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Numeric Artifacts: Lecture Notes by John Schneider

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Chapter 1

Numeric Artifacts

1.1 Introduction
Virtually all solutions to problems in electromagnetics require the use of a computer. Even when
an analytic or “closed form” solution is available which is nominally exact, one typically must use
a computer to translate that solution into numeric values for a given set of parameters. Because
of inherent limitations in the way numbers are stored in computers, some errors will invariably be
present in the resulting solution. These errors will typically be small but they are an artifact about
which one should be aware. Here we will discuss a few of the consequences of finite precision.
Later we will be discussing numeric solutions to electromagnetic problems which are based
on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The FDTD method makes approximations
that force the solutions to be approximate, i.e., the method is inherently approximate. The results
obtained from the FDTD method would be approximate even if we used computers that offered
infinite numeric precision. The inherent approximations in the FDTD method will be discussed in
subsequent chapters.
With numerical methods there is one note of caution which one should always keep in mind.
Provided the implementation of a solution does not fail catastrophically, a computer is always
willing to give you a result. You will probably find there are times when, to get your program
simply to run, the debugging process is incredibly arduous. When your program does run, the
natural assumption is that all the bugs have been fixed. Unfortunately that often is not the case.
Getting the program to run is one thing, getting correct results is another. And, in fact, getting
accurate results is yet another thing—your solution may be correct for the given implementation,
but the implementation may not be one which is capable of producing sufficiently accurate results.
Therefore, the more ways you have to test your implementation and your solution, the better. For
example, a solution may be obtained at one level of discretization and then another solution using
a finer discretization. If the two solutions are not sufficiently close, one has not yet converged to
the “true” solution and a finer discretization must be used or, perhaps, there is some systemic error
in the implementation. The bottom line: just because a computer gives you an answer does not
mean that answer is correct.
Lecture notes by John Schneider. numerical-issues.tex


1.2 Finite Precision

We all know summing one-third three times yields one, i.e., 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1. But is that true
on a computer? Consider the C program shown in Program 1.1.

Program 1.1 oneThird.c: Test if 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 equals 1.

1 /* Is 1./3. + 1./3. + 1./3. == 1.0? */

2 #include <stdio.h>

4 int main() {
5 float a;

7 a = 1.0 / 3.0;

9 if (a + a + a == 1.0)
10 printf("Equal.\n");
11 else
12 printf("Not equal.\n");

14 return 0;
15 }

In this program the float variable a is set to one-third. In line 9 the sum of three a’s is compared to
one. If they are equal, the program prints “Equal” but prints “Not equal” otherwise. The output of
this program is “Not equal.” Thus, to a computer (at least one running a language typically used in
the solution of electromagnetics problems), 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 is not equal to one. It is worth noting
that had line 9 been written a=1/3;, a would have been set to zero since integer math would
be used to evaluate the division. By using a = 1.0 / 3.0;, the computer uses floating-point
The floating-point data types in C or FORTRAN can only store a finite number of digits. On
most machines four bytes (32 binary digits or bits) are used for single-precision numbers and eight
bytes (64 digits) are used for double precision. Returning to the sum of one-thirds, as an extreme
example, assumed that a computer can only store two decimal digits. Thus one-third would be
approximated by 0.33. Summing this three times yields

0.33 + 0.33 + 0.33 = 0.99

which is clearly not equal to one. If the number is stored with more digits, the result becomes
closer to one, but it never gets there. Both the decimal and binary floating-point representation of
one-third have an infinite number of digits. Thus, when attempting to store one-third in a computer
the number has to be truncated so that the computer stores an approximation of one-third. Because
of this truncation summing one-third three times does not yield one.

Instead of one-third, what if we summed one-tenth ten times? Since 1/10 is equal to 0.1, it
appears the number can be stored with a finite number of digits. Does the computer think the
following is true?
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + + + + + + + + = 1?
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
This can be tested using the same approach as shown in Program 1.1. Somewhat surprisingly,
these are still not equal! Although one-tenth has a finite number of digits when written in base
ten (decimal representation), it has an infinite number of digits when written in base two (binary
In a floating-point decimal number each digit represents the number of a particular power of
ten. Letting a blank represent a digit, a decimal number can be thought of in the follow way:
... . ...
3 2 1 0
10 10 10 10 10−1

Each digits tells how many of a particular power of 10 there is in a number. The decimal point
serves as the dividing line between negative and non-negative exponents. Binary numbers are
similar except each digit represents a power or two:
... . ...
23 22 21 20 2−1 2−2 2−3 2−4
The base-ten number 0.110 is simply 1 × 10−1 . To obtain the same value using binary numbers we
have to take 2−4 + 2−5 + 2−8 + 2−9 + . . ., i.e., an infinite number of binary digits. Another way of
writing this is
0.110 = 0.0001100110011001100110011 . . .2 .
As before, when this is stored in a computer, the number has to be truncated. The stored value is
no longer precisely equal to one-tenth. Summing ten of these values does not yield one (although
the difference is very small).
The details of how floating-point values are stored in a computer are not a primary concern.
However, it is helpful to know how bits are allocated. Numbers are stored in exponential form and
the standard allocation of bits is:
total bits sign mantissa exponent
single precision 32 1 23 8
double precision 64 1 52 11
Essentially the exponent gives the magnitude of the number while the mantissa gives the digits of
the number—the mantissa determines the precision. The more digits available for the mantissa,
the more precisely a number can be represented. Although a double-precision number has twice
as many total bits as a single-precision number, it uses 52 bits for the mantissa whereas a single-
precision number uses 23. Therefore double-precision numbers actually offer more than twice the
precision of single-precision numbers. A mantissa of 23 binary digits corresponds to a little less
than seven decimal digits. This is because 223 is 8,388,608, thus 23 binary digits can represent
numbers between 0 and 8,388,607. On the other hand, a mantissa of 52 binary digits corresponds
to a value with between 15 and 16 decimal digits (252 = 4,503,599,627,370,496).

