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Modern AGE - Warflower

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An adventure for Modern AGE


arflower is a Modern AGE adventure designed note the ones they like the best and the ones they’d like to
for 1st to 4th level characters, in which the use in various general situations (combat, investigation,
heroes track down the Warflower, a medieval stealth, etc.), especially when they involve actions their
treatise on alchemy and swordplay. Although it character is skilled at.
was long thought lost, this obscure text wasn’t widely missed,
since its author and subject matter are only interesting to a
few eccentrics and specialists. Nevertheless, unknown forces Adventure Overview
seize it violently. Who are they? Why did they take it? Why
is the Warflower valuable? The answers to these questions, Let’s look at the adventure’s structure.
provided by the story and the Game Master’s choices, shape
the adventure ahead. Act 1 — Violent Bidding
Before we get to the adventure, let’s go over its structure and As the Player Characters attend an auction at Iannucci’s
some notes on preparation. First off, read the entire adven- Auctions, a commotion summons them behind the stage,
ture before you start. It includes at least two distinct paths where they encounter two groups in furious combat: sword
for characters to take, and multiple possible secrets at its fighters from the Society of Perugia and gangsters from the
conclusion. Golden Thorn. Neither identify themselves, and those who
remain after the fight don’t know who stole what they were
Mode Selection trying to take but couldn’t find: a medieval book called the
Warflower. It also becomes apparent to the characters that
Modern AGE’s rules can be implemented with multiple options, someone wants to keep the police out of it.
called modes. Select a mode in which to run the adventure, but
be aware that we recommend Pulpy or Cinematic mode. Gritty Act 2 — Chivalry is Dead
mode may prove too deadly for this adventure. The more The characters follow one or more leads in this act. Tracking
“realistic” the mode, the less combat should be emphasized. the Society of Perugia leads them to a martial arts school
whose leader believes the Warflower will teach hidden secrets
Stunt Selection of the sword. The Golden Thorn reveals itself to be a drug
gang playing at alchemy, whose leader thinks the book
Modern AGE includes a large number of stunts. Any char- contains the secrets of immortality. Researching the book
acter can use virtually any stunt, but we advise players to suggests that, from certain points of view, it could contain

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 1

Area Details
Iannucci’s Auctions occupies part of the ground floor of a small, five-story brick building in downtown New Coventry.
After walking in the front entrance, visitors enter a corridor where the door to the main auction area is immediately
visible. Following the corridor to the left of the door, it turns and terminates in an unmarked, locked door leading to
Marco’s office. Marco’s office has a second door to the back room, where the antiquities are kept. The back room has a
garage door which leads to a back alley, used for loading. Marco does have security cameras, but these aren’t connected
to the Internet. Data is stored on Marco’s computer, which is destroyed by Golden Thorn intruders before the incident
covered in Backstage Brawl. This eliminates the video from before, during, and after the incident. The ground floor has
another unit on the right side of the corridor when visitors enter through the front. The Game Master can place whatever
they like there, or just lock it away.

both secrets. Neither group has the Warflower, though not free to make up locations in the city, or if you prefer, relocate
for lack of trying. Beyond the Society, the Thorn, and several the adventure to a real city you’re familiar with.
unremarkable collectors, a now-dead lawyer employed by
TrevTech’s (a major corporation and local employer) CEO Act 1
Amanda Trevayne was supposed to bid on the book. Trev-
ayne is scheduled to throw a party, and the characters can
bypass her security by attending. Trevayne encouraged both Violent Bidding
the Society of Perugia and the Golden Thorn to seize the book,
While this act contains several scene-setting resources, these
creating confusion while her own agents spirited it away, but
exist to help GMs run things smoothly and dive straight into
nobody knows this yet.
the action. Set it up and get to the fighting relatively quickly,
Act 3 — The Carnival is Over before players get distracted by details.
Read or paraphrase the following:
After following the clues, the characters attend Amanda
Trevayne’s party at the TrevTech Building. The characters The bidding room at Iannucci’s Auctions has the usual
use observation and social maneuvering to find their way to features: a room with rows of chairs, a stage where the items up
Trevayne and the Warflower. As they arrive, she’s inspecting it for auction will be presented, and a small table by the entrance
in a lab on the 9th floor. with wine and hors d’oeuvres. The owner, Marco, hired you to
blend in with the bidders, find out who they are, and get a sense
Act 4 — Harvesting the Warflower of their intentions. He’s worried about thieves and eccentrics
The characters penetrate the lab and confront Amanda Trev- targeting one item, which is already on stage, watched by the
ayne. At this point, GMs are presented with three options. room’s lone security guard. This is the Dominus Muscas, or
In the first, Trevayne is a martial artist of near-supernatural “Lord of Flies,” a gold-and-silver-coated scepter topped with a
skill, who wanted the Warflower to unlock the final secret of block of amber containing a large, prehistoric insect. It’s sched-
her path. In the second, she’s an alchemist, ready to produce uled to come up midway through the auction. Bidding starts
the secrets of immortality on an industrial scale—and having in five minutes.
paid an awful price for acquiring it herself. In the third
Iannucci’s Auctions specializes in medieval and Renaissance
scenario, the Warflower’s true secret is an accurate formula for
antiquities. As noted, the Dominus Muscas has already been
Greek Fire, which can be exploited in any number of patent-
able technologies in the energy and defense sectors. laid out on a pedestal in the bidding room. Reputedly owned
by the Counts of Toulouse, the Dominus was associated with
the Cathars and, later, 18th-Century Satanists, and has been
Choose Your Own Finale mentioned in folktales of ghosts and devils. Marco Iannucci
is worried about thieves, religious extremists, and unhinged
As noted, Act 4 presents three options, so the GM can followers of the occult disrupting its sale, which is scheduled
customize the adventure according to the genre they want to take place midway through the auction. Because of the
to use. One variant of the martial arts option is suitable for item’s location out front, Marco doesn’t want the characters
games where psychic powers are possible, while the alchemy going backstage. Other items come from a storage area there,
option may fit games with magical elements. The last option, transported via a Lazy Susan and a cut-out in the wall which
where the Warflower’s secret is a chemical formula, best fits is covered by black curtains.
games where extraordinary phenomena aren’t a factor. The
GM should pick one of these options ahead of time and, if This item isn’t the focus of the adventure, but presents a false
desired, adjust the rest of the adventure to fit. front to be quickly dropped after the action heats up.

New Coventry The Bidders

Warflower takes place in the fictional city of New Coventry, Of the thirty-three bidders in attendance, only four seem
which combines features from multiple iconic East Coast and particularly interesting:
Midwest American cities such as New York and Chicago. Feel

2 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

Shane Booth 2. These are optional connections which you may choose to
ignore. His Resources rating is 9.
A solidly built African-American man
with a minimalist formal style, Booth Anne Monet
is co-CEO (with Melissa Abraham) of
Her dated, beige business ensemble
Booth-Abraham, a successful hedge
and grey-shot, tied-back brown hair are
fund controlling over $20 billion in
signs of a woman who shouldn’t have
assets. To Booth, the Dominus Muscas is
the money to participate in an auction
a symbol of power he plans to display
like this, but her silver crucifix shows
when he moves to seize control of
why she’s here regardless. A slender
the business from his partner. He can
50-year-old of European descent,
easily outbid anyone else, but has
Anne Monet is a lawyer representing a
frugal habits which might be exploited
group of conservative Christians who
by a bold bidder. Booth is a non-combatant as per Chapter
want to buy and destroy the Dominus,
9 of Modern AGE, except for the following: Communication
because they believe its Satanic reputa-
4 (Bargaining, Leadership, Persuasion), Intelligence 5 (Busi-
tion. She’s a non-combatant as per Chapter 9 of Modern AGE,
ness, Current Affairs, Evaluation, Law). His Resources rating
except for Communications 5 (Bargaining) and Intelligence 4
is 13. Booth can recognize Shawn Mortensen and has two
(Law). Her Resources rating for auction purposes is 8. She can
tickets to the TrevTech charity ball. These factors may become
also identify Shawn Mortensen by appearance, and knows
important later in the adventure if you choose.
he’s retained by TrevTech.
Gianni D’Agati
Absent Bidders
The self-styled “Duke of Perugia” is
detailed under Adversaries and NPCs In addition, two bidders are absent. Jana Petrovici, a Serbian-
at the end of this adventure. D’Agati Romanian art collector, couldn’t attend because her mother
is rumored to be an Italian with an suffered a stroke. She’s not relevant to the adventure unless
aristocratic background (untrue, the Game Master decides otherwise. Local lawyer Shawn
but the deception requires research Mortensen cannot be reached—and his fate will be explored
to uncover). He’s interested in the later in the adventure.
Warflower, not the Dominus Muscas, but
pretends otherwise. His followers in
the Society of Perugia were warned the
Security? Security!
Warflower might be stolen by an anon-
There’s just one security guard (use the statistics for “Secu-
ymous tip (from the soon-to-be-deceased Shawn Mortensen)
rity Guard” in Modern AGE) working the front, and two more
and are making their way into the backstage storage area to
backstage. There would normally be twice as many, but two
take it first. After circulating through the bidders in animated
texted in sick and one didn’t show up. (These three were all
conversations, he loudly bids on numerous items but bails
mugged and tied up by Trevayne’s operatives, who managed
out before buying each time, hoping to focus attention away
to get into the phones of two of them.) Marco doesn’t think
from his followers. D’Agati was Amanda Trevayne’s martial
any of this is out of the ordinary; he hires them from the
arts teacher, but her ability eventually exceeded his. D’Agati
cheapest agency he can find, so their attendance is spotty in
doesn’t mention any of this.
the first place.
Azazel McMillen
Arriving in white pancake makeup,
Running the Auction
blood-red hair, and gothic finery, When it’s time for bidding, auctioneer Maria Iannucci
McMillen looks every inch his job: (Marco’s cousin) walks up to the podium. Attendees bid by
vocalist for the black metal band raising numbered paddles.
MEGIDO. The white, 35-year-old
Azazel is an avowed Satanist (though Warm up to bidding on the Dominus with a small number of
whether he believes the Dark Lord innocuous and amusing items, such as:
literally exists depends on which • An elaborately etched and gilded 14th-Century Italian
drugs currently occupy his veins). bascinet helm, poleaxe head embedded in crown
Azazel wants the Dominus as a (Resources 17)
Satanic symbol, but he can’t afford
it—at least, not without ripping off the rest of the band. His • A 55.5-pound hoard of coins, broaches, and other metal
phone buzzes with angry texts from the other members of items, dated c. 50-1,500 CE, fused by heat and other
MEGIDO as he bids. He’s a non-combatant as per Chapter environmental factors. NOTE: center of mass has not
9 of Modern AGE, except for his Communication 4 (Perfor- been examined (Resources 13)
mance). Azazel sometimes gets his drugs from the Golden • A sword, date unknown though in the style of the
Thorn, and if shown their symbol, he recognizes it and 13th Century, with inscription EXCALUBUR. Possible
might even help the characters get into their party in Act theatrical prop or regalia (Resources 15)

