BS 7191 Weldabel Structural Steel For Offshore
BS 7191 Weldabel Structural Steel For Offshore
BS 7191 Weldabel Structural Steel For Offshore
BSI B S * 7 1 9 1 8 9 W 1h2Llhb9 0 0 2 0 9 0 8 O
BS 7191 : 1989
UDC 624.034.4 : 624.014.2 : 669.14.018.291 :
669.14.018.62 : 621.791 .O1 1
0 British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproducedwithout the prior permission in writing of BSI
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BS7191 : 1989
Page Page
Foreword Inside front cover Section six. Specific requirements for the
Committees responsible Back cover chemical composition and mechanical properties
of weldable structural steel seamless tubulars
Specification 31 General 23
Section one. General
1 Scope 3 Appendices
2 Definitions 3 A Comparison between grades in this standard
3 General 3 and BS 4360 25
4 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 3 B Options 26
5 Steelmaking and manufacturing process 4 C Positions of test samples for tensile test 32
6 Supply condition 4 D Position of t e s t piece to be taken from tensile
7 Chemical composition and mechanical test sample when two rolled surfaces cannot
properties 4 be retained 33
8 Weldability data for modified grades 5 E Positions of test samples for impact tests f
9 Quality of finished steel 5 F Weldability testing for modified grades and
10 Identification of cast 6 mechanical testing of butt welds 35
11 Marking 7 G Bead-on-plate weldability t e s t for modified
12 Test certificates 9 grades 46
13 Delivery 9
14 Mass of steel 9 Tables
1 Maximum product CEV for plates, sections and
Section two. Specific requirements for dimensional seamless tubulars 5
and shape tolerances
2Length tolerances for plates 10
15 Tolerances for plates 10 3Width tolerances for plates 10
16 Tolerances for sections and seamless tubulars 12 4Thickness tolerances for plates 10
5Normal flatness tolerances for plates 11
Section three. Specific requirements for testing 6Maximum number of ripples/corrugations in
17 Selection and identification of t e s t samples plate with thickness 12 mm > 12
for tensile and impact tests 13 7 Maximum number of ripples/corrugations in
18 Number of tensile tests 13 plate with thickness 10 mm 12 mm > < 12
19 Direction and position of tensile t e s t samples 13 8 Chemical composition for plates 17
20 Tensile t e s t pieces 13 9 Mechanical properties for plates 19
21 Tensile t e s t 13 10 Chemical composition for sections 21
22 Number of impact tests 14 1 1 Mechanical properties for sections 21
23 Position of impact test samples 14 12 Chemical composition for seamless tubulars 23
24 Impact test pieces 14 13 Mechanical properties for seamless tubulars 23
25 Impact tests 14 14 Plates: comparison between grades in this
26 Through-thickness testing for 2 grades 15 standard and BS 4360 25
27 Retests 16 15 Sections: comparison between grades in this
28 Wide plate and crack opening displacement standard and BS 4360 25
(COD) data for modified grade parent plate 16 16 Seamless tubulars: comparison between
grades in this standard and BS 4360 26
Section four. Specific requirements for the I7 Restricted length and width tolerances
chemical composition and mechanical properties for plates 28
of weldable structural steel plates 18 Thickness tolerances for plates : all over
29 General 17 ordered thickness 28
19 Thickness tolerances for plates : all under
Section five. Specific requirements for the ordered thickness 29
chemical composition and mechanical properties 20 Special flatness tolerances for plates 29
of weldable structural steel sections 21 Weldability t e s t requirements for butt welds 36
22 Mechanical test requirements for each butt
30 General 21 weld 37
23 Bead-on-platearc energy and preheat
conditions 46
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BS7191 : 1989
Page Page
Figures 10 Positions of test samples for impact tests 34
1 Plates: marking, die stamping and colour 11 Location of Charpy V-notch impact test
coding 8 pieces for plate butt weld 40
2 Rolled sections: marking, die stamping and 12 Vickers hardness testing for plate butt weld 41
colour coding 8 13 The HAZ regions in a single-bevel multi-pass
3 Seamless tubulars: marking, die stamping and weid 42
colour coding a 14 The HAZ regions in a single-bevel mutli-pass
4 Edge camber of plates 11 weid with specific zones highlighted 43
5 Location of impact test pieces 15 15 COD specimen sectioning details 44
6 Through-thickness tensile test piece locations 31 16 Plan view of polished section halves showing
7 Through-thickness tensile test piece locations method to calculate GCHAZ percentage 45
within plate with thickness 40 mm > 31 17 Detail of t e s t plate and location of hardness
indentation for bead-on-plate hardenability
8 Positions of test samples for tensile test 32
9 Position of test piece to be taken from tensile test 47
test sample when two rolled surfaces cannot be
retained 33
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BS 7191 : 1989
Specification. .Section one
i Scope 3 General
This British Standard specifies requirements for weidable 3.1 Grade designations
structural steels to be used in the fabrication of fixed The new grade designations given in appendix H of
offshore structures in the form of plates, up to and includ- BS 4360 : 1986 have been used but with amended sub-
ing 150 mm thick, sections complying with BS 4848 : grade suffixes as follows.
Parts 2,4 and 5 and BS 4 : Part 1, and seamless tubulars
up to and including 40 mm thick. Grade 275 Previous grade 43
Grade 355 Previous grade 50
In the case of welded tubulars this standard covers only the Grade 450 Previous grade 55
requirements for parent material. Suffix D Charpy V-notch test a t -20 OC
Minimum yield strengths up to 450 N h m 2 are specified (as BS 4360)
together with low-temperature impact properties a t Suffix E Charpy V-notch test a t -40 OC
temperatures down to -40 OC. (as BS 4360)
The standard is applicable to offshore structures designed Supplementary Substantial modification to
to operate in the European offshore sector but not to suffix M the nominally equivalent
steel supplied for the fabrication of subsea pipelines, risers, BS 4360 grade
process equipment, process piping, and other utilities. It is Supplementary With specified through-
primarily applicable to the North Sea Sector, but may also suffix z thickness properties
be applicable in other areas provided that due consideration This standard includes the following grades.
is given to local conditions, e.g. temperature. 275D, 275E, 355D,
Grades with few changes
This standard applies to material supplied ex-mill (see 12.1) from BS 4360 355E (minor changes .
or from merchant’s stock (see 12.2). to CEV and impact
NOTE. The titles of the publications referred t o in this standard are requirements only)
listed on the inside back cover.
Grade as above but with 275EZ
through-thickness properties
Grades substantially modified 355EM, 355EM2,
2 Definitions from BS 4360 450EM, 450EMZ
For the purposes of this British Standard the definitions Appendix A gives a comparison between grades in this
given in BS 6562 : Part 2 apply, together with the following. standard and those in appendix H of BS 4360 : 1986.
