Observation of Other'S Uniqueness: Let's Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 20 Minutes
Observation of Other'S Uniqueness: Let's Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 20 Minutes
Observation of Other'S Uniqueness: Let's Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 20 Minutes
1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person? Which of
thedescriptions is the most observable?
Yes. The most observable characteristic is whether the person is lively or reserved, because it
is basically about a person's introversion or extroversion. Being lively and reserved are
examples of the person's behavior that can be measured and observed.
Being a thinker or a producer is the most difficult to observe. Because these two features
might coexist, defining either of them are challenging. A person can think first, then act, or
think while acting.
3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among these three
Copy the following table on a sheet of paper. How will you support others in the given
situations? Write your answer in each column.
Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually
A new I will him/ her if I will make I will be his/her I will uplift
classmate with he/she requires him/her feel like friend so that his/her spirit by
a physical assistance with he/she belongs or he/she will not feel telling to him/her
disability the tasks that part of the group awkward that his/her
he/she is finding when he/she feels socializing to other disability is not a
difficult. lonely or people. hindrance on
awkward. what he/she
wants to achieve.
A friend who I can support him I will show him I will be at his/her I will tell and
lost his parents by givng him/her that I am always side while she make him/her
due to basic needs like by his side by deals with her feel that despite
accident. food or shelter. helping him/her to relatives she will of the tragedy,
Because I know process the buring not feel alone. there’s so much
that because of of his/her parents. beatiful things
the situation, that the life has to
he/she might not offer. I will tell
thought about him/her that
those things. his/her parents
are now happy
wherever they are
right now.
A neighbor I will talk to him I will help him/her I will introduce I will tell
who chose to so that he can emotionally by him/her to other him/her that
stop schooling continue his telling him that people that he/she can do it.
for studies even despite of his/her gradutated while Just believe in
employment though he is hardships, there’s a working so he/she
working. sweet reward for it will feel
in the future. motivated.
A sibling who I will let him/her I will let him know I influence him to I will teach him
spends most of know that that he can play just play outside or to have fun in
his/her time excessive use of but he/she should do some physical other activities
playing online gadgets and put a limit. activities. I will without being
games spending time also encourage succumb to
playing online him/her to read gadgets and make
games is not good books which will him/her reflect to
for his/her health. be good for spend his/her
It is also not good him/her. time on valuable
to focus too much things.
on the screen of
the gadgets.
A friend who I will talk to him I will give my I will ask his/her I will tell to
plans to leave about what friend an advice to talk to his/her him/her that
their house happened so that that he/she can use parents and whatever their
because of a I can help him. in making a siblings so that problem is, they
family problem decision, and I will they can fix their are still his/her
make him feel that problem without family and they
I am always by his having to let one will acknowledge
side and ready to member of their what his/her say
help him whatever family depart. on their problem.
his/her decision.
A new group I wil help her/him I will give him/her I will accompany I will pray for
member who by listening to advice and I will him for a walk so him, and I will
loses hope his/her problems also talk to him to that he will not also tell to his/her
because of or anything be brave and not think about the that he/she should
many he/she wants to lose hope. problems that he is seek guidance to
problems talk about, to having. I will ask by pray for
reduce the weight him/her what himself so that he
of what he/she his/her problems may have peace
feels. so that I can lift of mind and get
some burdens out of the
he/she’s carrying problem that he is
inside. despairing of.
A cousin from I will help I will talk to I will introduce I tell her/him that
an ethnic her/him to adjust her/him so that him/her to my accept her
Processing Questions:
I found out that my responses mirror what I’ve learned along with experience and previous
teachings. It shows that I can put what I've learned into practice.
I think a friend who plans to leave their house because of a family problem. About the
situation, we don’t know what the real reason of the problem, why he would rather just leave
his family than talk to them to fix their problem.
A new classmate with a physical disability. Because of daily life we meet some people with
disabilityand it is not a difficult to give them support.
I understood that we humans are capable of having all types of issues, and we are quite
fortunate because other people's situations are truly bad.
You Can Do It
Suggested Time Allotment: 30 minutes
“I Care” Policies
Copy the table below on a separate sheet of paper. Write at least five policies at home, in
school, in the community or online that you personally do to respect individual differences.
Answer the processing questions after.
Processing Questions:
1. How do you compare your answers in each column?
To know policies in my own , we can readily distinguish what other regulations they have inside and
outside the house, or even in the community on the village.
In school. Having a lot of policy is a nice realization for people due to the different respects that need
to be followed.
3. What made you practice such ways to respect individual differences and care for others?
To get or learn the various policies that need to be followed, one needs to live life.
Write a 3-5 paragragh essay that answer the question below on a sheet of paper.
Everyone in our world has had a unique background and life experience. As a result, it's no longer
surprising if everyone has a strange difference. There are several ways to commemorate this in a
meaningful way.
To begin, we might ask our friends or both to join in sharing one other's characteristics to
celebrate our significant differences. It might be about culture, about each other's families, or
something as simple as likes and dislikes. Also, we may celebrate our own uniqueness by accepting our
own variations. Once we embrace our own uniqueness, we can be liberated of all our worries, and
being free of insecurities is definitely a cause for joy.
Lastly, we can celebrate our individual differences by accepting other people's differences. It is
not enough that we only accept our own individual differences. It is very important also that we accept
other people's differences.