Chris Chant
This edition published in 2 0 0 1 by Grange Books
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ISBN 1-84013-442-9
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CANON DE 75 1897
of artillery that should be replaced by a type or types of
m o r e m o d e r n design a n d offering the ability to deliver
heavier fire to a longer range.
Type: Effective ceiling:
T h e first result of this process was an order placed with medium towed howitze:r n/a
the Schneider armaments company for a field howitzer in
105mm rather than 75mm calibre. T h e resulting Canon Calibre: Road range:
105mm (4.13in) n/a
de 105 C modele 1934 Schneider (specification at right)
was of conventional design without any genuinely Vehicle length: Range:
distinctive features, and had split trails, a large and n/a 10,300m (11,265 yards)
angular gun, a n d large-diameter spoked wheels with solid
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
r u b b e r tyres providing the capability for motor traction at
1.95m (76.7in) 15.6kg (34.41b)
a comparatively high speed.
Trials of the weapon were completed without u n d u e Weight travelling: Armour:
p r o b l e m , t h o u g h this was d u e to its a d e q u a t e design a n d unknown n/a
CANON DE 155 1932 comparatively short range. This was not perceived as
being a tactical limitation d u r i n g the first half of the
1920s, but by the second half of the decade the armies of
Type: Effective ceiling:
the larger E u r o p e a n countries were b e g i n n i n g to
heavy howitzer n/a
develop concepts of fast-moving mobile warfare based on
Calibre: Road range: motorization if not mechanization of their forces. This
155mm (6.1in) n/a type of warfare clearly required that infantry a n d
a r m o u r e d forces should be provided with artillery
Vehicle length: Range:
n/a 27,500m (30,075 yards) s u p p o r t firing at longer ranges, a n d the F r e n c h Army
t h e r e f o r e called for a new generation of weapons
Length of barrel: Projectile weight: capable of motorized towing at h i g h e r speed a n d of
8.525m (335.6in) 50kg (1101b)
firing a heavier projectile to a longer range. An
Weight travelling: Armour:
immediate result of this d e m a n d was the C a n o n 155 L
n/a n/a m o d e l e 32 Schneider. This was an o r t h o d o x but
thoroughly m o d e r n piece of artillery by the standards of
Weight in action: Engine:
the day, a n d its two most obvious tactical capabilities
16,400kg (36,1551b) n/a
were accuracy to a long range a n d an advanced
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: m o u n t i n g a n d carriage offering the capacity for high-
-8° to +45° 900mps (2953fps) speed towing and, after the g u n h a d b e e n emplaced,
360° traverse. T h e gun proved useful in the campaign of
Traverse arc: Speed:
360° n/a
May-June 1940, a n d after the def eat of France the
surviving e q u i p m e n t s were seized by the Germans.
he 2cm Flakvierling 38 q u a d r u p l e 2 0 m m m o u n t i n g
SPECIFICATIONS T was highly respected by Allied airmen operating at
low level. Designed bv Mauser for G e r m a n naval use, the
FLAK 36/37
was originally sighted with the aid of the Flakvisier 35 or Vehicle length: Range:
36 until Zeiss developed its clockwork-powered n/a n/a
Uhrwerksvisier that was accepted for service as the
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
Flakvisier 37.
3.626m (142.75in) 0.64kg (1.41b)
E q u i p m e n t s fitted with this sight were FlaK 37, a n d
were in all o t h e r respects identical to the FlaK 36. T h e Weight travelling: Armour:
FlaK 36 a n d 37 became the G e r m a n forces' standard 2400kg (52911b) n/a
d e f e n c e against low-flying warplanes, a n d were used in 9-
Weight in action: Engine:
or 12-gun batteries by the land-based forces. T h e 1550kg (34171b) n/a
weapons were also fitted on trains, surface warships, U-
boats, FlaK towers a n d a n u m b e r of self-propelled Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity:
-8° to +85° 820mps (2690fps)
mountings to create the 3.7cm FlaK auf Lkw Mercedes-
Benz 4500 A, the 3.7cm FlaK auf Maultier, the 3.7cm Traverse arc: Speed:
FlaK (Sf) auf Zugki aftwagen 5t SdKfz 6 / 2 , and the 360° n/a
mZgkw 8t mit 3.7cm Flak 36 SdKfz 7 / 2 .
