H2 NOx Aftertreatments

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Concepts for Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines and Their
Implications on the Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment System
Stefan Sterlepper 1, * , Marcus Fischer 1 , Johannes Claßen 1 , Verena Huth 2 and Stefan Pischinger 1

1 Thermodynamics of Energy Conversion Systems, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany;
[email protected] (M.F.); [email protected] (J.C.);
[email protected] (S.P.)
2 FEV Europe GmbH, 52078 Aachen, Germany; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-241-80-48055

Abstract: Hydrogen as carbon-free fuel is a very promising candidate for climate-neutral internal
combustion engine operation. In comparison to other renewable fuels, hydrogen does obviously
not produce CO2 emissions. In this work, two concepts of hydrogen internal combustion engines
(H2 -ICEs) are investigated experimentally. One approach is the modification of a state-of-the-art
gasoline passenger car engine using hydrogen direct injection. It targets gasoline-like specific power
output by mixture enrichment down to stoichiometric operation. Another approach is to use a
heavy-duty diesel engine equipped with spark ignition and hydrogen port fuel injection. Here, a

 diesel-like indicated efficiency is targeted through constant lean-burn operation. The measurement
results show that both approaches are applicable. For the gasoline engine-based concept, stoichio-
Citation: Sterlepper, S.; Fischer, M.;
metric operation requires a three-way catalyst or a three-way NOX storage catalyst as the primary
Claßen, J.; Huth, V.; Pischinger, S.
exhaust gas aftertreatment system. For the diesel engine-based concept, state-of-the-art selective
Concepts for Hydrogen Internal
Combustion Engines and Their
catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts can be used to reduce the NOx emissions, provided the engine
Implications on the Exhaust Gas calibration ensures sufficient exhaust gas temperature levels. In conclusion, while H2 -ICEs present
Aftertreatment System. Energies 2021, new challenges for the development of the exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, they are capable to
14, 8166. https://doi.org/10.3390/ realize zero-impact tailpipe emission operation.
Keywords: hydrogen; internal combustion engine; emissions; NOx; exhaust gas aftertreatment;
Academic Editors: DeNOX ; gaseous direct injection; port fuel injection; passenger cars; heavy duty vehicles
Alessandro D’Adamo,
Stefano Fontanesi and
Giuseppe Cantore

1. Introduction
Received: 17 October 2021
Accepted: 29 November 2021
Sustainability is the key driver for the transformation of powertrains for mobile
Published: 6 December 2021
and stationary solutions. It requires the reduction of both greenhouse gas emissions
and pollutant emissions. In this regard, facing the mobility sector, internal combustion
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
engines (ICE) need to compete with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and fuel cell electric
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
vehicles (FCEVs). Selected advantages of ICEs compared to BEVs and FCEVs are the
published maps and institutional affil- robustness towards ambient conditions as well as fuel and air impurities, the low demand
iations. for rare earths and precious metals and the well-established development and production
processes [1,2]. Air/hydrogen charges have ignition limits of 0.15 < λ < 10.5 which are much
wider than those of conventional fuels such as gasoline or diesel, enabling both operation
principles. Furthermore, operation on hydrogen enables ICEs to reduce fuel-based carbon
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
dioxide (CO2 ) emissions down to zero. Lubrication oil-based CO2 emissions are expected
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
to be on a negligibly low level [3]. The latest research on combustion engines in general
This article is an open access article
targets zero-impact tailpipe emissions [4]. The idea of zero-impact combustion engines are
distributed under the terms and negligible tailpipe emissions, e.g., a pollutant contribution of traffic below a clean rural
conditions of the Creative Commons background. Addressing this challenge will bring down the propulsion system discussion
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// from a political level to an efficiency-based, use-case specific evaluation.
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ Hydrogen internal combustion engines (H2 -ICE) have already been in development
4.0/). for some years [5–8]. In the early 2000s, BMW introduced their Hydrogen 7 as series

Energies 2021, 14, 8166. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14238166 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2021, 14, 8166 2 of 13

