Department of Public Works and Highways: Republic of The Philippines

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28 JUN 2016


Specification for Item 622 - Coconet

NO. 142 l
Bio-Engineering Solutions

Series of 2016d~' >-f.I"

It has been the thrust of the Department to provide effective standard specifications in the
implementation of various infrastructure projects. As such, there is a need to set an
upgraded standard specification for bio-engineering materials for controlling soil erosion and
slope stabilization. The attached amendment to DPWH Standard Specification for
Coconet Bio-Engineering Solutions, Item 622 (henceforth renamed as "Coconet Bio-
Engineering Technology") is hereby prescribed, for the guidance and compliance of all

This specification shall form part of the revised 2012 edition of the DPWH Standard
Specifications (Volume II - Highways, Bridgesand Airports).

This Order shall take effect immediately.

14.1.2 FET/RPF
Department of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary

Department Order No. LV-v; Series of 2016
DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
Annex Page 1of 8



622.1 Description

This item covers installation of coconut bio-engineering materials such as coconets,

cocologs, cocotwines and cocopeat for controlling soil erosion caused by surface runoff and
stabilizing slope in accordance with the cross section shown on the plans or as directed by
the Engineer. This shall include treatment of embankments and cut slopes in roads

622.2 Definition

For the purpose of this item, the following terms shall be defined:

a. Coconut Bio-Engineering Technology - the use of coconut materials to stabilize

slopes and minimize soil erosion or restore and maintain the land damaged by
erosion in a natural condition by placing the materials in sloping lands and
embankments to hold the vulnerable soil and permit vegetation to control surface
erosion and conserve the productivity of the soil.

b. Bio-engineering solution - any aspect of bio-engineering technology used in a

particular instance such as material, technique, patterns, and others.

c. Coconut Bio-engineering materials - any coconut husk-based materials such as

coconets, cocologs, cocopeat, placed in sloping lands and embankments to hold the
vulnerable soil and permit vegetative growth to control surface erosion and conserve
the productivity of the soil.

d. Coir - fibers from coconut husks.

e. Coconet - mechanically and or manually spun coir fiber twine woven into blankets of
different density and size.

f. Cocolog-a tubular structure of coconut coir fiber blankets of different diameter filled
with coco coir and cocopeat.

g. Cocotwine - a string made of coir strands mechanically and or manually twisted


h. Cocopeat -natural and residual materials or dust from coconut husk which serves as
soil conditioner or growing medium.

i. Live plants - refer to woody plants such as trees or shrubs propagated through
cuttings such as madre de cacao.
Department Order No./t/v, Series of 2016
DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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622.3 Material Requirements

622.3.1 Coir

Coir for use in making of coco nets and cocologs shall be of Grades CH-3 and/or CH-2 in
accordance with PNS/BAFPS 21 :2008 ICS 59.060.10.

622.3.2 Coconet and Cocolog

Coconet and Cocolog to be used shall conform with Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

Table 1
" IPropelrt"les of Coconet
400 700 900
Minimum thickness, mm 10.0 + 1.0 10.0 + 1.0 10.0 + 1.0
Minimum width, m* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Minimum length, m* 25.0 25.0 25.0
Weight per square meter, g/m at 18- 400 + 20 700 + 35 900 + 45
24% MC
Diameter of twine, mm 5.0 + 1.0 5.0 + 1.0 5.0 +1.0
(mechanically or manually spun)
No. of twines/m, Crosswise 40 40 70
(min) Direction**
Lengthwise 40 70 70
Woven netting made from high strength
100% coconut fiber twine
Color Natural Earth Tone
Tensile Strength, N/twine, (min) 150 150 150
Elongation, (min) (Machine 26 34 42
Direction), %
(Cross Machine 32 38 32
Direction), %
"c" Factor 0.002 0.002 0.002
Applicability in terms of water velocity 2.7 3.35 4.26
(surface run-off), mIs, (min)
Water Absorption, 0/0, (min) 163 146 132
Applicability in terms of slope Less than or Greater than Greater than
inclination equal to 1:1 1: 1 to 1: 1.5 1:1.5 (61° to
(45° and (46° to 60°) 70°)
Note: * In cases where the needed width or length are below the minimum, cutting is allowed either
crosswise or lengthwise provided that the ends of every two succeeding cut twines
are securely locked by tying together.
** weft-the crosswise twines on a loom over and under which other twines are passed;
*** warp-the lengthwise twines on a loom over and under which the weft are passed;
''C'' Factor - Safety factor
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DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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Table 2
" I Propelrt"les 0f COCOlog
Type of Diameter Weight (min.) Maximum Water Velocity (Surface
Cocolog (mm) (Kg/m) runoff) Resistability, m/sec

