Research Topics in Education
Research Topics in Education
Research Topics in Education
education. Here are some ideas for your research, as well as how to get started.
By collecting data and performing analysis, those who address research topics in education can help to
change the scope and quality of education around the world. Education research aims to develop new
and improved teaching methods to resolve issues in learning and enhance overall understanding on
behalf of students from all backgrounds, as well as discover the environments in which they learn best.
By approaching education with a scientific eye, education research involves the collection and analysis of
data related to education. Using a variety of methods, education research may involve the evaluation of
teaching methods, classroom dynamics, teacher training, student learning and more addressable
Source: Unsplash
Since education involves so many moving parts and individuals from all different walks of life,
experience levels and personal backgrounds, education research topics are vast and forever evolving.
That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the field so that your research can
play a role in helping to shape the future of education.
Ability Grouping
Ability grouping, or tracking, is the practice of pairing students together based on their abilities rather
than age. In early childhood education, this is easier to do, but as time progresses and students develop
at varying rates, it becomes harder to incorporate in a school setting successfully. You can look at how to
strategically assess and define ability levels to group students beneficially, as well as how teachers can
prepare lessons based on ability level.
Blended Learning
Blended learning is the mixture of online educational methods with traditional in-person practices. It
combines a teacher’s presence with a student’s responsibility to take control of their own time to learn.
This is a different style of learning than what University of the People offers, as everything at UoPeople
is completely online. Blended learning is hybrid learning.
The research on busing examines the impact of bringing students from different districts to a school via
buses. It may examine how this impacts student life, as well as the overall educational outcome for the
institution. Busing began as a practice to decrease school segregation, but it continues to be a
controversial and often analyzed situation in many public schools.
Class Sizes
As a growing problem, the supply of teachers worldwide falls short of the student demand. Therefore,
class sizes are increasing. But how does a bigger student-to-teacher ratio impact learning? That’s what
educational research aims to find out.
Computer Literacy
The growing reliance on technology and computers means that students worldwide should be prepared
and taught how to use them. However, different countries and school districts have different access.
Research on the topic looks at how computer literacy within the classroom affects a student’s present
learning and future capabilities.
Is preschool important, and if so, why? Education research utilizes various methods to analyze this and
more. It examines the system at various levels since there are multiple jobs in early childhood education.
Home Schooling
Do homeschoolers perform better? What percentage of those who were homeschooled go to college?
This and many more questions may be answered by conducting statistics surrounding the differences
between homeschooled students and those who attend traditional educational settings.
Learning Styles
There are said to be 4 different learning styles in education, including: visual learners, auditory learners,
reading/writing preference and kinesthetic. With the diversity of students, different learning styles and
teaching methods may be effective for one student and not another. So how do institutions and schools
devise teaching methods that work? Understanding and testing learning styles could be the answer.
Merit Pay
Should teachers be paid based on their performance or should every teacher receive a standard salary?
There has been a lot of controversy over merit pay and how to record the effectiveness of a teacher’s
work. Therefore, the research topic of merit pay is timely and important.
Standardized Testing
Regardless of where you are from or what you study, there’s a high chance you’ve had to take a
standardized test in your educational career. But are standardized tests fair and accurate? If
standardized testing did not exist, how would school districts and governments evaluate the
effectiveness of public education? These are questions that education research around standardized
testing looks to answer because they have serious monetary implications.
Source: Unsplash
With the progression of technology and advent of online learning, novel teaching methods and learning
practices are only expanding. It’s important to assess the success of various methods to optimize
student learning outcomes.
If this insight into education research is appealing to you, you may find yourself asking, “Great, so how
do I get started in Education Research?”
Most degrees in Education Research require at least a Bachelor’s in Education or a related field like
Statistics. However, for those who want to lead in positions, publish research and work in high-level
roles, a Master’s degree is more often than not listed as a requirement.
Luckily, you can earn your Master’s degree in Education online! What’s it like earning a Master’s degree
in Education at an online institution?
Well, at University of the People, the program involves a lot of peer-to-peer interaction despite being
100% online. The online nature means that students can flexibly study according to their schedule with
nothing more than an internet connection.
The program is designed to span fives terms in the academic year from September through August and
requires about 15-17 hours per week per course. As a tuition-free university, UoPeople’s Master’s in
Education costs roughly $2,660, which is a relatively low cost to be able to enter the wonderful world of
education research at such a high level.
Ready to Go?
With your degree in Education or a related field, you can decide on what research topics you want to
dive into based on your interests, or maybe even based on your own experience in teaching.
The future of education research topics changes with the evolving nature of educational practices, but
the good news is that there is always something to address and make better when it comes to the field
of education.