production vehicle [9,10]. It featured a modified gasoline V12 engine with 6 L displacement
and hydrogen port fuel injection (PFI). A major drawback of the concept was the low
specific load which resulted in a power output reduction from 327 kW at gasoline to
191 kW at hydrogen operation. Additionally, Ford [11,12] and others did extensive research
and development work on H2 -ICEs [6]. Despite that, the hydrogen engine has not been
able to establish itself. Recently, the hydrogen combustion engine has come back into
focus in the automotive industry [13–17]. Specific loads at the level of gasoline or diesel
engines are possible by using suitable boosting concepts [18]. A technology that is still
under development and requires high research and development effort is the hydrogen
direct injection (DI) [1,19,20]. One problem is that hydrogen has no lubricating properties,
unlike conventional fuels [8]. This can lead to severe wear of the injectors and result in fast
failure. Similar to CNG injectors, not the multi-hole but the A-nozzle injectors are expected
to be the most reasonable solution. Another object of the research is the right hydrogen
rail pressure [21]. On the one hand, high pressures are necessary to enable a rapid and late
injection during the compression stroke. On the other hand, however, higher pressures
reduce the effective tank capacity, which can only be used down to the level of the rail
pressure. This leads to relatively early injection, possibly even with the intake valves still
open, resulting in disadvantages similar to those of PFI. In the worst case, and favored by
the wide ignition limits of hydrogen, backfiring occurs, where a hydrogen/air mixture
ignites in the intake manifold. This poses a very high risk of causing damage to the engine.
Considering the exhaust composition, instead of CO2 , water is the main combustion
product and is thus present in higher concentrations as in gasoline or diesel exhaust
gas [3]. At λ = 1, the molar fraction of water is ψH2O = 34%. Water vapor has a heat
capacity of cp,100 ◦ C = 2.08 kJ/(kg*K) increasing the overall heat capacity of the exhaust
gases. Additionally, the high water content needs consideration regarding the impact on
catalyst aging. The changed conditions for the operation of the exhaust gas aftertreatment
system (ETAS) require the investigation of the system with regard to its complete service
life [22].
Pollutant emissions are mainly nitrogen-based, with nitrogen oxide (NOX ) as the main
raw emission. Potential secondary emissions produced in the exhaust aftertreatment system
(EATS) are ammonia (NH3 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O), which, with the introduction of the
EU7 legislation, are also expected to receive limit values that must be met in the real driving
emissions type approval tests on the road [23–25]. Carbon-based pollutant emissions
(carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons) can only result from lubrication oil consumption
and are expected to be on a very low level.
NOX aftertreatment (DeNOX ) systems from diesel engines can be adopted for lean
operated hydrogen engines [26]. Such are either NOX storage catalysts (NSC) or selective
catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts with additional injection of an aqueous urea solution.
An additional technology for NOX aftertreatment is the H2 -SCR, which utilizes hydrogen
instead of the urea solution [27]. A big advantage is that no additional fluid needs integra-
tion and frequent refilling. Kureti et al. [28–30] and others [31,32] are investigating both
Pt and Pd-based H2 -SCR catalysts and measure efficiencies of up to 95%. The H2 -SCR
shows the best conversion performance roughly around ~150 ◦ C, which is way below
the light-off temperature of modern commercial technologies. Further development is
needed to widen the currently very limited temperature operation range and to increase
the nitrogen selectivity to prevent the conversion into N2 O.
In summary, there was intensive research and a lot of development activities in the
past, but the H2 -ICE has just recently come back into focus. The characteristics of hydrogen
as a fuel still results in various challenges and different, partly contradictory, solutions
are possible. The objective of this work is to understand the main implications of the
fundamental engine design on the exhaust gas aftertreatment system. For this purpose,
exhaust gas parameters such as the relative air/fuel ratio, exhaust gas temperature and
mass flow rate and NOX concentration are investigated.
Energies 14, 14,
2021, 8166PEER REVIEW
x FOR 3 of 13 3 of 13

paper presents
paper measurement
presents measurement results
experimental test cam-
test campaigns
paigns with series production engines. Both engines are modified but not explicitly
with series production engines. Both engines are modified but not explicitly optimized opti-
mized or redesigned
or redesigned forfor hydrogen
hydrogen operation,leaving
operation, leavingroom
roomforfor future
future progress.
the two
basedonon a compressed
a compressed natural
natural gasgas (CNG)-fueled
(CNG)-fueled passenger
passenger car engine,
car engine, once orig-
once originally
inally developed
developed as a gasoline
as a gasoline engine.
engine. The other
The other one
one is is based
based on aon a series
series produc-diesel
diesel engine that was previously modified for CNG operation. Both are presented
that was previously modified for CNG operation. Both are presented in Figure in 1
Figure 1 and will be referred to as gasoline and diesel engine-based concepts in
and will be referred to as gasoline and diesel engine-based concepts in the following. the fol-

Selection of two opposing engine technologies

a) Gasoline engine-based concept b) Diesel engine-based concept (with SI)

 Compression ratio  Compression ratio

 Stoichiometric operation for full load ( )  Ultra-lean operation (

 Stoichiometric operation for accel. EATS warm-up  Stoichiometric operation not possible (knocking)

 Indicated efficiency below gasoline  Indicated efficiency on diesel level

Experimental thermodynamic investigation of the engine characteristics in the full map

Analysis of the engine measurement results

Determination of the implications on the exhaust aftertreatment system layout and the operation strategy

