"If It's Goya, It Has To Be Good"?
"If It's Goya, It Has To Be Good"?
"If It's Goya, It Has To Be Good"?
Cancel Culture is becoming more effective because our modern society is being morally
aware. With all this social media invention, people are more confident to speak on topics they
were even banned or afraid to express. It’s becoming more noticeable the importance of ensuring
people are being respectful and not harmful with their comments and actions. As part of this
change in the relationship between consumers and companies, in the last couple of years, we
representatives by expressing or doing an action that is considered offensive. Actions that can be
seen as either good or bad could impact the perception of the consumers towards a certain
company. Especially those actions that are deemed bad or offensive towards a certain person or
group. With the use of social media by more and more people, consumers are more aware and
A company that received backlash and a cancel culture movement was created against it
was Goya. This happened during the presidency of Donald Trump when Goya’s CEO, Robert
Unanue, praised Trump’s administration. This action was not approved by US Latino groups,
who represented a minority that was mistreated during the administration. After this happened,
people started “cancel culture” movements asking consumers not to purchase Goya’s products.
However, according to The New York Post (Marte, 2020) representatives of the Bodega and
Small Business Association as they request “We are calling for a Goya buycott.” Referring that
sales and jobs could be affected by the boycotts and also promoting to stock up every bodega with
Goya’s products. They mentioned that even though the boycotts were successful it would cause
Trump’s administration, the company received $47M in negative marketing vs $10M in positive
marketing. However, is difficult to determine what was the impact on the company’s sales after
this incident. The same article mentioned that although some of Goya’s competitors are seeing
an increase in the sales of their products, Goya itself has reported an increase in some of their
products, but that these increases can be attributed to the impact of the Covid pandemic and the
change in some consumers buying patterns. This is, because, on one hand, some consumers are
moving away from eating meat and getting their proteins from other products like beans, a
segment that Goya has a presence in. On the other hand, due to the pandemic, consumers are
Cancel culture movements bring new challenges to companies and their executives. They
have to be aware of how their actions are perceived by the consumers and how they could affect
the company. These movements can also affect public figures, like athletes, politicians, actors, to
mention some. Is cancel culture an important tool of social justice or a new form of merciless
mob intimidation? If canceling someone usually doesn’t have much measurable effect, does
cancel culture even exist? Or does the very idea of being canceled work to deter potentially bad
behavior? (Romano, 2020). The thing is that they too need to be aware of how their actions are
perceived by the public and how it will affect their reputation and image.
“History: Our Story,” (n.d.). Goya.Com. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from
Marte, F. (2020, July 15). “Why Hispanic Business Owners Are Urging You to BUY-cott Goya
Products.” Nypost.Com. https://nypost.com/2020/07/15/why-hispanic-business-owners-are-
Romano, A. (2019, December 30). Why we can’t stop fighting about cancel culture. Vox.Com.
NBC News (Atkinson, Claire (2020). After Trump doubled down on Goya, has it helped boost —
or tank — sales of the Hispanic brand? https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/after-