Current Approaches and Future Directions To Understanding Control of Head Movement
Current Approaches and Future Directions To Understanding Control of Head Movement
Current Approaches and Future Directions To Understanding Control of Head Movement
Eye–head–neck coordination
Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 143
ISSN 0079-6123
Copyright ß 2004 Published by Elsevier BV.
Barry W. Peterson*
Department of Physiology, The Feinberg Medical School, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Abstract: This chapter reviews four key issues that must be addressed to advance our knowledge of control of head
movement by the central nervous system (CNS). (1) Researchers must consider how the CNS utilizes the multiple
muscle patterns that can produce the same head movement in carrying out tasks in an optimal way. (2) More attention
must be paid to the dynamics of neck muscle activation that are required to implement head movements and show they
are produced by CNS circuits. (3) Research is required to determine how the multiple pathways that impinge upon neck
motor centers are utilized in a variety of tasks including eye–head gaze shifts, smooth head tracking, head stabilization
and manipulating objects with the head. These pathways include corticospinal, vestibulospinal, reticulospinal (three
subdivisions), fastigiospinal, tectospinal and interstitiospinal tracts. (4) Further analysis is needed to understand how
vestibular signals are modulated during each of the above-mentioned tasks. This ambitious agenda is justified by the
fact that the head–neck motor system is an ideal model for understanding issues of complex motor control.
DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(03)43035-5
Fig. 2. Dynamics of horizontal head stabilization about a single joint. The symbol s is the LaPlace variable. I, B and K are inertia,
viscosity and stiffness, respectively, of neck. Kc and Kv are constants weighting the action of the CCR and VCR, respectively, on neck
musculature. See text for discussion of time constants (T).
position/acceleration control signal on neck MNs. Supranuclear commands for voluntary head
Peterson et al. (1985) also observed the dynamics of movements
responses to rotation of the body about an earth-
fixed head, finding again a second-order signal. This Commands for generating head movements reach
behavior, which is represented by the cervicocollic neck MNs from a variety of sources that are shown in
reflex (CCR) transfer function in Fig. 2, likely reflects Fig. 3.
the properties of neck muscle spindles. Several classes of vestibulospinal neurons project
Measurement of the transfer functions of system to neck motor pools. One group includes the
components opened the way for dynamical modeling bifurcating position-vestibular-pause (PVP) neurons
of the head stabilization system in cats (Goldberg and that project to both extraocular and neck MNs (Isu
Peterson, 1986) and humans (Peng et al., 1996a,b). et al., 1988). Their name denotes the fact that they
These models have proven remarkably effective carry an eye position signal and a vestibular
in replicating and explaining the complex dynamic semicircular canal signal and pause during saccadic
behavior of the head during horizontal rotations gaze shifts. Perlmutter et al. (1998a) established that
of the body (Keshner and Peterson, 1995; Keshner the canal input to these neurons is from a single
et al., 1995). Several conclusions can be reached canal. Responses of identified bifurcating neurons to
from these models: (1) the VCR is not very effective linear head motions have not been studied but it is
in stabilizing horizontal head position in space likely that they also receive input from otolith
at frequencies below 0.5 Hz (gain 0.1); (2) the afferents sensitive to linear acceleration as observed
VCR and CCR are vital for preventing head in unidentified PVP neurons (Angelaki et al., 2001).
oscillations in the 1–3 Hz range; and (3) a static The likely signal carried by these neurons is a
vertical VCR appears to be important for stabilizing command for stabilizing eye and head movements
the head in an upright posture against the force of aligned with the coordinate frame of the three
gravity. It is likely that the VCR also plays a role in semicircular canals. This would then be distributed
stabilizing the head during linear motions of the body with the proper weights to extraocular and neck MNs
(Lacour and Borel, 1989; Borel and Lacour, 1992; to generate the required motions.
