Retdem Script (Gordon'S Funtional Health Patterns)
Retdem Script (Gordon'S Funtional Health Patterns)
Retdem Script (Gordon'S Funtional Health Patterns)
Nurse: Before we start the interview I made sure that the room is well-lighted and ventilated, free
from distractions and noise, and I closed the door for some privacy. Good morning sir! I’m
Mykaella Samantha M. Manalo, your assigned student nurse for today until 8:30 am and I will be
gathering some information regarding to your health concerns. So I will just ask you some
questions about why you are here and a little about your background. So sir if you are
uncomfortable answering some of my questions, please just let me know, okay?
Patient: Okay
Nurse: Okay sir Khen, is it okay to you if write down some of the information you’re going to
share with me? And you don’t have to worry about that information because it will remain
confidential unless any healthcare personnel wants to access your file for your care.
Nurse: Okay sir Khen since you’re just here for a general check-up, our interview would only
last for about 10-15 minutes, would that be okay with you?
Nurse: I will start the interview regarding with your health perception and health management
pattern. So okay sir, how would you describe your usual health status?
Patient: None
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay so, do you have any medicine for your allergy?
Patient: None
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay, that’s good. So, how about your living condition at home?
Nurse: Okay so, do you have any suggestions or requests for improving your health?
Patient: None
Nurse: So we’re now done with your health perception and health management, I will now
proceed asking questions about your nutrition and metabolic pattern.
Nurse: Do you have any weight gain or loss in the past six months?
Patient: 3 kilos
Nurse: So do you have any food intolerance, restrictions or any food allergies?
Patient: None
Patient: Normally, I drink 8-10 glasses a day but since our weather is so hot right now I
consumed at least 64oz of water a day.
Patient: I like foods that are sweet and spicy but I don’t like food that are sour.
Nurse: Do you have any problems with nausea, vomiting, swallowing, or chewing?
Patient: None
Nurse: Okay, none that’s good. So how about how would you describe your usual lifestyle?
Nurse: That’s good. So let’s move on to your elimination patterns. So sir what is the color of
your urine and how frequent do you pee?
Patient: The color of my urine is pale yellow and I pee 6-8 times a day
Patient: None
Patient: None
Nurse: Okay, that’s good. Character of stool, so what is the color of your stool?
Patient: Brown
Nurse: Okay so, for your usual voiding pattern, how frequent do you void?
Nurse: Do you have any problems during passing defecation like bleeding?
Patient: None
Patient: None
Nurse: Okay so for activity or exercise pattern, what are your daily activities?
Patient: Doing some household chores and walking my pets every morning and afternoon.
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Do you notice any strange feeling in your body when you exercise?
Patient: No
Nurse: Do you experience any discomfort when you are exercising? Like trouble of breathing
and such?
Patient: I try to stop working out for a minute until my breathing is okay then continue again
working out.
Nurse: Okay that’s all for the activity or exercise pattern, now let’s proceed to your sleep and rest
pattern. So what are your usual sleeping habits?
Patient: Because I still feel that I am tired and my body is somewhat too heavy to operate.
Nurse: Oh I see, the span of your sleep is very brief. Maybe try to sleep for about 8 hours for it
provides sufficient rest for the body.
Nurse: Can you explain more about what you feel at that time?
Patient: I think these are caused by the duration of my sleep and because of playing mobile
games for too long.
Nurse: Okay, so it really affects your health. Okay so let’s proceed to your cognitive and
perceptual pattern, do you have any hearing difficulty?
Patient: None
Patient: Patient: Last year, I went to an ophthalmologist to get my eyes checked and the doctor
found out that I have an astigmatism.
Nurse: Do you have any problems about orientation of time, place, or person?
Patient: None
Patient: None
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay, let’s proceed to your self-perception and self-concept pattern. So what is your
major concern at the current time?
Nurse: So how would you describe yourself? Most of the time, do you feel good or not good
about yourself?
Nurse: That’s good, so are there any changes in your body or things you can do?
Patient: None
Nurse: Is there any changes in the way you feel about yourself or body?
Patient: None
Nurse: Do you believe that you will have any problems dealing with your current health
Patient: None
Nurse: Okay so what are the things that frequently makes you angry or annoyed?
Nurse: Okay so, on a scale of 0-5 rank your usual assertiveness level
Patient: I think 4.
Nurse: Okay so for the next set of questions is all about your role or relationship pattern. So sir
are you single, in a relationship, or married?
Patient: None
Patient: Yes
Patient: I handle it by accepting the fact that he is already gone and found the real happiness.
Nurse: Do you think that this admission will cause changes in the family role?
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay that’s good. So how would you rate your comfort in social situations?
Nurse: Okay so for your sexuality and reproductive pattern, if your uncomfortable answering
some of the questions just let me know, okay? So how is your sexual life?
Patient: Good
Nurse: Are you sexually active? If yes, when is the last time you had sex?
Patient: None
Patient: No
Nurse: Okay so for your coping stress tolerance pattern, is there any stressful or traumatic event
happened recently?
Patient: None
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay so how would you describe your usual handling of stress?
Nurse: Okay, so that’s good. What is the primary way you deal with stress or problems?
Patient: No
Nurse: Okay so we are now in the last pattern which is for your values and beliefs pattern. Are
you satisfied with the way your life has been developing?
Patient: Yes
Nurse: So will this admission will interfere with your plans for the future?
Patient: No
Patient: I want to be a CPA lawyer someday wherein I can give back to my parents.
Patient: Yes
Nurse: Okay sir, well those are all the questions I have at the moment. Let’s just review your
responses to the questions.
Nurse: Okay, are there any other things we haven’t talked about that you would like to address or
any clarifications?
Nurse: Okay sir, I think that would be all for today’s interview. If you have any questions that
come to mind don’t hesitate to ask or find me. Let’s meet again if you notice any changes in your
health. Thank you for your time and cooperation, sir and I will forward these gathered data to
our doctor to know on how we will proceed. I hope all goes well for you, sir Khen. Thank you
again, sir!