A Detailed Lesson Plan in Literature

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Literature

Prepared By: Ellen Mae Arguillon

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a. Identify the different types of literature.
b. Tell something about the plot of the short story “The gift of Magi”
c. Provide personal experiences which can be a life lesson as what the main
theme of the short story “The Gift of Magi”
d. Appreciate reading literary works.
II. Subject Matter
Literary Focus – “The Gift of Magi” short story by O. Henry first published
in 1905.
Reference –Retrieved http.//www.americanliterature.comhtml
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good morning class” “Good morning Ma’am”

“ Before we start our lesson for today

let us pray first”
(Elara leads the prayer)
“Elara please lead the prayer”

“Please pick-up the pieces of papers

under your chair” (Students pick-up the papers)

“You may sit” (Students are all seated)

“Say present once I call your name” (Students Response)

“Yes Ma’am. We learn about
“How are you today? How was your grammar”
past class? Did you learn something?

“Yes Ma’am”
” Have you heard about this maxim
‘Embrace the power of little things and (Students raising their hands)
you will build a tower of mighty
“Handle the little things well; for they
become the great things.”
“Can some explain this saying to me?”
“Okay Anne kindly explain the maxim”
“In human nature being ambitious is
natural but we can avoid it by having
“Have you ever experience being
contentment in life”

“Yes, exactly. In order for us to be

happy in life we need to learn on how
to feel contented for all the things that
we had ”
(Students listen)
“Today, we are going to discuss a
short story about a young husband
and wife and how they deal with the
challenge of buying secret Christmas
gift for each other with very little
money ”

“But before our story telling I will “Literature is any written works”
discuss first the types of literature”

“Do you guys have an idea about


“So, literature is a term used to

describe written and sometimes
spoken material. It derived from latin
word literature meaning ‘writing
formed with letters’, literature most
commonly refers to works of the
creative imagination, including poetry,
drama, fiction, non-fiction, and in
some instances journalism, and song” “Fable, Fiction and Folklore”

“Now that I already discuss the

meaning of literature it’s time for you
to give me an example of literature.
Can someone give me the types of
“Yes Anne thank you for raising your

“Who else?”
“Poetry and Drama”
“Okay Joan let me hear your thoughts”

“Thank you for answering my

questions. So these are the main
types of literature; The drama, Fable,
Autobiography, Poetry, Prose,
Science Fiction, and Journalism”

“I will give you the meaning of each

type and you can take notes the clue
word so you can easily remember it
because we will having an exam after
the discussion” (Students listen to the discussion)

(Students gets ¼ sheet of paper)

*power point presentation*

“I will give you five minutes to study

the different types of literature and get
¼ sheet of paper” (Students answer the quiz)

Kindly get ¼ sheet of paper and
number it 1-5.
1. It is a verbal or written
language that follows the
natural flow of speech.
2. A genre of speculative fiction
that contains imagined
elements that don’t exist in the
real world.
3. Refers to the performance of
written dialogue and stage
4. It is a narrative form usually
featuring animals that behave
and speak as human beings.
5. Creative nonfiction form that
comes closest to newspaper
and magazine writing.
1. Prose
2. Science Fiction
3. Drama
(Students pass the papers)
4. Fable
5. Journalistic Literature

“Pass your papers, at the count 5 all

papers must be in my hands now”
“The main characters are Della and
*during reading* Jim Dillingham Young. Della
Dillingham Young is a young
“Let’s identify the elements of the housewife. ”
short story. We are going to describe
the characters of the story. The first
one is the main character. Who can
describe the main characters?”

“Okay very good. Our main character

is a young married woman, she is
pretty and charming.” (Students Lissten)
“So the main characters are both

“Although Della and her husband, Jim,

are poor, Della wants to buy him a
nice gift, so she sells her beautiful hair
to earn money” (Students Listen)

“Okay class, let’s move on to the plot

of the story”

 The Gift of the Magi is a classic

Christmas story that is often
retold in television and movies.
Della and Jim are a young,
married couple who have little
money to afford gifts but are
determined to give each other
special presents on Christmas
day. Della has long, beautiful
hair that she loves, but she
opts to sell it to afford a gift for
Jim. She buys him a chain for
his pocket watch, an item he
loves as she loves her hair.

 Della gives Jim the chain, and

he's forced to admit that he,
too, sold his most valued
possession—his watch—to
afford a gift for her. He “The main conflict is that Della dos
produces hair combs he bought not have enough money saved to
for Della, which she can no buy gift she thinks Jim deserves”
longer use because she sold
her hair. Both Della and Jim “Students Answer”
love one another more than
they value their treasured

“So now class, what do you think is

the conflict of the story?” “Appreciating them is important
because it will lead us to the higher
“Very good. Who can give an event in level of understanding”
your life where you can relate to the
story? And what do you think is the
lesson of that certain event?”

Literary Works “Florante and Laura by Francis

“Since we’ve tackled about the types Balagats”
of literature let’s take a chance on
appreciating literary works.”

“Can someone explain why we should

appreciate literary works?”

“Very good”

“Who can give me examples of

famous filipino literary works?”

“Thank you. So there are lots of

literary works in our country including
Ilustrado by Miguel Syjuco, Noli Me
Tangere by Dr. Jose Rizal and Mga
Ibong Mandaragit by Amado V. Reyes
and many more”

IV. Evaluation
1. What is the book “The gift of Magi” all about?
2. What message does the story “The gift of Magi” teach us?
3. To whom did Della sell her hair?
4. What are the major themes in “The Gift of Magi”?
5. What is Della’s husband profession?
6. How do the characters in the story develop enhance the theme?
7. How do the characters’ actions, thoughts, and conflicts contribute to the
8. What do you think is the most important part of the book?
9. What choices did the characters have?
10. Give 5 examples of literature.


1. The story tells of a young husband and wife and how they deal with the challenge
of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with a very little money.
2. The gift of the Magi teaches us the meaning of true love.
3. Della sells her hair to Madame Sofronia for twenty-one dollars which was just
enough to buy a platinum fob chain from which costs twenty-one dollars.
4. The main themes of the story are generosity, love, wealth. Generosity drives both
Jim and Della, who, despite living in poverty, want to give each other meaningful
5. Jim’s job is not so great. He’s the only bread winner for the Dillingham Young
family (that is, him and Della), and it seems he works long hours, but his salary is
6. It makes them willing to sacrifice their most prized possessions in order to buy a
gift for the other person. Both show they value their relationship more than
material things.
7. In the story Della does not have enough money saved to buy the gift she thinks
Jim deserves.
8. The main idea of the story is that the value of the gift is in the giver, rather than
the gift itself. Della and Jim, out of their love for each other, purchased a gift that
required them to sacrifice something that was precious to them.
9. Though Della and her husband, Jim, are poor, Della still wants to buy him a nice
gift, so she sells her beautiful hair to earn money.
10. Folktale, Nonfiction, Drama, Poetry and Fiction.

v. Assignment

Write essay about the importance of literature.

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