Module 1 Irrigation
Module 1 Irrigation
Module 1 Irrigation
Module 1 of 8
This is a work in progress; the module preparer tried all efforts to comply with the
copyright requirements, appropriate credits, and citations. In the future versions and
revisions of this module, the author will try to incorporate corrections, improvements,
and missed credits/citations based on reviews and assessments of the users and
readers of this module.
PREFACE Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
The course covers soil-water relation, different irrigation methods and various
technologies, estimation of consumptive use, conveyance of irrigation water,
drainage of excess water, and sizing of conveyance structures.
Number of Units 3 units of lecture PSG for BSCE Page 111 of 120 for Lecture
and Laboratory
The prerequisite is 4th year standing.
1) Santosh Kumar Gard; Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic
Structures; Khanna; Publishing; 2006 PSG for BSCE Page 112 of 120
2) Sharma, R.K. and Sharma, T.K.;
2) Irrigation Engineering; Chand Publisher; New Delhi, India; 2007 3)
Hargreaves, G, and Merkley, G.; Irrigation Fundamentals; Water
Resource Publications; USA; 2014
Links to YouTube videos and online lectures shall be provided as we go along
the course of this module.
General Objectives?
At the end of this course, the student is expected to:
1. Discuss soil-water relation, enumerate and discuss method of
measuring soil moisture.
2. Enumerate and discuss the different types of irrigation systems
3. Perform calculation related to movement of water into the soil.
4. Perform calculation to determine the size of irrigation canals/pipes
5. Estimate consumptive use of water using evaporation and
evapotranspiration formulas.
How is this module organized?
Module 3 is about 5) Flow of Water into and Through Soils; and 6) Salt
Problems in Soil and Water;
Module 5 is about 9) Sprinkler and Trickle Irrigation, and 10) Surface and
Subsurface Irrigation;
Module 7 teaches about 14) Pumping Water for Irrigation and Drainage
Module 8 is about 16) Water Measurement, and 17) Legal and Administrative
Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage.
How to use this module??
The new normal has restricted our means and access to face-to-face learning, so we
must adapt. We believe knowledge can be pro-active and built instead of being
passively absorbed. By way of a constructivist approach to learning, you can actively
construct your knowledge through the experiences, involvements, and participation
you will gain in reading and answering these modules.
To finish this course and be able to gain all the competencies and skills, you are
expected to demonstrate the learning outcomes stated in this module. It is suggested
that you should take time to read the module, actively solve all the exercises, watch
the recommended videos, read the recommended pdf files and eBooks, and
participate in the online sessions. The new normal affords us limited to no face-to-face
classes, which might happen for the whole semester. Therefore, you are learning, and
achievement will significantly depend on your self-motivation, will, and self-discipline
without your instructor reminding you all the time.
Below are the recommended guidelines to enable you to finish this course module
Study Environment.
Mode of Delivery.
Students without the internet are obligated to get a copy of the printed module. A link
shall be provided to those who have access to the internet.
Study Schedule
Be aware that even if you are at home, you are a student enrolled in Irrigation
Engineering, and learning the subject depends on your will and self-discipline. Follow
the module schedule and learning plans strictly and perform all the activities and
exercises. Do not procrastinate. You have other things, tasks, and subjects to attend
to. Thus, it would help if you manage your time correctly.
A Messenger group for the class that you can access using free data will be created.
The Messenger group will serve as a room for discussion on the topics and activities
in the module.
Rubrics (How are you rated?)
To evaluate your level of learning and application of the module. A scoring guide to
determine the quality of the students' constructed responses and a tool to guide you
in performing your main task. You will be rated according to a 40-point scale shown
below. The rubrics will enable you to know the specific indicators in your lesson.
40 − Excellent
30 −Good
20 − Fair
10 −Poor
Online References
These are hyperlinks to access online references such as e-books, online activities,
and tutorial videos of the topics in the module.
Submit your practice exercises every week through Google classroom/Google drive.
The deadline for submission will be every Monday 7:00 AM.
2. Group chat
3. Subject Task
Document the process/preparation of your tasks, take photos or screenshots of your
virtual meetings or group work whenever possible, and submit it as an attachment
through Google classroom/Google drive. In group activities, ensure that every group
member participates and contributes to the task.
