On-The-Job Training Agreement
On-The-Job Training Agreement
On-The-Job Training Agreement
This Memorandum of Agreement is made entered into and executed by and BETWEEN
LYCEUM NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY – Urdaneta City Campus, Urdaneta City Pangasinan, an
institutuion of higher education duly authorized to offer among others Bachelor of Science in
Tourism Management.
________________and represented in this Agreement by its Prov’l Govt. Asst. Dept. Head,
________________, Filipino Citizen, of legal age, hereinafter reffered to as the “COMPANY”
Now therefore, and in accordance with foregoing premises, the parties mutually agree to
undertake the following rules.
1. Coordinate with _____________ on the schedule of the students after sending a letter
of request.
2. Orient the BS Tourism Management students on their professional role on their training.
3. Provide ____________________ copy/copies of performance evaluation form to be
used in evaluating student’s trainee
4. Monitor and coordinate with ____________________ on the performance of the
student’s trainee during their trainings.
Before me this ___________________ day of Urdaneta City, personally appeared the above
name personally appeared the above name persons with their CTC numbers as indicated
below their names, made to me to be the same persons who executed this instrument and
that they acknowledge to me that the same are their voluntary will.
This Memorandum of Agreement is made entered into and executed by and BETWEEN
LYCEUM NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY – Urdaneta City Campus, Urdaneta City Pangasinan, an
institutuion of higher education duly authorized to offer among others Bachelor of Science in
Tourism Management.
________________and represented in this Agreement by its Prov’l Govt. Asst. Dept. Head,
________________, Filipino Citizen, of legal age, hereinafter reffered to as the “COMPANY”
Now therefore, and in accordance with foregoing premises, the parties mutually agree to
undertake the following rules.
1. Coordinate with _____________ on the schedule of the students after sending a letter of
2. Orient the BS Tourism Management students on their professional role on their training.
3. Provide ____________________ copy/copies of performance evaluation form to be used
in evaluating student’s trainee
4. Monitor and coordinate with ____________________ on the performance of the
student’s trainee during their trainings.
In witness thereof the parties have set their hands this _______________day____________
Before me this ___________________ day of Urdaneta City, personally appeared the above
name personally appeared the above name persons with their CTC numbers as indicated
below their names, made to me to be the same persons who executed this instrument and
that they acknowledge to me that the same are their voluntary will.
This agreement is made entered into and executed this ____________ at Lyceum Northwestern
University Campus Nancayasan Urdaneta City Pangasinan
WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY are concerned with the enhancement of
knowledge, skills, attitude, and values of world-class management to be acquired by HRM
WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY agree to provide opportunities for students to
get exposed to actual work situations in the Food and Beverage Service Department of the
WHEREAS, both parties ensure that the students undergo training in areas related to
HRM/TOURISM that are varied and challenging.
Now therefore, premises considered the parties hereby agree to the following.
This agreement shall be binding among the parties hereto for period of 2 (two) years and which shall be
renewed, unless both parties reserve their respective rights to withdraw their participation in the
agreement upon written noticed.
In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this ___________________ day
of__________________ at ______________________________________, Philippines