Background: Framework For Testing Performance For Hard Surface Cleaning Products
Background: Framework For Testing Performance For Hard Surface Cleaning Products
Background: Framework For Testing Performance For Hard Surface Cleaning Products
0. Background
1. Laboratory test
2. User test
3. References
Annex 1 Example
0. Background
This test protocol serves as a proof of compliance with the criterion "Fitness for use" in the
Commission Decision 2017/1227 establishing the EU Ecolabel criteria for "Hard Surface
Cleaning Products".
The test is for products that fall within the scope of the product group "Hard Surface Cleaning
Products". This means cleaning products designed to be used for routine cleaning of hard
surfaces such as walls, floors and other fixed surfaces including those in kitchens, windows,
glass and other highly polished surfaces or sanitary facilities, such as laundry rooms, toilets,
bathrooms, showers.
The performance test can be a laboratory test or a user test. In addition to the performance
test, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the cleaning product is safe to use on
the intended surface(s). The conditions for both types of test are described in the following
1. Laboratory test
The aim of the laboratory test is to confirm that the test product cleans as well as or better
than a comparable reference product or a reference generic formulation. The highest
recommended dilution ratio should be used in the test, when a dosage range is given for a
normal soiling.
1 A marketed product can be selected regardless of sales volume. It can also be another EU
Ecolabel product that has the same intended use.
Bathroom cleaner
Source: Recommendation for the quality assessment of bathroom cleaners (SOFW-journal 129, 11, 2003)
Ingredient % Composition CAS n., specification
Citric acid monohydrate 4%
Hostapur SAS 60 1% Hoechst, active
Tap water 95 %
Preparation and observations:
If bathroom cleaners are testing according to IKW-test "recommendation for the quality assessment of acidic
toilet cleaners (SOFW- journal 126, 11, pp 50-56, 2000), the IKW reference cleaner for toilet cleaners can be used
as a reference product, provided the pH of the reference is adjusted to 3.5
All-purpose cleaners*
Source: Recommendation for the quality assessment of all purpose cleaners (SOFW-journal 141, 6, 2015)
Ingredient % Composition CAS n., example
Sodium hydroxyde, 1,74 % aqueous solution conc 45%
Alkylbenzene sulfonic acid C10-13 6% ca conc 97%
Fatty acid C12-18 4% Edenor K12-18 (100%)
Fatty alcohol ethoxylate C12-18, 7EO 4% Dehydol LT 7 (100%)
Fatty alcohol ether sulfate C12-14, 2EO Na salt 4,29 % Texapon N70 (70%)
Methylisothiazoline/benzisothiazolinone 0,1 % Acticide MBR1
Water, fully demineralized 79.87 %
Preparation and observations:
Take approx. ¾ of the water as a basis, add sodium hydroxide (NaOH), add alkylbenzene sulfonic acid and stir for
at least 15 min. Add fatty acid and stir for at least 10 min. Add fatty alcohol ethoxylate and stir for ca 10 min. Add
fatty alcohol ether sulfate and stir until full dissolved.
Control pH value (target value 9.3±0.3) if this target is not met; adjust with NaOH. Add preservative (ie
methylisothiazoline/benzisothiazolinene), add remaining water, stir for 10 min
Appearance: yellowish, clear
Window cleaners
Ingredient % composition Comments
Peanut oil 81,3% Available in SIGMA
Kaolin 18,7% Available in FLUKA
Preparation and observations:
Mix the ingredients until the mix is homogenous. Spread 1g of this soil on a mirror (30 x 30 cm) with a pipette by
crossing like a paint. Place the mirror into the oven at 100°C for 2h and .leave it to cool for 1h before testing.
* APCs can be very different depending on their application (pH value, dilution, concentration of detergents, etc.).
Therefore before using this generic formulation it shall be ensured that the properties of the reference product are
similarl to the test product.
1.3 Dosage
1.3.a) Undiluted products (only products for which there are indications on the
packaging/user instructions that the product can be used in their undiluted form must be
tested both in the diluted and undiluted form)
- Clear drying and streak formation performance in RTU solutions (diluted form of the
undiluted products): The dosage and dilution used shall be the recommended reference
dosage and dilution for normal soil or normal use. If a dosage or dilution interval is given, the
lowest recommended dosage or highest recommended dilution must be used in the test.
- Cleaning performance in undiluted form: Cleaning products (usually all-purpose cleaners or
sanitary cleaners) that give indications that they can be used in diluted or undiluted form, e.g.
for floor cleaning, should also be tested in their undiluted form and using the dosage indicated
in the user instructions for that specific use. The results of the test performance should be
compared to those of the generic formulation or marketed product.
1.4. Soiling
The soil or soil mixture must be relevant for the use of the product, homogeneous and, if
prepared artificially, based on well-described substances. Enough soil for the whole test must
be prepared in a single batch. The soil mixture to be tested for each type of product and the
information about its preparation are specified in Table 2.
Table 2. Reference sources of soil and fat mixture to be tested for each type of product.
