(A) Measurement of Intensity Distribution of The Diffraction Pattern

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(a) Measurement of Intensity distribution of the Diffraction pattern.

Position of the detector is calculated as: Main Scale Reading + Vernier Scale Reading x Least Count
Lease Count = 0.01 mm

S. No. Position of the detector (mm) Power (𝛍𝐀)

Main Scale Reading Vernier Scale Reading

1. -5 0 0.0
2. -5 63 0.1
3. -5 85 0.3
4. -4 16 0.4
5. -4 52 0.5
6. -3 9 0.3
7. -3 22 0.2
8. -3 34 0.1
9. -3 60 0.0
10. -3 89 0.1
11. -2 1 0.4
12. -2 36 0.7
13. -2 69 3.5
14. -2 97 5.2
15. -1 26 7.7
16. -1 58 10.4
17. 0 0 11.7
18. 0 15 11.7
19. 0 44 11.4
20. 0 74 10.0
21. 0 95 8.1
22. 1 15 6.6
23. 1 55 2.7
24. 1 89 1.5
25. 2 14 0.5
26. 2 53 0.0
27. 2 97 0.1
28. 3 12 0.3
29. 3 25 0.5
30. 3 50 0.7
31. 3 90 0.8
32. 4 26 0.6
33. 4 65 0.3
34. 5 12 0.1
35. 5 55 0.0

(b) Measurement of the width of the slit

Reading for both edge is calculated as: Main Scale Reading + Vernier Scale Reading x Least Count
Least Count = 0.01 mm

S. No. Reading for right edge Reading for left edge

Main Scale Vernier Scale Main Scale Vernier Scale

Reading Reading Reading Reading
1. 8.55 2 8.55 30
2. 8.55 3 8.55 35
3. 8.55 1 8.55 30

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