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Choose your topic: I am interested in knowing the factors affecting the employment rate of
Electrical Installation and Maintenance Students in Siocon National High School. My goal is to
know the specific factors that greatly affects the employability of EIM students in Siocon
National High School.
2. Make your research question: The research question that I can formulate is “What are the
factors affecting the employment rate of Electrical Installation and Maintenance Students in
Siocon National High School?”
3. Conduct a review of related literature: I read up on different publications related to employment
rate of Senior High School student specifically EIM students. From here, I can already have an
idea of the variables of the study that have been proven to have an effect on the employment
rate of EIM students.
4. Choose your variables: With all the books that I have read related to my topic, it can be inferred
that there are three main variables: the age of the students, the competency of the students,
and the readiness of students. The age of students refers to their age upon application. The
competency refers to their skills that they have. Lastly, the readiness of students refers to their
readiness when it comes to the real world of work.
5. Choose your relationships: I was able to determine that: age, competency and readiness of
students are determining factors of their employment rate.

2. Conceptual Paradigm

Age of EIM

Employment rate
Competency of
EIM students EIM students

Readiness on the



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