Borel et al., 1994). This is a topic for future There are also vestibulospinal neurons that project
investigation. only to the neck. These typically receive convergent
Fig. 3. Scheme showing processes involved in generating and controlling eye–head gaze shifts. Commands for saccadic gaze shifts
originate in association areas of frontal and parietal cortex (F-PCx) and activate output systems originating in motor cortex (MCx) and
SC. SC signals reach neck motoneurons (NMn) primarily via reticulospinal neurons (RSN) and oculomotor nuclei (OM) via excitatory
and inhibitory burst neurons (EBN, IBN). Both head and eyes are stabilized in space via pathways originating in semicircular canals
(SCC) and relaying in the vestibular nuclei (VN). The VN are also the relay for smooth pursuit commands relayed via area MST and
cerebellar vermis and flocculus (Cb). The cerebellum also regulates eye and head movements via its fastigial nucleus (FN). Also
included are three mechanisms that regulate gaze shifts: the eye saccade gate implemented by omnipause neurons (OPN); the resettable
neural integrator (RNI) that turns off saccades when the correct goal is reached; and, a head-movement estimator (HME) that cancels
the portion of VN activation due to commanded head movements. HMS are head-movement sensors—possibly muscle spindles. Solid
arrows indicate excitatory connections; open circles, inhibitory connections; open arrows, mixed actions.
input from multiple canals that produce a unique strongest direct input from otolith afferents sensitive
preferred rotation direction that is likely aligned with to linear accelerations (Angelaki et al., 2001). The
that of the specific motor pools to which they project signals carried by these neurons are likely to mediate
(Perlmutter et al., 1998a). It is not known how such postural-stabilizing responses.
vestibulocollic neurons respond to linear motions. Another major source of input to neck MNs is the
Observations by Boyle et al. (1996) suggest that this reticulospinal system, which originates from several
population may include neurons that receive input groups of neurons in the medial mesencephalic,
from the cerebellar flocculus and exhibit an eye–head pontine and medullary brainstem (Robinson et al.,
velocity discharge pattern. They could provide one 1994). The best understood neurons are those that are
pathway for mediating visually guided smooth head located in the paramedian pontine reticular forma-
movements. tion and send their axons to the spinal cord via the
Finally, neck MNs also receive input from medial reticulospinal tract (mRST). The paramedian
collateral branches of vestibulospinal neurons pro- pontine reticular region is the final premotor relay
jecting to lower levels of the spinal cord (Perlmutter in the network that controls horizontal gaze shifts.
et al., 1998b). These long vestibulospinal neurons In addition to mRST neurons, it also contains
exhibit a wide variety of preferred angular rotation excitatory burst neurons (EBNs) that drive horizon-
directions including directions that activate semicir- tal eye movements via projections to abducens MNs
cular canals on the opposite side. Interestingly, it is and internuclear neurons (Strassman et al., 1986a,b).
such Type II neurons that appear to receive the Both mRST and EBN neurons carry a signal related
to gaze velocity. They receive strong excitatory inputs strongly to inputs from otolith organs. This raises the
from the superior colliculus (SC), a structure that possibility that the reticulospinal system may contain
specifies the desired metrics of a gaze shift by a spatial separate channels for mediating visually driven
code wherein discharge of neurons in a specific orienting responses, and slow head stabilization and
location on a retinotopic map leads to a saccade tracking movements. This suggestion requires further
appropriate to foveate a stimulus falling on the examination in animals with free heads.
corresponding portion of the retina. Transformation A third reticulospinal projection arises from the
from the spatial code in the SC to the gaze velocity region of central mesencephalic tegmentum corre-
code in the reticular formation is thought to involve sponding to nucleus subcuneiformis (Robinson et al.,
weighted projections from SC to the reticular 1994). Some neurons in this region fire prior to
formation and regulation by cerebellar circuits that saccades while others discharge later, at the point
project to the reticular formation via the cerebellar when head movement is underway (Waitzman et al.,
fastigial nucleus (Optican and Quaia, 2002). (Further 1996, 2002). Inactivation of the region results in
aspects of this system are considered below). Neurons hypermetric contralateral saccades (Waitzman et al.,
projecting in the mRST also receive input from 2000), suggesting that it is involved in the regulation
frontal cortex and the vestibular system (Peterson of gaze-shift amplitude. An intriguing possibility is
et al., 1974; Peterson and Abzug, 1975), raising the that this region plays a role in apportioning the SC
possibility that they may participate in voluntary gaze command signal between eye and neck motor
control of the proximal musculature and postural plants.
reflexes. Corticospinal projections to the neck arise from
Less well understood are the projections to neck several cortical areas including primary motor cortex,
MNs from neurons in the gigantocellular reticular the dorsal and ventral premotor areas and the
formation of the medial medulla. These descend supplementary and cingulate motor areas (He et al.,
primarily in the ipsilateral and contralateral lateral 1993, 1995). In primates, some of these projections
reticulospinal tracts (lRSTs) and have both excitatory appear to terminate on neck MNs (Dum and Strick,
and inhibitory actions on neck MNs (Peterson et al., 1996). In the cat, however, the most direct excitatory
1978). The latter pay a key role in the atonia cortico-neck MN pathway was disynaptic with a
associated with rapid eye-movement sleep (Terzuolo relay in the pontomedullary reticular formation.
