Review Article: Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis: From Diagnosis To Treatment
Review Article: Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis: From Diagnosis To Treatment
Review Article: Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis: From Diagnosis To Treatment
Autoimmune Diseases
Volume 2011, Article ID 474512, 5 pages
Review Article
Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Fredrik Romi
Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital, 5021 Bergen, Norway
Copyright © 2011 Fredrik Romi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
One half of cortical thymoma patients develop myasthenia gravis (MG), while 15% of MG patients have thymomas. MG is a
neuromuscular junction disease caused in 85% of the cases by acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies. Titin and ryanodine
receptor (RyR) antibodies are found in 95% of thymoma MG and 50% of late-onset MG (MG onset ≥50 years), are associated
with severe disease, and may predict thymoma MG outcome. Nonlimb symptom profile at MG onset with bulbar, ocular, neck, and
respiratory symptoms should raise the suspicion about the presence of thymoma in MG. The presence of titin and RyR antibodies
in an MG patient younger than 60 years strongly suggests a thymoma, while their absence at any age strongly excludes thymoma.
Thymoma should be removed surgically. Prethymectomy plasmapheresis/iv-IgG should be considered before thymectomy. The
pharmacological treatment does not differ from nonthymoma MG, except for tacrolimus which is an option in difficult thymoma
and nonthymoma MG cases with RyR antibodies.
1. Thymoma in Myasthenia Gravis ryanodine receptor (RyR) [6, 7]. The muscle-like epitopes are
presented to T cells together with costimulatory molecules
Thymomas in myasthenia gravis (MG) are neoplasms de- [7]. Autoreactive T cells specific for AChR and titin are found
rived from thymic epithelial cells, and are usually of the both in thymomas and in thymoma MG patients’ sera [8].
cortical subtype (WHO type B) [1]. 50% of thymoma pa- Thymoma epithelial cells present AChR peptides to T-cell
tients develop MG (hereafter referred to as thymoma MG lines in thymoma MG patients, facilitating intrathymic im-
in this paper) [2, 3]. Cortical thymomas usually have some munization [9].
morphological similarities with thymic cortex; they share the The patient’s genetic profile and the thymic ability to
capacity to propagate the maturation of immature naive CD4 export autoreactive T cells are equally important in develop-
T cells and export mature naive T cells into the periphery. ing MG. MG has a genetic association to HLA-DR3 or ances-
Thymomas lacking this ability do not induce MG [4]. tral haplotype 8.1 in early-onset MG (MG onset before age
Thymomas with histological similarities to medullary thymic 50 years) with thymic hyperplasia and several weaker asso-
tissue or thymomas lacking developing T cells are seldom ciations to polymorphisms in immunoregulatory genes such
associated with MG [4]. Other thymoma characteristics that as FcγR, TNF-α/β, GM-phenotypes, CTLA-4 [10], HLA, and
can cause reduced self-tolerance include defective epithelial PTPN22 ∗ R620W [11]. The chance of having a thymoma
expression of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene and/or increases with the number of thymoma-associated polymor-
of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, ab- phisms in an MG patient, indicating that thymoma MG is a
sence of myoid cells, failure to generate FOXP3(+) regulatory polygenic disease and that thymoma patients with a particu-
T cells, and genetic polymorphisms affecting T-cell signalling lar genetic profile run higher risk of developing MG [11].
Histologically, thymomas are epithelial neoplastic cells 2. Thymoma MG
surrounded by maturing T cells. The epithelial cells are capa-
ble of expressing epitopes cross-reactive with skeletal muscle MG is a neuromuscular junction disease characterized by
proteins, such as acetylcholine receptor (AChR), titin, and muscular weakness and fatigability, caused in 85% of the
2 Autoimmune Diseases
Table 1: The occurrence of the various muscle autoantibodies (ab) in the different subgroups of MG [13].