PAK 35/36
PAK 38
PAK 41
PAK 43
FLAK 38/39 clear in the early 1930s that larger-calibre weapons with a
h i g h e r muzzle velocity would be n e e d e d for the
e n g a g e m e n t of the high-flying aircraft that were
Type: Effective ceiling:
b e c o m i n g feasible.
heavy towed AA gun 12,800m (41,995ft)
In 1933 K r u p p a n d Rheinmetall were each tasked
Calibre: Road range: with the construction of a pair of prototypes for
105mm (4.1in) n/a
competitive evaluation in 1935. RheinmetaH's Gerat 38
Vehicle length: Range:
was selected in 1936 a n d o r d e r e d as the 10.5cm
n/a n/a Fliegerabwehrkanone 38. In basic c o n c e p t this was an
enlarged 8.8cm FlaK 18 with significant changes
Length of barrel: Projectile weight: including the electrical control system a n d the loading
6.648m (261.7in) 15.1kg (33.31b)
mechanism subsequently a d o p t e d for the 8.8cm Flak 41,
Weight travelling: Armour: and the original FlaK 1 8 / 3 6 data-transmission system was
14,600kg (32,1871b) n/a replaced with that of the FlaK 37 d u r i n g 1939, when a
sectioned barrel was i n t r o d u c e d to create the FlaK 39.
Weight in action: Engine:
T h e FlaK 38 a n d 39 were m a n u f a c t u r e d in quantity, even
10,240kg (22,5751b) n/a
t h o u g h they were excelled in p e r f o r m a n c e by the
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: smaller 8.8cm FlaK 41. T h e gun was generally o p e r a t e d
-3° to 85° 880mps (2887fps) by a c o m m a n d e r a n d n i n e m e n , which increased to 11
when m a n u a l loading was required. T h e "88" was an
Traverse arc: Speed:
360° n/a altogether s u p e r b weapon which was not rivalled by
anything the Allies p r o d u c e d .
LE FH 18
LE FH 18/40
the G e r m a n Army up to 1945. T h e le FH 18 was a
completely o r t h o d o x but capable a n d reliable weapon
given a somewhat obsolescent look as a result of its large
Type: Effective ceiling:
wheels. T h e type was latter adapted as the le FH 18.M medium field howitzer n/a
with a muzzle brake to r e d u c e the recoil forces, a n d
could fire a wide variety of shells including high Calibre: Road range:
explosive, smoke, tracer, hollow-charge a n d incendiary. 105mm (4.13in) n/a
m a n u f a c t u r e d 100,000 r o u n d s of a m m u n i t i o n early in
Traverse arc: Speed:
1943. T h e d a t a in t h e specifications b o x refers to t h e Mk 360° n/a
III g u n on Mk III m o u n t i n g .
GUN 75/27 MO 11
GUN 149/40 M 0 35
SPECIFICATIONS I t was in the late 1920s that the Italian Army decided it
n e e d e d a m o d e r n heavy howitzer. Although work on a
new weapon began in 1930 with the Direzione Servizio
GUN 210/22 MO 35
37MM AA GUN Ml designer's death in 1926. It was only in 1935 that work
was re-started to finalize the weapon that served with the
US Army Air Forces as the 3 7 m m Aircraft Automatic
Type: Effective ceiling:
light towed AA gun 5670m (18,600ft)
G u n M4 a n d M10, the US Navy as the 3 7 m m M4, a n d
the US Army as the Anti-aircraft G u n M 1 that was later
Calibre: Road range: developed into the M1A2.