et al., 1965). Like mRST neurons, these neurons Stimulation of corticospinal fibers below a transected
receive inputs from frontal cortex, SC, fastigial pyramid gave rise only to disynaptic inhibition
nucleus and vestibular and somesthetic afferents followed by longer latency excitation (Alstermark
(Peterson and Felpel, 1971; Eccles et al., 1975; et al., 1985, 1992). It is likely that cortico-
Peterson et al., 1980). This raises the possibility that reticulospinal connections are stronger than direct
they serve a wide variety of functions related to corticospinal connections in primates, as well. They
voluntary head movements, orienting and postural would allow cortical access to orienting responses
stabilization. Kitama and colleagues (Kitama et al., involving synergistic activation of large sets of axial
1995a,b), however, have reported that these functions MNs and to postural adjustments that form a vital
may be separated. Neurons that play a key role in part of many voluntary movements. The latter may
orienting movements produced by the tecto-reticu- also involve cortico-vestibulospinal pathways. The
lospinal system (Grantyn and Berthoz, 1985, 1987; special role of the direct pathways remains to be
Grantyn et al., 1987, 1992a,b; Grantyn et al., this explored experimentally.
volume; Sasaki, this volume) appear to receive Another descending pathway arises from the
relatively little vestibular input whereas other interstitial nucleus of Cajal, which functions as a
neurons in the pontine and medullary reticular controller for vertical gaze position (Fukushima,
formation respond vigorously to horizontal rotations 1987; see also Fukushima et al., Chapter 37 of this
and also receive input from the SC. These likely volume). There are also projections from the SC and
include the reticulospinal neurons examined by cerebellar fastigial nucleus that appear to terminate
Bolton et al. (1992), which responded especially on interneurons within the neck segments of the
spinal cord (Robinson et al., 1994). These may be the gaze shift while the eyes are moving in the opposite
head-movement analog of projections of these direction under the influence of the VOR. In fact, eye
structures to EBNs that drive eye saccades. velocity typically reverses direction before the end of
the gaze shift, thereby reflecting an opposing
interaction between gaze drive and the partially
Neuromuscular strategies underlying suppressed VOR (Tabak et al., 1996). It was
eye–head gaze shifts originally thought that the VOR was normally active
throughout a gaze shift. This would require the
The most extensive analysis of head movements saccadic system to generate a much larger drive in
concerns their role in eye–head gaze shifts. Figure 4 order to overcome the vestibuloocular eye move-
summarizes key aspects of this behavior. ments that would oppose the gaze shift (Bizzi et al.,
The lower traces in Fig. 4A indicate the move- 1976). There is now wide agreement, however, that
ments of the eyes (in the head) and of the head in the VOR is suppressed during a gaze shift
space during an 80 gaze shift. Gaze is the sum of the (Tomlinson and Bahra, 1986a; Ron et al., 1993;
other two signals and reflects the point in space Tabak et al., 1996; Roy and Cullen, 1998). Careful
toward which the optic axes of the eyes are directed. measurements by Tabak et al. (1996) indicate that the
In this example, the eyes and head begin moving at degree of suppression in the human increases with
the same time (gaze shift onset indicated by the first amplitude of the gaze shift but is never complete. The
dotted line) but this can vary (Zangemeister et al., drawing at the top of Fig. 4A is typical, showing
1981, 1982; Zangemeister and Stark, 1982). For small a suppression of 50%. As discussed further below,
movements, the head is often delayed whereas for there is also evidence that VCRs are suppressed
large movements or highly predictable movements, during active, voluntary head movements (McCrea
the head may begin to move before the eyes (Ron et al., 1999; Roy and Cullen, 2001).
