Matrix Theory
Matrix Theory
Matrix Theory
(Lecture 1)
Pooja B
A matrix is a set of entries, arranged in a rectangular array of rows and columns.
In general, a matrix with ’m’ rows and ’n’ columns is written as
a11 a12 . . . a1n
a21 a22 . . . a2n
... ... ...
am1 am2 . . . amn
1 Each entry in a matrix is called an element. An element aij represents the entry, in
the i th row and j th column.
2 Let m be the number of rows and n be the number of columns in a matrix, there
are mn elements in the matrix and the matrix is said to have order m × n, read as
m by n. Example: If
1 3 5 7
A= 2 4 9 9
4 3 11 0
Then a11 = 1, a24 = 9, a33 = 11 etc.
Types of Matrices
Row Matrix
A matrix with a single row and multiple columns is called a row matrix. It
has order 1 × n.
Column Matrix
A matrix with a single column and multiple rows is called a column
matrix. It has order m × 1.
Zero Matrix
A matrix in which all the elements are zero, is called a zero matrix. It is
denoted as O
Square Matrix
A matrix in which, the number of rows and number of columns are equal,
is called a square matrix.
1 A square matrix with n rows and n columns, is said to have order n.
2 The elements a11 , a22 , a33 , . . . ann of a square matrix A of order n,
are called principal diagonal elements of the matrix.
3 The elements other than the diagonal elements are called
non-diagonal elements.
Diagonal Matrix
A square matrix, in which all the non-diagonal elements are zero, is called a
diagonal matrix.
Scalar Matrix
A square matrix in which, all the non-diagonal elements are zero and all the
diagonal elements are equal, is called a scalar matrix.
Identity Matrix
A square matrix in which, all the non-diagonal elements are zero and all the
diagonal elements are equal to 1, is called a unit matrix or identity
matrix. It is denoted as I n .
The determinant of a matrix is a real number associated with it. It is
denoted as |A| or detA
Determinant is defined only on a square matrix.
Singular Matrix
A singular matrix is a matrix, whose determinant is zero.
Non-Singular Matrix
A non-singular matrix is a matrix, whose determinant is non-zero.
When n = 2
a b
Let A = be a square matrix of order 2, then
c d
a b
|A| = = ad − bc
c d
When n = 3
a11 a12 a13
Let Let A = a21 a22 a23 be a square matrix of order 3. Define Aij as the
a31 a32 a33
matrix obtained from A after omitting the i th row and j th column. Then
|A| = (−1)i+1 ai1 |Ai1 | + (−1)i ai2 |Ai2 | + (−1)i+1 ai3 |Ai3 |(where i = 1, 2, 3)
|A| = (−1) a1j |A1j | + (−1) a2j |A2j | + (−1)1+j a3j |A3j |(where j = 1, 2, 3)
When n = 4
a11 a12 a13 a14
a21 a22 a23 a24
Let A =
be a square matrix of order 4. Define Aij as the
a31 a32 a33 a34
a41 a42 a43 a44
matrix obtained from A after omitting the i th row and j th column. Then
|A| = (−1)i+1 ai1 |Ai1 | + (−1)i ai2 |Ai2 | + (−1)i+1 ai3 |Ai3 | + (−1)i ai4 |Ai4 |
|A| = (−1) a1j |A1j | + (−1) a2j |A2j | + (−1)1+j a3j |A3j | + (−1)j a4j |A4j |
Here i, j = 1, 2, 3, 4
The determinant can be taken over any row or any column, and the result
will be the same.
We usually choose the row or column with the maximum number of zeroes
for convenience.
Pooja B (iNurture Education Solutions) Matrix Theory August 16, 2017 9 / 23
Matrices Determinant:
Properties of determinants:
The same operations can be applied on the columns of a matrix also. The elementary
column operations are denoted as follows:
1 Ci ←→ Cj (where i 6= j and i, j = 1, 2, 3 . . . n).
2 Ci −→ kCi (where k ∈ R, k 6= 0 and i = 1, 2, 3 . . . n).
3 Ci −→ Ci + kCj (where k ∈ R, and i, j = 1, 2, 3 . . . n).
Pooja B (iNurture Education Solutions) Matrix Theory August 16, 2017 11 / 23
Matrices Invertible matrices:
Inverse of a Matrix
Let A be any square matrix of order n, and B is another matrix of the same
order, such that AB = In = BA. Then B is said to be the inverse of A and
is denoted as A−1 .
Invertible Matrix
A matrix A is said to be invertible, if A−1 exists.
A matrix is invertible if and only if it is singular.
If A is the inverse of B then B is also the inverse of A.
Equivalent Matrices
Two matrices A and B are said to be equivalent, if one matrix B can be
obtained from the other matrix A by performing a finite number of
elementary operations on A. This we denote as A ∼ B.
Matrix equivalence is an equivalence relation:
A ∼ A for any matrix A.
If A ∼ B, then B ∼ A.
If A ∼ B and B ∼ C , then A ∼ C .
Rank of a Matrix
A matrix A is said to have rank r , if
i there exists one non-singular submatrix of A with order r .
ii every sub-matrix of A with order r + 1 or greater, is singular.
Rank of a matrix A is denoted as ρ(A)
1 The value of rank remains unchanged if the rows and columns of a
matrix are interchanged.
2 The value of rank remains unchanged if two rows of a matrix are
3 The value of rank remains unchanged by multiplying a row by a
non-zero scalar k.
4 The value of rank remains unchanged by adding to the elements of a
row (or column), k times the corresponding elements of another row
(or column).
Pooja B (iNurture Education Solutions) Matrix Theory August 16, 2017 15 / 23
Matrices Invertible matrices:
Linear Equation
An algebraic equation in which all the variables have degree atmost 1, is
called a linear equation.
a1 x1 + a2 x2 + . . . an x+ n = b
Homogeneous equations:
Consider the system
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = 0
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = 0
a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = 0
am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = 0
of m homogeneous linear equations in n variables. This system can be written as
AX = O, where O is the zero matrix of order m.
1 The n − tuple (0, 0, 0, . . . , 0) is always a solution to the system of equations
AX = O. This solution is called the trivial solution. Any other solution is
called the non-tivial solution.
2 Homogeneous systems of equations are always consistent since every
homogeneous system has a trivial solution.
Pooja B AX = O has a non-trivial solution
3 (iNurture Education Solutions) MatrixifTheory
and only if ρ(A) < n.
August 16, 2017 20 / 23
Matrices Linear eqautions:
Non-Homogeneous equations:
Consider the system
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = b3
am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = bm
of m non-homogeneous linear equations in n variables. This system can be written as
AX = B.
Augmented Matrix
The matrix
[A : B] formed by combining
the elements of A and B, given by
a11 a12 . . . a1n : b1
a21 a22 . . . a2n : b2
A:B= is called an augmented matrix.
... ... ...
am1 am2 . . . amn : bm
The non-homogeneous is consistent if and only if the rank of its coefficient matrix A is
Pooja B (iNurture Education Solutions) Matrix Theory August 16, 2017 22 / 23
Matrices Linear eqautions: