Fluid Purifier Systems, Mobile Series IFPM 71
Fluid Purifier Systems, Mobile Series IFPM 71
Fluid Purifier Systems, Mobile Series IFPM 71
1. Type index:
1.1. Fluid Purifier Systems: (ordering example)
IFPM. 71. 6VG. 10. B. V. -. P23. D01. VP07. VS1. A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 series:
IFPM = INTERNORMEN-Fluid Purifier Systems, mobile
2 nominal size: 71
3 filter-material and filter-fineness:
10 VG = 10 µm(c), 6 VG = 7 µm(c), 3 VG = 5 µm(c), 1 VG = 4 µm(c) Interpor fleece (glass fibre)
4 resistance of pressure difference for filter element:
10 = ∆p 10 bar
5 filter element design:
B = both sides open
6 sealing material:
V = Viton (FPM)
7 filter element specification:
- = standard
VA = stainless steel
IS06 = see sheet-no. 31601
8 pump unit:
P23 = pump unit 23, NG 80.50
9 motor:
D01 = B5/90L/4.1,5.1500.230/400.D.50.1.-.-.-
rotary current motor 230/400 V, 50 Hz, approx. 1450 rpm, 1,5 KW, protection IP 55
10 vacuum pump:
VP07 = vacuum pump 07, 230/400 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 1,25 KW, protection IP 55
11 clogging sensor:
VS1 = VS1.1,5.V.-.GS.B.E electronical, at p 1 and p2, 1,5 bar, see sheet-no. 1607
12 supply voltage:
A = 400V, 3-phase
B = 480V, 3-phase
C = 208V, 3-phase
D = customised
• Fluid breakdown
- Additive depletion
- Reduction of the lubrication properties of the fluid
- Oil oxidation
• Internal corrosion
• Abrasive wear in system components
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Voltage [V]
3. Technical data:
Inlet connection: 2 ½“ SAE-flange 3000 PSI
Outlet connection: 2“ SAE-flange 3000 PSI
Circulation flow rate:* 70 l/min
Operating vacuum:** 0,6 to 0,9 bars 5. Test methods: Filter elements are tested according to the following ISO sta ndards:
E-motor hydraulic pump: 1,50 KW, 3-phase 230/400V, 50 Hz
E-motor vacuum pump: 1,25 KW, 3-phase 230/400V, 50 Hz ISO 2941 Verification of colla pse/burst resistance
Heater capacity: 4000 Watt ISO 2942 Verification of fabrication integrity
Filter type: NF 1000 ISO 2943 Verification of material compatibility with fluids
Seal material: Viton (FPM) ISO 3723 Method for end load test
Maximum viscosity: 700 mm²/s ISO 3724 Verification of flow fatigue characteristics
Water extraction rate:*** 315 l/Day ISO 3968 Evaluation of pressure drop ve rsus flow characteristics
weight: approx. 590 kg ISO 16889 Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance
E 4046 A