et al., 1993). In this case, the VOR drives the eyes in Figure 4B illustrates another aspect of eye–head
the opposite direction, thereby holding gaze stable behavior. Head-movement components of gaze shifts
until gaze onset. depend on eye position in the head (Guitton et al.,
The gaze shift ends 0.3 s after it began. At this 1984; Tomlinson and Bahra, 1986b; Guitton and
time, the head is still moving in the direction of the Volle, 1987; Freedman and Sparks, 1997; Goossens
Fig. 4. Eye–head behavior during gaze saccades. (A) Traces at bottom show trajectories of head in space, eye in head and of their sum
(gaze) during an 80 gaze saccade. Top trace plots VOR gain as measured by Tabak et al. (1996). Vertical lines indicate gaze shift onset,
gaze shift end and head-movement end. (B) Plot of head-movement contribution to gaze shifts as a function of the predicted eye
eccentricity at the end of the gaze shift if the head did not move (the sum of initial eye position in head and the change in gaze), as
analyzed by Stahl (1999). Axes are in degrees.
and Van Opstal, 1997; Stahl, 1999; Ceylan et al., activity on the colliculus during the gaze shift toward
2000). If a gaze shift can be accomplished by eye regions that code progressively smaller gaze shifts
movements alone, leaving the eyes near central (Munoz and Guitton, 1985; Munoz et al., 1991;
position, the head-movement component will be Munoz and Wurtz, 1995) but the current models
minimal. The abscissa on the Fig. 4B graph, which assign a key role in the process to the cerebellar
plots the sum of initial eye position and the gaze shift, vermis (Optican and Quaia, 2002) and its output
reflects this behavior. If the initial eye position (Ei) is pathway via the fastigial nucleus (FN).
already in the direction of the gaze shift, Ei þ G will The eye-movement component of the gaze shift
be large, and a larger head movement will be planned passes through a gate representing the inhibitory
than if initial eye position is in the direction opposite action of omnipause neurons (OPN) before reaching
to the gaze shift. The range of allowed eye position EBNs and inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs). The
varies between individuals—those with large allowed presence of this gate explains why activity sometimes
ranges are eye movers while those with small ranges reaches head-movement circuits prior to activation of
are head movers. The range can also be adjusted to EBNs and IBNs. Activity of these bursters then
match cognitive demands of the task. For instance, drives oculomotor neurons (OM). It also charges the
when subjects view the world through pinhole glasses, RNI and the eye-position integrator that maintains
the range is greatly reduced so that gaze shifts are eccentric eye positions between gaze shifts (not shown
largely carried out by moving the head. This allows in Fig. 3). A final action arises from the projection of
the target to remain visible through the pinhole IBNs to the vestibular nuclei where they are thought
(Ceylan et al., 2000). The simple form of apportion- to inhibit PVP-type vestibuloocular neurons. This
ing gaze shifts can be accomplished by adding an eye would account for the fact that the pause exhibited by
position offset signal to the main reticulospinal these neurons is precisely aligned with the time of the
pathway carrying gaze commands to the neck as saccadic gaze shift.
shown in Fig. 3, and as observed experimentally The head-movement component of the SC-
(Grantyn and Berthoz, 1987). It is not clear, however, controlled gaze shift reaches neck MNs primarily
how the range is adjusted in accordance with task via reticulospinal neurons (RSNs). As explained
demands. above, there are separate populations of RSNs
Figure 3 summarizes current knowledge of neural responsible for horizontal and vertical head move-
circuitry involved in generating eye–head gaze shifts. ments located in the mesencephalic, pontine and
A major source of commands for such shifts is the medullary tegmentum. The box shown in Fig. 3 is
intermediate-to-deep layers of the SC, which receives a composite of these populations. It receives SC-,
inputs from many sources, including gaze centers in motor cortical- and vestibular input, which may be
the frontal and parietal cortex (F-PCx). SC discharge segregated in different populations of RSNs (Kitama
is in the form of a location code where firing of a et al., 1995a). This box also receives an eye-position
particular neuron commands movements to a specific signal, which has been observed in medial RSNs of
point on a retinotopic map. Firing intensity varies the pons (Grantyn and Berthoz, 1987; Grantyn et al.,
somewhat with the motivation of the animal and the 1992a). As explained above, this signal varies the
corresponding velocity of the resulting gaze shift, but activation of RSNs and hence the head-movement
this variation is a secondary effect. Output of the component of gaze shifts depending on the position
colliculus is thus a gaze displacement command. This of the eyes in the head.
