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Review Unit 1 - Version B X

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Tape Script for Review Unit I Version B

This dialog is for question 1.

Man : How is your condition now?
Woman : I feel better. Thank you for your suggestion that I should drink lemonade. It really worked.
1. What does the woman do in the dialog?

This dialog is for question 2.

Woman : Hey, Tommy . . . congratulations! You have been successful in reducing your weight.
Man : Thank you. Now I feel healthier by reducing my meat intake.
Woman : Well, I think it was such hard work for you.
Man : You’re right.
2. Why does the woman congratulate the man?

This text is for questions 3 to 5.

Once upon a time, Owl and Pigeon met and talked just like folks.
“There are more owls than pigeons in this wood,” boasted Owl.
“No,” said Pigeon, “Many more pigeons. I challenge you to a count!”
“Agreed,” responded Owl. “The big wood is a fine place. Plenty of trees for everybody.”
“Fine. A week from today will have enough time to notify all owls and pigeons,” Pigeon said.
On the day to count owls, the trees were full of owls.They were sure there could not be as many pigeons.
Owls were all over the place.
Soon they heard a roar from the east, then a roar from the south and roar from the north. Pigeons covered
trees until branches broke. Owls could not believe there could be that many pigeons. They sat still moving their
heads back and forth staring with wide eyes. Pigeons kept coming.
Owls darted under the trees and flew away. Owls stared so long and hard at pigeons. Their eyes just stayed
that way.
Adopted from: http://www.choctawnation.com/culture-heritage/social-life-through-the-years/choctaw-childrens-legend/ (August 11, 2012)
3. What did the Owl think?
4. What is the text about?
5. What made the branches break?

Review Unit I
Version B
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
: 1 (satu) Tanggal : ....
Kelas : X : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

and to allow our members to get to know each other

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. better, we

A. Listening Section have planned to do some refreshing activities such as

going to beaches or mountainous areas and hold
 1. A. She offers something.
some interesting activities there. Dealing with this
B. She congratulates the man.
plan, I hope starting from this week we can collect
C. She talks about her habit.
money, at least Rp,3000 per week. Please hand in the
D. She suggests something.
money to our treasurer, Indrawati. Thank you.
E. She expresses her gratitude.
 6. Which is NOT the purpose of the activities?
 2. A. He could undergo a surgery.
A. To show the members’ talent.
B. He could eat more vegetables.
B. To celebrate the increase in memberships.
C. He was successful in reducing his weight.
C. To allow the members to get to know each
D. He has become a vegetarian.
other better.
E. He has been successful in avoiding junk
D. To celebrate the organization’s anniversary.
E. To celebrate the organization’s victories in
 3. A. Owls were cleverer than pigeons. competitions.
B. Owls were stronger than pigeons.
 7. What is each member supposed to do?
C. Humans liked owls more than pigeons.
A. Save money at home.
D. Owls were more beautiful than pigeons.
B. Choose people to hold the activity.
E. There were more owls than pigeons in the
C. Hand in money to the treasurer every week.
D. Enrol themselves as soon as possible.
 4. A. Why owls stare. E. Prepare equipment to do the activities.
B. Why owls hate pigeons.
This text is for questions 8 to 11.
C. Why owls hunt at night.
D. Why pigeons have white fur. Pilandok and Sabandar
E. Why people prefer keeping pigeons to owls. (Maranao)
A prankster called Pilandok tricked Prince
 5. A. Hunters who tried to shoot the birds.
Sumusong-sa-Alongan into getting stung by bees until
B. Owls that covered trees.
he almost died. Then, a relative of Sumusong-sa-
C. Pigeons that covered trees.
Alongan, named Sabandar, went out searching for the
D. Pigeons’ magical power.
man who had done this to the prince.
E. Owls’ magical power.
Sabandar came upon Pilandok as he was resting
This is the end of the listening section. beneath a tree with a large black python coiled around
the branches. Sabandar asked if his name was
B. Reading Section Pilandok.
“I am Pilandok,” the prankster, he answered
This text is for questions 6 and 7. truthfully.
Attention, please. Our organization will be Then, Sabandar said that he would kill him,
three years old in July. During this period, we have because the man had almost killed his relative
had many more members and have won many Sumusong-sa-Alongan.
journalistic competitions. To celebrate the success