Figure 1. Experimental procedure of this investigation and introduction if the selected H2-ICE concepts.
Figure 1. Experimental procedure of this investigation and introduction if the selected H2 -ICE concepts.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
As explained above, an H2-ICE can be equipped with PFI or DI. In both cases, knock-
As explained above, an H2 -ICE can be equipped with PFI or DI. In both cases, knock-
ing combustion can occur at high loads, early centers of combustion and low air/fuel ratios
ing combustion can occur at high loads, early centers of combustion and low air/fuel
[33,34]. At the same time, enleanment improves the efficiency. As a result, the H2-ICE fea-
ratios [33,34]. At the same time, enleanment improves the efficiency. As a result, the H2 -
tures spark-ignition (SI), but enables quality control, which classifies it in between con-
ICE features spark-ignition (SI), but enables quality control, which classifies it in between
ventional gasoline and diesel concepts (Figure 1). In this work, representative engines of
conventional gasoline and diesel concepts (Figure 1). In this work, representative engines of
both concepts are investigated experimentally. The applied test procedure is also pre-
both concepts are investigated experimentally. The applied test procedure is also presented
sented in Figure 1. Thermodynamic work packages will be introduced in separate publi-
in Figure 1. Thermodynamic work packages will be introduced in separate publications.
cations. The present paper focuses on the impact of thermodynamic measurement results
The present paper focuses on the impact of thermodynamic measurement results on the
on the exhaust aftertreatment system.
exhaust aftertreatment system.
The gasoline engine-based concept features a three-cylinder passenger car engine
The gasoline engine-based concept features a three-cylinder passenger car engine with
with a total displacement of 1 L. The cylinder charge motion is tumble supported and the
a total displacement of 1 L. The cylinder charge motion is tumble supported and the CNG
CNG injectors of the base engine are modified with an external lubrication system for H2
injectors of the base engine are modified with an external lubrication system for H2 direct
direct injection with 20 bar. To limit the occurrence of knocking combustion, the compres-
injection with 20 bar. To limit the occurrence of knocking combustion, the compression ratio
sion ratio was kept at the CNG engine reference of ε ≈ 10, which is at the typical level of
was kept at the CNG engine reference of ε ≈ 10, which is at the typical level of gasoline
gasoline engines. This enables stoichiometric operation of the engine, which is necessary
to achieve This enables
specific stoichiometric operation
loads. In addition, of theisengine,
the engine equippedwhich
withisanecessary to achieve
higher specific loads. In addition, the engine is equipped with
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. No further optimization was conducted, espe- a high-pressure exhaust
cially no replacement of the boosting system or of the charge motion support as defined no
gas recirculation (EGR) system. No further optimization was conducted, especially
by the shape of theof the boosting
intake ports orsystem or of This
the piston. the charge
enablesmotion support
a concept study,asbutdefined
not theby the
shape of the intake ports or the piston. This enables a concept
optimum performance that would be possible with a completely optimized and rede- study, but not the optimum
signed engine. that would be possible with a completely optimized and redesigned engine.
The heavy duty (HD) diesel engine-based concept uses a modified six-cylinder en- en-
The heavy duty (HD) diesel engine-based concept uses a modified six-cylinder
withwith a total
a total displacement
displacement ofL.7.8It L.
of 7.8 wasIt was modified
modified from from
to CNG to CNG operation
beforehand by the implementation of spark plugs and PFI. To realize
beforehand by the implementation of spark plugs and PFI. To realize high mean effective high mean effective
pressures in a lean-burn operation, the single-stage turbocharging
pressures in a lean-burn operation, the single-stage turbocharging system was replaced system was replaced
by abytwo-stage
a two-stage turbocharger
turbocharger arrangement.
arrangement. The compression
The compression ratio
ratio of ε =of = 13
13εof theofdiesel
the diesel
engine was retained. This leads to severe knocking at low lambda values, which prohibits
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engine was retained. This leads to severe knocking at low lambda values, which prohibits
stoichiometric operation[35].
ratio enables
enables very
very lean
operation up to λ = 8 and shows efficiencies that can compete with diesel
operation up to λ = 8 and shows efficiencies that can compete with diesel engines. engines.
Both engineswere
equippedwith withextensive
emission analysis
analysis equipment.
equipment. This
This in-
cludes an emissions analyzer from FEV containing a chemiluminescence
cludes an emissions analyzer from FEV containing a chemiluminescence detector (CLD), detector (CLD), a
a paramagnetic
paramagnetic detector
detector (PMD),
(PMD), a nondispersive
a nondispersive infrared
infrared sensor
sensor (NDIR)
(NDIR) and flame
and flame ioni-
zation detector
detector (FID) for(FID) for measurements
measurements of NOX ,ofO2NO X, O2, CO, CO2 and HC emissions. Addi-
, CO, CO2 and HC emissions. Additionally
tionally equipped are a HSense from V&F for
equipped are a HSense from V&F for hydrogen measurementshydrogen measurements
and a FTIRand a FTIR
from MKSfrom
MKS for H 2O and multiple other emissions.
H O and multiple other emissions.

passengercar carhydrogen
intendedto to compete
compete with
the gasolineversion
version in in terms
terms of power
powerand andmaximum
maximummean mean effective
pressures. TheThehy-
hydrogen versionwas
drogen version was thus
thus adapted
adapted forfor stoichiometric
stoichiometric operation
operation at at full load.
load. Here, the the
achievable mean
mean effective
effective pressure
pressure level
level is limited
is limited by by
thethe unchanged
unchanged turbocharging
turbocharging sys-
addition, the combustion
In addition, chamber
the combustion designdesign
chamber is not is
optimized for mixture
not optimized formation
for mixture with
hydrogen, causingcausing
with hydrogen, mixturemixture
inhomogeneities. DespiteDespite
inhomogeneities. the compression ratio of ratio
the compression ε = 10,ofknock-
ε = 10,
ing occurs, occurs,
knocking which limits
whichthe usable
limits range range
the usable of the of
ignition timing
the ignition at fullatload.
timing To illustrate,
full load. To illus-
trate,the engine
where the isengine
not operated as efficiency
is not operated optimal to
as efficiency prevent
optimal to from knocking,
prevent Figure 2
from knocking,
Figurethe point the
2 shows of 50%pointmass fraction
of 50% burned burned
mass fraction (MFB50)(MFB50)
in the engine map asmap
in the engine indication
as indi-
for the center
cation for theof combustion. The highest
center of combustion. Theefficiency
highest isefficiency
MFB50 = at 8 ◦MFB50
a compromise between thebetween
°CAaTDC as a compromise constant thevolume
constant process
volume and wall heat
process losses.
and wall heatHowever,
losses. How- the
ignition and
ever, the accordingly
ignition also the MFB50
and accordingly is retarded
also the MFB50 isbeyond
retarded ◦ CA 16 at
16beyond °CAloads
aTDC above
at loadsa
abovemean effective
a brake meanpressure
effective of BMEP =
pressure of16 bar. = 16 bar.

Figure 2. Engine operation strategy as result of previous thermodynamic investigations. The position of 50% fuel mass
Figure 2. Engine operation strategy as result of previous thermodynamic investigations. The position of 50% fuel mass
fraction burned
fraction (MFB50)
burned (MFB50)shows an efficiency
shows optimal
an efficiency operation
optimal for low
operation and and
for low mediums loads,
mediums but abut
loads, retarded combustion
a retarded due
to knocking at higher
due to knocking loads. loads.
at higher
The operation strategy derived from thermodynamic investigations is presented in
2. Atoperation
full load,strategy derivedoperation
stoichiometric from thermodynamic investigations
and a decreasing is presented
Miller timing in
is required
Figure 2. At full load, stoichiometric operation and a decreasing Miller timing
to deliver the required cylinder charge. In the range of medium BMEPs, Miller timing and is required
to deliver
exhaust gasthe required cylinder
recirculation charge. for
are favorable In the range of medium
de-throttling. BMEPs,the
In addition, Miller timing
flame and
effects gasEGR
of the recirculation
lead to a NOare favorable for de-throttling. In addition, the flame cooling
X raw emission reduction [36]. In order to achieve maximum
effects ofthe
efficiency, theignition
EGR leadangletoisaset
NO X raw emission reduction [36]. In
for an MFB50 of approximately 8 ◦ CA order ,to achieve
aTDC wherever
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13

