Simple Sentences
Simple Sentences
Simple Sentences
For a sentence is a group of words that are put together to say something a sentence is a group
of works that are put together to say something. A sentence must always makes sense. it does
not make sense then it is not a sentence. Sentences can be very short all they can be very long.
A simple sentence is just one thing to say.
For example: The dragon ran away.
Simple sentences can be no longer by adding adjectives, adverbs and prepositions they give
extra information about the event.
For example:
Fearfully, the little dragon ran away from the smoking mountain.
1. Here are some parts of the sentences. Make each one into a complete his sentence.
A) the angry lion The angry lion glared through the bars.
C: two pointed ears My donkey has two pointed ears that swivel.
2. For a sentence to make sense it must have a verb. Read the sentences you have written and
underline the verb in each sentence. For example: the angry lion glared through the bars of the
3. Select a verb from the box to help make each of these phrases into a sentence. Add some
words of your own to complete the sentence.
Make sure the sentence is written correctly.
Sometimes when we are reading we make short notes. Later we can change these notes back
into full sentences. Rewrite these short notes as full sentences.
5. Today , sunny.
The word sentence comes from the Latin word sententia - meaning feeling. The word was later
used to describe feelings, opinions, judgements and ideas. Eventually it came to mean
expressing these ideas in words, which is where our modern word sentence comes from.