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 3

• 15th-Century priest’s stole with humorous illustrations
of a rabbit outwitting a hunter stitched on its inside
Backstage Brawl
surface (Resources 20—antique textiles are rare.)
If the characters hesitate to head backstage, Marco stares
Each item is listed with a photograph in a glossy pamphlet at them and jabs a finger in that direction, then just orders
handed out to participants. The Warflower appears innocuous them, if they stay dense. Remind players their Drives likely
enough: “LOT 1972: Mid-15th-Century text, vellum bound in encourage them to get involved. The security guard out front
leather. Written in Latin, this illustrated text explores military is occupied with helping a panicked crowd leave the way they
training and miscellaneous matters. NOTE: as per arrange- came. Doors backstage can be found beyond the auctioneer’s
ments with the seller, the buyer must agree to provide high- podium and to either side. Once the characters go through,
quality scans for the University of New Coventry.” read or paraphrase the following:
Player Characters can participate in the auction, though this
You burst into the backstage area, a white room filled with
earns a frown from Marco, who doesn’t want them split-
antiquities destined for this auction and others. Weaving
ting their attention. While the auction might make for an
among podiums and display boxes, two groups of three people
exciting advanced test in another adventure, it isn’t the
seem bent on killing each other. One group wear coveralls but
focus here. Instead, have all participants roll Communica-
carry medieval long swords, which they swing with obvious
tion (Bargaining) or Intelligence (Evaluation). The highest roll
skill. The other three, dressed casually, fire pistols wildly to
may adjust the Resources cost of the item up or down by a
keep the sword fighters from closing in. One security guard
maximum amount equal to the result on its Stunt Die. After
lies slumped against the door to Marco’s office, on the left.
that, participants roll Resources, and the highest roll that
Another guard wearing white gloves is sprawled under a bench
meets or exceeds the item’s Resources TN (Stunt Die results
which held items for today’s auction, one of which appears to
break ties) wins the item. Participants can attempt to ditch
be missing. In the far right of the room, you see two motionless
their bid by not making the Resources test, but if everyone
feet sticking out from underneath a hanging tapestry next to
else who tries fails, the character who made the highest initial
the room’s loading dock door. A bloody sword, like the ones
Communication (Bargaining) or Intelligence (Evaluation) test
some of the combatants are using, lies beside them.
wins the item—and had better come up with the cash to pay
for it. The Warflower is the missing item, leaving an empty space
Eventually the Dominus Muscas comes up for bids...and marked by a card with its auction number. The guards are
nothing of consequence happens, unless the Player Charac- unconscious, but the man behind the tapestry is dead. He’s the
ters cause a scene. But a second after Maria Iannucci says, missing Shawn Mortensen, who helped steal the Warflower.
“Sold,” two gunshots ring out from backstage behind her. He snuck backstage and opened the loading dock door for
accomplices hired by Amanda Trevayne, then killed himself.
Neither his identity nor any part of this plan is obvious at
this stage. See Alas, Poor Mortensen in Act 2 for a descrip-
tion of his body and associated clues. Trevayne’s servants are
long gone with the Warflower by the time the characters get
The sword wielders are Society of Perugia fighters, who
disguised themselves as shipping workers and picked the
lock to Marco’s office to steal the Warflower. They discovered
it was already gone. The shooters are Golden Thorn gang-
sters, dressed casually and armed with pocket pistols. They
also snuck in through the office shortly after the Society
members went in, and were so startled to find the trio of
sword fighters present they let Marco’s office door close,
whereupon it locked. Each group believes the other has
the book. Mortensen’s body is easy to find, but the action
has been so hectic the combatants haven’t given him any
Once the Player Characters arrive, neither side is sure who to
attack for the first round or two, but eventually they focus on
escaping instead of fighting each other. See Adversaries and
NPCs for game statistics.
One factor complicating combat is the number of antiqui-
ties which could act as cover but are easy to destroy. Falling
enemies, stray bullets, and blows with large melee weapons
will almost certainly damage something. Describe the destruc-
tion with amusement, and to add a bit of levity, set a quiet
moment after combat where Marco tries to get the characters
to foot the bill, though he’ll ultimately relent if this discour-
ages further investigation.

4 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

the GM decides it does. By default, the Dominus gets shipped
Act 2
off to its new owner with no special complications.

Chivalry is Dead Characters discover leads are dead ends automatically as

soon as they start looking, by the quickest plausible methods
available to them.
After the fight is resolved, Marco catches up with the Player
Characters. Read or paraphrase the following:

Marco Iannucci strides toward you, pocketing his phone.

The Society of Perugia
“There’s some problem with the police,” he says. “They’re not Fallen fighters from the Society of Perugia, or the swords they
coming down for half an hour, at least. I’ve got a buddy with leave behind, give the characters a chance to use interrogations
the force. She told me they’re being encouraged to ignore as or physical searches to find clues, sparking further investiga-
much of this incident as they can. Find out why this weird fight tion. The following structure is formatted to fit the investiga-
happened, and track down Lot 1972. I’ll pay double what we tion rules in Chapter 2 of the Modern AGE core rulebook.
agreed for the auction job, plus expenses.”
First Lead
The poor police response is Amanda Trevayne’s doing, via a
phone call to the mayor where she suggested she might move Captives or Corpses
TrevTech’s HQ out of town. He called the chief of police, who
called adjoining precincts with a story about “making room
for a secret federal investigation.” The characters have either captured members of the Society of
The Player Characters’ job is clear: Find the Warflower and its Perugia or have their bodies (dead or unconscious) at hand.
thief, and discover why an obscure book provoked this kind
of violence. If the characters hesitate, remind them of Marco’s Unlocking Method
offer and to find motivation in their Drives. In a worst-case
There are multiple ways to unlock useful clues.
scenario where the characters refuse to proceed at all, the
Society of Perugia targets them with a few of its fighters (they Interrogation
don’t like being beaten in combat) after getting the inter-
lopers’ identities from Gianni D’Agati. Society prisoners initially curse questioners in Italian—but
it’s not good Italian, since they all learned it as part of their
The investigations which follow use the investigation rules in
Society training. Use the instant or detailed methods for
Chapter 2 of Modern AGE or the advanced test rules in Chapter
social interaction depending on how long you want to draw
8. Familiarize yourself with those rules ahead of time. out this scene. Each captive is Very Hostile to social inter-
action, unless the interrogator bested them in hand-to-hand
Unproductive Leads combat (not with a firearm or sneak attack). In that case, they
prisoner is demoralized—their training failed them—and
Some lines of inquiry are a waste of time and the GM should they spill the beans automatically. They were employed by
cut off characters’ efforts along them, diverting their attention their master, the “Duke of Perugia,” to recover the Warflower,
to somewhere productive. which they call “the most important text of our martial
tradition.” Captives who talk avoid revealing D’Agati’s
The Warflower’s Sellers name, but do provide the address of their training hall, even
speculating that “another scholar of the sword” successfully
Hard up for cash, the Colonna-Pacelli family is selling all its acquired the Warflower. They have no idea who Mortensen is
antiquities to pay off significant debts. They’re in Italy and and deny responsibility for his death.
don’t know anything about the book—it’s one of many.
Physical Search
Marco and Maria Iannucci The Society fighters’ coveralls are spotless and the first one
searched still has its price tag in its pocket. (The store they
While Marco and Maria have friends in low places, the char-
were purchased at is a major chain and the cashiers don’t
acters know them well enough to realize they wouldn’t have
remember the purchase, so that’s a dead end.) None of
anything to do with this.
them have any ID, wallets, or phones, but they all have the
The Police page from the auction catalog which displays the Warflower.
They all have a little money, and despite not having wallets,
The only person who knows where the directive keeping the each has a loyalty card from the same deli: Rayna’s, which
police out of things ultimately emanates from is the mayor, is right across from the Society’s training hall and its
and no local cop wants to stick their neck out to help the char- unmissable sword-and-griffon sign. They stopped for food
acters find out. on the way to the auction.

The Dominus Muscas Clue and Next Lead

It doesn’t have anything to do with the adventure beyond The characters should unlock the location of the Society of
being the reason the PCs are there in the first place—unless Perugia’s training hall.