37mm (1.457 in) n/a
These guns differed f r o m each o t h e r only in m i n o r
Vehicle length: Range:
details. T h e Ml e n t e r e d service in 1940 a n d t h o u g h ,
n/a n/a soon after this, the Americans decided to standardize the
Bofors as the 4 0 m m G u n M l , p r o d u c t i o n of this superior
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
weapon could not m e e t d e m a n d . As a result Colt
1.9m (78in) 0.61kg ( l i b 5.5oz)
c o n t i n u e d production of the 3 7 m m M l , of which 7278
Weight travelling: Armour: were completed. This Browning g u n thus served right
2778kg (61251b) n/a t h r o u g h the USA's involvement in World War II, a n d saw
action on every American front.
Weight in action: Engine:
unknown n/a T h e weapon was supplied with a m m u n i t i o n f r o m the
left in the f o r m of single r o u n d s or 10-round clips, a n d
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: could fire either single r o u n d s or in automatic m o d e .
-5° to +90° 853mps (2800fps)
T h e carriage was a straightforward platform which could
Traverse arc: Speed: be lowered f r o m its four wheels a n d stabilized by two
360° n/a folding. It h a d a rate of fire of 120 r o u n d s per m i n u t e
a n d fired high explosive a m m u n i t i o n .
57MM ANTI-TANK GUN Ml g u n was obsolete (as the G e r m a n s discovered with their
own weapon of the same calibre when the r o u n d s
b o u n c e d off the hulls of enemy tanks) a n d that the
Type: Effective ceiling:
medium towed AT gun n/a
surest way to get an effective weapon into service was the
licensed p r o d u c t i o n of the British 6-pdr weapon.
Calibre: Road range: From February 1941 the American revised the British
57mm (2.244in) n/a
plans to suit US p r o d u c t i o n practices, a n d the result was
Vehicle length: Range:
the 5 7 m m Anti tank G u n Ml - Carriage M l . T h e carriage
n/a 915m (1000 yards) differed f r o m the British original principally in using a
wheel-operated traverse system, but was t h e n modified,
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
firstly by fitting combat tyres to p r o d u c e the M1A1,
2.97m (117in) 2.8kg (6.281b)
secondly by reverting to the British shoulder-operated
Weight travelling: Armour: free traverse to p r o d u c e the M1A2, a n d thirdly by
1225kg (27001b) n/a making changes to the towing eye to create the M1A3.
Weight in action:
T h e 5 7 m m g u n was used on a large scale t h r o u g h o u t
unknown n/a Wrorld War II, but its most i m p o r t a n t application was as a
self-propelled g u n supplied u n d e r the terms of the
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: Lease-Lend Act to the British a n d the Soviets on the
-5° to +15° 823mps (2700fps)
Eastern Front, where it filled a large gap created by the
Traverse arc: Speed: loss of thousands of guns c a p t u r e d by the Germans. This
90° n/a was the G u n Motor Carriage T48 on the M3 halftrack
vehicle, a n d 962 guns were p r o d u c e d for this task.
provided by the fact that the traverse handwheel worked Vehicle length: Range:
directly on the axle, allowing the cradle to carry only the n/a 8915m (9750 yards)
elevation gear. A slow initial p r o d u c t i o n rate m e a n t that
just u n d e r 100 such e q u i p m e n t s were in service by the Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
1.19m (47in) 6.242kg (13.761b)
middle of 1940, but by the time of the USA's entry into
World War II in D e c e m b e r 1941 t h e r e were slightly m o r e Weight travelling: Armour:
than 450 in service and total p r o d u c t i o n was 4939 by the 588kg (12961b) n/a
e n d of the war. Modernization of the carriage with
Weight in action: Engine:
pneumatically tyred wheels a n d provision for
unknown n/a
p a r a d r o p p i n g (nine loads) created the Carriage M8,
whose overall weight was 608kg (13401b). T h e M8 Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity:
gradually replaced the Ml carriage, a n d the type was -5° to +45° 381mps (1250fps)
carriage became the Sin G u n Carriage M l , which was Vehicle length: Range:
later developed into the 3in Gun Carriage M6. T h e Anti- n/a 915m (1000 yards)
tank Gun M5 - Carriage Ml that resulted f r o m this
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
process was large a n d somewhat unwieldy weapon that,
4.023m (158.4in) 6.94kg (15.431b)
in c o m m o n with a n u m b e r of o t h e r improvised weapons
that a p p e a r e d in World War II, could be developed and Weight travelling: Armour:
p r o d u c e d without delay a n d had the m a j o r attribute of 2654kg (58501b) n/a
M10 TANK DESTROYER chassis. Work 011 the creation of this i m p o r t a n t weapon
began in April 1942, a n d progressed so well that the
resulting M10 was standardized in J u n e of the same year.