“No, wait,” Pilandok said. “In this town where E. Sabandar should not wear the belt until he
I live, there are two Pilandoks. One is called Pilandok- was far away.
from-Upstream, and the other is Pilandok-from-
Downstream. I am Pilandok-from-Downstream. The
other Pilandok is blind in one eye and I am not.”
Sabandar was quiet. Yes, Sumusong-sa-Alongan
11. What can we learn from the story?
had told him that the prankster he had encountered
A. We must be humble.
had one eye closed. This Pilandok-from-Downstream
B. We must not mind other people’s business.
must be an honest man.
C. We must be honest.
“Tell me what you are doing beneath this tree,
D. We must not harm other people.
E. We must be knowledgeable, so that people
“Ah! well,” said Pilandok, “I am guarding the black
won’t cheat us easily.
belt of a queen.”
Sabandar thought that the belt must be special This text is for questions 12 and 13.
You met the challenge with determination, strength
“Let me try on the belt, Pilandok,” Sabandar said.
and total confidence!
“No, the queen will be angry with me if I allow any
man wear her special belt,” Pilandok answered.
“Look, . . . I’ll give you everything I have right now Adopted from:
if only you will let me try the belt on, Pilandok.” http://verses-for-cards.blogspot.com/search/label/Congratulations
%20verses (August 11, 2012)
Pilandok pretended to think. After a while he said,
“I’ll take everything you have. However, mind you, you 12. What is the purpose of the text?
must not wear the belt until I am far away, for the A. To wish someone luck.
queen’s guards might catch me lending her special B. To express sympathy.
belt to a stranger.” C. To celebrate someone’s success.
Sabandar agreed to this. Pilandok took D. To wish someone to get well soon.
everything Sabandar had (which was a lot!) and ran E. To encourage somebody to do something.
away as fast as he could.
Sabandar took the sleeping python and wound it 13. “. . . with determination, strength and total
around his waist. The python, alarmed at being so confidence!”
rudely awakened, coiled itself tighter and tighter about The synonym of ‘determination’ is ________.
Sabandar’s waist until he died. Then, it went up the A. certainty B. awareness
tree again to sleep. C. preference D. commitment
Pilandok lived happily with all of Sabandar’s E. improvement
possessions. 14. Mrs. Sanders was very tired, so she got her
Adopted from: husband ________ the housework.
http://www.philsites.net/folklore/stories/laughter2.html (August 11, A. do B. to do
C. doing D. did
 8. Why did Sabandar meet Pilandok? E. done
A. To trick him.
15. Rani got a bad mark because she ________.
B. To learn from him.
A. has studied B. hasn’t studied
C. To take revenge.
C. had studied D. hadn’t studied
D. To ask Pilandok to heal his relative.
E. had been studied
E. To ask Pilandok to return his possessions.
This text is for questions 16 to 20.
 9. Where was the phyton?
A. On Pilandok’s lap. The Cat and the Witch
B. Beside Pilandok. Once upon a time there was a wicked witch. One
C. At the top of the tree. day, the witch saw a stray cat walking down the street.
D. On the branches of a tree. She thought, “I could take that cat to my house and
E. On the ground not far from Pilandok. make her play tricks on people.” She took the cat
home. Then, she put a spell on her. She told her to go
10. Which of the following was what Pilandok said?
bite a little girl and a little boy playing outside.
A. He was blind.
The cat went up to the children. The little girl said,
B. There were three Pilandoks.
“What a cute cat!” and started petting her. The cat said
C. There was a phyton near him.
to herself, “I will not bite the children.” Then, she went
D. He was Pilandok-from-Upstream.
back home to the witch.

