Terna Engineering College: Class: TE Sem.: VI
Terna Engineering College: Class: TE Sem.: VI
Terna Engineering College: Class: TE Sem.: VI
Class: TE Sem.: VI
Experiment No.02
(Students must submit the soft copy as per following segments within two hours of the practical. The soft
copy must be uploaded on the Blackboard or emailed to the concerned lab in charge faculties at the end
of the practical in case the there is no Black board access available)
B.1. Output:
3. Factorization attack:
If attacker will able to know P and Q using N, then he could find out value of private key.
This can be failed when N contains at least 300 longer digits in decimal terms, attacker
will not able to find. Hence it fails.
These input to the function will provide us with the output signature containing two
components – ‘s’ and ‘r’. Therefore, the original message concatenated with the signature is
sent to the receiver.
Receiver Side:
At the receiver end, verification of the sender is done. The hash code of the sent message is
generated. There is a verification function which takes the following inputs –
B.4. Conclusion:
Hence, a program to implement RSA algorithm and Digital Signature scheme using RSA
has been executed using Python.