Appreciative Inquiry - An Overview
Appreciative Inquiry - An Overview
Appreciative Inquiry - An Overview
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an approach used in academia, business and the not-for-profit
sectors. The main pioneer of AI is widely recognized to be David Cooperrider.
Traditional methods of assessing and evaluating a situation and then proposing solutions are
based on a deficiency model. Traditional methods ask questions such as “What are the
problems?”, “What’s wrong?” or “What needs to be fixed?” Sometimes such questions are
sugar-coated in trendy jargon. Instead of asking “What’s the problem?”, which can seem a
little harsh, the question may be couched in terms of ‘challenges’: “What are the
challenges?” Regardless of whether the question is asked harshly or softened with less
antagonistic language, the model remains as one of deficiency. The thinking behind the
questions assumes that there is something wrong, that something needs to be ‘fixed’ or
‘solved’. Business people (especially consultants) like to say they ‘can provide solutions’. The
underlying belief is that there is something wrong and it needs to be fixed.
Appreciative Inquiry flips all that on its head. It is an asset-based approach. It starts with the
belief that every organization, and every person in that organization, has something good
about it. Each person has something valuable to contribute and the organization itself has
merit of some kind. It asks questions like “What’s working?”, “What’s good about what you
are currently doing?”
AI seeks to uncover the best of what an organization is currently doing, using interviews with
its members. The interviews challenge participants to examine and discuss what is good about
their current situation and explore what works well within the organization. This approach
then utilizes the data collected from those interviews to construct a plan for enriching the
Appreciative Inquiry - An overview
An initial reaction for some people is to balk when they hear questions like “What’s working?”
An retaliatory answer may follow of “Nothing is working! It’s all a mess!”. People are so used
to working within a deficiency framework, that it is almost like the brain can not process
questions that are rooted in an asset-based approach. It may take some time for people to
come up with an answer to questions based on an AI approach. This is because AI challenges
us to shift our paradigm from deficiency thinking to asset thinking. Changing paradigms takes
some time, but the results can be worth it.
Eaton International Consulting 2010