The witch was furious. She then mixed up Adapted from: Elizabeth C. Stephens, The Cat and the Witch, in
http://takethe.net/witchcat.html (August 18, 2012)
a potion in her cauldron. She put frogs’ legs, frogs’
slime, spiders’ legs and ants in. Then, she gave it to
the cat. The witch said, “Now go to that house across
the street. Sneak into the cabinets and steal all the
food. Then, bring it here.”
So off the cat went. She arrived at the door of
a very nice family. The mother picked up the cat and 16. Where did the cat have to steal food?
said, “Oh, how cute!” She gave her a bowl of milk. A. At the house across the street.
Then, the father petted the cat and the children B. At a little boy and girl’s house.
started playing with her. C. At an old couple’s house.
The cat purred. Then, she looked at the food in D. At a young couple’s house.
the cabinets. She said to herself, “I will not steal the E. At a teacher’s house.
food from this nice family.” So she went back home to 17. How many times did the witch instruct the cat to
the witch. do something?
The witch was furious! She said, “I will have to A. Two times. B. Three.
make a stronger spell!” So she mixed up a potent C. Four. D. Five.
brew in her cauldron. First she added spiders, then E. Six
ants, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and bat’s
hairs. She gave some to the cat and said, “Now go to 18. Which of the following is TRUE about the cat?
the house of those two old people and go look in their A. It asked people to fight the witch.
wallets. Then, steal all their money and bring it to me. B. It did what the witch had instructed her most
Don’t fail this time!” of the time.
So off the cat went. She arrived at the door of C. It would bite people, but not steal
an old couple. They opened the door and let her in. something from them.
The old lady said, “Oh, how cute!” The old man gave D. Every time the witch ordered it to go, it
her some food and a bowl of milk. They were very would just stay home.
nice to her. The cat purred and purred. This time, she E. Every time the witch instructed it to steal
also decided not to steal anything from the couple. something, it didn’t.
When she was about to go back to the witch, she 19. What did the witch do to make the cat come back
thought, “It is better for me to stay here. If I go back to to her?
the witch, she will just send me out somewhere else A. She poisoned the cat.
to do mean tricks.” So the cat just stayed. B. She cast a spell to make the cat come back.
The witch looked into her crystal ball. She saw C. She visited the family with whom the cat
that the cat had no intention of coming home. The stayed.
witch was furious again. She went over to the old D. She poisoned the family with which the cat
people’s house. stayed.
The witch knocked on the door. When the old E. She stole the cat from the family with which
man answered, the witch asked, “Do you have my the cat stayed.
“Oh,” said the old man, “I thought she was a 20. What did the old lady do to the witch?
stray.” A. She threw a bottle of water on her.
So the old lady went upstairs to get the cat and B. She threw a cup of tea over her.
handed her to the witch. The cat scratched the witch C. She chased her away.
and ran back upstairs. D. She tied her in her room.
The old lady said, “I don’t think she wants to go E. She made the cat scratch her.
home with you.”
“Well, I am going to get her. I will make her come II. Create a congratulations card.
with me, or she will be very sorry,” said the witch.
The old lady didn’t want the witch to go get the
cat. She knew if she threw water over the witch, it
would melt her. She had a cup of tea in her hand, so
she threw the tea over the witch and it melted her.
That was the end of the wicked witch.
The cat lived happily ever after with the nice old

