC_ASIS: fact re-calculation on reclassification day from item to class
based on as-is. The batch program that uses SC_RC_ASIS aggregation type is a
pre-requirement for the batch program that uses CL_REC_ASIS and both
should have the same source table name under SRC_TABLE column.
– DP_REC_ASIS: fact re-calculation on reclassification day from item to
department based on as-is. The batch program that uses SC_RC_ASIS
aggregation type is a pre-requirement for the batch program that uses DP_RC_
ASIS and both should have the same source table name under SRC_TABLE
This is the Attribute Key from the attribute table on which the attribute
aggregation works. These keys are used to aggregate data at the attribute level. If
there are multiple attributes to be aggregated in a single table, all attributes should
be declared in the single column with comma "," delimiter. The attribute Key
columns should be prefixed with their respective table names.
The attribute key in case of regular aggregation or reclass aggregation will be left
This is the name of the sequence that will be used as ROW_WID on the target
This is a list of columns that use average logic in the aggregation. The name of
columns should be separated by comma.
This lists primary key columns for the customized aggregation table. The name of
columns should be separated by comma.
The framework provides auto column mapping for the following cases:
– The column name in the target table is the same as a source column in the
source table.
– The amount columns _AMT, _AMT_GLOBAL1, _AMT_GLOBAL2, _AMT_
GLOBAL3 are mapped to the source columns as _AMT_LCL/LOC_
EXCHANGE_RATE if the configuration CURRENCY_EXPAND_IND is set to
Batch Process
Once the configuration is completed and tested, the customized aggregation table can
be populated as daily ETL batch process. The syntax to kick off the process is:
For daily batch process of regular aggregation process, calling Unix script aggplp.ksh
TARGET_TABLE_NAME, in which TARGET_TABLE_NAME is the name of
customized aggregation table and it should be already configured in W_RTL_
For reclassification only process, calling Unix script aggrcplp.ksh TARGET_TABLE_
NAME, in which TARGET_TABLE_NAME is the name of customized aggregation
table and it should be already configured in W_RTL_AGGREGATION_DAILY_TMP
table. For transactional fact, the execution of subclass/location/day level is the
pre-requirement for all other levels. For positional fact, the execution of subclass/day
and subclass/week is the pre-requirement for other corporate/day level and
corporate/week level.
For daily batch process of attribute aggregation process, calling Unix script
attraggplp.ksh TARGET_TABLE_NAME, in which TARGET_TABLE_NAME is the
name of customized aggregation table and it should be already configured in W_RTL_
Please refer to the Oracle Retail Insights Data Model Guide for Retail Insights table
naming standards.
Batch Logging
The Retail Insights Aggregation Framework writes batch logging information into a
Retail Insights log file that is used by Retail Insights regular batch programs. The end
user can also view the detailed logging information though ODI operator. This is in
consistence with the logging from Retail Insights regular batch programs.
Besides the standard Retail Insights logging, the framework also provides a message
file and a SQL file under the Oracle utlfile folder. The message file uses [TABLE_
NAME] or [TABLE_NAME]_rc as file name and "msg" as file name extension. It
provides in-formation when the target column cannot be found in the source table and
when the customized column mapping cannot be found in the configuration table. The
SQL file is available when the execution mode is set to 'B' or 'F' in ra.env file. It uses
[TABLE_NAME] or [TABLE_NAME]_rc as file name and contains the DML statement
that will be used to populate the customized aggregation table. The DML statement
has "sql" as the file name extension. All these files can be used to help the end user to
verify the ETL process result during framework setup time or during the regular batch
process. In case of any failures the error information is passed to the ODI operator and
the regular batch logging.
Figure 6–2 SN, DP, CL, SC, DP_ASIS, CL_ASIS, SC_ASIS Framework Data Flow Diagram
Figure 6–4 IT, SC, CL, DP, SN Attribute Aggregation Framework Data Flow Diagram
This chapter describes the process of implementing the Retail Insights Universal
Adapter Framework.
Customers who are working with third party (non-RMS) systems who wish to use
Retail Insights would need to write their own ETL solution to move their data into the
Retail Insights staging tables. The design of a custom ETL solution would be driven by
such factors as:
■ The number and nature of data sources (relational, mainframe, file-based, etc.)
containing the necessary transaction data.
■ The topology of the data sources. Such customers would either need to write
custom SDE ETL interfaces for use with Retail Insights' ODI-based ETL system or
create their own ETL logic from scratch.
The goal of the Universal Adapter Framework (UAF) is to simplify the process of
moving source dependent extracts into Retail Insights staging tables for customers in a
cloud/on-premise environment. The files arriving from RDE or non RMS systems
should provide pipe ('|') separated value (DAT) text file extracts to be RI. All date
columns should use a format of "YYYY-MM-DD;HH24:MI:SS". Once the DAT files are
in place, the UAF can be used to move that data into Retail Insights staging tables
through the use of Oracle sqlldr (see Figure 7–2, "Moving Third Party Extracts into
Retail Insights Staging Tables"). The control files required for sqlldr will be created
automatically during the processing that is controlled in ODI.