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 5

Alternate First Lead
The characters have a chance to examine one of the swords
used by the Society of Perugia fighters. If the fighters escape,
the sword which killed Mortensen is left behind where the
PCs can find it.

Unlocking Method
Each Society fighter brought a well-crafted, sharp long sword.
Characters with the Strength (Machining) focus automatically
know these are handmade, and characters with the Intelligence
(History) focus automatically know these swords are careful
reproductions of historical designs—15th-Century Italian, if
anyone succeeds at a TN 12 Intelligence (History) test. Each
sword has a makers’ mark: “IM” for swordsmith Irina Maka-
renko of Moscow, who can be found with an internet search
via a TN 10 Intelligence (Computers) test. By social media
message or email, Makarenko reveals she shipped twenty
of these swords—her largest order ever—to the Society of
Perugia. She provides the address of its training hall.

Clue and Next Lead

The characters should unlock the location of the Society of
Perugia’s training hall.

Second Lead
The Training Hall
After discovering the Society of Perugia’s training hall, the char-
acters go there to find out more about the fate of the Warflower
and the Society’s role. Read or paraphrase the following:

The Society of Perugia’s hall sits in a large storefront,

marked by a large sign with a griffon and long sword.
Through large, open windows, you see six people training
with medieval weapons, directed by a seventh. Other weapons
hang from racks along the left wall. A door beyond them leads
further back.

Various people train in the hall throughout the day, from 8

AM until about 2 AM. The six Society of Perugia fighters
(their identities changing depending on the time of day) won’t
be present after 2 AM, but school provost (under-instructor)
Julie Horn will still be there, napping on a cot in the main
hall. D’Agati will still be in the back office.
The Society of Perugia is a Historical European Martial Arts
(HEMA) school, which reconstructs the techniques used by
14th- and 15th-Century Italian knights by using manuals
and experimentation. There are other HEMA schools in New
Coventry, but the Society has a reputation for the unusual
loyalty of its students, its intense sink-or-swim training, and
weird, extreme behavior like challenging rivals to fights with
sharp swords. School master Gianni D’Agati doesn’t interact
with the wider HEMA community and claims to be descended
from Perugian nobility. (He isn’t—see his description.)

6 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

without dealing with a pack of zealous sword fighters.
Unlocking Method
Disabling the alarm on the door is an Intelligence (Security)
None of the people in the front room know anything about TN 11 test or an Intelligence (Electronics) TN 13 test. The
D’Agati’s attempt to steal the Warflower. He entrusted the job school’s back area contains bathrooms and D’Agati’s office.
to a few students who were even more devoted than normal, Roll 1d6: On a 1, one Society fighter is present; on a 2, two of
and these were the fighters at Iannucci’s. The goal, then, is to them are; on a 3, Julie Horn is there; and on a 4-6, the back area
interview D’Agati, who’s contemplating his next move in the is empty. Fortunately, anyone in the back is unarmed, though
school’s back office and has left orders not to be disturbed. fighting for more than one round produces enough noise to
Noticing they were working for Ianucci’s he took pictures of attract attention from the front. D’Agati’s office is locked, but
the characters during the action, and has since shown them to the door can be kicked in (also producing attention-getting
Julie Horn, and warned her they’re potential enemies. Char- noise), opened with a key on Julie Horn’s person, or picked
acters might get to him in the following ways. with a successful Intelligence (Security) TN 8 test.

Raw Violence If D’Agati Flees

Remind the characters that as the school is just off a busy D’Agati runs out back if he’s warned the characters are
street, gunfire is sure to attract attention. If the characters present, but he’s forced to flee on foot since he doesn’t
draw guns, the Society fighters must make immediate drive. He knows the neighborhood well and is athletic
TN 12 Willpower (Morale) tests to attack the characters. for his age, leading pursuers through back alleys, up fire
However, Julie Horn isn’t dissuaded and wades in with escapes, and over rooftops. You can run this as a brief chase
a sharp long sword, heedless of the danger. The fighters using the rules in Chapter 8 of Modern AGE if it would add
will freely engage anyone who attacks with hand-to-hand excitement, but the characters should be able to catch up
weapons or unarmed attacks. If the characters restrict them- with him. If he manages to get away, the characters should
selves to weapons which inflict stun damage, Horn and be directed to his office to find the information they need.
the fighters will do likewise, using blunted long swords
(see their game statistics). This approach is risky since the Clue and Next Lead
Society’s members are well-trained, but if the characters
The characters should encounter Gianni D’Agati, who can
beat them this way, they won’t call the police or otherwise
provide them with critical information and tickets to the Trev-
trouble the characters again because they’re ashamed to
Tech Masquerade Ball for use in Act 3: The Carnival is Over.
have been defeated. D’Agati’s office is soundproof, and the
prideful Society fighters don’t warn him unless the char- Final Lead
acters use firearms. If the Player Characters come after all
the students are gone, Horn assumes they have murderous Gianni D’Agati
intent and, acting as her master’s bodyguard, fights with
lethal methods. She also hammers hard enough on a back Situation
wall shared with the office to overcome the soundproofing,
The characters corner Gianni D’Agati. If he’s caught without
which prompts D’Agati to flee out back.
fighters or Julie Horn to back him up, he surrenders. He
A Challenge knows he’s lost this round but hopes to negotiate with the
Player Characters for another shot at the Warflower. If the
As Julie Horn’s pride outpaces her common sense, she’s characters find him away from his office, he tells them much
willing to allow anyone who defeats her in single combat of the information they require can be found there and leads
to see D’Agati. The weapons available are blunted pole them back, telling his students to stand down. If D’Agati is
axes (equivalent to sledgehammers in Modern AGE), long incapacitated or otherwise unavailable, searching his office
swords, and daggers. The rules? Participants fight with provides the necessary information as well.
equal weapons until one of them gives up or is unable to
continue. Horn will never surrender, so a fighter needs to Unlocking Method
kill her or knock her unconscious.
D’Agati freely shares what he knows. If the characters are
Social Action forced to rifle through his office instead, they find an unlocked
laptop which contains emails detailing Trevayne’s falling
Society members have a Neutral attitude toward visitors, out with D’Agati, messages to the three fighters who went
changing to Hostile if Horn says they’re “enemies of the to Iannucci’s in search of the Warflower detailing the planned
Society” after identifying them via D’Agati’s pictures. If the theft, and anything else required to provide the information
characters avoid being identified, showing interest in and in the Reveal.
admiration for historical sword fighting can shift attitudes
in the characters’ favor. Otherwise, GMs should resolve Reveal
social maneuvers based on how plausible they are, keeping
in mind the fact that D’Agati left orders not to be disturbed. Julie Horn is D’Agati’s second-best student, already better
than him. Amanda Trevayne was his best. She studied with
Sneaking Around Treyvayne privately until she’d outgrown him. She vowed
to find “ultimate mastery” through her own research. He
Of course, the characters could go around back, defeat the
had hoped to steal the Warflower, learn its sword fighting
security system at the back door, and get to D’Agati’s office
methods, and win her back. It wasn’t just a matter of pride;

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 7

she had all but bankrolled the Society of Perugia. He doesn’t with police contacts will find each of them has a criminal
have the Warflower, and if told it’s been stolen, is absolutely record for petty theft, minor violent crimes, and drug posses-
sure Trevayne took it. Fortunately, he knows exactly where sion, with the details varying. Each of them also has the page
she’ll be: at a charity masquerade ball in TrevTech’s head- from the auction catalog featuring the Warflower. The first
quarters. The event is scheduled for tomorrow evening (or thug searched has a burner phone. A text from a now-discon-
another convenient evening, if the GM desires). Unaware of nected phone number (also a burner, with no associated ID)
his boss’s falling out with the Society, Trevayne’s personal lists the locations of Shadowhouse parties for the next three
assistant sent tickets for D’Agati and his students. There are nights. A follow up text says, Here for the rose, not the cross.
more than enough to get all the Player Characters in. Getting
to the ball should be their next step. Clue and Next Lead
The characters should know the Golden Thorn’s thugs were
The Golden Thorn supposed to drop off the Warflower with the Chemist at Shad-
owhouse. They should learn where Shadowhouse will be
The Golden Thorn is a society of would-be alchemists who held but may or may not discover the passphrase to get to the
want the Warflower because it supposedly contains the secrets Chemist’s inner sanctum.
of immortality. But the organization’s main business is drugs;
specifically, high-grade methamphetamines along with Alternate First Lead
designer tryptamines (a family of hallucinogenic drugs) and
phenethylamines (the family of drugs which includes MDMA).
Bad Reputation
First Lead
This is an alternative first lead in case the Golden Thorn’s
Searches and Interrogations thugs get away. One of the characters or Marco Iannucci
Situation stumbles upon discarded baggies in his office. These baggies
contained crystal meth before the Golden Thorn’s thugs
The characters have Golden Thorn gangsters at hand— snorted it to give themselves a bit of chemical bravery. Each
breathing or otherwise. baggie has the logo of a rose over a golden, thorn-studded
cross, the symbol of the Golden Thorn.
Unlocking Method
Unlocking Method
Two methods present themselves: interrogating the thugs or
searching them. Characters with connections to the underworld or police may
make a TN 11 Intelligence (Current Affairs) test to remember
Interrogation this is the stamp of the Golden Thorn, a drug gang, but even
if they fail, they understand these are drug baggies with the
The thugs aren’t true believers in the Golden Thorn’s
symbol of an organized crime group on them. Characters
alchemical work. In fact, they don’t know anything about with the Intelligence (Occult) focus automatically know this
alchemy, but have sat through “some stupid initiation” is a variant of a Rosicrucian symbol. The Rosicrucian name
led by the Chemist, leader of the Golden Thorn. As far has been taken up by several secret societies with an interest
as they’re concerned, the group is just a drug gang. The in alchemy. Succeeding at a TN 11 Intelligence (Occult) test
Chemist’s lieutenant, Oliver, promised them a kilogram identifies the Golden Thorn specifically, as a society of alche-
of high-grade Shabu (methamphetamine) to split between mists who experiment with drugs. Characters who succeed at
them. Use either the instant or detailed methods of social the Intelligence (Current Affairs) test drop the Intelligence
interaction in Modern AGE depending on the pacing you (Occult) test TN by 2, and vice versa.
prefer. The Thorn thugs are Hostile to social interaction,
but afraid of being handed over to the police—each of them Scoring 3 or better on the Stunt Die in either successful test
can be connected to burglaries, drug offenses, and armed also reveals the group holds a floating party, Shadowhouse,
robberies. Offering to let them go knocks their attitudes to and where it will be held tonight (or on another night the GM
Neutral. They were told to steal the Warflower and bring prefers). Scoring 3 or better on the Stunt Die on both tests, if
it to the Chemist at Shadowhouse, a floating underground both succeed, or 5 or better on one of them, also provides a
club whose exact location changes from night to night— rough description of the Chemist.
and they know where it will be for the next three nights. Talking to occultists, police, or NPCs with underworld connec-
To see the Chemist, a visitor needs to say, “I’m here for the tions automatically identifies the baggies as being from the
rose, not the cross.” The thugs release this information last, Golden Thorn. This includes Azazel McMillen, the musician
hoping the Chemist will deal with the Player Characters. who was bidding at the auction. In fact, he has a Golden Thorn
baggie containing a mix of designer chemicals on his person.
Searches These contacts (including Azazel) also know where Shadow-
Each of the gangsters has a pistol and a single spare mag house will be held. Furthermore, friendly police warn the char-
of ammo, a wallet containing personal ID (they’re not the acters the Golden Thorn is protected “from on high”—that is,
smartest people), and a small amount of crystal meth through Amanda Trevayne’s influence over the city.
(ground for snorting, for personal use) in baggies marked If the characters are unable to locate Shadowhouse and
with the Golden Thorn’s rose and cross symbol. Characters unwilling to try an alternate lead, introduce a knowledgeable