NOTE. Clauses in this standard are applicable to all grades except
2.1 parent product. The product rolled from one piece of where specifically marked to indicate that they are applicable only
steel. to the substantially modified M or MZ grades.
2.2 manufacturer. The manufacturer of the steel products. 3.2 Steel products
2.3 supplier. The manufacturer of material supplied The steel products shall comply with the general require-
ex-mill, either/or the merchant for material supplied from ments of this standard and with the specific requirements
a merchant’s stock (see clause 1). applicable to the grade concerned. Where any of the
options given in appendix B are called up a t the time of
2.4 purchaser. The purchaser or his representative. the enquiry and order, the steel products shall, in addition,
2.5 controlled rolling. A generic term for rolling procedures comply with the requirements of these options.
in which the temperatures and deformation during rolling
are controlled to achieve desirable material properties.
2.6 thermo-mechanical controlled rolling (TMCR). A roll-
4 Information to be supplied by the
ing procedure in which significant deformation takes place purchaser
a t temperatures below the normalizing range permitting
little, if any, recrystallization of austenite and conferring 4.1 General
beneficial properties on the material. The properties The following information shall be supplied by the
conferred by TMCR cannot be reproduced by subsequent purchaser a t the time of enquiry and order.
normalizing or other heat treatments. (a) Details of the product form, dimensions and
2.7 concast. Material produced by a continuoui casting quantity.
process route. (b) The grade of steel (see tables 8 to 13).
(cl Whether use is for primary or secondary application.
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BSI BS*7393 89 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0 0 2 0 9 3 3 4 m
BS7191 : 1989
Section one
Rimming steel shall not be supplied. 355EM, 355EMZ, 450EM, 45OEMZ. Boron (B) shall not
be intentionally added to the steel nor shall vanadium (VI
5.3 Limits and segregation control for concast modified for plate of grades other than 450EM and 450EMZ.
grades Elements other than those listed in tables 8, 10 and 12
shall not be intentionally added. Calcium treatment shall
5.3.1 Provided that the resultant products comply with all
not be used without the permission of the purchaser,
the relevant requirements of this standard, the maximum
except where required for the purposes of desulphurization
thickness limit for the use of the continuous casting process
(see calcium limits given in tables 8, 10 and 12).
shall be a t the manufacturer's discretion.
See also option 8.2. 7.2 Product analysis
5.3.2 The minimum rolling reduction ratio of concast The product analysis shall comply with the limits given in
material for plate shall be 4:l. tables 8,lO and 12 and, in the case of modified grades,
shall also be within the ranges proposed by the manufac-
See also option 8.3.
turer (see 7.3).
5.3.3 Slab produced by the continuous casting route shall See also option 8.8.
be examined for centreline segregation. The frequency of
Product analysis shall be determined twice per cast or
testing shall be once per strand per four casts.
once per 40 t, or part thereof, whichever is more stringent.
NOTE. No acceptance levels are specified and the manufacturer
should agree with the purchaser, a t the time of the enquiry and
The product analysis shall be determined on the test sample
order, the position of testing and the acceptance values for sulphur used for the verification of the mechanical properties
printing, macro-etching or alternative methods of checking (see section three).
In the event of dispute, compliance with this standard shall
be decided on the basis of an independent analysis using the
5.4 Plate forming procedures for modified grades
methods described in BS 6200 : Part 3 or BSI Handbook
Plate forming procedures shall not be supplied. No. 19, whichever is applicable.
See also options 8.4 and 8.5.
.- J
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BS7191 : 1989
Section one
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E S 1 BS*739L A9 m l b 2 q b b î 0020935 A m
BS7191 : 1989
Section one
9.2 Sections 9.3.4 Seamless tubulars shall contain no dents greater than
9.2.1 Defects. All surfaces shall be 100 % visually inspected
3 mm or 1 % of the outside diameter, whichever is the
lesser, when measured as the gap between the lowest point
for defects. The material shall be sound and free from
of the dent and a prolongation of the original contour of
such internal and external defects or surface flaws as might
preclude i t s use for the purpose for which it is intended. the seamless tubular. The length of the dent in any direction
shall not exceed 25 % of the seamless tubular outside dia-
9.2.2 Correction of minor defects. The manufacturer may meter.
remove minor surface defects by grinding but, in all cases, All cold formed dents with a sharp bottom gouge shall be
the thickness shall not be reduced locally by more than considered a defect and the gouge shall be removed by
3 mm and the final thickness shall not be more than 4 % grinding.
below the minimum otherwise allowed by BS 4 : Part 1 and
BS 4848 : Parts 4 and 5. 9.3.5 All seamless tubulars shall be ultrasonically examined
over the full length for laminar defects. The size of
The total rectified area shall not exceed 50 O00 mm2 in any
laminations shall be determined by manual ultrasonic
one square metre (5 %) without specific approval of the examination and any seamless tubular containing a lamina-
purchaser. tion exceeding 1000 mm2 in area shall be deemed not
9.2.3 Repair by welding, Weld repair shall only be carried to comply with this British Standard.
out with specific approval of the purchaser. 9.3.6 Ultrasonic testing of seamless tubulars shall be
Where weld repairs are carried out, the defects shall be carried out for longitudinal defects and shall meet the
removed by grinding or chipping followed by magnetic supplementary requirements of API 5L except that the depth
particle inspection and then by welding subject to the of the reference notch shall be 5 % of the thickness.
following conditions.
(a) After complete removal of the defect and before 9.4 Ultrasonic, magnetic particle and dye penetrant
welding, the thickness shall not have been reduced to inspection procedures
less than 80 % of i t s nominal dimensions. For implementation of non-destructive testing procedures
(b) The welding shall be carried out in accordance with and evaluation, all personnel shall be qualified to CSWIP
BS 5135 by operators approved to BS 4871 : Part 1. level 3.1 .P to 3.4.P (CSWIP-UST-5),or equivalent as
The weld shall be ground smooth and flush with the appropriate. Magnetic particle inspection personnel shall
adjacent surface of the product and subjected to non- be qualified to CSWIP-MAGPEN4 or equivalent.
destructive testing as specified by the purchaser. Where applicable ultrasonic testing shall be carried out in
The manufacturer shall follow documented welding accordance with BS 5996, magnetic particle inspection
procedures established in accordance with BS 4870 : (MPI) shall be carried out in accordance with BS 6072.
