HR Outsourcing Proposal
HR Outsourcing Proposal
HR Outsourcing Proposal
This Human Resources services proposal includes details regarding the operational HR support
that [Sender.Company] can o er alongside any associated service costs. This proposal includes
two key sections- a-la-carte services and ongoing services. While a-la-carte services are
available to [Client.Company] on an as-needed basis, ongoing services are those that will be
required on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and are covered under a at-fee retainer.
A-La-Carte Services
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• Employee Onboarding
Annual Taking the time to review performance and job satisfaction for every
employee is an important part of maintaining an e cient, satis ed
Employee workforce. We o er employee review services that capture the
Reviews quantitative and qualitative data relevant to each employee, and
present that data in a format that makes it easy to understand
overall trends and themes within the workforce.
A-La-Carte Pricing
Locating quali ed candidates to ll internal candidacies can be a daunting task, one with long-
term implications for your company. We draw from over a decade of experience to ensure that
your internal team remains sta ed with quali ed individuals who possess the quali cations and
traits that t your needs.
Performance Management
[Sender.Company]’s Human Resources team will work with [Client.Company] executives and
managers to constantly track, evaluate, and improve employee performance. We will provide HR
support should any issues arise, and work with managers to develop performance improvement
plans when necessary.
Properly tracking and reporting nancial data is important for a variety of reasons. We will
manage all [Client.Company] nancial responsibilities, including bi-weekly payroll, bonuses, and
company cash ow.
Ongoing Services Pricing
Subtotal $0.00
Discount $0.00
Tax $0.00
Total $0.00
Client Approval
To indicate your approval of the outsourced HR services and rates listed above, electronically
sign this proposal below.
[Sender.Company] [Client.Company]