must be converted to a gaze velocity command that A prominent input to EBNs, IBNs and RSNs
declines to zero as gaze reaches the target. Figure 3 arises from the fastigial nucleus (May et al., 1990;
shows conceptually how this can be done. A Robinson et al., 1994). Knowledge of the complex
resettable neural integrator (RNI) keeps track of signals carried by fastigial neurons, and the way in
how far gaze has shifted since the saccade began and which they are distributed to different premotoneur-
its output is subtracted from the SC signal to yield the ons, is currently quite limited. There is a similar lack
desired gaze velocity command. There is evidence of information on the role of pathways from motor
that this process may involve shifting of the locus of and premotor cortical areas of the frontal lobe
(He et al., 1993, 1995; Dum and Strick, 1996) in (Boyle et al., 1996; McCrea et al., 1999; Roy and
producing head movements. Anatomical and electro- Cullen, 2001). These neurons do not cease dischar-
physiological observations indicate that these path- ging as do PVPs. Furthermore, they continue to be
ways have powerful actions on RSNs and neck MNs responsive to externally produced head movements.
(Peterson et al., 1974; Alstermark et al., 1985, 1992) There is thus selective cancellation of just that
but the signals they carry during behavior have not portion of the vestibular signal produced by a
been observed. There is also considerable controversy voluntary head movement. This cancellation extends
regarding whether the frontal eye field, a region throughout the duration of the head movement, thus
traditionally thought to be the primary premotor continuing beyond the end of the gaze shift. In Fig. 3,
cortical center for eye movements, also acts upon the this cancellation is mediated by the box labeled ‘head-
neck musculature. Given its strong excitatory action movement estimator’ (HME). This mechanism
on the SC, it would seem likely that such an action processes efference copy signals of motor commands
should exist but some groups have observed it (Tu from the SC and motor cortex channels, and head-
and Keating, 2000) while others (Chen and Sparks, movement feedback signals (HMS) to arrive at an
2001) have not. estimate of the vestibular signal that would be
The vestibular nuclei are an essential component produced by a voluntary head movement. This signal
in organizing and driving stabilizing eye and head would then inhibit vestibular neurons. The cancella-
movements that compensate for externally imposed tion appears to be less complete during slow tracking
motions of the head. They do this both via powerful head movements (K. Cullen, personal communica-
excitatory and inhibitory projections directly to tion), perhaps because the HME does not have access
extraocular and neck MNs and via projections to to signals arriving via the MST-cerebellar pathway.
reticular neurons (EBN, IBN, RSN). Also shown is (MST is the abbreviation for the cortical visual area
the direct inhibitory input from Purkinje cells of the which senses image motion.)
flocculus and nodulus. Little is known about the
latter but the former play a key role in relaying
signals that allow animals to follow small moving Future directions
targets (Lisberger et al., 1994). Smooth pursuit eye
movements are mediated by flocculus-receiving Compared to the wealth of knowledge available on
neurons in the vestibular nuclei that exhibit eye– oculomotor control, our knowledge of head-move-
head, velocity type behavior (Zhang et al., 1995a,b). ment control is at a very early stage. Significant
Some of these neurons appear to project to the neck, progress can be made by studying the head-movement
as well (Boyle et al., 1996), and may be one of the system using paradigms developed for oculomotor
pathways that contributes to smooth pursuit head studies. We need to know how neurons in each of the
movements. There are also projections to and from sites that project to the neck behave during several
the fastigial nucleus whose roles are poorly under- head-movement behaviors. Ideally, neural activity
stood. One such role may be in organizing postural would be compared across eye–head gaze shifts,
adjustments during such behaviors as locomotion. smooth head tracking, head stabilization and reaching
As in the case of the VOR, there is evidence that for food with the mouth. Such studies will be much
the VCR is suppressed during gaze shifts. Part of this more valuable if the neurons investigated are identified
involves the pause in discharge of PVP neurons that (using electrical stimulation) as projecting to the neck,
was discussed. Many of these neurons bifurcate to and perhaps also according to areas of the CNS, which
project to both eye and neck motor pools (Isu et al., project to them. This will be a major undertaking since
1988). Therefore the portion of the VCR due to their it involves recordings from several cortical areas, the
action will be absent during the time of the gaze shift SC, three reticular regions [central mesencephalic
(but not the entire duration of the head movement). reticular formation (CMRF), paramedian pontine
Several groups have also observed cancellation of the reticular formation (PPRF), gigantocellularis], the
portion of vestibular input related to a voluntary medial, lateral and inferior vestibular nuclei and the
head movement in other types of vestibular neurons cerebellar fastigial nucleus. It would be valuable to
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