Type: Effective ceiling:
medium tank destroyer n/a
T h e Gun Motor Carriage MK) comprised the 3in Anti-
tank G u n M7 m o u n t e d in a 360° traverse turret with an
Calibre: Road range: only partially covered top 011 the chassis of the Medium
n/a 322km (200 miles)
Tank M4A2 S h e r m a n .
Vehicle length: Range:
T h e anti-tank gun could be elevated in an arc
5.97m (19ft 7in) n/a between -10° a n d +19°, a n d was provided with 54 r o u n d s
of APC a n d HE a m m u n i t i o n , the f o r m e r firing its
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
projectile with a muzzle velocity of 792m (2600ft) p e r
n/a n/a
second to p e n e t r a t e 102mm (4in) of face-hardened
Weight travelling: Armour: a r m o u r at 915m (1000 yards). T h e turret also carried
29,699kg (65,4751b) 12-37mm (.47-1.96in) o n e 12.7mm (0.5in) Browning M2HB m a c h i n e g u n (300
r o u n d s ) for local d e f e n c e and protection against attacks
Weight in action: Engine:
n/a GM 6-71-6046 X 2 by low-flying warplanes. T h e MIO's a r m o u r protection
could be increased by attaching auxiliary a r m o u r of
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: differing thickness to the basic armour.
n/a n/a
T h e M10A1 variant was a training vehicle used only in
Traverse arc: Speed: the USA a n d differed f r o m the MK) in being based 011
n/a 48km/h (30mph) the chassis of the M4A3 S h e r m a n tank with a single Ford
GAA engine.
S c h e m e d a s ihe m o d e r n r e p l a c e m e n t f o r t h e
R a m m e r M8 to facilitate loading.
Weight in action: Engine:
Drawing up plans f o r this w e a p o n was easier t h a n t h e unknown n/a
actual m a n u f a c t u r e , a n d p r o d u c t i o n o f t h e M l a n d
M1A1 was initially slow, largely as a result of the g u n ' s Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity:
0° to +80° 823mps (2700fps)
complexity a n d t h e f i n e t o l e r a n c e s n e e d e d i n t h e
c r e a t i o n of t h e all-important fire-control system. Despite Traverse arc: Speed:
t h e w e a p o n ' s c r e a t i o n f o r single-role service, s o m e M l 360° n/a
g u n s were installed on M3 m o u n t s a n d u s e d as coast
defence weapons.
Island Arsenal. For obvious reasons of standardization
and r e d u c e d spares holdings, it was p l a n n e d that the
new e q u i p m e n t should use the carriage as that for the
Type: Effective ceiling:
heavy towed howitzer n/a
4.5in G u n M l , a n d as events t u r n e d o u t the howitzer was
m a n u f a c t u r e d in considerably greater n u m b e r s than the
Calibre: Road range: tactically less useful gun.
155mm (6.1in) n/a
T h e Ml howitzer e n t e r e d service in 1942, a n d by the
Vehicle length: Range:
e n d of World War II in 1945 some 4035 such e q u i p m e n t s
n/a 14,630m (16,000 yards) had been built. T h e Ml howitzer was a highly successful
a n d very p o p u l a r weapon that possessed an enviable
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
r e p u t a t i o n f o r accuracy. In basic design the howitzer was
3.81m (150in) 43.14kg (951b)
conventional, a n d for firing the Carriage Ml (of the
Weight travelling: Armour: split-trail type) was stabilized by a jack u n d e r the axle.