Energies 2021, 14, 8166 5 of 13

maximum efficiency, the ignition angle is set for an MFB50 of approximately 8 °CAaTDC,
wherever knocking allows. At low BMEPs, lean engine operation becomes more efficient
than operation
knocking withAtEGR.
allows. low The reason
BMEPs, is aengine
lean reduction
operation formationmore
in NOXbecomes as can be seenthan
efficient in
Figure 3.
operation with EGR. The reason is a reduction in NO formation as can be seen in Figure 3.

a) 22 b)
NOX / ppm 3) H2 / ppm Engine speed:
18 1000
BMEP / bar

14 2000
1) Increasing load
2) 10000
10 4000
4,000 requires enrichment
20000 2) At loads of
6 8000
8,000 :
2 Retarded ignition
c) 22 d)
TExh / °C 300
mExh / kg/h 3) High H2 content in
18 10
the exhaust at
BMEP / bar

4) 400
4) Wide temperature
14 20
500 5) range compared to
10 30
conventional engines

6 700
40 5) Different
combinations of
exhaust mass flow
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and temperature
λ/- λ/-
Figure 3. Characterization of the engine-out exhaust gas conditions as function of the air/fuel ratio λ: (a) Nitrogen oxide
Figure 3. Characterization of the engine-out exhaust gas conditions as function of the air/fuel ratio λ: (a) Nitrogen oxide
Hydrogen content
content in
in the
the exhaust,
exhaust, (c)
(c) Exhaust
Exhaust gas temperature, (d)
gas temperature, (d) Exhaust
points at n = 2000 1/min are visualized as crosses. Measurements at other engine speeds also account into the interpolation,
points at n = 2000 1/min are visualized as crosses. Measurements at other engine speeds also account into the interpolation,
cannotbe bedisplayed.

The graphs
graphs in in Figure
Figure 33 show
show the the reasonable
reasonable BMEP BMEP ranges
ranges as as aa function
function of ofthe
ratio. It can be seen that the area of BMEP narrows at higher loads
ratio. It can be seen that the area of BMEP narrows at higher loads towards stoichiometric towards stoichiometric
conditions. The The maximum
maximum air/fuel ratioisislimited
air/fuel ratio limitedby bythe
amountofofair airintroduced
introducedinto intothethe
cylinders and and decreases
decreases with with increasing
increasing fuel fuel mass
mass required
requiredfor forincreasing
increasingload. load.Another
boundary condition
condition is is shown
shown by by the
the white
white dashed
dashed line.
marksthe therange
rangeup uptotowhich
whichan an
efficiency optimized MFB50 is applicable. At higher loads, the ignition angle αIgn needs toto
optimized MFB50 is applicable. At higher loads, the ignition angle αIgn needs
be increased
increased to to prevent
prevent knocking.
In Figure 3a, the
Figure 3a, the NO emissions are
NOXX emissions are shown
shown as as aa function
function of of the
the relative
relative air/fuel
and load. It can be seen that, starting at stoichiometric conditions,
and load. It can be seen that, starting at stoichiometric conditions, a minor enleanment a minor enleanment
leads to
to increased
increased NO emissions, as
NOXX emissions, as known
known from from gasoline
engines.With Withmore
present in in the
exhaustgas, gas,thetheNONO X formation
X formation
tendency increases.
increases. After reaching
After reaching a maxi-a
mum around around
λ = 1.3,λ =the1.3,
NO the NOX emissions
X emissions decrease decrease significantly
significantly below the below
level the level of
of stoichi-
ometric conditions. conditions.
This is is aa consequence
consequence of of the decreasing temperature,
the decreasing temperature, as as shown
shownin inFigure
Figure3c. 3c.As Asaa
result, lean operation is beneficial in terms of NO emissions only
result, lean operation is beneficial in terms of NOXX emissions only at low loads. This is alsoat low loads. This is also
the reason for splitting of the operation strategy into EGR for
the reason for splitting of the operation strategy into EGR for de-throttling at mediumde-throttling at medium loads
and enleanment at lowatloads (Figure
low loads 2). Looking
(Figure at theatunburned
2). Looking the unburned fraction of hydrogen
fraction of hydro-in
Figure 3b, significant
gen in Figure 3b, significant H 2 emissions are detected around stoichiometric
H2 emissions are detected around stoichiometric operation. operation. These
are attributed
These to theto
are attributed not
not optimized combustion
combustion chamber
chamber design. AnAn
design. optimized
optimized mixture
formation and combustion process will significantly increase the
ture formation and combustion process will significantly increase the indicated efficiency. indicated efficiency.
Additional important parametersfor
important parameters forthetheexhaust
exhaustgas gasaftertreatment
aftertreatmentsystem systemare aretem-
perature and mass flow of the exhaust gas. The exhaust gas temperature
perature and mass flow of the exhaust gas. The exhaust gas temperature (Figure 3c) highly (Figure 3c) highly
depends on the
air/fuel ratio and varies ◦ C to
depends on ratio and varies in ainwide
a wide
range range
fromfrombelow below
TExh =T300
Exh°C= 300
to above
above ◦
TExh = T600 = 600
Exh °C. TheC.isolines
The isolines
of theofexhaust
the exhaust massmassflowflow in Figure
in Figure 3d 3d areare verticaltotothe
vertical the
temperature isolines. This means that several combinations of temperatures and mass flows
are possible, which is an additional degree of freedom for the EATS operation strategy
in comparison to gasoline engines. In this regard, lower mass flows resulting in lower
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 13

Energies 2021, 14, 8166 6 of 13

temperature isolines. This means that several combinations of temperatures and mass
flows are possible, which is an additional degree of freedom for the EATS operation strat-
egy in comparison to gasoline engines. In this regard, lower mass flows resulting in lower
space velocities and
and thus
thus more
more reaction
reaction time
time are
are positive
positive for
for the
the exhaust
exhaust gas
gas system
systemat at
temperatures with slow reaction kinetics.
temperatures with slow reaction kinetics.