8 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

NPC (one of Azazel’s bandmates looking for the spendthrift
lead singer, if the man himself leaves), or simply have them
encounter flyers with the Golden Thorn symbol, the name
“Shadowhouse,” and an address.

Clue and Next Lead

The baggies and subsequent investigations should tell the
characters the thugs were using Golden Thorn meth and
reveal Shadowhouse’s next location.

Second Lead
Thanks to past clues, the characters come upon Shadow-
house, the mobile party where the Golden Thorn sells drugs
to revelers, meets business partners, and conducts its peculiar
rituals. On the evening the characters visit, Shadowhouse is
being held in an office building, in a space formerly occupied
by an elite marketing firm. Read or paraphrase the following
as they approach:

It’s a nondescript, ten-story office building in a deserted

plaza, far from any residential neighborhood. The only sign
of anything unusual is the contrast between the prominent
FOR LEASE sign and the purple and green lights coming
from the sixth floor, which pulse with a window-vibrating
bass. Reddish light fills a few windows on the seventh floor.
Occasionally, people enter or leave from around back. The
main entrance is dark.

Two Golden Thorn gangsters let revelers in and out through

the loading dock out back. They’ve been instructed to look
out for troublemakers, but their main job is to let people in
to buy drugs, so they’re not too picky. Getting in requires a
successful TN 9 Communication (Persuasion or Decep-
tion) test. The number on a successful test’s Stunt Die indi-
cates how many characters (including the speaker) may enter
based on the victor’s convincing words. Characters left out
may convince the door guards on their own. Azazel McMillen
can automatically get them past as well. The door guards
don’t know anything about the passphrase, and if it seems
like the characters are trying to use it, bluntly say words to the
effect of, “That sort of thing is for Oliver and his crew. Shush.”
A third guard waits in the hallway behind them and leads the
characters to a service elevator, where a fourth Golden Thorn
thug presses the button for the sixth floor. In all likelihood,
they will be accompanied by 2d6 partygoers lined up in front
of and behind them, eager to get upstairs, dance, and get high.
Alternately, the characters can try breaking in through the
front entrance. As partiers come and go, there’s a straight
50/50 chance someone might be able to see the attempt.
Disarming the security system requires a TN 13 Intelligence
(Security) test. Failing the test and scoring 3 or less on the
Stunt Die indicates the characters have set off the alarm. The
Chemist has arranged for the security firm to call her in case
this happens. She explains it’s a false alarm and sends one
Golden Thorn gangster per Player Character to capture
the PCs. A TN 9 Intelligence (Security) test with the same
consequences is required to operate the passenger elevator,
bypassing normal turnkey access.

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 9

If the characters bypass an elevator’s security they can go to the Chemist to safety or help the thugs deal with the characters,
any floor, but the building is empty except for discarded office depending on the exact situation.
furniture and equipment. Going to the seventh floor, where the The environment can present an opportunity to catch up on
Chemist holds court, is certainly possible, but her office for the information. Drug dealers and would-be alchemists come and
night is sealed off from the surrounding rooms. The characters go from the upstairs room. They might be persuaded to give
would have to break through locked doors or walls to get in. up the passphrase or other information. Many partygoers
Finally, the characters can break into the emergency stair- know that a figure called the Chemist leads the organization,
well, but the doors to the stairs and out the emergency exit and a few even know she fancies herself an alchemist.
lock behind them (preventing access from outside) unless
propped open. Fortunately, these are not linked to an alarm, Clue and Next Lead
and pursuers have no way of unlocking the doors. Jimmying
open a locked emergency door requires a TN 13 Dexterity The characters should make it to the seventh floor to meet
(Sabotage) test and, at the very least, a multi-tool. with the Chemist.

When the characters get to the sixth floor, read or paraphrase Final Lead
the following description:
Special Delivery
The entire sixth floor has had its non-supporting walls
removed, leaving a cavernous space for dancers. Three people Situation
serve drinks and drugs from a bar made of shoved-together
The characters have entered the presence of the Chemist,
office desks. Revelers use various substances openly. The bar
upstairs at Shadowhouse. Read or paraphrase the following:
sits across from a huge, thundering PA system, with two DJs
at work and pulsating lights. A banner between the main The former executive lounge on the seventh floor is well deco-
speakers says “SHADOWHOUSE,” with each O containing rated, with red-shaded lamps and vintage furniture. A rug is
the Golden Thorn’s symbol. Hundreds of partiers dance in curled at the edges, indicating it’s been put down recently.
dense packs when they aren’t resting on broken office furni- Strange symbols, angels, and devils are woven through it,
ture. The noise and strobing lights make people almost impos- and at its heart you see the rose and thorny cross symbol of
sible to hear or see unless they’re right next to you. the Golden Thorn. A muscular man in a white shirt and black
In the middle of the dance floor, an open spiral staircase pants serves drinks to a dozen people seated around the room.
ascends a cutaway in the ceiling to twin frosted glass doors He has a large knife in a belt sheath. In a large, wingback chair,
on the seventh floor, backlit in red. A tall, tough-looking man a woman in a red-and-gold dress drinks a martini, occasionally
and a woman who almost looks like his twin guard these doors, stopping to enter notes in a thick, black, hardcover journal. A
hands never far from their shoulder holsters. You catch one hulking man stands by her side. He’s got the Golden Thorn’s
or two people with dour expressions circulating through the sign tattooed on his forehead. He’s got a gun and a holstered
crowd, obviously here to work, not play. stun baton.
Most partygoers are simple non-combatants, but the GM may The woman in the red-and-gold dress is the Chemist. Her
add more interesting NPCs to the mix if they wish. The less right-hand man, Oliver, is never far from her. She occasion-
amused people on the stairs and in the crowd are Golden ally circulates among her guests, who are a mix of well-heeled
Thorn gangsters with SA pistols and bullet-resistant cloth occultists and organized crime representatives—all non-
armor (see Chapter 4 of Modern AGE). The chaotic environ- combatants, as she has assured them this is a safe place. The
ment imposes a -2 penalty to Perception-based tests that rely servers are Golden Thorn gangsters who’ve been cleaned
on sight or hearing, and on Accuracy-based tests to shoot up for the meeting and, consequently, are only armed with
opponents at a distance. The thick crowd (and the ways they daggers.
might move in a panic) can impose additional complications,
or even a trampling hazard (see Chapter 8 of Modern AGE for Given enough time, the PCs might see a curious ritual unfold.
hazard levels and damage). A guest steps to the center of the carpet and is draped with a
black cloth, so their face is hidden. The Chemist steps forward
Unlocking Method and, after an exchange of nonsense syllables with the guest,
holds a knife to their throat. “Let me come out of darkness to
The Chemist and other senior members of the Golden Thorn see endless light. My life is forfeit,” says the guest, to which
are on the seventh floor, which used to house the executive the Chemist replies by removing the knife and cloth, saying,
level of the firm which once occupied the building. The charac- “I make you a Zelator of the Eternal Order, to seek the Philos-
ters can get in by reciting the passphrase, “(We are/I am) here opher’s Stone of light, and life everlasting.” The Chemist then
for the rose, not the cross.” Otherwise, they will have to bluff produces a syringe and injects it into the guest’s neck—and
or force their way past the door guards with clever lies and/ the guest collapses, caught by Oliver. The guest will proceed
or Communication tests. The bodyguards and other Thorn to convulse and babble for several minutes, with the Chemist
gangsters begin with a Standoffish attitude. Failed social tests occasionally asking strange questions (“What is the color of
worsen their attitudes by one step each as they grow more and the light?”). Occultists see this as an initiation. Crooks see
more suspicious, until at Very Hostile, they’ll escort the charac- it as an annoying ritual they must deal with to acquire the
ters out at gunpoint. Assume that one gangster per character is Chemist’s drugs. Six steel suitcases hold “samplers” of these,
always available to throw them out. If things get serious, one destined to be sent off with various guests. They are neatly
of the guards uses an alarm app to warn Oliver, who will escort arrayed on a mahogany table.