Part 1 and approved by the purchaser which are The manufacturer shall submit written ultrasonic and
appropriate for the material being welded. magnetic particle inspection (MPI) and dye penetrant
inspection procedures for approval prior to production of
9.2.4 Internal soundness for modified grades. Rolled the order. These procedures shall include details of the
sections with a web thickness greater than 12 mm shall be following:
subject to ultrasonic examination of webs and flanges
when specified by the purchaser and shall meet the require- (a) equipment to be used;
ments of grade L3 of BS 5986. (b) calibration standards;
NOTE. Testing of the region between the web and the flange should (c) frequency of calibration;
be subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
(d) maintenance programmes;
9.3 Seamless tubulars (e) operator qualifications;
(f) reporting procedures;
9.3.1 Seamless tubulars shall be clean and free from such
defects as can be established by visual inspection. (9) frequency and size of probes (ultrasonic testing);
Visual inspection shall include the inside surface where (h) measurement of field strength (MPI);
practicable, (i) maximum ultrasonic scanning speed.
9.3.2 Surface marks and imperfections such as scabs, See also option B.l I .
seams, tears, laps, slivers or gouges may be dressed by
grinding and machining provided that the thickness of the
seamless tube, after dressing, does not fall below the nom- 1O Identification of cast
inal thickness by more than the tolerance specified in 16.2.
Magnetic particle inspection shall be used to confirm The manufacturer shall identify the ingots, billets, slabs,
removal of the defect. plates, steel sections and seamless tubulars, etc., in such
a way as to enable the finished steel to be traced to the
9.3.3 All dressed areas shall blend smoothly into the
cast from which it was made.
contour of the seamless tube.
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B S I B S * 7 3 9 1 8 9 W 1 6 2 4 b b î 0020936 T W
BS7191 : 1989
Section one
(c) type of steel and grade;
grade 450EMZ green green
(d) manufacturer's brand mark; green -
grade 450EM
(e) certifying authority stamp (where appropriate). grade 355EMZ blue blue
The following information shall be paint marked: grade 355EM blue -
(f) purchase order number; grade 355E blue white
grade 355D blue yellow
(9) item size (thickness, width, length, section identifi-
grade 275EZ red red
cation, diameter and wall thickness, etc.); grade 275E red -
(h) material grade; grade 275D unpainted -
(i)principal rolling direction for plates (arrow); All paint for colour coding and stencil marking shall be
(j) purchaser's unique identification number (where applied to a clean, dry, oil-free surface and shall be able
applicable). to resist weathering for a t least 6 months and shall be
commercially free from cadmium, lead, zinc, copper and
11.1.2 Bundling. For sections, bundling may be carried tin.
out for sizes 203 mm and below, but shall be restricted to
material from one cast. Where sections are to be used for The colour used for colour coding and marking shall be in
primary applications each individual section within a accordance with the appropriate references of BS 5252,
bundle shall be identified. When a bundle i s split for as summarized below:
re-distribution the relevant identification marks, blue 20E51
in accordance with items (a) to (e), shall be transferred green 12 D45
to the reconstructed bundles or to the individual items white 00E55
as appropriate. red . 04E53
yellow 10E53
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.- 7
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BS7191 : 1989
Section one
Figure 1. Plates: marking, die stamping and colour coding (see clause 11)
50 mm
Figure 2. Rolled sections: marking, die stamping and colour coding (see clause 11)
Figure 3. Seamless tubulars: marking, die stamping and colour coding (see clause 11)
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- -- ~
BSI B S X 7 1 9 1 162i.lbbï 0020918 3 i
BS 7191 : 1989
Section one
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BSI BS*7193 8 9 W Lb246b9 O020737 5 a
BS7191 : 1989
Section two
mm mm mm mm mm mm
Less than 5 t.0.40 f 0.50 f 0.50 - -
5 to less than 8 f 0.45 f 0.60 f 0.80 f 0.8P -
8 to less than 25 f 0.55 f0.65 f 0.80 f 0.85 f 0.95
25 to less than 40 f 0.55 f 0.70 f 0.80 f 0.85 f 0.95
40 to less than 80 f 0.60 f 0.80 4 0.85 f 0.95 f 1.O5
80 up to and including 150 f 1.10 f 1.15 f 1.20 f 1.25 f 1.25
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BS7191 : 1989
Section two
Only the portion situated between the M O points of are between 500 mm and 1000 mm, the deviation shall
contact shall be taken into consideration. Deviations shall be obtained by taking the distance between points of
be measured a t a point a minimum of 20 mm from the contact and calculating proportionally from the deviation
longitudinal edges and a minimum of 100 mm from given for a 1000 mm straight edge in table 5.
transverse edges. When distances between points of contact
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BSI B S * 7 3 7 3 8 7 W 3629667 0 0 2 0 7 2 3 3
BS7191 : 1989
Section two
For ripples/corrugations less than 2 m apart (peak to peak) 16 Tolerances for sections and seamless
the following criteria shall apply.
(a) The maximum depth of any ripple/corrugation under
the 2 m straight edge shall be 5 mm. The average depth 16.1 Sections
of all ripples on any one plate shall not exceed 4 mm. Rolling tolerances for sections shall.comply with
(b) The minimum depth t o constitute a ripple/ BS 4 : Part 1 and BS 4848 ; Part 2.
corrugation shall be 2 mm.
(c) The maximum number of ripples/corrugations
Tolerances on specific lengths shall be ;E,
mm. The same
allowed in any one plate shall be as given in tables 6 tolerance shall s t i l l apply if the product is supplied in the
normalized condition.
and 7, and shall apply to all plates 10 mm thick and over
and for all plate widths.
16.2 Seamless tubulars
The size, mass, length and straightness tolerances shall be
in plate with thickness > 12 mm as specified in BS 4848 : Part 2 and shall also apply if the
product is heat treated. Ends of seamless tubulars shall
be supplied square cut. Additionally, the tolerance on wall
thickness shall be %.
Seamless tubulars shall be supplied in the lengths defined in
6 2 the purchase order with the above tolerances. Jointers
9 3 shall not be supplied.
12 4 Diameter and roundness shall be based on the nominal
15 5 internal diameter, ¡.e. the Specified outside diameter minus
twice the nominal wall thickness. For a distance of
100 mm a t both ends the internal diameter shall not
Table 7. Maximum number of ripples/corrugations deviate from the nominal internal diameter by more
in plate with thickness 10 mm< 12 mm > than f 0.5 %.
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BS7191 : 1989
Section three
21 Tensile test
properties given in table 9 and table 13.