For the exponent, a double-precision number has three more bits than a single-precision num-
ber. It may seem as if the double-precision exponent has been short-changed as it does not have
twice as many bits as a single-precision number. However, keep in mind that the exponent repre-
sents the size of a number. Each additional bit essentially doubles the number of values that can be
represented. If the exponent had nine bits, it could represent numbers which were twice as large
as single-precision numbers. The three additional bits that a double-precision number possesses
allows it to represent exponents which are eight times larger than single-precision numbers. This
translates into numbers which are 256 times larger (or smaller) in magnitude than single-precision
Consider the following equation
a + b = a.
From mathematics we know this equation can only be satisfied if b is zero. However, using com-
puters this equation can be true, i.e., b makes no contribution to a, even when b is non-zero.
When numbers are added or subtracted, their mantissas are shifted until their exponents are
equal. At that point the mantissas can be directly added or subtracted. However, if the difference
in the exponents is greater than the length of the mantissa, then the smaller number will not have
any affect when added to or subtracted from the larger number. The code fragment shown in
Fragment 1.2 illustrates this phenomenon.

Fragment 1.2 Code fragment to test if a non-zero b can satisfy the equation a + b = a.

1 float a = 1.0, b = 0.5, c;


3 c = a + b;

5 while(c != a) {
6 b = b / 2.0;
7 c = a + b;
8 }

10 printf("%12g %12g %12g\n",a,b,c);

Here a is initialized to one while b is set to one-half. The variable c holds the sum of a and b.
The while-loop starting on line 5 will continue as long as c is not equal to a. In the body of the
loop, b is divided by 2 and c is again set equal to a + b. If the computer had infinite precision, this
would be an infinite loop. The value of b would become vanishingly small, but it would never be
zero and hence a + b would never equal a. However, the loop does terminate and the output of the
printf() statement in line 10 is:
1 5.96046e-08 1

This shows that both a and c are unity while b has a value of 5.96046 × 10−8 . Note that this value
of b corresponds to 1 × 2−24 . When b has this value, the exponents of a and b differ by more than
23 (a is 1 × 20 ).

One more example serves to illustrate the less-than-obvious ways in which finite precision can
corrupt a calculation. Assume the variable a is set equal to 2. Taking the square root of √
a and then
squaring a should yield a result which is close to 2 (ideally it would be 2, but since 2 has an
infinite number of digits, some accuracy will be lost). However, what happens if the square root is
taken 23 times and then the number is squared 23 times? We would hope to get a result close to
two, but that is not the case. The program shown in Program 1.3 allows us to test this scenario.

Program 1.3 rootTest.c: Take the square root of a number repeatedly and then squaring the
number an equal number of times.

1 /* Square-root test. */
2 #include <math.h> // needed for sqrt()
3 #include <stdio.h>

5 #define COUNT 23

7 int main() {
8 float a = 2.0;
9 int i;

11 for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)

12 a = sqrt(a); // square root of a

14 for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)

15 a = a * a; // a squared

17 printf("%12g\n",a);

19 return 0;
20 }

The program output is one, i.e., the result is a = 1.0. Each time the square root is taken, the value
gets closer and closer to unity. Eventually, because of truncation error, the computer thinks the
number is unity. At that point no amount of squaring the number will change it.

1.3 Symbolic Manipulation

When using languages which are typically used in numerical analysis (such as C, C++, FOR-
TRAN, or even Matlab), truncation error is unavoidable. To store the number π = 3.141592 . . .,
one must use an approximation which uses a finite number of digits. However, there are soft-
ware packages, such a Mathematica, which allow one to manipulate symbols. In Mathematica
one can write Pi and Mathematica “knows” symbolically what that means. For example, the co-
sine of 10000000001*Pi is identically negative one. Similarly, one could write Sqrt[2].

Mathematica knows that the square of this is identically 2. Unfortunately, though, such symbolic
manipulations are incredibly expensive in terms of computational resources. Many cutting-edge
problems in electromagnetics can involve hundreds of thousand or even millions of unkowns. To
deal with these large amounts of data it is imperative to be as efficient—both in terms of memory
and computation time—as possible. Mathematica is wonderful for many things, but it is not the
right tool for solving large numeric problems.
In Matlab one can write pi as a shorthand representation of π. However, this representation of
π is different from that used in Mathematica. In Matlab, pi is essentially the same as the numeric
representation—it is just more convenient to write pi than all the numeric digits. In C, provided
you have included the header file math.h, you can use M PI as a shorthand for π. Looking in
math.h reveals the following statement:

# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */

This is similar to what is happening in Matlab. Matlab only knows what the numeric value of
pi is and that numeric value is a truncated version of the true value. Thus, taking the cosine of
10000000001*pi yields −0.99999999999954 instead of the exact value of −1 (but, of course,
the difference is trivial in this case).

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