Fluid Purifier Systems, Mobile Series IFPM 71

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Series IFPM 71 4046 A

1. Type index:
1.1. Fluid Purifier Systems: (ordering example)
IFPM. 71. 6VG. 10. B. V. -. P23. D01. VP07. VS1. A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 series:
IFPM = INTERNORMEN-Fluid Purifier Systems, mobile
2 nominal size: 71
3 filter-material and filter-fineness:
10 VG = 10 µm(c), 6 VG = 7 µm(c), 3 VG = 5 µm(c), 1 VG = 4 µm(c) Interpor fleece (glass fibre)
4 resistance of pressure difference for filter element:
10 = ∆p 10 bar
5 filter element design:
B = both sides open
6 sealing material:
V = Viton (FPM)
7 filter element specification:
- = standard
VA = stainless steel
IS06 = see sheet-no. 31601
8 pump unit:
P23 = pump unit 23, NG 80.50
9 motor:
D01 = B5/90L/4.1,5.1500.230/400.D.50.1.-.-.-
rotary current motor 230/400 V, 50 Hz, approx. 1450 rpm, 1,5 KW, protection IP 55
10 vacuum pump:
VP07 = vacuum pump 07, 230/400 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 1,25 KW, protection IP 55
11 clogging sensor:
VS1 = VS1.1,5.V.-.GS.B.E electronical, at p 1 and p2, 1,5 bar, see sheet-no. 1607
12 supply voltage:
A = 400V, 3-phase
B = 480V, 3-phase
C = 208V, 3-phase
D = customised

1.2. Filter element: (ordering example)

01NR. 1000. 6VG. 10. B. V. -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 series:
01NR. = standard-return-line filter element according to DIN 24550, T4
2 nominal size: 1000
3 - 7 see type index- INTERNORMEN-Fluid Purifier S ystems

Changes of measures and design are subject to alteration!

Friedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlussheim, Germany

phone +49 - (0)6205 - 2094-0 e-mail [email protected]
EDV 03/07 fax +49 - (0)6205 - 2094-40 url www.internormen.com
2. Description: 4. Heating power characteristic:
2.1. Effects of Water Contamination:
Water is one of the most common contaminants and the second most destructive besides particulate contamination. Some of the most
damaging problems water contamination can cause are: 7000

• Fluid breakdown
- Additive depletion
- Reduction of the lubrication properties of the fluid
- Oil oxidation
• Internal corrosion
• Abrasive wear in system components

Heating power [W]

• Reduced dielectric strength
2.2. Principle of Operation:
Contaminated fluid is drawn into the Internormen Fluid Purifier System by a vacuum of 0,6 to 0,9 bars. 3000
The fluid is passing a heater which is raising the temperature in order to increase the filtration speed.
The fluid then enters through a vacuum actuated inlet valve into the vacuum chamber, where it is then allowed to cascade over the dispersal
elements to break it into droplets in the tower. This increases the exposed surface area of the fluid and converts the water into vapour form, 2000
which is drawn out of the tower with a vacuum pump through the condenser to the drainage reservoir for drain off. The water-free fluid is
drawn out of the tower by a hydraulic pump and sent through a high efficiency particulate removal filter back to the system.
The installed water sensor allows a permanent control of the saturation of the fluid. 1000

200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Voltage [V]

3. Technical data:
Inlet connection: 2 ½“ SAE-flange 3000 PSI
Outlet connection: 2“ SAE-flange 3000 PSI
Circulation flow rate:* 70 l/min
Operating vacuum:** 0,6 to 0,9 bars 5. Test methods: Filter elements are tested according to the following ISO sta ndards:
E-motor hydraulic pump: 1,50 KW, 3-phase 230/400V, 50 Hz
E-motor vacuum pump: 1,25 KW, 3-phase 230/400V, 50 Hz ISO 2941 Verification of colla pse/burst resistance
Heater capacity: 4000 Watt ISO 2942 Verification of fabrication integrity
Filter type: NF 1000 ISO 2943 Verification of material compatibility with fluids
Seal material: Viton (FPM) ISO 3723 Method for end load test
Maximum viscosity: 700 mm²/s ISO 3724 Verification of flow fatigue characteristics
Water extraction rate:*** 315 l/Day ISO 3968 Evaluation of pressure drop ve rsus flow characteristics
weight: approx. 590 kg ISO 16889 Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance

* Viscosity of the liquid of 32 mm²/s

** Operating vacuum adapted to the specific application
*** Initial rate purifying mineral oil at 32 mm²/s, 40°C and with 6% water content Note: Spare parts see manual and maintenance instruction „Purifier“.

E 4046 A

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