21.1 General
The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with
1 8 Number of tensile tests BS 18. The tensile strength, R,, the yield strength, Re,
and the elongation, A, shall be determined and the results
One tensile t e s t shall be made on the finished steel for obtained shall comply with the values given in tables 9,
each 40 t or part thereof of the same thickness range (see 11 and 13 for the appropriate grade.
tables 9, 11 and 131, from the same cast, showing a NOTE. For the yield strength, the manufacturer may determine
thickness variation of not more than 5 mm above and the upper yield stress, R,H, or the 0.5 % proof stress (total
below the thickness of the product sampled except that extension), Rt0.5.
where ingot practice i s used, one tensile t e s t shall be made
on each parent product. 21.2 Dispute
If the result i s in doubt or dispute, the yield strength shall
be deemed not to be reached until the total extension
1 9 Directionand position of tensile test under load, as determined by extensometer or dividers,
samples i s observed to be 0.5 % of the gauge length, ¡.e. 0.5 %
proof stress (total extension), Rt0.5.
19.1 Direction of samples
21.3 Elongation
19.1.1 Plates. Tensile t e s t samples shall be cut with the
Elongation shall be as given in tables 9, 11 and 13 and
longitudinal axis of the test samples transverse to the relates to an 80 mm gauge or 200 mm gauge length or a
principal direction of rolling. proportional gauge length of 5.65 dSo,where So is the
19.1.2 Sections and seamless tubulars. Tensile t e s t samples original cross-sectional area of the test piece.
shall be cut with the longitudinal axis of the t e s t samples If other gauge lengths are used, the corresponding elonga-
parallel to the principal direction of rolling. tion on a gauge length of 80 mm or 200 mm or 5.65 dSo
shall be obtained as described in BS 3894 : Part 1.
22.2.1 For steel grades 2758 and 355D, the t e s t shall be to but not including 12 mm thick, one of the following
made on three adjacent Charpy V-notch test pieces taken sizes of t e s t pieces shall be prepared using the full thickness
from one of the thickest products of each 40 t or part where necessary:
thereof of the same thickness range (see tables 11 and 13) (a) standard test piece, 10 mm x 10 mm;
from the same cast. (b) subsidiary standard t e s t piece, 10 mm x 7.5 mm;
22.2.2 For steel grades 275E, 275EZ,355EMI 355EMZ and (c) subsidiary standard t e s t piece, 10 mm x 5 mm.
450EM, the t e s t shall be made on three adjacent Charpy
V-notch t e s t pieces taken from one of the thickest products 24.5 Plates of general and modified grades
for every 5 t or from each parent product if i t s mass The t e s t pieces shall be taken from the following positions:
exceeds 5 t.
. (a) the sub-surface, as specified in 24.2 and 24.4 for
all grades;
(b) mid-thickness, when the thickness is above 40 mm
23 Position of impact test samples
for modified grades only.
The impact test samples for plates and seamless tubulars Charpy V-notch test pieces shall be cut parallel to the
shall be taken from positions as shown in appendix E. principal direction of rolling for grades 275D, 275E,
For sections the impact t e s t samples shall be taken from 275E2,355D and 355E and transverse to the principal
within 25 mm of the centres of the positions shown in direction of rolling for grades 355EM, 355EMZ,450EM
appendix E. For sections of non-uniform thickness and 450EMZ (see figure 5).
longitudinal impact t e s t samples shall be taken from the
thickest part of the section a t the locations shown in 24.6 Sections and seamless tubulars
appendix E. Charpy V-notch test pieces shall be cut paralle) to the
principal forming direction for all grades.
25.3 Values for subsidiary standard test pieces 25.5 Strain-age tests for modified grades
The average impact values (see also 25.4) obtained from Strain-age tests for modified grades shall not be carried out.
three subsidiary standard test pieces shall be as follows: NOTE. DOE Guidance Note 'Offshore Installations: Guidance on
(a) for 1O mm x 7.5 mm t e s t pieces, 80 % of that design and construction' recommends that strain-age tests should
be carried out on steel formed with a strain greater than 6 %.
specified in 25.2 for standard 10 mm x 10 mm t e s t
pieces; and See also option B.23.
(b) for 10 mm x 5 mm test pieces, 70 % of that specified
in 25.2 for 10 mm x 10 mm test pieces.
26 Through-thicknesstesting for 2 grades
25.4 Individual value
For standard and subsidiary standard test pieces one Through-thicknesstesting for 2 grades shall not be
individual value may be below the average values specified carried out.
in 25.2 and 25.3 but, if so, it shall be not less than 70 % See also option B.24.
of that value.
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I - _- I_
BSI B S * ï L 9 1 8 9 W Lb24bb7 0 0 2 0 9 2 5 O W
BS7191 : 1989
Section three
Should a test result not comply with clause 21, two further
duct from which the samples were cut shall be deemed
t e s t pieces shall be made on samples taken from the
not t o comply with this British Standard. However,
product from which the original test piece was prepared. the remaining material represented shall be deemed to
NOTE. In the case of sections with tapered flanges, the retests may comply with this British Standard provided test pieces
be made on test pieces taken from the flange at the manufacturer's
discretion. from two of the remaining products selected and prepared
in accordance with clauses 22,23 and 24 are tested and
Provided the results of both further tests comply with comply with clause 25 and, where applicable, 27.2.1.
clause 21 all the material represented shall be deemed to
comply with this British Standard. 27.3 Re-heat treatment
If the results of either of these additional tests do not Notwithstanding the requirements of 27.1 and 27.2,
comply with clause 21, the product from which the the manufacturer shall have the right to heat treat or
samples were cut shall be deemed not to comply with this re-heat treat any material including material already found
British Standard. However, test pieces from two of the not t o comply with clauses 21 and 25 and re-submit it for
remaining products may be selected and prepared in
testing. Such re-heat treatment shall be limited to one
accordance with clauses 18,19 and 20, and, provided that
repeat of the final heat-treatment cycle.
they are tested in accordance with and comply with
clause 21, the remaining material represented shall be
27.4 Through-thickness tests
deemed to comply with this British Standard.
No retesting shall be allowed without approval of the
27.2 Impact tests purchaser.
See also option B.24.
27.2.1 General. If the average value of the three impact
tests is less than the minimum average specified in clause 25
or if one individual value is less than 70 % o f the minimum
average specified in clause 25, three additional test pieces 28 Wide plate and crack opening
from the same samples shall be tested and the results added displacement (COD) data for modified
to those previously obtained and a new average calculated. grade parent plate
The new average value shall be not less than the specified
minimum average in clause 25. Not more than two of the For wide plate and COD, data for modified parent plate
individual values shall be less than the specified minimum shall not be supplied.
average in clause 25. Not more than one individual value
See also option B.25.
shall be less than 70 % of the specified minimum average
in clause 25.