3.2. DieselEngine-Based
Engine-Based Hydrogen
Hydrogen Engine
Engine for
for Heavy
Heavy Duty
Duty Applications
oneone shown
shown in in
thethe chapter
chapter above
above is the
is the diesel
diesel en-
gine-based hydrogen engine. It combines a high compression ratio
based hydrogen engine. It combines a high compression ratio with hydrogen port fuel with hydrogen port
fuel injection
injection and a and a two-stage
two-stage turbo charger
turbo charger arrangement.
arrangement. This leadsThis
to leads to in
benefits benefits in the
the operation
operation efficiency. However, with this high compression ratio, stoichiometric
efficiency. However, with this high compression ratio, stoichiometric operation is no longer operation
is no longer
possible. Thepossible. The knock
knock limitation limitation
to lower lambdato lower
rangesvalues ranges1.5
in between in ≤
between 1.5
λ ≤ 2. The
≤ λ ≤ exhaust
main 2. The main
gas exhaust gas parameters
parameters in the engine in the
map engine
of anmap of an efficiency
efficiency oriented cal-is
oriented calibration
ibration is
depicted in depicted
Figure 4.in Figure 4.

a) λ/- b) NOx / ppm

1.5 20
850 for low-end
Torque / Nm

2 100
torque leads
2.5 1000
600 to excessive
3 2000
3.5 3000
350 emissions
4 4000
c) d)
Exhaust gas temperature / °C Exhaust mass flow / g/s
Torque / Nm

200 100 low temp.
600 250 (stationary) in
300 250 same area as
350 350
300 lowest NOx
350 emissions
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Engine speed / 1/min Engine speed / 1/min

Figure EATSboundary
orientated ultra-lean
ultra-lean calibration: (a) Air-fuel
calibration: (a) Air-fuel ratio,
ratio, (b)
(b) Nitrogen
is expressed
expressed asas engine
engine torque.

Figure 4a,
4a, the
the relative air/fuelratio
relative air/fuel ratioisisplotted
plotted inin
thethe engine
engine mapmap as the
as the function
function of
engine speed and torque. The engine operates at lean conditions, close to the leanthe
engine speed and torque. The engine operates at lean conditions, close to lean
tion limit,limit,
wherewhere incomplete
incomplete or instable
or instable combustion
combustion occurs.
occurs. As noted
As noted forgasoline
for the the gasolineen-
engine-based concept in Figure 3, the lean operation limit decreases
gine-based concept in Figure 3, the lean operation limit decreases towards higher loads. towards higher loads.
operation under
under varying
varying boundary conditionsranges
boundary conditions rangesfrom fromλλ>>44
atatlow loads up to λ < 2 at the low-end torque. Moreover, also
low loads up to λ < 2 at the low-end torque. Moreover, also similar to the gasoline similar to the gasoline
gine-based hydrogen engine in Figure 3, the exhaust temperatures in Figure 4c 4c
hydrogen engine in Figure 3, the exhaust temperatures in Figure show
show a
correlation to to
thethe air/fuel
air/fuel ratio.
ratio. The lowest
The lowest temperatures
temperatures occur occur
in in ultra-lean
ultra-lean opera-
tion at lowatloadlowand
loadevenand reach
even reach
below below
TExh < TExh
200 °C. 200 ◦ C.
< Even Evenloads,
at high at hightheloads,
exhaust the
exhaust temperatures do not exceed T = 350 ◦ C with this configuration.
temperatures do not exceed TExh = 350Exh °C with this configuration.
ultra-lean engine
engine calibration,
calibration, low cylinder
low cylindertemperatures
temperatures andandaccord-
ingly low exhaust gas temperatures apply (the latter depicted
cordingly low exhaust gas temperatures apply (the latter depicted in Figure 4c). Thisin Figure 4c). This results
in lowinNO
sults lowX emissions
NOX emissions measured in theinraw
measured theexhaust gas. A
raw exhaust wide
gas. area of
A wide more
area than than
of more three
quarters of the map
three quarters of theshows
map showsemissions of ψNOx
emissions of ψ<NOx
20 <ppm (lower
20 ppm marked
(lower marked areaarea
in Figure 4b).
in Figure
At engine speeds of n > 1500 1/min,
4b). At engine speeds of n > 1500 1/min, maximum maximum NO emissions at full load are still
X NOX emissions at full load are still limited
to ψNOx to
limited = 100
= 100(upper area). Only
ppm (upper area). the
Only area
low-end torquetorque
of low-end showsshows
severe NOX
emissions as a result of the comparably rich air/fuel ratio. However, the engine control
functions and the calibration of the respective parameters were not yet finalized and a
significant reduction towards more reasonable NOX emissions can be expected. Again, the
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13

Energies 2021, 14, 8166 NOX emissions as a result of the comparably rich air/fuel ratio. However, the engine7 con- of 13

trol functions and the calibration of the respective parameters were not yet finalized and
a significant reduction towards more reasonable NOX emissions can be expected. Again,
the exhaust
exhaust massmass
flow flow isolines
isolines (Figure
(Figure 4d)
4d) are are or
more more
less or less vertical
vertical to the temperature
to the temperature isolines.
isolines. This challenges the EATS to perform under all
This challenges the EATS to perform under all possible combinations. possible combinations.
With the findings
With the findings from
from above
above and
and additional
additional thermodynamic
thermodynamic investigations,
investigations, itit was
found that for λ > 2, only very small advantages were observed in terms
found that for λ > 2, only very small advantages were observed in terms of the indicated of the indicated
efficiency. In aa second
efficiency. In second development
development step,step, another
another calibration
calibration approach
approach was was applied.
applied. This
time, the target is not at the highest indicated efficiency, but at moderate exhaust
time, the target is not at the highest indicated efficiency, but at moderate exhaust tempera- temper-
atures. Therecalibration
tures. The recalibrationof ofthe
focuseson on the
the low
low speed
speed and
and load
ranges, which poses the greatest challenges for cold start and the
ranges, which poses the greatest challenges for cold start and the subsequent warm-upsubsequent warm-up
phase. The resulting new engine maps are presented in Figure Figure 5.5.

