Unit IV Toc QB Ans
Unit IV Toc QB Ans
Unit IV Toc QB Ans
1. Define Turing Machine.
The Turing machine is denoted by M = (Q,, ,,q0, B , F) Q -Finite set of states,- Finite set of input symbols
, -finite set of allowable tape symbols,,q0 -the initial state, B-Blank symbol, F- a set of final state, is the
transition function defined as :(Q ) ( Q L,R).
2. What is a multitape turing machine.
A multitape turing machine has a finite control with some finite number of tapes.Each tape is infinite
in both directions.It has it’s own initial state and some accepting states initially.
All the other cells of all the tapes hold the blank.
The control head of the first tape is at left end of the point.
{(q1, Y1, D1), (q2, Y2, D2)..... (qk, Yk, Dk)} where k ia any integer. The NTM
can choose, at each step, any of the triples to be the next move
5. What are the different techniques of Turing machine construction
Storage in Finite Control
Sub routines
Multiple tracks
Checking off Symbols
ii) The tape head is scanning the ith symbol from left
iii) X1 X2....Xn is the portion of the tape between the leftmost and the rightmost non
7. What are the differences between Finite Automata and Turing machine.
It requires i)the state of the TM. ii)the contents of the tape. iii)the position of the tape head on the
1. (i) Construct The Turing Machine For The Following LanguageL =
{0n1n/n≥1}Draw the transition diagram. Also specify the instantaneous description
to trace the string 0011[8]-
(ii) State the halting problem of Turing machine and also prove that halting problem
of Turing Machine is undecidable [10]
2. (i) Explain the programming techniques for Turing Machine Construction
3. (i) Explain the variants of Turing Machine (or) Explain the various types of Turing
Machine [13]
4. (i) Construct a Turing Machine for the language L={ wwR/w in (0+1)* }(or)
Construct a Turing machine to accept palindromes in an alphabet ∑¿ {a ,b } .
Trace the string abab and baab [13]
5. (i) Explain how Turing Machine can be used for function of computable
languages(Or) [8]
Explain how Turing Machine can be used as a computer of Integer functions
(ii) Construct a Turing machine for proper subtraction
6. (i) Construct Turing Machine (TM) that replace all occurrence of 111 by 101
from sequence of 0's and 1's [13]
The turing machine will look for every occurrence of the string 111.
(ii) Construct a Turing Machine for the language L={ ww/w∈ {a,b} } [13]
8. (i)Construct a Turing machine that performs Unary multiplication
(Or)Design a Turing Machine that performs multiplication using subroutine copy