 7. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat
”. . . I hope starting from this week we can
collect money, at least Rp3,000 per week.
Please hand in the money to our treasurer,
Indrawati.”. Jadi, para anggota diharapkan
mengumpulkan uang kepada bendahara,
minimal Rp3.000 setiap minggu.
Kunci Review Unit I  8. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat dalam
Version B paragraf satu, ”Then, a relative of Sumusong-
sa-Alongan, named Sabandar, went out
I. Pilihan Ganda searching for the man who had done this to
A. Listening Section the prince.”, dan kalimat dalam paragraf
empat, ”Then, Sabandar said that he would
 1. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat kill him . . . .”. Jadi, Sabandar menemui
wanita itu,”Thank you for your suggestion Pilandok untuk membalas dendam, sesuai
that I should drink lemonade.”. Kalimat ini dengan pilihan jawaban (C).
diucapkan untuk mengungkapkan rasa
terima kasih.  9. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai dengan kalimat
awal paragraf dua, ”Sabandar came upon
 2. C. Dalam percakapan wanita itu mengatakan, Pilandok as he was resting beneath a tree
”. . . congratulations! You have been with a large black python coiled around the
successful in reducing your weight.”. Jadi, branches.”. Jadi, ular itu berada di antara
wanita itu mengucapkan selamat karena laki- dahan-dahan pohon.
laki itu telah berhasil mengurangi berat
badannya, sesuai dengan pilihan 10. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat
jawaban (C). dalam paragraf tiga belas, ”After a while he
said, ’I’ll take everything you have. However,
 3. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”’There are mind you, you must not wear the belt until
more owls than pigeons in this wood,’ I am far away . . . .’”. Jadi, Pilandok
boasted Owl.”. Jadi, burung hantu merasa mengatakan bahwa Sabandar harus
bahwa jumlah burung hantu di hutan itu lebih mengenakan ikat pinggang itu ketika ia sudah
banyak dari merpati. Pilihan jawaban (E) berada jauh. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
benar. karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
 4. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat 11. E. Dalam teks diceritakan bahwa Sabandar
terakhir monolog ”Owls stared so long and tertipu Pilandok karena ia tidak mengetahui
hard at pigeons. Their eyes just stayed that bahwa ikat pinggang tersebut ternyata ular
way.”. Jadi, teks ini mengenai alasan burung piton. Dari sini disimpulkan bahwa kita harus
hantu membelalak. Pilihan jawaban (A) memiliki banyak pengetahuan sehingga tidak
benar. mudah tertipu. Pilihan jawaban (E) benar.
 5. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat 12. C. Dalam teks terdapat kata ’Congrats!’. Jadi,
”Pigeons covered trees until branches tujuan teks itu untuk mengucapkan selamat
broke.”. Jadi, hal yang membuat dahan- atas keberhasilan seseorang, sesuai dengan
dahan patah adalah jumlah merpati yang pilihan jawaban (C).
sangat banyak hingga menutupi pohon-
pohon. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. 13. D. Kata ’determination’ artinya kebulatan tekad.
Kata ini sama artinya dengan ’commitment’.
B. Reading Section Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
 6. A. Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan dijelaskan kepastian, (B) artinya kesadaran, (C) artinya
dalam kalimat-kalimat ”. . . we have had kesukaan, dan (E) artinya perbaikan.
many more members and have won many 14. B. Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk kausatif.
journalistic competitions. To celebrate the Pola kalimat kausatif adalah S + get + O + to
success and to allow our members to get to + Vbase. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar
know each other better, . . . .”. Jadi, pilihan adalah (B) to do.
jawaban (A) benar karena dalam teks tidak
disebutkan bahwa kegiatan itu untuk 15. D. Arti kalimat tersebut adalah ”Rani
menunjukkan bakat peserta. mendapatkan nilai yang jelek karena ia
. . . .”. Nilai yang jelek adalah akibat Rani

tidak belajar. Klausa tersebut menggunakan
the simple past tense. Klausa selanjutnya
seharusnya menggunakan the past perfect
tense karena menyatakan kegiatan yang
terjadi sebelumnya. Selain itu, kata kerja
tersebut seharusnya dalam bentuk negatif.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah
(D) hadn’t studied.
16. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat penyihir itu 19. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat
dalam paragraf tiga, ”Now go to that house paragraf delapan, ”She went over to the old
across the street. Sneak into the cabinets people’s house.”. Jadi, ia mengunjungi
and steal all the food.”. Jadi, kucing itu harus keluarga itu untuk meminta kucingnya.
mencuri makanan di rumah di seberang
20. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat dalam
jalan, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
paragraf 14, ”. . . so she threw the tea over
17. B. Penyihir itu menyuruh kucing untuk pergi the witch and it melted her.”. Jadi, wanita itu
sebanyak tiga kali, yaitu kepada anak-anak menyiram air teh kepada penyihir itu, sesuai
(paragraf satu), kepada orang-orang yang dengan pilihan jawaban (B).
tinggal di seberang rumah (paragraf tiga),
dan sepasang suami istri tua (paragraf II. Uraian
enam). Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar. Contoh jawaban:
18. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat kucing Dear Uncle,
tersebut dalam paragraf dua, ”I will not bite
the children.”, paragraf lima, ”I will not steal Congratulations! May you have joy with your new
the food from this nice family.”, dan paragraf baby. May you also be given the patience and
tujuh, ”This time, she also decided not to energy that you will need.
steal anything from the couple.”. Jadi, ketika Your beloved niece,
kucing itu disuruh mencuri, ia tidak Tania
melakukannya. Pilihan jawaban (E) benar.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan isi teks.

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