Reserch Methoda

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Select Books on Research:

1. Ahuja, R., Research Methods, Jaipur, Rawat Publications, 2011.

2. Blaikie, N., Designing Social Research, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2000.
3. Brew, A., The Nature of Research: Inquiry in Academic Contexts, London and
New York,Routledge/Falmer, 2001.
4. Bryman, A., Social Research Methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008
(4th edition).
5. Burnett, J., Doing Your Social Science Dissertation, London, Sage Publications,
6. Cairns, P. and Cox, A. L. (Eds.), Research Methods for Human-Computer
Interaction, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
7. Cargan, L.,Doing Social Research, Jaipur,Rawat Publications, 2008.
8. Cresswell, J. W., Research Design – Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2009 (3rdedition).
9. Czja, R. and Blair, J., Designing Survey, London, Sage Publications, 2005(2nd
10. Flick, U., Designing Qualitative Research, London, Sage Publications, 2007.
11. Flick, U., Introducing Research Methodology, London, Sage Publications, 2011.
12. Gibbs, G.R., Qualitative Data Analysis- Explorations with NVivo, Jaipur,Rawat
Publication, 2010.
13. Gravetter, F. J. and Forzano, L-A. B., Research Methods for the Behavioral
Sciences, Belmount, California,Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2006 (2nd
14. Grix, J., The Foundations of Research, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
15. Hakim, C., Research Design: Successful Designs for Social and Economic
Research, London,Routledge, 2008.
16. Holliday, A., Doing and Writing Qualitative Research, London: Sage
Publications, 2007 (2nd edition).
17. Iphofen, R., Ethical Decision-Making in Social Research, London, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2009.
18. Israel, M. and Hay, L., Research Ethics for Social Scientists, London, Sage
Publications, 2006.
19. Kish, L., Survey Sampling, New York, J. Wiley& Sons, 1995.
20. Marder, M. P., Research Methods for Science, Cambridge,Cambridge University
Press, 2011.
21. Martin, P. and Bateson, P., Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
22. McNabb,D.E., Research Methods for Political Science, New Delhi, PHI Learning,
23. McDavid, J.C. and Hawthorn, L.R.L., Program Evaluation and Performance
Measurement, London, Sage Publications, 2006.
24. Neuman, W. L., Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches, Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 2000 (4th edition).
25. Pagano, R., Understanding Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, London,
Wadsworth, 2006 (6th edition).
26. Punch, K.F., Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative
Approaches, London, Sage Publications, 2005.
27. Robson, C., Real World Research, Oxford, Blackwell, 2002.
28. Saris, W.E. and Gallhofer, I.N., Design, Evaluation and Analysis for Survey
Research, New York,Wiley-Interscience, 2007.
29. Shamoo, A. and Resnik, D.,Responsible Conduct of Research, New York, Oxford
University Press, 2009(2nd edition).
30. Singh, K., Quantitative Social Research, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2007.
31. Strunk, W. and White, E. B., The Elements of Style, Needham Heights, MA,Allyn
and Bacon, 2000 (4th edition).
32. Tuckman, B.W., Conducting Educational Research, New York, Harcourt Brace,
1999 (5th edition).
33. Walliman, N.,Social Research Methods, London,Sage Publications, 2006.
34. Warfield, J.N., A Science of Generic Design, Vol. I & II, Palm Harbor, Ajar
Publishing Co., 2003 (3rd edition).
35. Wayne, W. T., Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in Health Sciences, New
York, John Wiley & Sons, 2000 (7th edition).
36. Wolcott, H.F., Writing Up Qualitative Research, London, Sage Publications,

Legal Research:

37. Bell, J., Policy Arguments in Judicial Decisions, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983.
38. Brix, B., Jurisprudence: Theory and Context, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2003
(3rd edition).
39. Cane, P. and Kritzer, H. M. (editors), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal
Research, London, Oxford University Press, 2010.
40. Cohen, M.L. and Kent C. O.,Legal Research in a Nutshell, St. Paul, West
Publishing Co., 2000 (7th edition). 
41. Cownie, F., Legal Academics: Culture and Identities, Oxford and Portland,
Oregon, Hart Publishing, 2004.
42. Friedmann, W., Law in a Changing Society, London, Stevens & Sons, 1972 (2nd
43. Hutchinson, T.C., “Developing Legal Research Skills: Expanding the Paradigm”,
Melbourne University Law Review, Vol.32, 2008, pp. 1065-1095.
44. Jacobstein, J. M.,Mersky R.M. and Dunn, D.J.,Fundamentals of Legal Research,
Westbury, New York, The Foundation Press, 1998 (7th edition).
45. MacCormick, N., Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
46. Maharg, P., Transforming Legal Education: Learning and Teaching the Law in
the Early Twenty-First Century,Burlington, Ashgate, 2007.
47. McConville, M. and Chui, W. H. (editors), Research Methods in Law, Edinburgh,
Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
48. Salter, M. and Mason, J., Writing Law Dissertations: An Introduction and Guide
to the Conduct of Legal Research, Harlow, England and New York,
Pearson/Longman, 2007.
49. Stone. J., Social Dimension of Law and Justice, Stanford, Stanford University
Press, 1966.
50. Valverde, M., Law’s Dream of a Common Knowledge, Princeton, New Jersey,
Princeton University Press, 2003.
51. Verma, S. K. andWani, M. A. (editors), Legal Research and Methodology,New
Delhi, Indian Law Institute, 2001 (2nd edition),
52. Vibhute, K. and Aynalem, F., Legal Research Method – Teaching Material,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Justice and Legal System Research Institute, 2009.
53. Wren, C. and Wren, J. R.,The Legal Research Manual: A Game Plan for Legal
Research and Analysis, Madison, Wisconsin, A-R Editions, 1996 (2nd edition).

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