Cocolog 100 2.0 1.5

Coco log 200 4.5 2.0
Cocolog 300 10 3.0
Cocolog 400 20 4.0
Cocolog 500 30 Above 4.0
Note: All cocologs must be made of 100% coir fiber netting with at least 2.5 em eye and filled with 60%
Grade E cocopeat covered with 40% Grade CH-Wcoiro

622.3 .3 Backfill

Backfill shall be in accordance with the approved Plan and shall conform to the requirements
of Item 104 - Embankment.

622.3.4 Bamboo Stakes

Bamboo stakes shall be matured with head measuring at least 60 mm wide and 30 mm
long; notch, at least 20 mm; and body, at least 40 mm wide and 300 mm long tapered and
sharpened at the end. The head shall coincide with the bamboo nodes to ensure strength.
Stakes shall be embedded on ground so that only the notch sticks out from the top of the
coconets to hold the coco nets in place. For coco logs, stakes length equivalent to 1.5 times
the diameter shall be added.

622.3.5 Live Plant Stakes (Live Kakawate "madre de cacao" or Ipil-Ipil or

Equivalent Species)

Live plant stakes shall be kept moist and planted within the day when prepared and shall be
20 mm to 40 mm in diameter and 300 to 500 in length for cut slope and 500 mm to 1,000
mm in length for embankments.

622.4 Construction Requirements

622.4.1 Quality Control

The geonets manufacturer shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality
control program to assure compliance with the requirements of this Specification.
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DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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622.4.2 Equipment

Equipment and tools necessary for handling materials and performing all parts of the works
shall be approved by the Engineer as to design, capacity and mechanical condition. The
equipment shall be at the jobsite sufficiently ahead of the start of construction operations.

622.4.3 Site Measurement

The area to be installed with coco nets and cocologs shall be measured based on approved
Plans to determine the appropriate dimensions of coconets (in square meter) and cocologs
(in linear meter) to be installed.

622.4.4 Site Preparation

Site for coconet installation shall be graded and sloped to the approved design then
flattened, compacted, and smoothened and any run-off control such as diversions, dikes and
berms shall be completed prior to installation. All depressions/gullies and eroded portions
shall be backfilled and compacted for the coconets to snugly come in contact with the soil
surface. Likewise, the face of the slope shall be flattened, compacted and smoothened.
Rocks, clods, vegetation (deemed detrimental to the erosion control system to be installed),
and other obstructions shall be removed from tip to toe of the slope to ensure complete
contact of the coconets with the soil. Existing vegetations that are considered not
detrimental shall be retained, but shall be trimmed down to facilitate the installation of the

The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure appropriate site preparation. To ensure that
the area is appropriately prepared for coconet installation, the Engineer shall issue Notice to
Proceed for bio-engineering solution activity.

622.4.5 Anchoring

All anchoring materials shall be installed at right angles (perpendicular to the ground
surface) based on the approved Plan or as directed by the Engineer. Live plant (cutting) and
bamboo stakes shall be used. The bamboo stakes shall serve as temporary anchor while
vegetation is growing. Stakes shall fix the corners of the area to be covered. The stakes
shall be planted in such a way that only 100 mm stick out from the top of either the
coconets or cocologs installed in order to minimize any disturbance thus facilitate faster
growth. In addition, stakes used for cocologs shall be embedded at least 150 mm on the
ground which means that the standard length of stakes for cocologs is equivalent to 250
mm plus the diameter of the cocologs.