Figure 7–2 Moving Third Party Extracts into Retail Insights Staging Tables
Customers who elect to leverage the UAF will enjoy the following benefits:
■ For customers whose third party data sources are non-relational in nature (for
example, mainframe data), their development efforts only need to be focused on
delivering DAT text file extracts in a pre-defined format as inputs to the UAF.
■ DBlink that was used in Retail Analytics SDE programs is not required anymore.
This will provide security compliance.
This chapter provides the steps to configure Schedule and Recipient details of the
following Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Alerts:
■ Inventory to Plan
■ Sales to Plan
■ Top Selling Attribute
■ Liability > 50% of Demand
After successful deployment of the Retail Insights catalog, the following steps must be
completed to configure the schedule and recipient details for the CMO alerts.
1. Navigate to Catalog > Shared Folders > CMO >Alerts.
Perform the following steps for each agent (object names ending with agent)
present in this folder.
2. Select the agent object and click Edit.
a. From the Recipients tab, click Add under the Select Recipients header and
select the users who need to be subscribed for the alert notification.
5. Click the Foreign key tab. You will see all the foreign keys that are associated with
this physical table. These foreign keys are named by the dimension level name,
such as SBC for merchandise hierarchy at subclass level. The following screen is an
example for W_RTL_MFPOP_PRODUCT1_LC1_T1_F (before the configuration is
6. Remove all unrelated foreign keys and keep the foreign keys whose levels are
defined for that specific option (from step 1) and click OK. The following screen
shows the unused foreign keys removed. This is for the case when option 1 is
defined at the item/location/day level. The foreign key Fact_W_RTL_MFPOP_
PROD1_LC1_T1_F_COMPANY is reserved for the case when company level is
used for organization hierarchy. The physical tables that need to be modified
include: .
■ Fact_W_RTL_MFPCP_PRODUCT2_LC2_T2_F if option 2 is set
■ Fact_W_RTL_MFPOP_PRODUCT2_LC2_T2_F if option 2 is set
■ Fact_W_RTL_MFPCP_PRODUCT3_LC3_T3_F if option 3 is set
■ Fact_W_RTL_MFPOP_PRODUCT3_LC3_T3_F if option 3 is set
7. Under the BMM layer, expand Core Business Model, and expand logic table Fact -
Retail Planning. Expand Sources and you will see all logical table source used by
planning. There are six logical table source used by Merchandise Financial
Planning with flexible options. There are two tables for option1, two tables for
option2, and two tables for option3. All their names contain string "MFP"
8. If the option2 is not defined, then disable all logical table sources used by option 2
or option 3. If option 2 is defined, but option 3 is not, then disable all logical table
sources used by option 3. To disable the logical table source, double-click the
logical table source that you want to disable, click the General tab, and then check
the Disabled checkbox.
9. Set content for each logical table source (maximum of 6) used by merchandise
flexible planning. You need to do this for every merchandise financial planning
logical table source that is not disabled.
a. Double-click the logic table source that you want to set.
b. Click the Content tab.
c. Select Logical Level for Logical Dimension Date Retail Fiscal Calendar, Retail
Organization As Was, and item. The valid values for fiscal calendar are Fiscal
Day Detail, Fiscal Week, Fiscal Period, Fiscal Quarter, or Fiscal Year. The valid
values for organization are Location, Channel, or Company. Company is used
when the organization hierarchy level is set at company level in the
configuration. The valid values for merchandise hierarchy (item) are Product
Detail if the level is set at item, subclass, class, department, group, and
d. Click OK. The screen below is an example when the option is set at
item/location/day level.
The following issues may be encountered while implementing Retail Insights. The
accompanying solutions will help you work through the issues.
Why am I getting the Login Denied error with the following message when I try to run
a report using Oracle BI Presentation Services?
Ensure that the repository connection pool has the right login credentials in the Oracle
BI Administration Tool and check the tnsnames.ora file.
I am getting the following error when I performed the "Update all Row Counts" task
from the Oracle BI Administration tool.
Ensure the repository connection pool has the right login credentials in Oracle BI
Administration tool or check the tnsnames.ora entry.
Why can’t I see query activity at the individual user level in the NQQUERY.LOG file?
Check the logging level field in the user dialog box in the User tab. If the logging level
is set to zero, the administrator may have disabled query logging. Contact the Oracle
BI administrator to enable query logging.
Why is the data not loaded to the fact table, even though I have valid data in the
staging table?
Data may be missing in the corresponding dimension table(s) or the transaction date is
not in the active time period of the dimension.
Why is the data not loaded to the dimension table, even though I have valid data in
staging table?
Parent data may be missing in the corresponding dimension table. This applies to
dimensions with hierarchy.