10 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

Unlocking Method
To discover what the Chemist knows, the characters might
use the following tactics:

Oliver will protect the Chemist first and the drugs second.
He responds to lethal threats with his pistol and hand-
to-hand dangers with his stun baton. He or the server
will use a major action to alert other Golden Thorn thugs
via cell phone. The two working the door enter after one
round. 1d3 additional thugs arrive every 1d3 rounds, with
a maximum number to be determined by the GM. Oliver
will fight to the death if necessary, but the other thugs will
generally flee if shot, and are forced to make TN 11 Will-
power (Morale) tests to remain in combat after witnessing
death or incapacitation, or after losing more than half
their Health. The others in the room are too high and/or
frightened to do anything but flee. The Chemist has keys
to the back offices and corridors leading to passenger and
service elevators on the seventh floor, but only attempts
escape at the last moment, since running away abandons
thousands of dollars in drugs and party revenue. If appre-
hended by force, she tells the characters anything they
want to know.

Threats to contact the police are ineffective because the
Chemist is confident Amanda Trevayne protects them.
However, The Chemist knows Mortensen and, if the PCs
have identified his body, suspects Trevayne has double
crossed her, especially since Trevayne has been conspicu-
ously absent from Shadowhouse gatherings for the past
month. This may prompt an offer to pay the characters in
exchange for stealing the Warflower from Trevayne. Amanda Trevayne was the Chemist’s best disciple. Trev-
ayne used her influence over the city’s government to let
Deception the Golden Thorn operate without police interference.
The characters might pretend to be fellow students of the The Chemist suspects Trevayne betrayed her and took the
occult, organized crime representatives, or well-heeled Warflower for herself, and fears her “wayward disciple” will
drug users (common drug users are relegated to the bar now unleash the police she previously held back. Fearing
downstairs). Oliver vets visitors before they get to talk to exposure, the Chemist is willing to let the PCs go if they steal
the Chemist. To get through him, characters will generally the Warflower for her. Unaware of these events, Trevayne’s
have to succeed at Communications tests opposed by his less-than-competent personal assistant still sent the Chemist
Empathy and penalized by his Standoffish attitude. They tickets to the TrevTech Masquerade Ball. There are as many as
can’t pretend to be the thugs the Chemist originally sent the GM needs to get the PCs there.
because she and Oliver know them by sight. Questions If worst comes to worst and the Chemist flees, the charac-
about the Warflower will seem curious to the Chemist, since ters find the tickets in the journal she drops along the way,
she’s concealed her interest in it from all but her inner circle along with notes (scrawled between weird occult insights and
of aspiring alchemists, but she might accept that someone diagrams) which reveal all the information above.
else is on the trail of its secrets and offer to share them in
exchange for acquiring the book. Clue and Next Lead
No matter the approach, the characters should end up
knowing the Chemist wanted the Warflower for its supposed The characters should come out of this with tickets to the
alchemical knowledge. The book is supposed to contain a TrevTech charity ball and the knowledge that Trevayne, a
recipe for the Philosopher’s Stone, which in the Chemist’s would-be alchemist, probably stole the Warflower for herself.
interpretation of such lore is the secret of immortality. The
seller’s requirement to scan the book prompted the Chemist to
try to steal it, because she doesn’t want to share those secrets
Other Information
and even believes they could be dangerous to the uninitiated. Characters investigating the Warflower’s disappearance may
Her operatives failed, but she wants the book as badly as ever. follow these other leads and information sources.

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 11

Warflower Research
History or Research Focus Information Occult Focus Information
Stunt Points
The book contains sections on martial arts, including The book frames warfare as a struggle with oneself,
how to wrestle, use a long sword, and fight with a and with Satan, to attain spiritual perfection. Much
pole axe, in and out of armor. Author Aldo Villari was of the language would have been heretical and
a commoner elevated to minor nobility in Perugia, connected to medieval occult traditions. Mastery
central Italy, because of his military expertise. The of the martial arts within is claimed to give the
book was probably composed in 1450. practitioner superhuman abilities, “like an angel.”
The book also contains sections on military tactics and The book has an extensive section on practical
the construction of war machines. Copies of the book and spiritual alchemy. This uses the rose and
were widely disseminated for over a century, until Villari cross imagery later found among Rosicrucian
6 was declared a heretic for a passage in the book that sects, providing the only evidence of historical
said, “One may become one with the archangel Michael predecessors. This is woven through with practical
by skill at arms, as one may discover the Resurrection instructions for making gunpowder and remedies
within oneself by further secrets I will tell you.” for various ailments.
The book contains a section on chemical concoctions, Later texts bemoan that the “true secret of the
including an authentic formula for Greek Fire Philosopher’s Stone” was lost when the Warflower
which Villari is said to have acquired on a trip to disappeared.
All information above, plus Occult focus information All information above, plus History or Research
focus information

Researching the Warflower using the fob. His wallet is in the glove box. Medical records
indicating his terminal condition can be found in a box on the
The Warflower is an obscure late medieval text hailing from back seat, along with enough tickets to the TrevTech charity
the 15th Century. Physically, it consists of 144 pages on 36 ball to get the characters in (these were originally meant for
sheets of vellum, bound between two leather-wrapped Mortensen and his family). A TN 9 Intelligence (Research)
wooden boards. While the original Warflower hasn’t been test or knowledge of the law or corporate community in New
seen for centuries, several Renaissance works on alchemy, Coventry reveals his connection to TrevTech.
strategy, and military engineering refer to it as a valuable Among the bidders at the auction, Shane Booth and Anne
source of knowledge. Monet both recognize him by sight due to their corporate
Learning anything else about the Warflower requires a TN law connections, and identify him as the lawyer to TrevTech’s
10 Intelligence (History) or TN 12 Intelligence (Occult or CEO, Amanda Trevayne.
Research) advanced test with intervals of one hour. Consult
the following table for the knowledge characters accumu- TrevTech
late along with points toward the Success Threshold. Reveal
these as the points are accumulated, based on the focus What about TrevTech? Everyone in New Coventry knows
being used. it’s the wealthiest corporation in town, and the only one of
its size to keep its headquarters in the city. Any additional
Alas Poor Mortensen research uncovers the fact that the company was founded by
CEO Amanda Trevayne in 1995. Fresh out of MIT with a PhD
Shawn Mortensen is a lawyer for Mortensen and Guile, a law in Theoretical Chemistry, New Coventry native Trevayne
firm employed by TrevTech. Mortensen’s job was to open the founded her company on several patents covering the design
loading door at Iannucci’s, pass off the Warflower to Amanda and modeling of chemical compounds using computer
Trevayne’s operatives, and kill himself to frame anyone else neural networks. Subsequent patents covered the compounds
going after the book for his death. He had incurable lymphatic invented using this method (most of which are obscure to
cancer and was willing to commit suicide (after taking some laypeople, but hugely profitable) and other neural net-driven
exotic Golden Thorn drugs to reduce his pain and anxiety) in simulation software covering biological processes, pharma-
exchange for a hefty payment to his family. He used a sword ceuticals, high-level physics, and most recently, virtual reality.
identical to those used by the Society of Perugia to help Trevayne makes few public appearances, but media profiles
muddy the waters of any subsequent investigation. indicate she still performs research and development for the
Mortensen has black hair, green eyes, and pale skin which has
been rendered truly ashen by death. He wears coveralls over a The company isn’t particularly good or bad compared to
two-thousand-dollar bespoke suit. His coverall pockets contain other large tech outfits, with the only notable scandal being
a Golden Thorn drug baggie of the type left in Iannucci’s office. reports of CTO Martin Schreck drinking heavily, disrobing,
He was smart enough to leave his wallet in his car to frustrate ranting, and having to be restrained by his own bodyguard
investigators, but not smart enough to discard his car keys during a flight to Bangalore last year. This information may
and fob. His BMW is parked nearby and chirps in response to come in handy if the characters meet Schreck in Act 3.

12 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

to be there. While you can see four emergency exits and two
Act 3
sets of double doors (to the left and right behind the podium

The Carnival platform, past the pool), each of them has a pair of security
guards dressed as Venetian mercenaries. Their shoulder-

is Over holstered machine pistols are notable anachronisms.