622.4.5.1 Anchoring the Coconets

622. Leading Coconet Edges at the Topmost Berm

The leading edges of the coco nets at the top of the slope shall be fixed and secured to the
ground by using five (5) bamboo stakes per lineal meter.
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DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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622. Coconets in Downslopes

The coconets placed downslope shall be fixed and secured to the ground by bamboo and
live stakes to ensure direct and even contact of coconets to the ground surface.

a. Common Soil

Bamboo stakes to be used shall be fixed alternately at an interval of 50 cm across and 30

cm down the slope starting at the uppermost corner where the coconets shall be rolled
down. Live plant cuttings shall be planted at 3 stakes per square meter, fixed at about 10
cm to either left or right of the bamboo stakes or as per approved Plan or as directed by
the Engineer.

Longer stakes shall be used in loose soils to have sufficient ground anchorage and prevent

b. Compacted Soil

A combination of bamboo stakes and at least 6 mm U-shaped wire staples shall be used for
compacted, hard to penetrate soil. An average of 3 stakes jstaples per square meter shall be
used to ensure uniform contact of coconet to the ground surface.

c. Hard Rock

The coco nets shall be anchored to solid rock surfaces using at least 5 stakes per square
meter of U-metal stake pins with a minimum diameter of 6.0 mm and length of 200 mm to
300 mm.

622. Ending Coconets in Slope Toes and Sides

The last stakes across the slope shall be fixed at a distance which is a fraction of 50 cm from
the preceding stakes while the last stakes down the slope shall be fixed at a distance which
is a fraction of 30 cm from the preceding stakes. Spacing and interval of stakes should be in
accordance with the approved Plans or as per instruction or directed by the Engineer.

622.4.5.2 Anchoring the Cocologs

Cocologs shall be firmly secured to the ground using bamboo and live stakes fixed at the
center crosswise and at the sides lengthwise. The center stakes shall be installed starting at
a point 50 cm from the edge of the first cocolog and at an interval of one (1) meter
thereafter. Side stakes shall be installed in pairs starting at the edge of the coco logs at an
interval of 30 cm thereafter. The last of either center or side stakes are installed 10 cm from
the edge of the last cocolog in a row, the distance from the preceding stakes being a
fraction of the prescribed interval. The pairs of side stakes shall be tied with cocotwine
looped at least 5 times and locked closely through knots. Bamboo stakes are also placed
beside the live stakes at 50 mm distance along the cocologs.

The last cocolog shall be cut to the desired area dimensions. In this case, it is necessary to
tie and lock with knots opposite twines at the cut portion.
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DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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622.4.6 Installation I Placing of Coconets

The coconets shall be used on critical cut slopes, embankments and disturbed soils generally
steeper than 3:1, where water velocities (surface runoff) are likely to wash out soils and
new vegetation. Coconets shall be placed and anchored on the graded surface of the slope
to maximize net contact with the slope surface and laid on a 30 cm by 50 cm trench which
shall be covered with soil after the nets are laid and anchored.

Installation shall begin at a distance 50 cm from the top edge of the slope with the leading
edge of the coco nets laid across a 1.1 m trench (30 cm each side and 50 cm width) and
folded back. The leading edge shall be anchored according to Subsection 622.4.5.1,
Anchoring the Coconets covered with soil, and then unrolled towards the edge of the slope
downwards, thereby making an overlap of 1.1 m.

The bottom edge should extend about 30 em from the last stakes then folded underneath at
10 cm from the edge and embedded or covered with approximately 25 cm soil to prevent
dislodging and eventual hanging. Likewise, the edge of the coconets across the slope shall
be folded to about 10 cm to prevent twines to loose especially if the coconuts are cut. In
case the coconets are cut to the desired width, the twines shall be locked by tying the pair
of consecutive twines with knot.

Adjacent coconets shall be installed side-by-side and shall be sewn together every 50 mm
using cocotwine only. The coco net shall then be fastened and secured firmly to the ground
in accordance to Subsection 622.4.5, Anchoring. The coconets shall not be stretched.

622.4.7 Installation I Placing of Cocologs

When necessary, cocologs shall be used in conjunction with coconets installation to reduce
long slopes and as major stopper of downward movement of soil as rainwater carries them

622.4.7.1 At Topmost Berm

The coco logs shall be installed at least 50 cm from the edge of the slope, above the
coconets. At least 1/2 the diameter of the cocologs shall be embedded.