5428kg (11,9661b) n/a Improved versions of the e q u i p m e n t were the Carriages
M1A1 and M1A2 with different firing jacks, while a later
Weight in action: Engine:
unknown n/a version of the howitzer was the 155mm Howitzer M1A1
m a d e of a stronger steel. T h e sole self-propelled
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: m o u n t i n g was the 155mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M41
-2° to +65° 564mps (1850fps)
"Gorilla". Like most American heavy artillery pieces, the
Traverse arc: Speed: M 1 howitzer was robust a n d reliable, a n d packed a
53° n/a powerful p u n c h . Such weapons aided the victories over
both Germany a n d J a p a n .
f r o m t h e original w e a p o n b y t h e H u g h e s Tool C o m p a n y .
Vehicle length: Range:
T h e new Sin Howitzer Ml in fact e n t e r e d service d u r i n g n/a 16,915m (18,500 yards)
i n 1942, a n d t h e e q u i p m e n t used t h e s a m e b r e e c h
m e c h a n i s m a n d carriage a s t h e 1 5 5 m m G u n M l . Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
n/a 90.8kg (2001b)
M a n u f a c t u r e o f 1006 such e q u i p m e n t s h a d b e e n
c o m p l e t e d b e f o r e t h e e n d of World War II in 1945. In Weight travelling: Armour:
service t h e Sin Howitzer Ml was a p o p u l a r w e a p o n that 14,515kg (32,0001b) n/a
was especially n o t a b l e f o r its accuracy a n d capability in
Weight in action: Engine:
tasks such as t h e r e d u c t i o n of fortifications, qualities that
13,4672kg (29,7001b) n/a
were especially n e e d e d in n o r t h w e s t E u r o p e against the
Siegfried L i n e a n d in Italy, w h e r e t h e G e r m a n s built a Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity:
n u m b e r o f s t r o n g d e f e n c e lines a m o n g t h e m a n y hills -2° to +64° 594mps (1950fps)
a n d in the m o u n t a i n o u s terrain. T h e only self-propelled
Traverse arc: Speed:
version of this impressive w e a p o n was t h e Sin Howitzer 60° n/a
M o t o r Carriage M43.
81N GUN M l
Calibre Board established in 1919 to consider the US
Army's artillery needs. T h e board considered that a
thoroughly m o d e r n long-range gun of 203mm (Sin)
Type: Effective ceiling:
calibre was needed, but the USA's worsening economic
heavy mobile gun n/a
situation meant that work on the new weapon was
Calibre: Road range: suspended in 1924 and resumed only in 1939 for the first
203.2mm (8in) n/a firing of the T2 prototype weapon in 1941, the year in
which the new weapon was standardized for service as the
Vehicle length: Range:
n/a 32,005m (35,000 yards)
8in Gun M l . This was planned for use of the same
Carriage Ml as the 240mm Howitzer M l , but the need for
Length of barrel: Projectile weight: limited modifications m e a n t that the carriage for the gun
10.401m (409.5in) 109.13kg (240.371b)
became the Carriage M2. T h e 8in Gun Ml entered service
Weight travelling: Armour:
during 1942, and only 139 such equipments had been
31,434kg (69,3001b) n/a completed before the e n d of World War II in 1945 as the
weapon was very large, heavy and costly. Movement was
Weight in action: Engine: possible only on special wagons (one for the gun and its
unknown n/a
mounting, and another for the split trail required to
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: handle the recoil forces) generally towed by converted M3
-10° to +50° 899mps (2950fps) tanks, and the equipment had to be assembled in firing
position with the aid of a truck-mounted crane. T h e Ml
Traverse arc: Speed:
had an initial rate of fire of one r o u n d per minute,
40° n/a
declining to one r o u n d per two minutes after 10 minutes.
GUN 1942
76.2MM AA GUN 1931 1941 and, in c o m m o n with many o t h e r such guns of the
period, incorporated a n u m b e r of design features
related to Vickers' design thinking f r o m the late 1920s.
Type: Effective ceiling:
T h e gun was installed on a two-wheeled carriage for
medium towed AA gun 9300m (30,510ft)
relatively good mobility, and was essentially
Calibre: Road range: straightforward in its h a n d l i n g and firing requirements.
