A Full Guide To Compensation and Benefits - AIHR
A Full Guide To Compensation and Benefits - AIHR
A Full Guide To Compensation and Benefits - AIHR
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Compensation and benefits refer to the benefits a firm provides to its employees in
exchange for their labor. Compensation and benefits are thus a key part of Human
Resource Management. In this article, we will provide you with a full guide about
compensation and benefits.
Benefits cover indirect pay. This can be health insurance, stock options, or any myriad of
things offered to employees. All of these things are critical in any job offer. Two jobs that
offer identical salaries may vary wildly in the benefits category, making one a better
financial proposition than the other.
Overtime pay, stock options, 401k matches, pension plans, days off, and even free lunches
make up an essential part of the compensation and benefits package.
Some benefits are country-specific. In the United States, health insurance makes up a key
component of benefits. Who your employer is, determines your health care options – even
down to which doctors you can see and which medications are covered.
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In Europe, there is often a focus on more social benefits, including parental leave,
severance pay, and termination notice. In countries like France and Finland, it is not
uncommon for employers to pay for restaurant vouchers that cover part of the
employee’s lunch.
Most often, compensation and benefits (commonly referred to as comp & benefits) fall
under the responsibility of the Human Resources department. In a small company, an HR
generalist would handle all aspects of this process, while in a large company, there would
be dedicated departments to manage these.
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Why are compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits are important for two reasons.
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First, people won’t work for you without pay. And unless you’re a non-profit organization,
it’s illegal to ask them to work for you for free. There is a social contract between the
employer and employee, where the employee puts in the work and the employer rewards
this. Compensation and benefits are an important part of that equation.
Other things play a role too – and we’ll discuss them later – but what the employee
receives is central. In addition to salary, benefits remain a crucial motivator for job
Second, as of June 2019, benefits make up 31.4 percent of the cost of employing
someone. It is a significant expense with a clear goal so it’s not something businesses can
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overlook. This is why paying careful attention to a fair compensation and benefits
structure is so important.
But, how does compensation motivate employees and do increases make a difference?
This same research found that a higher company rating on Glassdoor resulted in a four
percent increase in the chance that someone would stay at the company. Salary is clearly
important, but there is something other than money going on.
A Payscale study gives some insight into the influence of salary. They found a strong
correlation between pay and engagement (and engagement profoundly influences
retention), but what was stronger is pay clarity. When employees understood that their
compensation was fair, it increased their engagement.
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Research shows that both distributive fairness and procedural fairness lead to higher
employee retention.
In other words, it’s not so much about money as it is about communication and honesty.
Traditionally, many companies keep salary information confidential. Some managers even
punish employees for sharing their salaries with co-workers, even though the National
Labor Relations Act protects employees’ rights to discuss their working conditions,
including salary. Secrecy can backfire, though, as employees are concerned that their pay
is not fair.
ktheir skills, positionain the company,*and broader jobJmarket, they are more
d likely to be v
engaged in their work.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 62 percent of U.S.
employees rated their health care benefits as very important to them, meaning that this is
an area that companies can focus on to increase engagement and retention.
The same SHRM study also found that indirect compensation benefits also strongly
influenced employee happiness. Things such as paid time off (63 percent said it was very
important), flexibility (53 percent), and family-friendly benefits (35 percent) strongly
influenced employee satisfaction with their jobs. The traditional money-based programs,
such as retirement benefits, were also important. Still, at 48 percent saying retirement
benefits were important, you can see how flexibility and vacation may cost you less and
increase happiness overall.
Of course, because compensation and benefits can vary across companies and
geographic regions, it’s important to benchmark your programs to ensure you’re
maximizing the benefits from your programs.
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How do HR Departments calculate
compensation and benefits?
While governments set the floor for pay, known as a minimum wage, businesses are
generally free to set their own wages. However, you’d be hard-pressed to hire an
accountant for minimum wage. Instead, you’ll need to pay a market rate.
A market-rate can also be defined as a “going rate” and is the amount people are willing to
pay for a particular good or service. Employees are offering their services and fall under
this definition. There are market rates for each position, but because people are rarely
transparent about salaries, this can be difficult to ascertain.