622.4.7.2 Along the Slope

It shall be placed across and at the middle of the slope on contour and shall be pegged to
the ground with bamboo and live kakawate stakes. For slopes with loose soil, the cocologs
shall be installed on trenches. The trench shall be deep enough to accommodate
embedment of at least 1/2 the diameter of the cocologs in order to effectively dissipate
runoff energy. Contour interval shall be a maximum of 7 m depending on the steepness of
the slope and the erodibility of the soil. The last cocolog shall be cut to the desired area
dimensions. The loose and opposite twines of the cut cocolog shall be tied and locked with
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DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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622.4.8 Placing of the Cocopeat as Soil Conditioner or Growing Medium and

CH-W Grade Coir as Cover.

Prior to the installation of coconets, cocopeat shall be spread evenly on the slope to at least
10 mm thickness then raked and thumped. Thereafter, CH-W grade coir as classified in
PNS/BAFPS74:2009 ICS 65.080 shall be spread evenly at least 5 mm to cover the coco peat
applied. The use of cocopeat shall ensure appropriate soil moisture and nutrient supply to
stabilize the root system of the vegetation while the CH-Wcoir cover holds the cocopeat in
place or prevent cocopeat to be dislodged. This is called the "triple armor" method of bio-
engineering which is most appropriate for an effective slope stabilization and erosion

622.4.9 Vegetation

Vegetation is necessaryto stabilize slopes where applicable:

1. Slopes with common and compacted soil

Vetiver grass (Vetiveriazizanoides) shall be planted on the slopes of common and compacted
soil at a minimum of 6 slips per square meter combined with peanut grass (Arachispentoi) at
8 cuttings per square meter.

2. Slopes with Hard Rock

Leguminous/cover crops such as kudzu (Puerariasp), calopogonium

(Calopogoniummucunoides) and centrosema (Centrosemapubescens) shall be planted on
rocky/hard soil in combination with vetiver grass planted on the coco logs at a minimum of 3
slips per linear meter.

622.4.10 Performance Monitoring

Post project monitoring shall include checking on any breaks of the installed coconets
especially at the point of junctions, the growth of grasses and the manifestation of any
failure of germination of plants and the sudden outburst of rain that might have inflicted
damaged to some sections. Repair works shall be done on damaged sections of the slope
and replacement of all plants shall be done in case of mortality within the warranty period.

Watering, weeding and fertilization may be done subject to the discretion of the Contracto(s
bio-engineer or plant specialist. Maintenance activities shall be terminated upon the
recommendation and certification of the bio-engineer and the approval of the DPWH after
the warranty period.

622.5 Certification

The manufacturer shall file with the purchaser a certificate stating the name of the
manufacturer, the composition of the coconet as bio-engineering materials and other
pertinent information so as to fully describe the coir materials. The manufacturer shall
include in the certificate a guarantee stating that the bio-engineering materials that are
furnished meet the required Specifications. The certificate shall be attested by a person
having legal authority to bind the company. Either mismarking or misinterpretation by the
manufacturer shall be a reason to discontinue acceptance under these Specifications. The
Department Order No.lrfl--, Series of 2016
DPWH Standard Specification for Item 622 - Coconet Bio-Engineering Technology
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discontinuance of acceptance will be considered to be notice to all wholesalers, jobbers,

distributors, agents and other intermediates handling the manufacturer's product.

622.6 Method of Measurement

The area to be paid for under this Item shall be the number of square meter (m2) of
coconet, linear meter for cocolog, square meter (m2) of live vetiver grass hedgerow and
square meter (m2) of effective vegetative growth for grass cover, installed / placed and
accepted into the completed project.

622.7 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 622.6, Method of Measurement

shall be paid based on the contract unit price for bio-engineering technology. Such price and
payment shall consist of the full compensation for the site preparation, supply of all
materials installed, all installation, labor, maintenance of vegetation, equipment, tools and
incidental costs necessaryto complete the Item.

Payment will be under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

622 1 Coconets*** S uare meter
622 2 Cocolo s Linear meter
622 3 Ve etation S uare Meter
***Coconet includes cocopeat and CH-W coiro

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