Project Management Assignment
Project Management Assignment
Project Management Assignment
Individual Assignment on
Submitted to
Course Director
Project Management Training Course (Batch-1)
Director (Education), BIAM Foundation
Bangladesh Institute of Administration and Management (BIAM) Foundation
63, New Eskaton, Dhaka-1000.
Prepared by
A. K. M Shahabuddin
(ID: 6359)
Deputy Project Director (Deputy Secretary)
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
Project Management: Case Study Analysis
Part: A
1. General Information:
2. Financing:
Sources of Mode of Financing Comments
Financing Loan/ Grant Equity Others CBOs contributed a
Credit (Specify) minimum of 20% of the
1 GOB (FE) - - - - construction cost or the
2 PA (RPA) $50.00 - - - entire unskilled labor
Million component, whichever
3 Own Fund (FE) - - - - was higher
3. Objectives:
a) To improve access to safe water and sanitation for poor population for urban and
rural areas through a process that actively involves women as well as men.
b) To promote human development as well as poverty reduction.
c) To ensure women participation in community decision making.
4. Components of the project:
Sl Name of the Component Focus
1 Urban Component This component focused on rehabilitated and
upgraded drainage systems in several urban areas in
Sri Lanka. Paying attention to large- scale
infrastructure development with little direct
involvement with local government or communities.
Hence, with no community participation, gender
design features were not considered necessary.
2 Rural Component The project financed a demand driven and
community-based program to provide water and
sanitation in 124 selected areas of North Central
Province. This component provides 322,000 people
with safe water and 138,000 with latrines.
Part: B
6. (a) Background, rationale and objectives of the project:
However, there is uneven development across the urban, rural, and estate sectors. Rural
areas account for close to 80 percent of the population and have almost three times the
incidence of poverty seen in urban areas. At the same time, there is wide variation within
the rural sector, with pockets of poverty in some areas and substantial development in
others. Providing better access to services is essential to reducing poverty, but also to
meeting the demand created by rising living standards and expectations.
Although access to improved water supply is relatively high at the country level, water
service levels in urban and rural areas has been quite uneven. There is also no
institution in rural sanitation that is responsible for providing services. Default
responsibility for managing sanitation requirements is largely left with individual
households. Oversight of sanitation aspects resides with local authorities and the
Ministry of Health, operationalized at the local level through Medical Officers of Health
(MOH) and public health inspectors. In some areas, local authorities provide septic
removal services, but overall, local authorities have varying levels of capacity to regulate,
monitor, and supervise rural sanitation facilities.
The Asian Development Bank involvement in rural water and sanitation in Sri Lanka
started with the Community Water Supply and Sanitation Project (loan No. 1993), which
was approved in 2002 and closed in 2010 with a satisfactory rating. The project played a
major role in introducing the community-based approach to Sri Lanka on a large scale
and successfully developed systems and procedures for community-based planning,
implementation, and operation and maintenance of rural water supply and sanitation for
poor populations in both
The main objective of this project was to reduce poverty and promote human
development by improving access to safe water and sanitation for poor population in
both urban and rural areas. The project objectives were relevant to the government’s
priorities. It promotes demand-responsive and participatory approaches to service
delivery as well as contributions by beneficiaries to the capital costs and their full
responsibility for operation and maintenance of facilities. In addition, the project’s
objectives are consistent with the government’s vision for economic development.
Project implementation was planned with a three-year implementation time frame. IP-
NGOs and local government technical officers provided training and information to
communities regarding water source availability, initial capital investment required, and
expected operation and maintenance(O&M) costs for each option of investment. The
beneficiaries were organized into village-wide CBOs to decide upon the type of system
best suited for their respective communities. These CBOs contributed a minimum of 20%
of the construction cost or the entire unskilled labor component, whichever was higher.
Special arrangements were made for monetary contributions from poor households to
ensure their inclusion in new schemes. Establishing separate CBO subgroups for women
was important to build their confidence in identifying their needs and prepared women to
present their views at the community level.
A concise gender action plan (GAP) was included in the project design with target and
strategies to ensure the full participation of women as implementers, beneficiaries, and
decision makers for the rural component. It was ensured of 50% participation of women
at community meetings, in small group activities and executive committees. The
executing agency was further required to actively recruit qualified women in all levels of
the project implementation structure, especially in the rural component. Nevertheless,
the executing agency demonstrated its commitment to the Gender Action Plan (GAP) by
effectively ensuring a gender mainstreaming approach.
Monitoring indicators were developed to track CBO mobilization through various stages,
and to ensure women’s voices were reflected in decisions made. These indicators were
based on securing a gender balance at the apex level executive committee. Reporting
was made through conducted interviews with selected communities, and women noted
that participation in project activities has enhanced their participation more generally in
community decision making. Confirming this change, local government officials have
been impressed with how women are continuing to come forward and request support
for other infrastructure and community improvement schemes.
Part: C
(i) The Government of Sri Lanka, through various ministries and state agencies,
(ii) Provincial councils,
(iii) Local authorities,
(iv) Municipal Council,
(v) The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB),
(vi) Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),
(vii) Community Based organizations (CBOs),
(ix) Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The key central government ministry is the Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply
and Drainage while the agency principally responsible for the development, operation,
and maintenance of water supply and sanitation is the NWSDB, which reports to the
All the stakeholders were actively involved in this project. Specially the involvement of
CBOs and the poor or marginalized groups in the project activities have confirmed the
dissemination of the project benefits to a broader spectrum of the community. This
stakeholder management strategy improved the recognition of these groups and opened
the door for their social and economic development.
The provision of safe drinking water supplies and improved sanitation services are both
government priorities in Sri Lanka. Important development challenges remain and the
availability of a sustainable and efficient water supply and sanitation services, especially
in secondary towns and rural communities is vital to sustain the pace of development.
The number of water supply and sanitation facility completed under this project
increased rural people water availability tremendously. There is widespread acceptance
among the rural beneficiaries that the benefit of CBO water is worth the cost.
The rural component of the project has completed most of its activities as anticipated.
Water and sanitation facilities have improved for communities, saving time, improving
health, and increasing access to rainwater for food gardens. The participation of both
women and men under the leadership CBO structure mobilized by the project has
increased social capital and enhanced the sustainability of infrastructure investments.
The household survey, with the small sample in the project area indicated that time
savings is one of the benefits provided by the water supply schemes appreciated by the
beneficiaries, and it is experienced by both women and men. As the caregivers for both
children and the elderly, women are indirectly responsible for making water available in
the house. They were also often the ones at home, and available to carry water. For
women, therefore, a reliable source in the compound has obvious benefits. For men who
are the primary economically productive members of a household, being released from
spending considerable time and energy on collecting water means they have increased
leisure time. For the elderly, the benefit is beyond general convenience, because they
are incapable of accessing water that requires a long walk or a steep or irregular climb.
Target from the detailed Gender Action Plan (GAP) were all achieved and qualitative
benefits for women and men were noted in all rural components. Among the 36,282 CBO
members in one districts 45% were women compared to 51% men, and in another
slightly more women were mobilized with 52% women compared to 47% men. The CBO
executive committees also met gender balance targets. The infrastructure completed
under this project has improved the quality of life for families, particularly for women.
Sri Lanka has made above mentioned remarkable achievements in its water and
sanitation sector through the proper implementation of this project.