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16 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
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BS7191 : 1989
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01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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BSI B S * ï 1 9 1 8 9 m Lb2Libb9 0 0 2 0 9 2 8 b m
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01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*7LïL 8 9 lb2Libb9 O020929 B
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*7LSL 8 9 I L b 2 4 b b 9 0 0 2 0 9 3 0 4 '
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix A
Table 14. Plates: comparison between grades in this standard and BS 4360
40 J a t Nlmm2 N/mm2 OC
275D 4301580 275 -20* 43D 4301580 275 -2 o
275E 4301580 275 -40* 43E€ 4301580 275 -50
275EZ 4301580 275 -40" - - -
50 J at
Table 15. Sections: comparison between grades in this standard and BS 4360
4301580 275 -20 43 D 4301580 275 -20
4301580 275 -40 43DD 4301580 275 -3 O
275 -40 - - - -
50 J a t
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- -.
01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*7Lï3 84 3b2qbb4 0020933 b
BS7191 : 1989
Appendices A and B
Table 16. Seamless tubulars: comparison between grades in this standard and BS 4360 1
This standard BS 4360
Grade Tensile Minimum Charpy Grade Tensile Minimum Charpy
strength yield V-notch strength yield V-notch
strength impact* strength impact*
at 16 mm at 16 mm 27 J at
50 J at
60 J at
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B S I BS*7L71 87 W Lb24667 0020732 8 W
B S 7 2 9 1 : 1989
Appendix B
In consultation between the manufacturer and the The purchaser shall approve an alternative supply condition
purchaser, different reduction ratios shall be specified proposed by the manufacturer/supplier, e.g. as rolled or
(see 5.3.2). TMCR steel for plate and sections (see clause 6).
NOTE. TMCR material i s unsuitable for subsequent normalizing or
hot forming in the normalizing temperature range or a t lower
temperatures as a significant deterioration in mechanical properties
8.4 Colú-forming proceduresfor plate of willoccur.
modified grades (see 5.4)
The manufacturer shall provide the following data on the 8.7 Detailsof heat treatment procedures
effect of cold-forming plates at outside diameter to thick-
ness ratios of 10:1,15:1 and 20:l. This shall be provided
for plategrade450
from actual rolling trials or onsimulated tensile tests a t
The manufacturer shall provide details of austenitizing and
5 %, 7.5 %and 10 %strain.
tempering temperatures, soaking times and methods of
All specimens shall be extracted from the outer subsurface control (see 6.2).
position of the strained segment and parallel to the
The t e s t frequency shall be one set of the following tests .
B.8 Manufacturer's proposed analysis for
per mill source per manufacturing route.
modified grades
(a) Trialmaterial: ingot 80 mm max., concast 5 0 mm
max. At the time of the enquiry and order, the manufacturer
(b) Condition: as follows: shall advise the purchaser of the ladle and product analysis
(1) as rolled and aged 1 h a t 150 OC; ranges, within the specified ranges in tables 8, 10 and 12,
to which he proposes to work. This shall cover all elements
(2) as rolled and aged 1 h a t 150 OC plus stress relief
listed in tables 8, 10 and 12 and also include residual
for 4 h a t 600 f 20 O C ;
elements required to be reported for each material type and
(3) as rolled and aged 1 h a t 250 OC; manufacturing route (see clause 7 and tables 8, 10 and 12).
(4) as rolled and aged 1 h at 250 O C plus stress relief
for 4 h a t 600 f 20 O C .
(c) Ageing. The following tests shall be carried out for B.9 Weldabilitytests (see clause 8)
each ageing condition.
(1 ) Tensile: One t e s t a t ambient temperature shall be B.9.1 Selection of weldability tests (modified steels only)
carried out and shall comply with the values given in Weldability tests shall be performed by means of either or
table 9 for the appropriate grade. both of the series of tests described in appendices F and G.
(2) Charpy V-notch impact: Transition curves shall be The purchaser shall specify which of the tests in appen-
derived from unstrained, strained and strain-aged dices F and/or G are to be carried out.
material. Tests shall be performed from +20 o C down NOTE. Weldability tests are only required for plates exceeding
to -80 OC a t 20 OC intervals; three specimen shall be 40 mm in thickness and for rolled seamless tubular$ and sections
tested a t each temperature, and shall have the follow- over 25 mm in thickness.
ing minimum values a t -40 'C.
B.9.2 Materials sampling
(i)For grade 355EM and 355EM2, an average
value of 36 J and an individual value of 26 J. Plates shall be selected whose mechanical/chemical
properties and manufacturing routes are typical for the
(i¡) For grades 450EM and 450EMZ, an average
grade(s) of material the manufacturer intends to supply
value of 45J and an individual value of 32 J.
in production.
The materials for the weldability evaluation shall be
selected from the top end of the planned production range
B.5 Hot-forming proceduresfor plate of of carbon equivalent values and shall be approved by the
modified grades purchaser.
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*7LSL 8 9 11624bh9 0020933 T M
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix B
Representative t e s t samples and significant sized pieces of
untested material shall be uniquely identified and stored An additional number of copies, as defined by the
for a period of 1 year during which time they shall be purchaser, of all relevant test certificates and reports shall
made available for additional testing/inspection if so be sent t o a nominated address (see 12.1).
required by the purchaser.
Table 18. Thickness tolerances for plates: all over ordered thickness
mm mm mm mm mm mm
Less than 5
-0 -0 -0 - -
+0.80 +1.00 +I.o0
5 t o less than 8 -0 -0 -0 -0 -
+o.go + I .20 +1.60 -60
-0 -0 -0 -0 -0
8 to less than 25 +1.10 +1.30 +I .60 +7.60 +I .90
-0 -0 -0 -0 -0
25 to less than 40 +1.10 +I
.40 +1.60 +1.70 +I-90
-0 -0 -0 -0 -0
40 to less than 80 +I -20 +I-60 +I-70 +I -90 +2.10
80 up to and -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
including 150 +2.20 +2.30 +2.40 +2.50 +2.50
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01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
28 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*ïLïL 89 m LhZ4bb9 0 0 2 0 9 3 4 I m
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix B
B.16 Thickness tolerancesfor plates: all For steel grades with a specified minimum yield strength
exceeding 360 N/mm2 the flatness tolerances given in
under ordered thickness table 20 shall be increased by 50 %.
Plates shall be supplied to the thickness tolerances given in be measuredat a point a Of
20 mm from the longitudinat edges and a minimum of
table 19 (see 15.4).
50 mm from the transverse edge.
When distances between points of contact are between
B.17 Special fhtness tO!eranCes for plates 500 mm and 1000 mm the deviation shall be obtained by
taking the distance between points of contact and calculat-
Plates shall be supplied to the tolerances given in table 20 ing proportionally from the deviation given for a 1000 mm
(see 15.6). straightedge in table 20.