cases by AChR antibodies [12]. When MG occurs together at MG onset and a more severe disease. Neck weakness at MG
with a thymoma, MG is a paraneoplastic disease caused by onset is a distinctive feature of patients with RyR antibodies,
the presence of the thymoma. Thymoma MG accounts for while respiratory symptoms are also found in patients with
around 15% of all MG cases [13]. titin antibodies with and without RyR antibodies. Limb
The immune response against an epitope expressed on involvement with few or no bulbar signs is typical at MG
thymoma cells spills over to neuromuscular junction compo- onset in RyR-antibody-negative MG [27]. Since many thy-
nents sharing the same epitope [14]. In thymoma MG, epi- moma MG patients have RyR antibodies, neck weakness and
topes are shared between the thymoma and muscle proteins. nonlimb bulbar distribution of MG symptoms are initial
characteristic features associated with thymoma MG. Such
3. Antibodies in Thymoma MG symptom distribution should always raise the suspicion
about the presence of a thymoma in an MG patient.
AChR antibodies are the main cause of muscle weakness in Thymoma MG is equally frequent in males and females
thymoma MG [15]. Additional non-AChR muscle autoanti- and occurs at any age with a peak onset around 50 years [28].
bodies reacting with striated muscle titin and RyR antigens Thymoma MG and late-onset MG share similar serological
are found in up to 95% of MG patients with a thymoma and profile with high prevalence of titin and RyR antibodies and
in 50% of late-onset MG patients (MG onset at age of 50 lower AChR antibody concentrations compared to early-
years or later) [16]. These antibodies are usually associated onset MG [29]. About 95% and 70% of thymoma MG
with more severe MG [13, 17–19]. Striational antibodies patients have titin and RyR antibodies, respectively (Table 1).
demonstrated in immunofluorescence are largely made up Around 58% and 14% of late onset MG patients have titin
of titin antibodies [20]. and RyR antibodies, respectively (Table 1) [13].
Titin is the largest known protein, with a molecular mass Late MG onset age, similar serological profile, favorable
of 3000 kD stretching throughout the sarcomere, providing pharmacological treatment response, severe MG, frequent
a direct link between mechanical muscle strain and muscle use of immunosuppressive drugs, and the occurrence of
gene activation [21]. Myositis and myopathy with muscle at- MG related mortality are common features among thymoma
rophy are seen in some thymoma MG patients [22]. Sera MG and late-onset MG patients [29]. This profile differs
from MG patients also induce degenerative changes in mus- from early-onset MG [30], that has higher AChR anti-
cle cell cultures where both apoptosis and necrosis are impli- body concentrations, almost no titin or RyR antibodies, low
cated [23]. need for immunosuppressive drugs, less severe MG, very low
The RyR is the calcium channel of the sarcoplasmic ret- MG mortality rates, and a favorable thymectomy outcome
iculum (SR). Upon opening, the RyR releases Ca2+ into the [29].
sarcoplasm resulting in muscle contraction. In vitro, RyR Thymoma MG tends to be more severe than early-onset
antibodies can inhibit Ca2+ release from the SR [24]. There is nonthymoma MG [29]. In one study, MG patients with thy-
also a rat model with thymoma and MG with RyR antibodies moma or thymic atrophy (i.e., chiefly late-onset MG) had
but no AChR antibodies, indicating that RyR antibodies worse prognosis than MG patients with thymic hyperplasia
may cause MG symptoms irrespective of AChR antibodies (i.e., early-onset MG) [31]. The presence of a thymoma per
[25]. There are also several reports of excitation-contraction se does not give a more severe MG. Thymoma MG patients
coupling defects in thymoma MG [26]. and age-matched nonthymoma MG patients share similar
MG long-term prognosis [19]. The presence of titin and RyR
4. Recognizing the Clinical and Serological antibodies is associated with more severe disease in thymoma
Pattern of Thymoma MG MG and in late-onset MG [29]. The AChR antibody serum
concentration does not correlate with MG severity, mainly
MG patients with RyR antibodies are characterized by fre- because of individual variations in AChR epitope specificity
quent involvement of bulbar, respiratory, and neck muscles [32].
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