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Definition Of

 A phrase is a combination
combination of two or more words and has a
meaning that changes according to the word in the
sentence. The phrase must consist of at least two words
and not have subject-predicate. Some features of the
phrase are:
> consists of two or more words
> has a grammatical meaning (changeable)
> has a grammatical function in sentences either
as a subject, predicate, object, or description.
> non predictive

Types of Phrases

1. Verb 2. Adjective 3. Noun

phrase phrase phrase

It is a phrase The phrase

Having a verb whose main whose main
element in its element is
formation. adjective. As : element of
formation is
Example: most great,
The Miner  
a noun. For
the The example:
going to the
weather is  Aldi is a
very hot

4. Adverb 6. Nominal
phrase phrase Phrase

Phrases The phrase

 Adverb phrase whose main whose main
is a phrase element is the
whose main formation of a
elements are number word.
element of
prepositions. Example:
formation is
Example: fields for
adverb. Miner work mining have
at field that trees with an
Last week, the average
has gold and
miner check height of 30
the field meters


L a n d c l e a r in
in g i s a n a c t i v i t y c a r r i e d o u t t o c l e a r  
areas t o b e m i n e d r a n g i n g f r o m s h r u b s t o l a r g e
trees. T h e t o o l c o m m o n l y u s e d i s a r i p p e r b u l l d o z e r  
a n d b y u s i n g t h e h e l p o f  a c h a i n s a w c u t m a c h i n e t o
cut down trees with diameters greater than 30 cm.

Of Clause

The Elements of the

Clause :  A clause is a grammatical
Subject unit in the form of a group
Predicate of words, consisting at
The object least of subjects and
Information predicates and has the
These elements are potential to be sentences.
not always in the Sentence is a language
clause. But there is a unit that is relatively
functional element independent, has a final
that is always in the intonation pattern and
clause, namely actually consists of actual
Predicate. or potential clauses.

Independent Clause Defined

Type Of
 An independent clause is a clause Clauses
that can stand on its own, by itself. It
does not need to be joined to any
other clauses, because it contains
all the information necessary to be a Jim read a book about miner; he
complete sentences. really enjoyed the book
Independent clauses have three
components: The first
independent clause Jim
t clause. isim
J anis the
1. They have a subject - subject, read is the action, book
they tell the reader what the is the object.
sentence is about. The second clause is an
2. They have an action or independent clause. He is the

predicate - they tell the

predicate subject, enjoyed is the action and
reader what the subject is the book is the object
doing. The independent clauses are
3. They express a related, so they can be joined to
complete thought - create a complex sentence.
something happened or was They are correctly joined by a
said. semicolon.

 A dependent clause is a clause

that does thought.

complete not express a
 A clause can be dependent
because of the presence of a: Because I forgot my
Marker Word (Before, after
after,, homework, I got
sent home.
although, since,
order to, ,
whenever, Here, the error is
wherever, whether, while, even corrected. "I got sent
though, even if) home" is an
independentt clause.
Conjunction (And, or, nor, but,
"I" is the subject,
Dependent clauses MUST be "got" is the verb,
"sent home" is the
 joined to another clause, in object. A complete
order to avoid creating a thought is
sentence fragment. expressed.




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