Equivalent soil and fat mixtures can also be used.
Product Soiling mixture Preparation of the soiling - Source
Descaling: lime soap and
Bathroom cleaners SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
Acid toilet cleaners Descaling: limescale SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
Fat removing SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
Kitchen cleaners Descaling: limescale2 test on white Carrarra marble
Descaling: lime soap SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
Fat removing
All-purpose cleaners SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
Light fat removing
Window cleaners No official test has been found.
Strip-less drying
2 Only if the manufacturers claim on the package a descaling effect or a possible use on this
kind of surface (e.g. sink cleaner)
Table 3. Procedure for testing the cleaning performance of the different products. Equivalent test
methods can be used.
Product Parameter to be tested Procedure - Source
Bathroom Limescale removal properties tested SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
cleaners on horizontal and vertical surfaces When testing bathroom cleaners according to
(RTU)* Lime soap removal SOFW-Journal 126, 11-2000 the reference
Bathroom Limescale removal properties tested cleaner for toilet cleaners can be used as a
cleaners on horizontal or vertical surfaces reference generic formulation provided the pH of
(undiluted) Lime soap removal the reference is adjusted to 3,5
Acid toilet
Limescale removal properties SOFW-Journal 126, 11-2000
Limesoap and limescale properties
Kitchen SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
(if claimed to be effective)
Fat removing SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
Fat removing and dust SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
As leaving a clean and stripe-less surface is also
one of the main performance aspects of window
Light fat removing cleaners, the method for stripe-less drying as
Clear drying and streak formation described in the IKW method (SOFW Journal
130, 54-2005) for APC could be used for window
* the lowest concentration, i.e. highest dilution rate, shall be used in the test method
For undiluted window cleaners the same requirements are applied.
1.6 Assessment
The assessment of cleanliness must include testing and comparison of the test product with a
reference product.
For the test product to be considered to have fulfilled the performance requirements, its
results must be positive in all the repetitions 3. If the result is less than all positive, 5 new
repetitions must be performed. Of these 10 repetitions, a ratio (positive results/total number of
results) of 0,8 must be achieved. In case limescale removal is tested for an acidic toilet
cleaner, a ratio of 0,7 (7 positive results/10 repetitions) shall be considered as a positive
outcome of the test.
As an alternative the applicant may use statistical methods and demonstrate with a one-sided
95% confidence range that the test product is as good as or better than the reference product.
Table 4. Assessment of the results for testing the cleaning performance of the different products
Product Assessment according to the procedure described in
Bathroom cleaners SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003
Toilet cleaners SOFW-Journal 126, 11-2000
Kitchen cleaners SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
All purpose cleaners SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015
Test window cleaner product should be as good as a reference product and
Window cleaners better than water of a defined hardness.
SOFW-Journal 130, 54-2005 (only the method for stripe-less drying)
3 "Positive results" mean that the cleaning performance of the test product is equal or better
than that of the reference product.
- Description of how the test and reference products were made anonymous to the
person(s) performing the test..
- Description of the reference product and description of how the reference product
was chosen and approved by the corresponding competent body. If the test product
has a corresponding generic formulation in Table 1 and it is not used, justification of
the choice of the reference product or any other generic formulation. If an alternative
generic formulation is used, that formulation shall be provided.
- Description of the dosages used for the test product and the reference product.
- Description of the type(s) of surface(s) and soil mixture used in the performance test
and their relevance for the test product.
- Description of the procedures for adding the soil to the substrate and the quantities.
The quantities applied should be expressed in grams to one decimal point.
- Description of how the cleaning capacity was measured and raw data from all
repetitions stated in terms of cleaning capacity.
- All raw data used in the testing and calculations and statistical evaluation of the data,
if applicable.
2. User test
The aim of the user test is to show whether the test product cleans as well as or better than a
comparative reference product.
4 Testers and test centres may be selected among the customers of the
manufacturer of the test product.
5 Each use should be performed as the test person or test centre would
normally use his/her product in terms of frequency.
6 A product normally use means for example which has been used weekly (by
the test center or testers) for at least one year.
WC cleaner, kitchen cleaner, sanitary cleaner, flooring cleaner, window cleaner) and claiming
the similar properties7.
3. References
SOFW-Journal 126, 11-2000, 'Recommendation for the quality assessment of acidic toilet
cleaners, SOFW-Journal, 126, pp 50-56, 2000
SOFW-Journal 129, 11-2003 'Recommendation for the quality assessment of bathroom
cleaners, SOFW-Journal, 129, pp 42-48, 2003
7 Both the test product and reference product can be manufactured by the same
SOFW-Journal 130, 54-2005 'Recommendation for the quality assessment of the product
performance of all purpose cleaners', SOFW-Journal, 130, pp 54-66, 2005
SOFW-Journal 141, 6-2015, 'IKW Recommendation for the quality assessment of product
performance of all-purpose cleaners 2014,, SOFW-Journal, 141, pp 47-56, 2015