Table 19. Thickness tolerances for plates: all under ordered thickness
2 O00 including
2 500
mm mm mm mm mrn
Less than 5
-0.80 -1 .o0 -1 .o0 -
+O +O +O
-0.90 -1.20 -1.60 -1.60
5 to less than 8 +O +O +O +O
-1.10 -1.30 -1.60 -1.70 -1.90
8 to less than 25 +O +O +O +O
-1.10 -1.40 -1.60 -1.70
25 to less than 40 +O +O +O +O
-1.20 -1.60 -1.70 -1.90 -2.10
40 to less than 80 +O +o +O +O +O
80 up to and -2.20 -2.30 -2.40 -2.50 -2.50
including 150 +o +O +O +O +O
Table 20. Special flatness tolerances for plates
B.18 Purchaser's selection and Char,py V-notch impacts from the subsurface position
identification of test samples prior to (2 mm) cut transverse to the direction of rolling.
'Two samples of material shall be plastically strained 5 %
products being cut to ordered size
and then one aged for 1 h a t 250 OC and the other for
1 h a t 150 'C.
The purchaser shall randomly select and identify test
samples in accordance with clauses 18, 19,22and 23 prior Charpy V-notch impact tests shall be performed on
to the products being cut to ordered size (see clause 17). unstrained, strained and strain-aged samples a t -40 O C and
shall achieve the following minimum values.
(a) For grades 355EM and 355EMZ, an average value
B.19 Purchaser's selection and of 36 J and an individual value of 26 J.
(b) For grades 450EM and 450EM2, an average value
identification of test samples after products of 45 J and an individual value of 32 J.
The purchaser shall specify a post-weld heat treatment B.24.3 Test results
temperature other than 600 f 20 OC (see 17.2.2). When the six t e s t pieces are tested in accordance with
NOTE. In this case the properties to be obtained should be agreed. BS 6780 the test results shall be as follows:
(a) the through-thickness tensile strength shall be not
less than 80 % of the minimum specified tensile strength;
B,23 Strain-age tests for modified grades (b) the short-transversereduction in area (STRA) shall
(see 25.4) have a minimum average value of 35 %and an individual
value of 25 %.
Strain-agetesting shall be carried out for plate over
12.5 mm thickness in grades 355EM, 355EMZ,450EM
and 450EMZ.
One plate thickness from each of three casts per process
route and per manufacturing location shall be tested using
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30 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S * ï 1 9 1 8 9 W 162qb69 0020936 5
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix B
B.25 Wide plate and COD data for (b) in the absence of relevant wide plate data, shall COD
modified-gradeparent plate (see clause 28) test sample plates of thicknesses up to 150 mm in
accordance with BS 5762 using displacement control.
The subsidiary specimen geometry is permitted.
For plates of thickness greater than 100 mm the steel
The tests shall be carried out after simulated post-weld
manufacturer shall either:
treatment a t 600 f 20 OC. Three tests per plate thick-
(a) provide wide plate data of Parent Plate applicable to ness shall be performed a t -10 'C. The COD specimens
the type of steel to be supplied; or shall be taken transverse to the principal rolling direction
of the plate and shall be through-thickness notched.
Rolling direction
* B A * +
-- - A - -
B = E :+ m
= B A *
Figure 6. Through-thickness tensile test piecë locations (see B.24.2)
/- Extension piece
Figure 7. Through-thickness tensile test piece location within plate with thickness > 40 mm (see B.24.2)
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BSI BS*7LSL 89 m Lb24bb9 O020937 7 m
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix C
(a) Sections with parallel flanges (b) Sections with tapered flanges
lz'a I -1
114W t-
314w c
íg) Plates
Figure 8. Positions of test samples for tensile test (sée clause 19)
d \ - i
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&.- \ 'I . 01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
32 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSm7LSL 89 M Lb24bb9 0020938 9 M
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix D
Appendix D. Position of test piec-eto be taken from tensile test sample when two
rolled surfaces cannot be retained
The position of the test piece to be taken from tensile test samples when two rolled surfaces cannot be retained shall be
as shown in figure 9.
Plate width W
$ Test piece
/ I -r --
314 T ff 1
Min. test piece
Ø 12.5mm
114 w -I- 314 w c
Figure 9. Position of test piece to be taken from teosile test sample when two rolled surfaces cannot be
retained (see clauses 19 and 20)
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BSI BS*?13L 83 Lb24bbï 0020733 O
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix E
The positions of test samples for impact tests shall be as shown in figure 10.
NOTE. The t e s t piece may be taken
from either leg of unequal angles.
(a) Sections (b) Channels
(c) Equal and unequal angles
3 2/3 *-
I l
(d) T-bars cut from unlversal beams; T-bars cut from (e) Tubulars
universal columns; rolled short stalk T-bars; rolled
long stalk T-bars
Piate width W
114 w I
314 W
Figure I O . Positions of test samples for impact tests (see clauses 23 and 24)
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BSI BS*7L9L 8 9 Lb24bb9 0 0 2 0 9 4 0 7
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
A series of butt welds with arc energies in accordance F.3.3 Welding processes
with F.3.4 shall be made prior t o the commencement of Tack welds and initial root pass of each test plate may be
production. deposited by the gas metal arc or shielded metal are welding
The welds shall be carried out in accordance with normal (SMAW) or flux-cored are welding (FCAW) process.
fabrication practices but square-edge weld preparation Subsequent weld passes shall be deposited by FCAW or
shall be used for one side of the preparation. The welds SAW, as appropriate.
shall comply with the mechanical properties specified
in F.5. F.3.4 Nominal arc energy
NOTE. Precautions should be taken to prevent the occurence NOTE. The nominal arc energies for each weld pass apply unless
of defects which could invalidate the test. other values consistent with proposed fabrication procedures or
base material are agreed a t the time of enquiry and order.
In addition, if specified a t the discretion of the purchaser,
further welds shall be carried out where sufficient grain Nominal arc energies for each weld pass shall be:
coarsened heat-affected zone (HAZ) is produced so that FCAW 0.6 kJ/mm i 0.1 kJ/mm;
the fatigue-crack of the COD test piece samples at least SAW 3.0 kJ/mm i 0.2 kJ/mm, for grade 355 only.
15 % of grain-coarsened HAZ (as defined in F.4.3.1).
SAW 5.0 kJ/mm k 0.2 kJ/mm, for grade 355 only.
SAW 3.5 kJ/mm f 0.2 kJ/mm, for grade 450 and
also for grade 355 if the 5.0 kJ/mm test
F.2 Welding procedure produces results below the purchaser's
The manufacturer shall submit detailed welding procedures acceptance criteria.
for review and approval by the purchaser a t least 3 weeks Arc energy, A (in kJ/mm) shall be calculated'from the
prior to commencement of welding. The procedures shall following equation:
include wire or electrode size, welding parameters, welding
position and other relevant parameters, e.g. number of
submerged arc welding (SAW) wires, iron power additions,
weld bevel angle and a typical photomicrograph of a where
section from the weld to show the alignment of the fusion V is the arc voltage (in V);
line, together with a measurement of the percentage of I is the welding current (in A);
grain-coarsened HAZ, according to the method given in
figure 16. Wis the welding speed (in mm/s).
