Poultry Farming in India

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• Why poultry farming?
• Strengths of poultry farming
• System of rearing
• Care and management of birds
• Summary

After going through this lesson, you will be able to:
• Justify the need for poultry farming
• Identify the strengths of poultry farming
• List different methods of rearing
• Describe the care and management of poultry birds

Poultry Farming Growth

• Poultry farming worldwide has transformed into a techno-commercial industry from
the status of backyard farming since four decades. But, the scenario has changed from
backyard farming into a commercial business.
• Poultry farming is the fastest growing sector in agriculture and livestock farming
business globally including India.
• The annual growth rate is 8-10% in egg production and 10-12% in the broiler
• Suitable for landless/marginal farmers - small scale or medium-scale depending upon
the availability of infrastructure, inputs and finance.
• Ideal for a great full/part time employment purpose
• Ideal for students and women occupation - for production of egg and meat during the
spare time.
• Can run on a small scale
• Subsidiary continuous income generation
• Availability of high quality of productive local and foreign breeds
• Producing high quality of protein as egg and poultry meat
• Great demand of poultry products
• Ideal for mixed farming with fish, paddy, and pig farming – popular in north-eastern
states. Poultry farming is an integral part of mixed farming system in our country.
• Nutritional security optimizer
• Poultry farming requires minimum investment when reared on a small scale.
However, for a large scale or commercial basis, it needs huge investment.
• Less space for rearing when compared to other livestock species
• Low cost effective feeds and vaccines – these two form the basic input for poultry
farming which have significant effect on the profitability of farm.
• Adequate Research and Development (R&D) support – since poultry farming is a
complex job and many factors affects the productivity of birds.
• Easy bank loan financing to poultry schemes – Most banks are encouraging farmers to
have financial support in the form of loan. Both Central and state governments also
support poultry farming in the form of many government schemes and subsidies.
• Quick return of investment – For any farming, we need quick return. In poultry also,
since the life span of the birds are limited, it is easy to take quick returns especially in
terms of broilers wherein we get the returns within a maximum of 8 weeks. However,
in layers, the investment is for a longer period where we have to require the birds for
6 months without getting any return. But, after 6 months, we can get returns till 72
weeks of age in the form of eggs.
• Easy storage and marketing – is very important since egg and meat are perishable
• Poultry manure - Excellent organic manure and rich in nutrients and can be used in
agriculture fields.
• Availability of large numbers of egg and poultry meat consumers
• Egg and meat free from adulterants
• Created a profitable business
• Such a business that can never dry up

Poultry Raising:
Starting a commercial poultry farming in India is not an easy task. It needs a proper
knowledge and on hand training by a poultry expert. Three systems of poultry farming in
Extensive System or Free Range System
 The birds are left free outside and provided house or shelter only during night.
 No specific housing, equipment, feeding and for that matter, disease control measures
are followed

Semi intensive System

 A separate shelter or small house for the birds during the night and a run required
under this system
 This shelter will be fenced all round giving sufficient area for the birds to graze
during the day
 Supplementary feeding is also required
 Relatively cheaper than the intensive system
 Requires less manpower
 Needs low investment

Semi-intensive system of housing

Intensive System of Rearing:

• About 74% of total poultry meat and 68% of total poultry eggs under intensive
poultry farming method
• A highly efficient system which saves, land, feed, labour and other resources and
increases production
• In this system, the environment is fully controlled by the farmer.
• So, it ensures continuous production throughout the year in any environment and

Intensive system
Deep Litter System (Bare floor covered with saw dust):
To avoid cleaning of the floor every day, material which can absorb moisture is spread on the
floor before leaving the birds on it. The material which is spread to absorb moisture is called
as “Litter material”. Most of the broilers in India are being reared under this system.
 Deep-litter keeps cool during summer and warm during winter.
 They can move freely, also adds to their comfort.
 Birds derive certain un-identified growth factors.
 There will be no incidence of swellings or damaged breast region in case of
 Usually, there will be no problem of ammonia accumulation and house-flies in a
well-managed deep-litter flock.
 Incidence of broken eggs is very minimal.
 Initial investment is less when the land cost is low.
 Welfare requirements of the birds are taken care of.
Battery Cage Farming
 Increase in cost of land and availability and wages of labour has made litter system
costly. Therefore, an alternate system in which birds are totally restricted to
meshwork compartments (cages) was introduced.
 This saves the cost of litter material, reduces labour requirement and building cost.
 Most of the layers are grown in cages all over the world.


• Provide them nutritious feed and clean water - For producing high quality animal
protein in the form of egg or meat, the birds have to be fed with a scientifically
balanced feed as per the requirements either in the form of concentrate mixture or in
the form of mash or pellet feed.
• Clean their house on a regular basis. Suppose the birds are reared in deep litter
system, continuous raking of the bedding material is required so that the litter may not
get wet or moist and converted into a cake due to excretion of bird droppings.
• Always take good care of your birds.
• Learn more about various types of poultry diseases, symptoms, and treatment. Always
consult veterinary doctor or poultry experts for identification and treatment of
diseases. It is essential give proper medicine at the right time to avoid spreading of
diseases as the disease can be easily spread from one bird to the another which may
result in affecting the entire flock within no time. Majority of viral and bacterial
diseases, once affects the flock, we have to provide medicine. Medicines are also
given at a prophylactic dose to prevent occurrence of disease.
• Vaccinate the birds timely. Following regular vaccination schedule will help in
preventing occurrence of many viral and bacterial diseases.
• Strict hygiene, proper sanitation and biosecurity measures is required for prevention
of diseases.
• Poultry farming carries several benefits over other agri-business. It is a very profitable
enterprise and you can opt this business for egg or meat production which can give
continuous income and also help in employment generation. It can be in the form of
part-time or full-time employment by setting up of your own farm or serving in some
• Relatively requiring less investment
• Generating continuous income
• Can be opted for part time or full employment
• Producing nutritious egg and meat to human beings

www.agritech.tnau.ac.in/animal_husbandry/ani_chik_poultry rearing.html

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