4. Reflection
In writing your reflections, elaborate on your explanations. Also, check your grammar
and spelling, and cite your references, whenever needed and possible.
5. Online Sources/References
I encourage you to explore online references that are related to our topic. The internet
has a trove of resources you can use and learn. See the introduction above for our
Grading System
Summative Test (Mid-term & Final Exam) - 40%
Subject Tasks – 20%
Compiled Practice Exercises – 20%
Portfolio (Project & Culminating Activity) – 20%
Module 1
1) Irrigation – Worldwide, and
2) Sources and Storage of Irrigation Water
1.1 Definition
Irrigation is the science of the artificial application of water to the land by the 'crop water
requirements' throughout the 'crop period' for full-fledged nourishment of the crops (Garg,
Irrigation water is supplied to supplement the water available from rainfall, soil moisture
storage, and capillary rise. Besides meeting the crop water requirement, irrigation is also
provided for field preparation, climate control (crop cooling and frost control), and leaching of
excessive salts. However, it is not possible to meet the complete crop water requirement
throughout the season in many cases due to limited water availability. In such cases, deficit
irrigation is provided in life-saving or supplemental irrigation.
Irrigation is an ancient practice and can be traced to the beginning of human civilization. The
importance of irrigation in agriculture is well documented in NamradaSmriti XI, nine, which
states that "no grain is ever produced without water, but too much water tends to spoil the
grain; an inundation is as injurious to crop growth as a dearth of water." Hence, irrigation is
Irrigation, however, has several advantages and disadvantages, which are listed below:
• Increases agricultural productivity and allows for multiple cropping during a year
Provide jobs.
• Reduces the risk of crop failures.
• Higher productivity results in a steady supply of food at lower prices (supply-
demand principle of economics)
• Improves socioeconomic conditions of farmers
Three aspects should be considered in appraising water resources: the quantity, the quality, and
the reliability of water availability. Rain, snow, hail, and sleet are precipitated upon the earth's
surface as meteorological water and may be considered the source of all the water supplied.
Surface and groundwater are the primary sources of irrigation water. Rainwater, rivers, lakes,
streams, ponds, and springs are natural water sources. Dams, tube wells, hand-pumps, canals,
etc., are artificial water sources.
Sources of water.
Irrigation water sources can be broadly classified into two main groups, namely,
• Groundwater sources.
Irrigation water supply can be obtained from groundwater sources or underground water
sources. Both of these depend upon the precipitation.
1.3.2 Surface Water
Water present on the earth's surface in oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams is surface
water. Surface water accumulates mainly by direct runoff from precipitation, i.e., rain or snow.
The amount of available surface water depends mostly upon rainfall.
Surface water sources consist of the River, lake, and reservoir supplies. Dams or reservoirs are
constructed to create artificial storage of water. Canals or open channels can convey surface
water from the rivers or reservoirs to the farm fields, where it may directly apply to the area or
be stored in farm irrigation structures like ponds or tanks. The water is also conveyed through
pipes by gravity or pumping. Thus, surface water sources are i) Rivers and streams ii)
Reservoirs iii) Tanks, ponds, and lakes. River
A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea,
or another river. In a few cases, a river flows into the ground or dries up completely before
reaching another body of water.
(Source: accessed on June 7, 2013)
12 Reservoir
A reservoir is a natural or an artificial lake, storage pond, or impoundment from a dam used to
store water. Reservoirs may be constructed across the rivers or maybe excavated in the ground. Lake
A lake is an inland water body of considerable size. Lakes can serve as the source or
termination point for rivers or smaller streams. Lakes are distinct from lagoons as they are not
part of the ocean. Lakes are more extensive and deeper than ponds. Ponds
A pond is a body of standing water, either natural or artificial, usually smaller than a lake.
Generally, It contains shallow water with marsh and aquatic plants and animals. Tank
Tanks are extensive excavations in which water is stored. They form an essential source of
water in many of the Indian villages.
A part of the water which infiltrates into the soil after any rainfall event percolates to the
groundwater table. Groundwater is generally characterized by higher concentrations of
dissolved solids, lower levels of color, higher hardness (as compared with surface water),
dissolved gasses, and freedom from microbial contamination. Wells are generally used to
extract groundwater.
