WRIT 1133/1733 Project 4 Assignment
WRIT 1133/1733 Project 4 Assignment
WRIT 1133/1733 Project 4 Assignment
For this project, you’ll create a portfolio in which you analyze your own writing in response to
this question: How have you developed as a writer and researcher during WRIT 1133 or 1733?
• Please include three texts you have already composed, one of which may come from a
DU course other than WRIT 1133/1733 (for example, from WRIT 1122/1622 or from
any other course).
• The fourth piece will be a reflective essay that describes and analyses those papers. To be
most effective, the reflection will probably need to be about 750–1,000 words long.
• Describe briefly the assignment for each text. (Remember that most of your readers will
be unfamiliar with your class.)
• Analyze the texts in detail, to reflect on you have learned through writing these
assignments. Please refer to or quote specific elements from your papers to illustrate
your observations. You might also talk about your drafting processes and what you
learned or how you grew during the course. Try to connect your work to the concepts
and strategies that your class emphasized.
Your readers will value an ethos characterized by honesty, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness. In
addition to discussing the strengths of your work this quarter, you might also discuss limitations
of your papers. You might also reflect on how your writing and researching abilities transfer to
future writing situations.
Although you will be presenting four different writings, please cut and paste them into a
SINGLE Word document. If one of your texts is a video, audio file, slideshow, web page, etc.,
then please include a link to it in the Word document.
Appearing first in this document should be your reflective essay. The order of the other
documents is up to you.
Upload that file into DU’s portfolio system. See the instructions on the next page.
How to Upload Your Writing to Portfolio
Although you will be presenting four different writings, please cut and paste them into a
SINGLE Word document. If one of your texts is a video, audio file, slideshow, web page, etc.,
then please include a link to it in the Word document.
Appearing first in this document should be your reflective essay. The order of the other
documents is up to you.