A compensation specialist will use salary surveys to help her determine a market rate. A
salary survey asks many businesses to share their compensation data for positions. The
data is then anonymized and sold back to businesses. In this way, a company can
determine that the average rate for a junior accountant is $X, while the average rate for a
marketing manager is $Y.
Because positions vary from company to company, you cannot just look at the salary
survey and base all your salaries on the average salary for someone with that title. A
marketing manager at a Fortune 500 company will have a very different job description
than a marketing manager at a 25-person business.
Compensation managers will determine not only an ideal salary for a position but a salary
range. Because candidates vary wildly, it doesn’t always make sense to pay different
people the same amount. One person may have more experience and better skills than
another and deserves a higher salary. Each range has a mid-point, which you may hear as
a compa-ratio. If you have a compa-ratio of 100 percent, that means you are at the
midpoint of the salary range.
Determining where someone fits within that salary range can also be complicated.
kCompensation managers
a often use*statistical tools, such
J as regression danalysis, to v
establish a proper salary position. The variables that the regression use can include
Years of experience
Position tenure
Current salary
In addition to salaries, stocks, retirement benefits, health insurance, and any other benefit
are included in compensation figures.
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The Total Rewards Model, coined by WorldatWork, proposes that total rewards are made
up out of two elements:
If you only look at compensation when determining what makes employees happy, you’ll
fall short. Total rewards look at how all aspects of an employee’s work-life impact their
satisfaction. Research shows that Total Rewards offers a valid framework to reduce
employee turnover.
For years, Gallup tracked employee engagement daily and found that engagement
generally stayed between 30 and 35 percent of employees. This means there is a lot of
work to be done in this area.
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As established above, pay and benefits are not the only things that make employees
happy. Management practices have significant impacts on employee happiness and
profitability and even reduced workplace accidents. Ignoring the culture part of an
employees’ total rewards can reduce company performance and increase turnover.
2. Pleasant environment
4. Adequate equipment
5. Value to society
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6. Supportive and considerate supervision
7. Job security
2. Influence
3. Skill use
7. Future predictability
8. Availability of feedback
It is key to identify the optimum level for employees when it comes to compensation and
benefits. Too much will either cost the organization resources (time, money,
administration) in the case of CE, or will decrease employee well-being in the case of AD.
Researchers in Germany found that Warr’s theories did have a correlation with employee
happiness and engagement and business success, at least in the German Horticulture
business. While that may be a very specific area, it’s worth noting that these ideas do have
merit, and looking at the total picture (or making sure employees receive all their vitamins)
has a positive impact on your business.
Your compensation packages and your total rewards models should not remain static.
There are generational differences. As Gen Z enters the workforce, you’ll note that they
(generally speaking) behave differently than prior generations, and compensation needs
to adjust.
Overtime pay
Stock options
Restricted stock
Merit pay
Sign-on bonuses
Relocation bonuses
Salespeople, for instance, will need a commission plan that details what their commission
is, and under what circumstances they receive it (is it when the paperwork for the sale is
signed or is it when the customer pays?). Profit-sharing plans need to define what
constitutes a profit, and when such, the company pays the bonuses (yearly, quarterly?).
Companies must operate within the confines of laws. Summary Plan Descriptions should
define everything legally, and you should provide these to employees, so they know
precisely what their compensation and benefits are. While all these things are, generally,
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negotiable, you must maintain equity with similarly situated employees, to prevent illegal
or immoral discrimination.
Compensation packages cannot detail the total rewards aspect of any job offer. But,
understand that your job candidates look for that. Websites such as Glassdoor give
insights into your total rewards, whether you like it or not. It’s important to remember that
candidates consider all that information when deciding to accept or reject a job offer.
You can no longer hide behind a large salary offer and hope that everyone ignores the
culture your office has to offer.
Compensation and benefits are key components for company success, employee
engagement, and turnover. You should evaluate your plans and programs regularly (at
least yearly) to ensure that you meet both employee expectations and remain competitive
in the marketplace.
What are compensation and benefits?
Typically, when employees think about compensation, the salary is what they think of.
Benefits cover indirect pay. Think of health insurance, stock options, or various other
things offered to employees.
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