The platforms with on-site chefs and servers are reserved

Having pegged Amanda Trevayne as the Warflower’s prob- for the largest donors: at least $2,000 for the two platforms
able thief, the characters have acquired tickets to the TrevTech furthest from the podium platform, $10,000 for the two closer
Masquerade Ball and know their best chance to confront her platforms, and $20,000 for space by the podium itself.
is to attend. If any of these ingredients are missing, the GM If the characters got tickets from the sources mentioned in
should improvise to bring them in so the characters are ready previous sections, these only entitle them to enjoy themselves
and able to go to the party. away from the pool. If they get on a platform without the
The TrevTech Masquerade Ball’s theme is “Eternal Venice.” company of a guest with platform access, servers will point
Many attendees are dressed as if attending a Renaissance out they’ve “lost their way,” and if ignored, will contact
Venetian Carnival, in period costumes and masks. Fine print security. TrevTech security guards forced to deal with minor
on the tickets encourages wearing a costume, but some are issues like this must leave their posts guarding various doors.
wearing high-end Halloween costumes, and a few have The closest guards will respond, so it’s in the characters’ inter-
simply opted for formal wear. The event is intended to benefit ests to plan their distractions accordingly if they wish to leave
a slate of charities, so most attendees have paid $500 a ticket specific doors unguarded.
or more, though numerous employees and close connections After a few minutes, TrevTech Chief Technology Officer
of Amanda Trevayne and TrevTech got in for free. Martin Schreck appears and, in a forgettable speech,
Security at the TrevTech Building’s entrance features a metal thanks guests for their generosity and apologizes on behalf
detector and a light pat down, but the four security guards of Amanda Trevayne, who can’t attend because she’s
don’t expect any trouble and the lineup is thick with wealthy “performing critical, time-sensitive research.” The four
people who don’t like waiting for things. Tell the players the guests in lab coats react with poorly disguised displeasure
guards look flustered, impatient, and distracted. Light pistols at the announcement.
and small knives automatically defeat the pat down. A TN 11
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Communications (Deception)
test is sufficient to get larger pistols past the pat down, while
characters succeeding at either of these tests a second time
evade problems from the metal detector. (In the case of Sleight
of Hand, searching guards don’t find anything and believe
it’s a false positive. Characters using Deception convince the
guards a surgical implant, item of clothing, or innocuous
personal effect is to blame, and talk them past the usual proto-
cols to confirm this.)
Once the characters get past security, read or paraphrase the

The TrevTech Building is a glass and steel spike which domi-

nates the city’s central business district. Beefy security officers
in black formal dress lead you to the elevator, which whisks
you to the 10th floor. Once there, two guards at the elevator
door gesture to an enormous area with a high ceiling, which
must occupy the 10th and 11th floors. Numerous attendees
cluster and socialize. Most are wearing costumes. Serving staff
in domino masks circulate with food and drink.
The center of the space contains a four-foot deep, fifty-foot
wide reflecting pool with five platforms suspended over the
water. Each platform has tables, chairs, a chef with a mobile
grill, a fridge and other kitchen gear, and a dedicated server.
Marks on the surrounding floor indicate the pool was built
for the occasion. The platforms are spaced far enough apart
to allow two small, robotic gondolas to circulate in a regular
pattern. Guests embark and disembark to move from platform
to platform, though some of them jump the distance while
drunkenly giggling. The furthest platform has a raised stage
with a podium and microphone. A string quartet plays below
the podium, and its music is audible over the PA.
A wide, crowded strip of floor contains other guests, including
four individuals in lab coats who don’t seem especially happy

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 13

Finding Trevayne The more he drinks, the more he says. Share whatever infor-
mation he would know that you’d like to pass on. After 1d3+1
Upon getting the Warflower, Amanda Trevayne locked herself drinks, he starts acting strangely and disrobing in fits and starts.
in TrevTech’s Lab #1 to research it. She booted researchers (This is not sexual— “I’m just getting comfy,” he explains.) His
Ann Burke, Leon Chang, Lisa Patakis, and Devanshi Patel abandoned jacket and keycard can provide the access the char-
(the disgruntled guests in lab coats) from the lab, giving them acters require, while his antics provide a distraction.
paid time off and tickets to the party. Trevayne’s research has Schreck’s a pale, bald man with a paunch wearing a curiously
progressed while the characters have been investigating, but ill-fitting bespoke suit (he bought it a decade ago and didn’t
only reaches its conclusion in Act 4. Getting to her is the char- have it altered). He sweats when he talks. His keycard is
acters’ priority. They might use the following opportunities. attached to a chain fastened to the inside pocket of his dinner
jacket and provides access to all areas of the building.
Unhappy Scientists
Burke, Chang, Patakis, and Patel are treated as non-
Other Opportunities
combatants (see Chapter 9 of Modern AGE), except that
The security guards also know Trevayne’s location via
each possesses an Intelligence score of 5 and focuses in
briefing and a cell phone app that tracks the secure doors
Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics. They aren’t happy
she’s opened. Each of them has passes that provide access
about being here because Trevayne evicted them from the
throughout the building, giving characters with them the
lab, ruining their experiments into organic polymer energy
means to reach Lab #1.
storage. They’ll explain their research field in alienating
detail to anyone who cares to listen. Maintaining at least If you want to spice up this scene a bit more, you may have
a façade of interest changes their attitudes from Neutral members of the Society of Perugia and the Golden Thorn
to Friendly. They’ll also turn Friendly in response to any appear, using their own tickets. At this point, they realize
number of social overtures. Burke is lonely and interested they’ve been betrayed by Trevayne and are eager to find the
in women; Patakis is an enormous fan of Star Trek; Chang Warflower themselves.
is passionate about ballroom dancing (though he isn’t any Finally, you can place multiple characters from the auction at
good at it); and Patel is an outspoken Socialist. They indicate the party, including Shane Booth, Azazel McMillen, and Anne
their interests in casual conversation. Once Friendly, they’ll Monet.
freely grouse about Trevayne taking over Lab #1. Each of
them has a keycard providing access to the lab and through Act 4
the areas the characters must traverse to get there, pinned to
the lab coats they’re wearing in silent protest. These could be
pickpocketed without too much trouble. If the GM wishes, Harvesting the
Martin Schreck drops by to give the scientists a hard time for
their outfits, telling them to get changed. They won’t. Warflower
By this point, the characters should have the knowledge and
Martin Schreck means to get to Lab #1. Assuming they can evade security at
the party, this is an uneventful trip. Touchscreens on every
TrevTech’s CTO (non-combatant except for an Intelligence of
floor provide maps of all relevant areas, so the characters
4 with the Business, Computers, and Law focuses and a Will-
won’t get lost.
power of 2 with the Self-Discipline focus) feels as if he’s been
left hanging by the company’s other executives. TrevTech’s Lab #1 can be found on the 9th floor behind a tough steel door.
public relations team is in Bangalore opening TrevTech India Several NPCs have passes that will unlock the door. Failing
(he should be there, but his nude, lewd behavior in the past that, a successful TN 14 Intelligence (Security or Electronics)
prevented that). Not long ago, Trevayne, who already dodges test will provide access. Alternately, a few rounds of brute
most PR work, shut herself in Lab #1 and didn’t even take her force can break open the door but will alert Trevayne and her
phone with her as far as he can tell. He has a Neutral attitude guards. Upon entry, read or paraphrase the following:
to the characters and is seen refusing champagne, awkwardly
explaining, “I’m not an alcoholic. I just get intense when I Lab #1 is a 30-foot-by-30-foot chamber filled with gleaming
drink.” Schreck is infamous for not being able to handle his robotic scientific equipment, cabinets, refrigerators, and
liquor. Getting two drinks into the man (which may require a numerous workstations. Everything is clad in polished stain-
Communications (Persuasion or Deception) test vs his Will- less steel, including the counter where a woman with a severe
power (Self-Discipline), modified by attitude) unhinges him; brown hairdo inspects an ancient, leather-bound book under
he spills the beans on Trevayne. As he tells it, she’s: the only bank of lights that’s been turned on. An unsheathed
medieval long sword lies in front of the book. Leafing through
• “Obsessed with medieval garbage—we’re in cutting-edge
its pages, she takes notes on a tablet using a thick black stylus
tech, not some goddamn Game of Thrones fan club, right?”
while maintaining an expression of extreme concentration.
• “Spending millions on stupid old books and artifacts—old Two people—a man and a woman—stand on either side of her,
flasks and nonsense. She packs it all in Lab #1. That’s where clad in modern body armor with machine pistols holstered.
she is now.”
Trevayne’s elite guards will immediately draw their guns and
• “On drugs. I don’t even know what. Woman never sleeps.” aim at intruders they become aware of but won’t open fire—yet.

14 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

Stealthy Player Characters can take advantage of the low light
and bulky lab equipment to sneak up close. If a firefight breaks
out, the characters can hide behind steel-clad equipment for
any degree of cover they choose. This will prompt the guards—
and Amanda Trevayne, if she must—to fight hand to hand.
Thanks to dramatic convenience, Trevayne is just finishing
her work on the Warflower. If the characters seem especially
dangerous, she’ll hit a panic button to call other guards. The
first group of 1d3 takes 1d6+4 rounds to arrive; other groups
of 1d3 show up at intervals of 1d3+1 rounds. Clever PCs may
wish to find some way of changing the door’s security settings
or jury-rigging it to limit intrusion. When its door is closed, the
lab is shielded against wireless transmissions in or out.
Amanda Trevayne is curious about the Player Characters,
doesn’t want anyone or anything to get shot, and will engage
the characters in conversation first, if she can. Her first offer
is $2 million, split among the investigators, if they concoct a
story clearing Trevayne of suspicion—one she’s happy to help
them develop as soon as she finishes her work, which she can
complete in a minute or two.
This finale will end through negotiation or combat, based on
Trevayne’s motives and the characters’ actions, but it would take
some extreme leverage to get her to give the Warflower up. Direct
evidence of her wrongdoing, beyond what she can suppress
through her sway with the mayor and police, might do it.
Why does she want the Warflower, anyway? Choose from
among the following possibilities.