76.2mm (3in) n/a
T h e G e r m a n s captured large n u m b e r s in 1941 a n d
Vehicle length: Range:
1942, a n d these e n t e r e d G e r m a n h o m e d e f e n c e
n/a n/a service with the revised designation 7.62cm FlaK M31 (r):
when stocks of Soviet a m m u n i t i o n were exhausted,
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
a few of the guns were r e b o r e d for G e r m a n 8 8 m m
4.19m (165in) 6.61kg (14.5751b)
a m m u n i t i o n as 7.62/8.8cm F l a K M 3 1 ( r ) weapons, the
Weight travelling: Armour: last being scrapped in 1944. During 1938 the Soviets
4210kg (92811b) n/a introduced a revised a n d u p d a t e d version as the Anti-
Aircraft Gun Model 1938 (specification at left) with a
Weight in action: Engine:
3050kg (67241b) n/a
d e t a c h m e n t of 11 ( c o m m a n d e r a n d 10 m e n ) , a
two-axle carriage, a n d detail improvements to the gun
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: and its controls. C a p t u r e d examples of the Model 38
-3° to +82° 815 mps (2674fps) e n t e r e d service as 7.62cm F l a K M 3 8 ( r ) or, after being
rebored, 7.62/8.8cm FlaK MBS (r) weapons. Both the
Traverse arc: Speed:
360° n/a Soviet a n d G e r m a n weapons r e m a i n e d in service to the
e n d of World War II.
GUN 1943
SU-76 term their best bet lay with the installation of a powerful
gun on a light chassis to create a nimble yet hard-hitting
tank destroyer that could be developed quickly a n d
Type: Effective ceiling:
medium SP AT gun n/a
placed in production early e n o u g h to help stem the
G e r m a n invasion.
Calibre: Road range: Such a weapon e n t e r e d service in 1942 as the four-
n/a 355km (221 miles)
man 76mm Self-Propelled Gun (SU-76). This was
Vehicle length: Range:
essentially the 76.2mm Model 1942/SiS-3 g u n m o u n t e d
5.03m (16ft 6in) n/a in a fixed a r m o u r e d superstructure on a l e n g t h e n e d T-70
light tank chassis. However, the increasing a r m o u r
Length of barrel: Projectile weight:
thickness of G e r m a n tanks soon c o m b i n e d with the
n/a n/a
vulnerability deriving f r o m its own thin a r m o u r to make
Weight travelling: Armour: the SU-76 better suited to the infantry support role.
n/a 15-25mm (.59-lin) T h e g u n could fire HE, APHF., HVAP and HEAT
Weight in action:
r o u n d s at muzzle velocities between 325 a n d 965m
10,990kg (24,2281b) two GAZ 202 (1065 and 3167ft) per second, a n d carried 60 mixed
r o u n d s for the gun that could be elevated in an arc
Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity: between -3° a n d +25°, a n d traversed 32°. An improved
n/a n/a
model, the SU-76M with two u p r a t e d GAZ-203
Traverse arc: Speed: engines, a n d a r m o u r protection over the fighting
n/a 45km/h (28mph) c o m p a r t m e n t , a p p e a r e d late in the war. T h e vehicle
p e r f o r m e d well in combat.
GUN 1944
heavy artillery pieces could not be moved forward in the Weight travelling: Armour:
d e e p snow a n d / o r m u d ) . Stability in the firing position n/a n/a
was aided by the use of a split-trail a r r a n g e m e n t , and this
was reflected in moderately good accuracy to a Weight in action: Engine:
18,200kg (40,1231b) n/a
considerable range. Only a comparatively small n u m b e r
of these powerful g u n / h o w i t z e r e q u i p m e n t s was Elevation arc: Muzzle velocity:
m a n u f a c t u r e d , a n d although the type was a c c o r d e d the 0° to +60° 880mps (2887fps)
G e r m a n designation 15.2cm Kanone 440(r) there is no
Traverse arc: Speed:
evidence tin it any of the type were ever used by the
8° n/a
G e r m a n s after being captured.