a) λ/- b) NOx / ppm

400 1.5 30 10
Torque / Nm

2 100
300 20
2.5 1000
200 λ = 2.3 = const. 3 2000
3.5 10 2000
100 3000
4 4000
c) d)
Exhaust gas temperature / °C Exhaust mass flow / g/s
400 150
Torque / Nm

300 200 100
200 200
300 250
100 350
700 1000 1300 1600 700 1000 1300 1600
Engine speed / 1/min Engine speed / 1/min
Figure 5. EATS boundary conditions under exhaust gas temperature-orientated lean operation: (a) Air-fuel ratio,
Figure 5. EATS boundary conditions under exhaust gas temperature-orientated lean operation: (a) Air-fuel ratio, (b) Ni-
(b) Nitrogen
trogen oxide oxide emissions,
emissions, (c) Exhaust
(c) Exhaust gas temperature,
gas temperature, (d) Exhaust
(d) Exhaust gasflow.
gas mass massThe
flow. The
color color
bars are bars areto
similar similar
those to
those in Figure 4 in order to ensure the comparability.
Figure 4 in order to ensure the comparability.

The new
new engine
engine control
control strategy ◦ C as
The strategy targets
targets an
an exhaust
exhaust gas
gas temperature
temperature above
above 250250 °C as
it is needed for conventional SCR systems. Therefore, lambda is decreased to λ = 2.3 as
it is needed for conventional SCR systems. Therefore, lambda is decreased to λ = 2.3 as
shown in Figure 5a. By this measure, the exhaust temperature increases above 300 ◦ C in
shown in Figure 5a. By this measure, the exhaust temperature increases above 300 °C in
the whole map except for a very small area. This shows the strong impact of the engine
the whole map except for a very small area. This shows the strong impact of the engine
calibration on the exhaust gas characteristics.
calibration on the exhaust gas characteristics.
As discussed before, NO emissions are highly sensitive to changes in the relative
As discussed before, NOXX emissions are highly sensitive to changes in the relative
air/fuel ratio. However, similar to the gasoline engine-based concept depicted in Figure 3a,
air/fuel ratio. However, similar to the gasoline engine-based concept depicted in Figure
at the relative air/fuel ratio of λ = 2.3, the NOX reduction due to a dilution induced exhaust
3a, at the relative air/fuel ratio of λ = 2.3, the NOX reduction due to a dilution induced
gas temperature dominates over the effect of an oxygen availability-induced NOX increase.
exhaust gas temperature dominates over the effect of an oxygen availability-induced NOX
Thus, the positive effect of enleanment is achieved and the NOX emissions are significantly
increase. Thus, the positive effect of enleanment is achieved and the NOX emissions are
below those of stoichiometric operation. Figure 5b shows NOX emissions in the range of
significantly below those of stoichiometric operation. Figure 5b shows NOX emissions in
30 ppm and below.
the range of 30 ppm
As an aside, and below.
it should be mentioned that the exhaust gas mass flow decreases slightly
due to the reduced air massbe
As an aside, it should mentioned
flow with lessthat the exhaust
enleanment gas mass
(Figure flow decreases
5d). Accordingly, slightly
in terms of
due to the reduced air mass flow with less enleanment (Figure 5d). Accordingly,
absolute emissions (in g/kWh) and assuming a constant NOX concentration, the reduction in terms
in absolute emissions
exhaust mass (in g/kWh)
flow leads and assuming
to a corresponding a constant
reduction NOXemissions.
in NO concentration, the words,
In other reduc-
tion in exhaust mass flow leads to a corresponding reduction in NO X emissions. In other
the mass flow reduction already contributes to a slight increase in NO concentration X
without producing more NOX in absolute terms.
Energies 2021, 14, 8166 8 of 13

