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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V



Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of Anthropology, Sociology, and

Political Science

Name of Student: Parent’s Signature:

Grade and Section: _

I. Introductory Concept
This learning activity sheet will help you understand the nature, goals and
perspectives of Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. Sociology is the study
of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse,
ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state. While anthropology is a
branch of sociology, it always describes human, human behavior and human
societies around the world. Political science, by nature, is a social science that deals
with humans and their interactions.
The scope of this learning activity sheet permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The activities are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology, and
political science.

Learning Objectives:
1. Explain the nature, goals and perspectives of Anthropology, Sociology and
Political Science;
2. Identify the leading proponents, branches or areas of Sociology, Anthropology,
and Political Science

III. Activities

Activity 1. Let’s Begin

Directions: List down activities that exemplify the nature, goals and perspectives of
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. Write your answers in the box
that shows
the nature,
goals and
s of
y, Sociology


1. How do you find the activity?

2. What are the nature, goals and perspectives of anthropology, sociology

and political science?

3. How do you relate this nature, goals and perspectives to your daily life?

Activity 2. Jumbled Letters

Directions: There are ten words that you can find below; however, the letters are
jumbled. A short description is provided to help you identify the words. Kindly write
the correct word/phrase on the blanks provided.
1. GYOLOPORTHAN -Scientific study of man or human beings.
2. GYOLOICOS -Study of human social relationships and
3. CALITILOP ECNEICS - A social science that deals with
humans and their interactions.
4. ERUTLUC - Consists of beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other
characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.
5. SFEILEB - A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence
is placed in some person or thing.
6. SGUTAUE TECOM - He focused on the idea of improving the
development of the society and how it operates.
7. RLKA MRAX - He disagreed with Comte's positivism and
believed that societies developed and progressed because of the struggles of different
social classes over the means of production.
8. AMX WEEBR - He emphasized the role of rationalization in
the development of society.
9. RCAHEOLGYO - The study of past human cultures through
their material remains. It also the study of past human culture through the
recovery and analysis of artifacts.
10. PCALIOTIL TEHOYR - It deals with the accumulation of
principles identifying with the basis, structure, conduct, and operations of the

Activity 3. My Advertisement

Directions: Create a poster advertisement that shows the nature, goals and
perspectives of anthropology, sociology and political science. Use1/8 size
illustration board.

IV. Reflection
Directions: Write a reflection learned from the discussion. In writing your
reflection, you have to complete the sentence below on a space provide.
I learned that

I realized that

If given a chance

V. Rubric for Scoring

Rubric for Poster Making
Coverage of
Details on the Details on the Details on the Details on the
the Topic poster capture the poster include poster relate to the poster have
important important topic but are too little or nothing
information about information but general or to do with main
the topic and the audience may incomplete. The topic.
increase the need more audience needs
audience’s information to more information to
understanding. understand fully understand.
Use of All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do
Graphics related to the related to the topic to the topic. not relate to the
topic and make it and most make it topic.
easier to easier to
understand. understand.
Organization Information is Information is Information is The information
very organized organized with organized, but titles appears to be
with clear titles titles and and subheadings disorganized.
and subheadings. subheadings. are missing or do
not help the
Presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation The
was at the was at the was at the presentation
appropriate appropriate length appropriate length was too long or
length. It did not but seemed slightly but seemed very too short. The
seem hurried or hurried or too hurried or too slow. presenter did
too slow. The slow. The The presenter not speak
presenter spoke presenter spoke spoke clearly and clearly most
clearly and clearly most of the distinctly only some of the time
distinctly and time and of the time and/or and
established eye established eye established little established
contact with the contact with the eye contact with the little eye
audience. audience. audience. contact with
the audience.

VI. Answer Key

Activity 1. Answers may vary

Activity 2. 1. Anthropology 2. Sociology 3. Political science 4. Culture 5. Beliefs 6.

Auguste Comte 7. Karl Marx 8. Max Weber 9. Archeology 10. Political Theory

VII. References

Banaag, Lee Mark T. (2012). Socio-Anthro: An Integrated and Interdisciplinary

Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. Mandaluyong City: Books
Atbp.Publishing Corp.
ISocio lPerspective.html. Accessed May 28, 2020

Prepared by: Evaluated by:


Pandan HS Dinapa NHS

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