Welding consumables, which have previously demonstrated For the purposes of this standard the arc energy for
consistently high, ¡.e. above 0.25 mm, COD values a t tandem arc welding shall be calculated as the sum of the
-10 OC, shall only be used. Welding of test plates shall be individual arc energies.
carried out by qualified personnel approved by the
purchaser for use on offshore structures or sub-assemblies. F.3.5 Heat treatmenf
After welding, grade 355 t e s t welds, which are to be tested
in the PWHT condition, shall be post-weld heat treated a t
F.3 Plate butt-weld requirements either 600 f 20 OC or a t another temperature to be
specified by the purchaser. They shall be subjected to a'
F.3.1 Test plate dimensions soaking period of either not less than 1 h per 25 mm
thickness of plate or 4 h, whichever is the greater. Heating
The test plate thicknesses shall correspond to the and cooling rates shall be in accordance with BS 5500.
maximum thickness of the ranges detailed in table 21.
For grade 450 t e s t welds, post-weld heat treatment shall
The length of each test plate shall be in the principal be within the temperature range 550 O C to 620 OC,with a
direction of rolling. maximum temperature of 25 OC below the tempering range
The length and width of each welded t e s t plate shall be on the t e s t certificate, for either 1 h per 25 mm thickness
sufficient to accommodate the testing requirements of of plate or 4 h, whichever is the greater.
this appendix plus any retests. The width of the welded
test piece shall not be less than 500 mm or 10 times the
thickness, whichever is greater, to a maximum of 750 mm.
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*z%-189 1624669 0020941 9
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
355EMZ As welded J J J §
40 < < 50
40 < < 50
450EMZ II As welded
40 t< < 75
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36 01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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B S I BS$?<îL 89 fi- Lb24667 0020942 O
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
Macro/hardness 2 See F.4.4 and figure 12 325 HvlO, except for 0.6 kJ/mm arc
energy when acceptance value is
350 HvlO (see F.5.1 (c))
Charpy V-notch One set of 3 Position of tests as follows: Tested a t -40 O C to meet the
tests per (a) transverse to plate rolling Following:
position direction; (a) for grade 355, a minimum
(b) a t FL, FL+2 and FL+5 average of 36 J and a minimum
on specimens from cap, individual value of 26 J;
mid-thickness and root from (b) for grade 450, a minimum
both straigh't edge and bevel average of 45 J and a minimum
edges (see F.4.2, F.5.1 (a) individual value of 32 J
and figure 11) (see F.5.1 (a))
Additional 3 tests per Fatigue-crack-tipto sample a t Tested a t -.IO "C to meet a COD
CODt position least 15 % of grain-coarsened value as defined by the purchaser
HAZ (see F.l and F.4.3.4) (see F.5.1 (b))
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BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
F.4.3.2 Test requirements. Three valid COD tests shall be F. Subcriticallintercritical H A Z boundary. For each
conducted for each of the following: SCHAZ COD specimen, sectioning and documentation
shall be as given in F.
(a) grain-coarsened HAZ (GCHAZ):
(b) the subcritical HAZ (SCHAZ)/intercriticaI HAZ F. Weldmetal, For each weld metal COD specimen,
(ICHAZ) boundary; only one of the two specimen halves shall be sectioned.
The half containing the HAZ (not the half containing the
(c) weld metal (2 mm from the fusion line). bulk of the weld metal) shall be sectioned, prepared and
All COD samples shall be transverse to the plate rolling photographed.
F.4.3.4 Additional COD tests. When additional tests are
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5762 specified by the purchaser, as defined in F.1, the percentage
using displacement control and test pieces which shall be of grain-coarsened areas sampled by the fatigue crack shall
notched in the through-thickness direction. For thickness, be calculated as shown in figure 16. This percentage should
t 75 mm a preferred geometry specimen shall be include the ICGCHAZ and SCGCHAZ adjacent to the
adopted and for t 2 75 mm a subsidiary specimen columnar weld metal.
geometry a/w = 0.3 shall be adopted, where a is the effect-
ive crack length (in mm); w is the width of test piece (in
mm). F.4.4 Macrolhardness surveys
Tests shall be checked for validity (see note) and invalid Macro specimens shall be prepared from each test weld and
specimens shall be disregarded and the test(s) repeated. hardness surveys shall be performed on each specimen in
NOTE, In addition to the requirement of BS 5762, validity of test accordance with BS 427 and figure 12 of this standard.
specimens should be checked according t o the following criteria. Starting as close to the fusion line as possible with indents
(a) Grain-coarsened HAZ. To be considered a valid test, 0.75 mm between centres through to base material the
the fatigue crack should be within 0.5 mm of the fusion line centre of all indents shall be as close to as possible but clear
and should sample all the grain-coarsenedHAZ present, as shown of the fusion line.
in figure 14(a). However, if fusion line irregularities prevent this,
a sample including as much grain-coarsenedHAZ as possible All hardness surveys shall be performed with a 10 kg load.
rnay be accepted, if approved by the purchaser.
(b) Subcritical/intercritical HAZ boundary. To be considered F.4.5 Cross-weld tensile t e s t
a valid test, the fatigue crack should sample the boundary
between the subcritical HAZ and the intercritical HAZ, If specified by the purchaser, two cross-weld tests shall be
as shown in figure 14(b). However, if fusion line irregularities carried out.
prevent this a sample including as much relevant microstructure
as possible may be accepted if approved by the purchaser.
(cl Weld metal. To be considered a valid test, 1O0 % of the
fatigue crack should sample weld metal and 80 % should be
within 2 mm of the fusion line. Additional sectioning rnay be
necessary to examine the fracture initiation point if agreed
between the purchaser and supplier.
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BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
F.5 Specific test requirements (b) COD. COD values a t - 10 OC shall meet the
purchaser's acceptance criteria.
F.5.1 Tests in the as-welded and PWHT conditions (c) Vickers hardness. Vickers hardness shall be
The test welds shall be welded from the maximum thick- 325 HvlOmax., except in the case of the 0.6 kJ/mm
ness of plate to be produced within the following ranges arc energy t e s t when the value shall be 350 HvlOmax.
a t the normal arc energies detailed in table 21. In the event that a retest is required, remove 2 mm to
As-welded PWHT 4 mm of the surface and retest the failed area.
40 < t < 50 mm concast 40 < t Q 50 mm concast (d) Cross-weld tensile tests. The tensile strength shall
40 < t Q 150 mm ingot 40 < t < 150 mm ingot not be less than the minimum specified in tables 9,
NOTE. Where t is the thickness (in rnrn). 11 and 13.