Option 1

Martial Arts Secrets

Telekinesis psychic power. She gains 17 power points to
In this scenario, the Warflower contains the unexpurgated spend on kinetic strike and move object. See page 105 of
secrets of ancient European swordsmanship. Obsessed with Modern AGE for information about these powers.
self-actualization through the martial arts, Trevayne became
a remarkably skilled practitioner but sought secrets beyond Option 2
mere physical performance. For the past few days, Trevayne’s
been practicing techniques from its pages, the exercises it
recommends, and special meditation methods. If you go for Immortality
this option, the back half of the lab has been cleared of equip-
ment and two other sharp swords hang from a nearby wall. In this scenario, Trevayne has found what her associates in the
These are for the use of Trevayne’s guards, who’ve been her Golden Thorn claim to search for: the secret of eternal youth.
sparring partners. The Warflower’s teachings on alchemy contain a formula that
produces the “Philosopher’s Stone,” which in its treatment
Having continually researched the Warflower since acquiring
of the subject is an elixir which transforms the “base” mortal
it (and with the help of custom stimulants to remain sleepless
body of the imbiber to a “gold” form, which never suffers from
and attentive throughout), Trevayne believes she’s attained
illness or old age and shrugs off injury. Trevayne has discov-
that next level of mastery and is now committing the book’s
ered the formula is sound but would have been almost impos-
material to memory. After that, she plans on keeping the book
sible to manufacture without modern scientific equipment.
for herself. She doesn’t want to share her newfound skills
with anyone, partly to maintain an advantage and partly to She intends to refine the formula and release it as an anti-
punish D’Agati for being an unworthy teacher. aging medication. As it stands now, it has “some side effects
preventing its marketability.” If pressed, she grabs the edges
The nature of her mastery depends on whether you want the of her face and pulls, revealing a mass of scar tissue. The elixir
Warflower to confer supernatural ability or not. Choose one of causes the body to treat itself as if it’s always injured, and as a
the options below. result it produces these malformed tissues, as she discovered
• Mundane: Trevayne attains the Master rank of the when she used it on herself. While she uses this as an argument
Martial Artist Specialization. She now gains 2 SP for a to justify keeping the Warflower to herself, she also wants exclu-
successful Fighting-based stunt attack instead of 1. sive control over the formula and its derivatives.
• Supernatural: Trevayne learns a secret skill called the Unfortunately, another side effect of the elixir is constant pain
“Sword of the Spirit.” This is the Novice rank of the and adrenal stimulus, because Trevayne’s body constantly

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 15

acts as if it’s in a life or death crisis. If the characters refuse to The arbiter of the characters’ success in the end is Marco
cooperate, she flies into a rage, grabs her sword, and attacks Iannucci. If the PCs bring back the Warflower, he rewards
with adrenaline-fueled vigor. them; each character gains +1 Resources and a permanent ally
who knows how to move things across international borders.
Effects of the Elixir If they fail, Iannucci’s reaction varies depending on the
circumstances. He respects a hard-fought effort even if it fails,
In this scenario, add +2 to Trevayne’s Constitution and but if it looks like the characters took a payoff or succumbed
Strength and +1 to her Fighting, but reduce her Communica- to intimidation, he’s done with them. If they bring sufficient
tions and Willpower to 0. Furthermore, she gains +10 Health ruin on his life, he might even ask certain violent, less-than-
and the stunt Regenerate, where for every SP spent, she law-abiding contacts to mete out punishment.
recovers 2 points of Health.

Option 3 Adversaries
Greek Fire & Other NPCs
The following NPCs figure in this adventure. In addition, use
This is the option of choice if you wish to run this as a straightfor- characters from Chapter 9 of Modern AGE where required.
ward espionage game. Trevayne may be interested in medieval Security guards as listed on pages 138-139 of the Modern AGE
swordplay and mysticism, but her real interest in the Warflower Basic Rulebook come up repeatedly.
is chemical. It contains the genuine formula for Greek Fire, as
used by the Byzantine Empire. Long thought lost, Greek Fire Marco Iannucci
was believed to be a napalm-like substance the empire’s mili-
Marco is a non-combatant: a shrewd businessman who
tary used in naval engagements. It would continue to burn even
traded in a History PhD for life as an antiquities dealer. Marco
after being drenched with water. Amanda Trevayne believed
has friends and contacts all over the world and is fluent in
Greek Fire was more than a simple incendiary weapon, and she
multiple languages (as many as the GM finds convenient).
was right. The true Greek Fire is a ballotechnic substance; when
He’s a strapping 44-year-old man with dirty blond hair, who
subjected to pressure it produces heat, and it has an energy
would be well-dressed if he weren’t constantly rolling up
density close to that produced by a lithium-oxygen chemical cell.
his sleeves and loosening his tie to get a better look at the
Trevayne can use the formula to produce several revolutionary
valuables he trades. Marco has an encyclopedic knowledge
energy-sector and military technologies, but if it’s discovered to
of European history, but tends to be absent-minded and only
have come from an ancient book, it won’t be patentable. While
calls upon his knowledge when prompted. Iannucci is a bit
she plans to keep the book if she can, she would rather destroy
of a cheapskate with anyone he considers to be less impor-
it than let it be copied. Unfortunately, she can’t help but brag
tant than himself—but he does respect the PCs enough to pay
about the discovery—and ups her bribe offer to include perma-
them well.
nent positions as “consultants.” If the characters refuse, this is
a secret Trevayne is willing to kill for, though she can’t rely on Marco has a sister, Maria, an art historian who works for
anyone but herself and her two guards to carry it out. In such a Iannucci’s part time. The following statistics fit her as well.
case, she might avoid calling for backup.
Numerous samples of reddish-black liquid in sealed test Marco Iannucci
tubes stand throughout the lab. If the Stunt Die scores 1 on a Accuracy 0, Communication 4 (Bargaining, Persuasion),
failed ranged attack or a test tube is subjected to sudden force, Constitution 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0,
it explodes, inflicting 3d6 damage in a five-foot radius in the Intelligence 4 (Art, Business, History, Research),
form of a fiery shockwave. Perception 3 (Empathy), Strength 1, Willpower 0

Aftermath The Society of Perugia

The characters in this section are associated with the Society
After combat or clever conversations, the characters either
of Perugia.
recover the Warflower, witness its destruction, or accede to
Trevayne’s efforts to keep them quiet. If the characters have Gianni D’Agati
direct evidence of her worst wrongdoings—complicity in
theft and murder—it overrides any sway she has over the Gianni D’Agati is the leader of the Society of Perugia. He
city and police. If she’s sure to be convicted, the source of styles himself as a descendant of Italian nobility and the lineal
her power vanishes, since it depends on her ability to control inheritor of his martial arts tradition. He has, in the past,
TrevTech operations and resources. That influence wouldn’t even implied he was secretly taught medieval martial arts by
survive criminal charges where an indictment seemed likely. uncles from the Old Country who maintained the tradition.
If that happens, the characters can expect low-key gratitude In fact, he never went to Italy until college, and changed his
from the mayor’s office and a warning to keep their mouths name to D’Agati (it was Russo) after finding in swordplay
shut about the degree to which Amanda Trevayne interfered a way to deal with his insecurities and become a new man.
with city business. The characters probably made enemies in D’Agati’s not as good a sword fighter as his best students but
the Golden Thorn or among the eccentric martial artists of the is a decent teacher. Julie Horn remains loyal, but Amanda
Society of Perugia, providing grounds for future conflict. Trevayne outgrew his teachings and told him so, bluntly.

16 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

Julie Horn Gianni D’Agati
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy 0 Accuracy
0 Communication (Leadership) 3 Communication (Leadership)
3 Constitution 2 Constitution
2 Dexterity 2 Dexterity
Fighting (Grappling, Heavy Blades, 3 Fighting (Grappling, Heavy Blades, Light Blades)
Light Blades, Long Hafted) 2 Intelligence (History)
0 Intelligence 0 Perception
0 Perception 3 Strength
2 Strength 2 Willpower (Morale)
3 Willpower (Morale, Self-Discipline)
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness 12 22 16 31 12 12 12 0I/0B 2 2 2
12 23 33 48 12 13 13 3I/0B 2 2 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage*
Weapon Attack Roll Damage* Long Sword +5 2d6+4
Long Sword +6 2d6+5 Dagger +5 1d6+4
Dagger +6 1d6+5 Grappling Grip +5 1d3+4
Grappling Grip +6 1d3+5
* Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
Pole Axe (Blunted) +6 2d6+9
Special Qualities
* Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
Favored Stunts: Momentum (1-3 SP; effects as if 1 more
Special Qualities SP is spent than is actually spent), Vicious Blow (1 SP with
Favored Stunts: Momentum (1-3 SP; effects as if 1 more two-handed weapons)
SP is spent than is actually spent), Vicious Blow (1 SP with Talents: Two-Handed Style (Expert), Martial Artist
two-handed weapons) (Novice)
Talents: Two-Handed Style (Expert), Martial Artist Equipment: Long Sword, Dagger, Cell Phone
(Expert), Overwhelm (Expert)
Threat: Minor
Equipment: Long Sword, Dagger, Blunted Pole Axe (on
rack), Padded Fencing Jacket with Plastic Hardpoints
(3I/0B armor, no armor penalty) Society of Perugia Fighters
Threat: Moderate Abilities (Focuses)
Accuracy 0, Communication 0, Constitution 2,
D’Agati is a slender, fit, black-haired, ethnically European Dexterity 2, Fighting 2 (Grappling, Heavy Blades),
man in his late 30s. He dresses the way he thinks a dispos- Intelligence-1, Perception 0, Strength 2 (Intimidation),
sessed Italian aristocrat should: in suits a bit too loud for Willpower 1 (Morale)
fashion, with a scarf instead of a tie and numerous large rings
on his fingers. When training, he dresses in 15th-century Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
clothing; doublet, hose, and all. 12 12 16 21 12 12 12 0I/0B 2 2 2

Julie Horn Weapon Attack Roll Damage*

Long Sword +4 2d6+2
Julie Horn is the Society’s most talented remaining student,
and utterly loyal to D’Agati. She will fight to the death to Grappling Grip +4 1d3+2
protect him using any means necessary, but relishes the * Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
chance to prove herself in “honorable combat”: one-on-one,
using close combat techniques. She’s six feet tall, slender, Special Qualities
athletic like a pole vault champion, and has light-skinned, Favored Stunts: Parry (1-3 SP), Vicious Blow (2 SP)
sharp features with a rough blond pixie haircut and blue eyes.
Talents: Overwhelm (Novice), Two-Handed Style (Novice)
Society of Perugia Fighters Equipment: Long Sword. In the Society’s school, they also
have access to other melee weapons and padded jackets
These are students of the Society of Perugia. They’re fit and (2I/0B armor, no armor penalty).
have elementary sword training, but aren’t the brightest folks
around—if they were, they would have heeded rumors and Threat: Minor
joined a better school.