3. Cavity Bore
5. Infiltration galleries
Irrigation is the agricultural process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist
in producing crops and growing landscape plants and lawns, where it may be known as
watering. Agriculture that does not use irrigation but relies only on direct rainfall is called rain-
fed. Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5,000 years and has been
developed independently by many cultures across the globe.
Irrigation helps grow crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas
and more petite than average rainfall periods. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production,
including frost protection, suppressing weed growth in grain fields, and preventing soil
consolidation. Irrigation systems are also used for cooling livestock, dust suppression, disposal
of sewage, and mining. Irrigation is often studied together with drainage, removing surface
and sub-surface water from a given location.
➢ In 2000, the total fertile land was 2,788,000 km2 (689 million acres), and it was
equipped with irrigation infrastructure worldwide.
➢ About 68% of this area is in Asia, 17% in the Americas, 9% in Europe, 5% in Africa
and 1% in Oceania.
Share of agricultural land which is irrigated (2015)
The largest contiguous areas of high irrigation density are found in:
• In Northern and Eastern India and Pakistan along the Ganges and Indus rivers
• In the Hai He, Huang He, and Yangtze basins in China
• Along the Nile River in Egypt and Sudan
• In the Mississippi-Missouri river basin, the Southern Great Plains, and parts of
California in the United States
Smaller irrigation areas are spread across almost all populated parts of the world.
• 3,242,917 km2 (801 million acres), which is nearly the size of India;
• the irrigation of 20% of farming land accounts for 40% of food production.
The Philippines obtains its water supply from different sources. These include rainfall, surface
water resources, i.e., rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and groundwater resources. It has 18 major river
basins and 421 principal river basins defined by the National Water Regulatory Board
The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) reports 79 lakes in the country,
primarily utilized for fish production. Laguna Lake is the country's largest Lake with a total
area of 3,813.2 sq km and is also one of the largest lakes in Southeast Asia. Lake Lanao, the
largest Lake in Mindanao, is one of the 17 ancient lakes (Environmental Management Bureau,
In terms of groundwater, the country has an extensive groundwater reservoir with an aggregate
area of about 50,000 sq km. Data from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) show that
several groundwater basins are underlain by approximately 100,000 sq km of various rock
formation and that these resources are located in:
• Northeast Luzon
• Central Luzon
• Laguna Lake basin
• Cavite-Batangas-Laguna basin
• Southeast Luzon
• Mindoro Island
• Negros Island
• Northeast Leyte
• Ormoc-Kananga basin
• Agusan-Davao basin
• Occidental Misamis basin
• Lanao-Bukidnon-Misamis basin
Groundwater resources are continuously recharged by rain and seepage from rivers and lakes
(PEM, 2003; EMB, 2006).
As a tropical country, rainfall in the Philippines ranges from 1000 to 4000 mm per year, of
which 1,000-2,000 mm are collected as runoff by a natural topography of more than 421
principal river basins, some 59 natural lakes, and numerous small streams, with significant
variation from one area to another due to the direction of the moisture-bearing winds and the
location of the mountain ranges (Kho, J., 2005; NWRB, 2003).
Overall, the Philippines' total freshwater resource is 145,900 MCM/year based on an 80 percent
probability of surface water and groundwater recharge or extraction at 20,000 MCM/year
(NWRB-SPM, 2003; PEM, 2003; ASEAN, 2005).
Theoretically, the freshwater storage capacity and the high precipitation rate assure the country
an adequate supply for its agricultural, industrial and domestic. However, many seasonal
variations and geographic distributions are biased, resulting in water shortages in highly
populated areas, especially during the dry season.
Data from the Philippines Environment Monitor (PEM) show that while some regions have a
high potential surface water source, others have limited supplies, as shown in the table below.
1.3.5. Video Lessons
1. Philippine Rivers: Our Life, Our Nature - Save Our Rivers! Protect Our
Irrigation Engineering.
Government of India (2006). Report of the Working Group on Water Resources for the
XI the Five-Year Plan (2007-2012). Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of
India. Jha, B.M. and Sinha, S.K., Towards Better Management of Ground Water
Resources in India, Central Ground Water Board, Haryana.
Suggested Reading
Michael, A.M. (2008). Irrigation Theory and Practice. Vikas Publishing House Pvt
Ltd., Delhi.