The following mechanical t e s t requirements shall be
achieved for each weld.
(a) Charpy V-notch tests. Specimens shall be taken
F.6 Weldability testing of seamless
transverse to the plate rolling direction a t the locations tubulars and sections
detailed in figure 11 and shall be tested a t -40 OC to
meet the following minimum values: Where weldability testing of sections and seamless tubulars
exceeding 25 mm thick is specified by the purchaser,
(1 ) for grade 355, an average value of 36 J and an t e s t welds shall be prepared as given in table 21. Testing
individual value of 26 J;
shall be confined t Ó macro/hardness (see F.5.l(c)) and
(2) for grade 450, a minimum average value of 45 J Charpy V-notch (see F.5.1 (a)). COD testing (see F.5.1 (b))
and a minimum individual value of 32 J. shall only be carried out a t the discretion of the purchaser.
~ Retest procedures shall be in accordance with 27.2.1.
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BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
FL -
NOTE. Where t i s the plate thickness (in mm); D is the specimen size (in mm).
(b) Notch positions for HAZ Charpy V-notch test pieces on bevelled side of weld
All dimensions are in millimetres.
NOTE. FL i s the fusion line.
Figure 11. Location of Charpy V-notch impact test pieces for plate butt weld (see F.3.2 and F.4.2)
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40 01:26:39 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
Figure 12. Vickers hardness testing for plate butt weld (see F.4.4)
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7 7 41
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_- - - -1
BSI B S * 7 1 î L 8 7 W L b 2 4 b b ï OOZO7i.17 T W
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
/ Columnar weld metal
SRGCHAZ Subcriticaily
reheated GCHAZ
IRGCHAZ - Intercritically
reheated GCHAZ
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B S I BS*7191 8 9 N Lb24bb9 0020948 L =
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
(a) Intercritically and subcritically reheated GCHAZ (b) Intercritical/subcritical HAZ boundary (ICHAZ/SCHAZ)
NOTE. A/B is the notch line.
Figure 14. The HAZ regions in a single-bevel multi-pass weld with specific zones highlighted (see F.4.3.1)
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BS7191 : 1989
Appendix F
Machi ne
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O/O GC areas sampled
Figure 16. Plan view of polished section halves showing method to calculate GCHAZ percentage
(see F.4.3.4)
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Lb2Llbbî 0 0 2 0 9 5 3 3
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix G
Appendix G. Bead-on-plate Before welding, the welding line down the centre of the
plate shall be cleaned of dirt and mill scale by grinding
weldabilitytest for modified grades or rubbing with emery paper. The preheat shall be
measured and recorded immediately before welding.
G,1 General The centre of all indents should be as close as possible to,
but shall be clear of the fusion line.
The manufacturer shall carry out bead-on-plate tests and
determination of HAZ hardness as follows: Table 23. Bead-on-plate arc energy and preheat
(a) either as part of the programme to categorize the conditions
steel; and/or
(b) to assess the response of individual heats in terms Welding position Flat
of hardenability during welding. Electrode diameter (mm) 2.4
The purchaser shall specify which applies. Arc voltage (V, d.c. neg.) 10 f 0.5
When called for as part of the programme to categorize the Current iA) 200 f 5
steel, the tests shall be performed on the same type and Travel speed (mm/min) 120 f 5
thickness of plate as in appendix F. When used to assess
Preheat: ( OC maximum)
the response in terms of hardenability of individual heats
thickness above 40 mm 125
the tests shall be performed on the thickest plate rolled
from each heat.
The welding method shall be mechanized autogenous from each end of the weld. These shall be polished and
GTAW bead-on-platewelding in accordance with table 23, etched to identify the fusion line. Vickers hardness
the weld shall be made full length within 10 mm of the indents shall be made in the HAZ and in the parent metal,
longitudinal centreline of the plate in accordance with in accordance with BS 427 : Part 1, using a 10 kg load at
figure 17. the locations indicated in figure 17 of this standard.
NOTE. Maximum hardness should be agreed between the manufac-
turer and the purchaser.
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BSI BS*7LîL 89 a Lb2Llbbî 0 0 2 0 7 5 2 3 =
BS7191 : 1989
Appendix G
300 min. C
Weld bead
Figure 17. Detail of test plate and location of hardness indentation for bead-on-plate
hardenability test (see G.3 and G.5) .
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BSI B S * ï 1 7 L 87 0020353 5
Pr-evious page
is blank
Publications referred to
BS 4 Structural steel sections
Part 1 Specification for hot-rolled sections
BS 18 Method for tensile testing of metals (including aerospace materials)
BS 131 Methods for notched bar tests
Part 2 The Charpy V-notch impact test on metals
BS 427 Method for Vickers hardness test
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip
Part 1 Specification for carbon and carbon-manganeseplate, sheet and strip
BS 1837 Methods for the sampling of iron, steel, permanent magnet alloys and ferro-alloys
BS 3894 Method for converting elongation values for steel
Part ICarbon and low alloy steels
88'4360 Specification for weldable structural steels
BS 4848 Specification for hot-rolled structural steel sections
Part 2 Hollow sections
Part 4 Equal and unequal angles
Part 5 Bulb flats
BS 4870 Specification for approval testing of welding procedures
Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
BS 4871 Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures
Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
BS 51 35 Speclfication for the arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels
BS 6252 Framework for colour co-ordination for building purposes
BS 6500 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels
*BS 6750 Quality systems
BS 5762 Methods for crack opening displacement (COD) testing
BS 5996 Methods for ultrasonic testing and specifying quality grades of ferritic steel plate
BS 6200 Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals
Part 3 Methods of analysis
BS 6512 Specification for limits and repair of surface discontinuities of hot-rolled steel plates and wide fl a ts
BS 6562 Terms used in the iron and steel industry
Part 2 Glossary of terms used in classifying and defining steel industry products by shape and dimensions
BS 6780 Specification for through thickness reduction of area of steel plates and wide flats
Handbook19 Methods for the sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals
API 5 L Specification for line pipe
CSW IP-UST-5 Requirements for the certification of personnel engaged in the manual ultrasonic testing of
steel plate and rolled products
CSWIP-MAGPEN-4 Requirements for the certification of personnel engaged in magnetic particle andlor penetrant testing
metallic materials, components and welded constructions
DIN 50049 Certificates on material testing
Offshore Installations: Guidance on Design and Construction. Department of Energy
*Referred to in the foipewoird only.
COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards
BS 7191 : 1989
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u-o - . Amendment No. 1
AMD 6750
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I published and effective from 30 September 1991
toBS7191 : 1989
1109-0.7k-B ISM/I 2
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