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 17

The Golden Thorn ties. Van Camp is an attractive, slender woman in her 30s with
long, curly black hair, blue eyes, and light brown skin.
The characters in this section are associated with the Golden
Thorn. Oliver
Oliver is the Chemist’s henchman and lover. He was jealous
The Chemist of Amanda Trevayne and, to protect the Chemist, might give
Known as “the Chemist,” Lisa Van Camp has an unparal- Trevayne up. He’s a giant man with a facial tattoo of the
leled understanding of mind-altering drugs and a belief that Golden Thorn’s symbol. He has Indigenous North American
consciousness expansion is the key to remolding the body— features, a shaved head, and deep wrinkles from hard living.
that the properly enhanced mind can command the body.
Amanda Trevayne met her due to shared interests in self- Golden Thorn Gangsters
improvement and drug-induced performance enhancement. These are the Golden Thorn’s errand-runners and thugs. They
They were briefly lovers and Trevayne was an unenthusiastic come from all genders and ethnicities. They wear athletic and
second in command, performing rituals in disguise, but the street styles, sometimes printed or accented with the Golden
two had a falling out over the Golden Thorn’s illegal activi- Thorn’s symbol.

The Chemist TrevTech

Abilities (Focuses)
These characters are associated with TrevTech.
1 Accuracy
Communication (Gambling, Leadership,
Amanda Trevayne
Persuasion) At a broad-shouldered 5’6”, Amanda Trevayne has pale skin,
1 Constitution (Tolerance) bright green eyes, and brown hair with a styled streak of
gray. Trevayne wears high-end formal or athletic wear which
2 Dexterity (Crafting)
0 Fighting Oliver
Intelligence (Biology, Chemistry, Occultism,
4 Abilities (Focuses)
1 Perception 2 Accuracy (Pistols)
0 Strength 0 Communication
4 Willpower (Faith, Self-Discipline) 3 Constitution (Tolerance)
2 Dexterity (Driving, Stealth)
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
2 Fighting (Brawling, Short-Hafted)
12 16 18 23 12 12 12 0I/0B 0 0 0
1 Intelligence
Weapon Attack Roll Damage*
1 Perception
Stun Gun +1 1d6
4 Strength (Intimidate, Might)
Brawling Strike 0 1d3
2 Willpower (Courage, Morale)
* Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
Special Qualities
12 20 35 50 12 12 13 0I/0B 3 4 4
Favored Stunts: Click “Share,” Collateral Damage, High-
Tech Hustle, Whatever’s Handy Weapon Attack Roll Damage*
Talents: Improvisation (Expert), Maker (Expert), Theory SA Handgun +4 2d6+1
and Practice (Novice) Stun Baton +4 1d6+6
Behold My Creation: The Chemist can make a TN 9 Hammer +4 1d6+6
Dexterity (Crafting) test as a major action to create a hazard
Brawling Strike +4 1d3+6
(see Handling Hazards in Chapter 8 of Modern AGE) on
the fly. Its hazard category corresponds to the result on the * Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
Stunt Die (Minor for 1, Moderate for 2, etc.); the GM deter- Special Qualities
mines the other details based on the invention or scientific
wonder unleashed. Favored Stunts: Adrenaline Rush (1-3 SP), Shock and Awe
Minions: The Chemist gains a +1 to Defense for each ally (3 SP), Vicious Blow (2 SP)
she has present in the scene (maximum +5). Talents: Pinpoint Attack (Novice), Overwhelm (Expert)
Equipment: Stun Gun, Various Drugs and Chemicals, Equipment: SMG, Partial Ballistic Plate, Cell Phone, Stun
Smartphone Baton, Hammer

Threat: Minor Threat: Moderate

18 Modern AGE Missions: Warflower

contains bullet-resistant aramid fibers devised by TrevTech.
Elite Guards
Efficient, confident movements indicate her physical prowess.
Trevayne has always been a genius but, having brought herself Kira Fong (Asian, F, 25, dyed red hair, brown eyes) and Mark
up from nothing (she went to university on a scholarship, DesJardins (white, 28, M, brown hair and eyes, long scars on
having come from a destitute family), she is aware that talent either side of face) are military veterans who carried out the
isn’t enough and aims for personal perfection. This quest has Warflower heist and other unsavory actions out of uncom-
taken her to martial arts, philosophy, occult metaphysics, and promising loyalty to Amanda Trevayne. Fong has a brain
cutting-edge science. Other people are a means to that end. tumor kept under control by drugs developed by TrevTech,
and DesJardins’ face was reconstructed with the aid of bone-
regenerating technologies his boss invented. They can’t be
Amanda Trevayne intimidated into leaving her side.
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy Golden Thorn Gangsters
4 Communication (Bargaining, Leadership) Abilities (Focuses)
3 Constitution
Accuracy 1, Communication 0, Constitution 2,
3 Dexterity (Crafting, Initiative) Dexterity 2, Fighting 2 (Brawling), Intelligence -1,
Fighting (Grappling, Heavy Blades, Perception 0, Strength 2 (Intimidation), Willpower 1
Light Blades, Long-Hafted)
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
Intelligence (Business, Chemistry, Computers,
5 12 12 16 21 12 12 12 4I/0B 2 2 2
Electronics, Medicine, Occultism)
3 Perception (Empathy) Weapon Attack Roll Damage*
3 Strength Pocket Pistol +1 1d6
4 Willpower (Courage, Self-Discipline) Knuckle Dusters +4 1d3+3
* Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
12 30 40 55 13 14 14 2I/4B 2 2 3 Special Qualities

Weapon Attack Roll Damage* Favored Stunts: Adrenaline Rush (1-3 SP), Vicious Blow
(2 SP)
Long Sword +7 2d6+5
Equipment: Pocket Pistol, Cell Phone, Drug Packets
Grappling Grip +7 1d3+5
SMG 0 2d6 Threat: Minor

* Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.

Elite Guards
Special Qualities
Abilities (Focuses)
Favored Stunts: All According to Plan (3 SP; see below),
Filthy Rich (3 SP; see below), Knock Prone (2 SP, 1 SP if Accuracy 3 (Assault Rifles, SMGs, Pistols),
opponent is grappled), Momentum (1-3 SP; effects as if 1 Communication 2, Constitution 3 (Stamina),
more SP is spent than is actually spent), Vicious Blow (1 SP Dexterity 2 (Driving, Stealth), Fighting 2 (Brawling),
with two-handed weapons) Intelligence 1, Perception 1 (Hearing), Strength 2,
Willpower 2 (Courage, Morale)
All According to Plan Stunt: For 3 SP, Trevayne can
declare that another NPC present in the scene was working Speed Health Defense AR + Toughness
for her all along. That NPC betrays the heroes or produces
12 23 38 53 11 11 12 4I/6B 3 4 4
some information or equipment Trevayne needs right then,
and counts as her ally from then on. Weapon Attack Roll Damage*
Filthy Rich Stunt: For 3 SP, Trevayne can throw her wealth SA Handgun +5 2d6+1
around. She can immediately produce one piece of equip-
SMG +5 2d6+2
ment, hireling, or other resource no matter how expensive
it would be to own or procure, or she may gain a +2 to the * Add +2 to damage in Pulpy and Cinematic modes.
next Communication test she makes that relies on a bribe.
Special Qualities
Minions: Trevayne gains a +1 to Defense for each ally she
has present in the scene (maximum +5). Favored Stunts: Suppressive Fire (1 SP), Skirmish (1+ SP),
Strafe (1-3 SP), Take Cover (1+ SP)
Talents: Martial Artist (Expert), Overwhelm (Master), Self-
Defense Style (Novice), Two-Handed Style (Expert) Talents: Pinpoint Attack (Novice), Tactical Awareness
Equipment: Long Sword, SMG, Bullet-Resistant Cloth,
Smartphone Equipment: SMG, Partial Ballistic Plate, Cell Phone

Threat: Moderate Threat: Moderate

Modern AGE Missions: Warflower 19

An adventure for Modern AGE
Design and Development: Malcolm Sheppard Editing: Samantha Chapman Graphic Design & Art Direction: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Felipe Gaona, Davie Hueso, Mirco Paganessi, Maurice Risulmi, Andrey Vasilchenko
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Team Ronin: Joseph Carriker, Crystal Frasier, Jaym Gates, Kara Hamilton, Troy Hewitt, Steve Kenson,
Ian Lemke, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Malcolm Sheppard,
Will Sobel, Owen K.C. Stephens, Dylan Templar, Veronica Templar, and Barry Wilson
Warflower is ©2020 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way
constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Green Ronin, Modern AGE, and their associated
logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Green Ronin Publishing 3815 S. Othello St., Suite 100 #304 Seattle, WA 98118
Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.greenronin.com
Special Thanks: This adventure began as an offering for the Green Ronin Freebooters running Modern AGE at Gen Con 2018.
Thanks to you, this adventure introduced the game to the world. Thanks!

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