DoEngineers - Big Bag Filling Station

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Big-Bag Filling Station

Dust-free FIBC filling station

Highlights Working Principle

Ÿ Dust-free The big bag is brought to filling station via Pallet truck or
Ÿ Easy cleaning
motorized roller conveyor. Operator manually places the big -
Ÿ Safe and easy to use
Ÿ High standard of hygiene bag loops on the Big-Bag Filling Station hooks. He then
connects the big-bag inlet to the filling head. An inflatable
gasket ensures the sealing.
Applications When the big-bag filling sequence is in process a De-
The Big-Bag Filling Station is designed to efficiently fill dusting unit evacuate the residual air presence in the big bag, once
big-bags of granulated or powder components. The station is the filling sequence is completed, the sealing gasket is deflated
made from stainless steel and can be easily integrated into any and manually lift the hooks to release the big-bag loops. The
powder handling installation. Its overall dimensions assure a very big-bag can then be removed using either a forklift or an optional
small footprint. In addition, the design allows inert gassing motorized roller conveyor. The filling head is installed on a SS
structure for easy access, quick dismantling devices allow easy
cleaning and maintenance.

Address : Poojari Committee, Room No. 7,

Road No. 5, Natwar Nagar,
Jogeshwari (E), Mumbai - 400060.
Mobile : +91 99677 24568 / 91453 53351
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Determining Your Requirements
Before selecting a particular weigh filler, some key factors need to be considered. This not only helps to assess a customer's
own particular needs, but also assists our design engineers in determining the optimum system for those needs.

Q. How do we handle the bulk bag? Q. How do we contain dust? Q. Can the filling system be automated? Q. Will the equipment need to be
A. By pallet or by the bag loops grounded?
A. An inflatable neck seal effectively A. If filling in volume, options such as
contains the dust during filling. All pallet dispensers, automatic bag loop A. If the area poses an explosion risk,
our filling heads comprise an inner release, bag take-off and static dissipative or groundable bags
and outer annulus, for product flow accumulation conveyors should be may be recommended, together with a
and dust evacuation respectively. considered, and can be added at a suitable static monitoring device.
future date to standard Spiroflow

Q. Do we need a bag liner? Q. Does the product need vibration? Q. Is automatic loop release and height Q. Can the equipment be adapted to fill
adjustment available? other types of container?
A. If the product is very fine, you A. Usually, yes. Vibration at the base of
probably will, to prevent leakage or the unit deaerates and compacts the A. Yes, automatic loop release of filled A. Yes. Spiroflow supplies a range of
moisture ingress. However, various product so it not only optimises the bags is a useful labor saving option options for the filling of rigid bins,
alternatives can be used such as coated bag volume, but forms a safe and for pallet loaded bags. Powered height drums and octabins and gaylords..
bags or special bag seams. The liner stable load. A spinner head can also be adjustment is also recommended if
must be inflated correctly to avoid used to disperse product into'baffle' or different sizes of bag are being filled
creasing and subsequent discharge compartmentalized bags. in order to speed up the filling process.

Bulk Bag Filling - Sequence of Operation Inflating a Bag Liner


1. Bag loops are placed 2. Bag spout and liner 3. Liner or bag spout is 4. Neck seal is inflated Bulk bag liner, loose Bulk bag filled with
over support arms are opened up. attached to inflatable to secure the liner or as bag supplied. product, but due to
neck seal. bag spout during creased liner is rucked
filling. over outlet and could
give discharge trouble.


Correctly inflated liner Correctly filled bulk

5. Liner/bag inflated. 6. Vibration during filling. 7. Filling valve closes at 8. Bulk bag spout so no rucking occurs in bag with no rucking in
target weight. removed from filling bulk bag or over outlet liner and over outlet
nozzle and tied. spout. spout.

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