4. Discussion
The results of both measurement campaigns depict very different exhaust gas char-
acteristics. The gasoline engine-based H2 -ICE with a low compression ratio and small
displacement causes rather high NOX raw emissions at higher loads, but also high exhaust
gas temperatures. On the contrary, the diesel engine-based H2 -ICE with a higher compres-
sion ratio and two-stage turbocharging emits NOX raw emissions on a very low level. This
is achieved by further enleanment, which leads to lowered exhaust gas temperatures.
Considering suitable exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, the determining factor is
the stoichiometric operation of the gasoline engine-based hydrogen engine at higher
loads. Stoichiometric operation is necessary to achieve the desired specific loads of up to
BMEP > 20 bar, where the air charge is limited by the series production boosting system of
the gasoline engine. At stoichiometric operation, however, an optimization of the mixture
formation towards nearly complete combustion leads to very low oxygen concentrations.
Under these stoichiometric conditions, conventional DeNOX systems such as an SCR or
NOX storage catalysts are not applicable. Instead, a three-way catalyst (TWC) is necessary
for exhaust gas aftertreatment.
In contrast to gasoline engines, the exhaust gases contain no or only negligible carbon-
based emissions. Thus, the TWC lacks CO or hydrocarbons as reducing agents that react
with oxygen from the Ceroxide or convert stored NOx in the Barium oxide phase to
nitrogen [37]. This role must be taken over by hydrogen. Appropriate references can be
found in the literature [33,38]. However, hydrogen as reductant could lead to new TWC
material formulations in the future and will remain an object of research [39].
When switching between stoichiometric and lean operation, another subject is the
TWC performance under lean conditions. Krishnan Unni et al. [40] operated a H2 -ICE
equipped with a TWC at lean conditions and still observed catalytic effects. With the full
and thus practically deactivated oxygen storage, the catalytic effects can be attributed to
the platinum group metals (PGM) acting as an oxidation catalyst (OC). This enables the
TWC to replace an oxidation catalyst (OC) and provide NO2 to a downstream SRC system,
which requires an NO2 /NOX ratio of about 1/2 to operate efficiently, depending on the
material [41]. Accordingly, the aftertreatment concept for lean conditions could include a
TWC and a SCR system. At that temperature level, a NH3 -SCR system is more sensible
than an H2 -SCR. The NH3 -SCR might even operate as passive concept fed by secondary
ammonia emissions of the TWC.
Another option for the exhaust gas aftertreatment is the three-way NOX storage
catalyst (TWNSC). It is capable of NOX conversion under stoichiometric conditions but has
a strongly increased NOX storage capacity [42,43]. With this, the TWNSC is also applicable
for lean operation, where it stores the NOX . For the regeneration, cyclic rich operation is
required. Alike the TWC, hydrogen as the only reducing agent leads to changed boundary
conditions, posing similar material development challenges.
From this discussion, the EATS concepts for gasoline engine-based H2 -ICEs, including
stoichiometric operation, shown in Figure 6a, emerge. Due to the stoichiometric operation
of the gasoline engine-based concept, the introduction of a TWC or TWNSC is mandatory.
However, for lean operation it needs to be supported by an additional DeNOX system,
which is here an SCR catalyst as discussed beforehand.
Furthermore, Figure 6b introduces exhaust aftertreatment systems for the diesel
engine-based concept. Here, lean engine operation enables low NOX raw emissions. The
aftertreatment concept is mainly depending on the exhaust gas temperature. Due to
the favorable burn characteristics of hydrogen, a wide calibration range is possible [44].
Two scenarios based on the same diesel engine-based hydrogen engine are illustrated in
Figures 4 and 5.
An engine calibration of the whole map at, e.g., λ = 2.3 enables exhaust gas tempera-
tures high enough for SCR systems. The central aftertreatment component for lean engine
concepts will be a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst, most likely combined with
Energies 2021, 14, 8166 9 of 13

Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW

some 9 ofunder
kind of oxidation catalyst upstream. One option with oxidizing characteristics 13

lean conditions is a NOX storage catalyst (NSC).

Figure 6. Aftertreatment system layout for (a) the gasoline engine-based concept including stoichiometric operation and
Figure 6. Aftertreatment system layout for (a) the gasoline engine-based concept including stoichiometric operation and
HD diesel
HD engine-based
diesel engine-basedconcept
lean conditions.

The NSC could

Furthermore, support
Figure the SCR toexhaust
6b introduces increase the overall conversion
aftertreatment systems forefficiency
the dieselanden- is
divided into two types: either lean
gine-based concept. Here, lean engine operation NO X traps (LNTs),
enables low NOX raw emissions. The af-for
which require rich conditions
regeneration phases, or passive
tertreatment concept is mainly depending NO X adsorbers (PNAs),
on the exhaust gas which release theDue
temperature. NOtoX atthehigher
temperatures. Especially PNAs can also cover slightly lower exhaust
vorable burn characteristics of hydrogen, a wide calibration range is possible [44]. Two gas temperatures and
EATS on operation
the same range.
diesel engine-based hydrogen engine are illustrated in Fig-
As an
ures 4 and 5. alternative solution to the λ = 2.3 calibration, at ultra-lean operation almost no
NOX An emissions
engine calibration of the operation
are present and whole mapwithoutat, e.g., exhaust gas aftertreatment
λ = 2.3 enables is theoret-
exhaust gas tempera-
tures high enough for SCR systems. The central aftertreatment component for lean emission
possible. However, transient operation scenarios lead to dynamic NO X engine
arebe not compliant
a selective without
catalytic any EATS.
reduction (SCR)At the same
catalyst, most time, heavy
likely enleanment
combined with
someto significantly
kind of oxidation lower exhaust
catalyst gas temperatures
upstream. One option with below the light-off
oxidizing temperatures
characteristics under of
lean conditions DeNO X systems,
is a NO X storage causing
catalystthe EATS to be inactive.
The NSC couldduringsupport
the heat-upthe SCRphaseto after a cold
increase thestart, theconversion
overall low exhaustefficiency
gas temperatures
and is
are challenging.
divided into twoAtypes:
leanbe NOthe application
X traps (LNTs),ofwhich an H2require
-SCR system which has
rich conditions forthe
highest efficiency
regeneration at low
phases, temperatures.
or passive Installing
NOX adsorbers it in first
(PNAs), close-coupled
which release the position
NOX at higherenables
an early light-off
temperatures. even at extremely
Especially PNAs canlow alsoexhaust gas temperatures.
cover slightly lower exhaust At higher temperatures,
gas temperatures
could work
extend asEATS
the oxidation catalyst
operation to form NO2 for the SCR, as discussed before with the
TWC.As However, the Hsolution
an alternative 2 -SCR technology
to the λ = 2.3 is still under development.
calibration, As a result,
at ultra-lean operation almostall three
EATS concepts in
NOX emissions areFigure
present 6band
are operation
most promisingwithoutfor the diesel
exhaust engine-based is
gas aftertreatment Htheoreti-
2 -ICE. The
final decision will then be depending on the engine application.
cally possible. However, transient operation scenarios lead to dynamic NOX emission
peaks In that are not
summary, thecompliant without concept
engine operation any EATS. andAt thethe same time,
exhaust heavy enleanment
gas aftertreatment concept
must to significantly
developed inlower exhaust
parallel. gas temperatures
A matching processbelow the light-off
is enabled temperatures
by choosing the engineof
control strategy DeNO systems,
withXrespect tocausing the EATS to
the requirements of be
EATS. The NOX raw emissions and
the exhaust during the heat-up
gas temperature phase after aparameters.
are the dominating cold start, the low exhaust
Compared gas tempera-
to gasoline or diesel
tures arethe
engines, challenging.
presence A ofsolution
hydrogen could be the
in the raw application
exhaust gas, of anhigh
H2-SCRwatersystem which
fractions has
ratio, andat low thetemperatures. Installing it inemissions
absence of carbon-based first close-coupled
lead to new position en-
ables an early
conditions. light-off even
Accordingly, theatconcepts
extremely low exhaust
developed gas temperatures.
for switching (between Atstoichiometric
higher tem-
and it could work
lean) operation as oxidationlean
and permanent catalyst to form
operation NO2face
must for the
the SCR,
sameas discussed although
challenges, before
with the TWC. However, the H -SCR technology is still under
they follow two contradictory approaches. As a result for both strategies, the potential
2 development. As a result,
all three EATS concepts in Figure 6b are most promising for the diesel engine-based H2-
ICE. The final decision will then be depending on the engine application.
Energies 2021, 14, 8166 10 of 13

trade-off between low NOX raw emissions and high catalytic conversion efficiency requires
compromises that are specifically designed for the target application. With regard to
future emission legislations, the environmentally friendly zero-impact tailpipe emissions
include ultra-low emissions of N2 O and NH3 . This requires very precise ammonia dosing
strategies that also consider passive NH3 formation provided by upstream catalysts (TWC,
TWNSC or NSC). As an alternative, additional ammonia slip catalysts could be integrated.
However, the oxidizing characteristics of ammonia slip catalysts (ASC) may increase the
N2 O emissions. For that reason, ASCs were not considered in the suggested concepts
within Figure 6.
Finally, the previously discussed catalysts can also be combined on coated particulate
filters, which could be considered due the potential of particulate formation resulting from
combustion of lubrication oil [45]. The resulting ash accumulation is known to increase the
filtration efficiency but may need further investigation due to the absence of fuel-induced
soot particulates [46].
As a final remark, naming the two approaches gasoline engine- and diesel engine-
based concepts is not intended to limit the applicable use range. These labels were chosen
to describe their origin and some basic engine parameters such as compression ratio
and displacement. Future solutions will be based on one of the concepts or something in
between, considering the specific use-case and the performance priorities such as maximum
efficiency, high specific load, low production costs or others. Additionally, both engines
were not optimized for hydrogen operation with dedicated mixture formation or boosting
strategies. This leaves further potential for future H2 -ICEs.

5. Conclusions
The conversion of internal combustion engines shows that contrary approaches are
feasible, e.g., with different compression ratios enabling different operating strategies.
Depending on the chosen approach, the following implications on the exhaust gas af-
tertreatment systems (EATS) apply.
For the gasoline engine-based hydrogen combustion engine with lower compression
ratio (here ε = 10) aiming at high specific power, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Lean operation is limited by the boosting system. Highest specific power is reached
with stoichiometric combustion, which is accompanied by relatively high NOX emis-
sions. Thus, the EATS has to include either a three-way catalyst (TWC) or a three-way
NOX storage catalyst (TWNSC);
2. At low loads, lean operation is still more efficient. Here, we see an SCR catalyst as the
system of choice. Under these conditions, the upstream TWC/TWNSC can be used
as oxidation catalyst to increase the NO2 /NOX ratio. If hydrogen is available in the
exhaust, the TWC/TWNSC will also produce ammonia, which reduces the required
amount of urea injection;
3. Switching between stoichiometric and lean operation will require dedicated engine
operation strategies. Here, the avoidance of NOX , NH3 and N2 O emissions will
most likely require high attention. Main conclusions for the diesel engine-based
hydrogen combustion engine with higher compression ratio (here ε = 13) targeting
high efficiency are the following:
4. Ultra-lean operation enables ultra-low NOX raw emissions down to the limit of
detectability. However, the heavy enleanment comes along with very low exhaust gas
temperatures that are below the light-off temperatures of currently available catalysts.
As a result, the exhaust gas aftertreatment system is not instantly available in the
event of a transient operating point change;
5. From the exhaust gas aftertreatment point of view, less lean operation is beneficial.
An engine operation, e.g., at an air/fuel ratio of λ = 2.3 still causes low NOX emissions,
but increases the exhaust temperature to ensure catalyst activity;
6. Under these operation conditions, the SCR catalyst is the most promising EATS
component and can be directly transferred from diesel applications. For operation
Energies 2021, 14, 8166 11 of 13

areas, where the SCR system is not fully active, a combination with an upstream NOX
storage catalyst or H2 -SCR system increases the overall NOX reduction performance.
In summary, the exhaust aftertreatment systems have to focus on nitrogen related emis-
sions: NOX as primary and NH3 and N2 O as secondary emission species. Engine operation
with decreasing exhaust temperatures challenges the exhaust gas aftertreatment system.
The trade-off between NOX raw emission reduction and catalyst conversion efficiency
losses requires application-specific investigations to achieve the lowest tailpipe emissions.
Finally, the hydrogen combustion engine will be capable of achieving zero-impact
tailpipe emissions. The according exhaust gas aftertreatment systems may be less complex
than such for gasoline or diesel applications with similarly low tailpipe emission levels.
However, for that, the engine and exhaust aftertreatment layout as well as engine and
aftertreatment operation strategies have to be closely aligned. Additionally, further research
on catalyst materials, operation strategies and degradation mechanisms is necessary.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S. and J.C.; validation and formal analysis, S.S., M.F.,
V.H. and J.C.; investigation, S.S., M.F. and V.H.; resources, M.F. and V.H.; data curation, M.F. and V.H.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.S.; writing—review and editing, S.S., M.F., J.C., V.H. and S.P.;
visualization, S.S.; supervision, S.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: The presented research work was carried out at the Center for Mobile Propulsion (CMP) of
RWTH Aachen University with funding by the German Science Council Wissenschaftsrat (WR) and
the German Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Ford Werke GmbH for providing the passenger
car engine and accompanying advice, and FEV Europe GmbH for providing the heavy-duty engine
and advice on both engines.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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