Eurocontrol WGS 84
Eurocontrol WGS 84
Eurocontrol WGS 84
February 12, 1998
Prepared by
European Organization for the Safety of
Air Navigation
Brussels, Belgium
Institute of Geodesy and Navigation (IfEN)
University FAF Munich, Germany
Foreword i
1. The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), at the thirteenth meeting
of its 126th Session on 3 March 1989, approved Recommendation 3.2/1 of the fourth meeting
of the Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS/4) concerning the
adoption of the World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS 84) as the standard geodetic reference
system for future navigation with respect to international civil aviation. FANS/4
Recommendation 3.2/1 reads:
2. The ICAO Council at the ninth meeting of its 141st Session, on 28 February 1994, adopted
amendment 28 to Annex 15. Consequential amendments to Annexes 4, 11 and 14, Volume I
and II will be adopted by the Council in due course. The Standards and Recommended
Practices (SARPS) in Annexes 11 and 14, Volumes I and II govern the determination and
reporting of the geographical coordinates in terms of WGS 84 geodetic reference system.
Annexes 4 and 15 SARPS govern the publication of information in graphic and textual form.
The States' aeronautical information service department will publish in Aeronautical
Information Publications (AIP), on charts and in electronic data base where applicable,
geographical coordinate values based on WGS 84 which are supplied by the other State
aeronautical services, i.e. the air traffic services department and the aerodrome engineering
3. The purpose of this manual is to furnish guidance in the provision of geographical coordinates
referenced to the WGS 84 datum in order to assist States in the uniform implementation of the
SARPS on WGS 84.
Table of Contents ii
2.2 Requirements 12
5.2 QA implementation 30
5.3 Integrity 34
List of Acronyms iv
A-S Anti-Spoofing
AIP Aeronautical Information Publications
AIS Aeronautical Information Service
AOC Airport Obstruction Chart
AOC Auxiliary Output Chip
ARINC Aeronautical Radio INC provides secretariat and technical staff for various
airline committees. The ARINC 424 is a format for the transfer of data from
one data base to another.
ARP Aerodrome Reference Point
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATS Air Traffic Services
BIH Bureau International de l´Heure
C/A-Code Coarse/Acquisition-Code
CAD Computer Aided Design
CERCO Comité Européen des Responsables de la Cartographie Officielle
CIO Conventional International Origin
CTA Control Area
CTP Conventional Terrestrial Pole
CTZ Control Zone
CTS Conventional Terrestrial System
DGPS Differential GPS
DME Distance Measurement Equipment
E-AIP Electronic AIP
ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference
ECEF Earth Centred, Earth Fixed
EDM Electronic Distance Measurement
EGM Earth Gravity Field Model
ETRF European Terrestrial Reference Frame
EUREF European Geodetic Reference System
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
FACF Final Approach Course Fix
List of Acronyms v
Datum 1 Datum 2
Fig. 1-1. Datum prob-
Positional discrepancy ≈100m - 3000m lem in air navigation
There are many geodetic reference datums in use throughout the world Datum, geodetic refere-
providing references for the charting of particular areas. Each datum has nce frame, ellipsoid and
the geoid are explained
been produced by fitting a particular mathematical Earth model (ellipsoid) to
in Appendix B
the true shape of the Earth (geoid) in such a way as to minimize the
differences between the ellipsoid and the geoid over the area of interest.
Most ellipsoids in current use were derived in the last century and were
normally referenced to a local observatory. These different datums and
ellipsoids produce different latitude and longitude grids and hence, different
sets of geographical coordinates. Different countries developed their own
geodetic datums which usually differed from those of adjacent countries. As
distance requirements increased beyond national boundaries, new
requirements arose from datums on at least continental scale.
The United States Department of Defense (World Geodetic System More on the definition
Committee) has defined and developed a number of geocentric reference and realization of WGS
systems, to which other geodetic networks may be referred. The continued 84 in Chapter 3
development using increasingly available satellite information has resulted in
the World Geodetic System - 1960 (WGS-60), 1966 (WGS-66), 1972
(WGS-72) and the current definition, 1984 (WGS 84).
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
For historical reasons almost all countries already have a national reference See Chapter 1.1 and
frame with a specific set of datum parameters. The datum discrepancies Tab. E-1
range from metres to kilometres.
A survey inventory questionnaire designed for this purpose has already been The questionnaire is
developed by EUROCONTROL. Information provided by the use of such a provided for reference
in Appendix H
questionnaire will allow the identification of those items for which a field
survey is required in order to verify positions. This will allow accurate
estimates to be made of the survey work that will need to be carried out.
Analysis of the questionnaire data will identify the navigation aids and
aerodrome points and facilities which need to be re-surveyed. Where
coordinates are known to the required accuracy and integrity it will allow
direct transformation to the WGS 84 geodetic reference frame by
mathematical means.
In principle there are two approaches which can be used as stand-alone or More on transfor-
combined methods to transform a survey given in adequately precise national mations and how to get
WGS 84 coordinates in
coordinates to WGS 84 (or to a reference frame compatible with WGS 84
Chapter 4.
being earth centred and having a sufficient accuracy. Suitable reference More on ETRF and
frames would be the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and a ITRF in Appendices C
local version of this called the European Terrestrial Reference Frame and D
• Surveying at least three control stations (covering the area under
consideration) to obtain WGS 84 coordinates, and determining the
datum parameters between the national reference frame and WGS 84.
• Determining by a computational datum transformation WGS 84
coordinates for all remaining points.
The two general groups of air navigation points which have to be surveyed
are shown in Tab. 1-1.
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
The manual is intended to be amended from time to time. Users are invited to
forward directly to EUROCONTROL suggestions for improvements or
additions based on their practical experience when using this manual. Errors
or discrepancies noticed in the manual should be brought to the attention of:
Traditional navigation techniques have relied upon the ability to fly to or from
point navigation aids. Whilst the coordinates of the navigation aids have been
provided, this information has not been used as part of the navigation
process. Increasing use is being made of Area Navigation (RNAV) systems
which derive the aircraft position from such sources as Inertial Navigation
Systems (INS), Omega, VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR)/Distance
Measuring Equipment (DME), Dual or multi DME and Global Navigation
Satellite Systems (GNSS). Based on these data, RNAV systems generate a-
ppropriate instructions to the autopilots which enable the aircraft to follow
the planned route during departure, en-route and approach phases and,
potentially with the introduction of GNSS, the landing phases.
For such operations the track actually flown by the aircraft depends upon the
coordinates defining both the track and the location of ground navigation
aids. With the advent of precision RNAV (RNP 1) routes and the extension
of RNAV application to Terminal Area (TMA) procedures, greater precision
is required and it is necessary to ensure that the data defining the track to be
flown is of an accuracy and integrity which is consistent with the RNP
Definition of accuracy
Definition of integrity
The integrity of data can be regarded as the degree of assurance that any
data item retrieved from a storage system has not been corrupted or altered
in any way since the original data entry or its latest authorized amendment.
The Circular Error Probable (CEP) is the radius of the circle within which
50% of the measurements lie, that is, 1.1774σ. The radius within which 95%
of the measurements lie is 2.448δor 2.079 x CEP. The following Tab. 2-1
relates σ error-values, probable errors and probabilities in one, two and three
Tab. 2-1. Accuracy and
Accuracy One Dimensional Two Dim. Three Dim. probability
Expression Probability Probability Probability
Three Sigma 99.7 % 98.9 % 97.1 %
Two Sigma 95.0 % 86.0 % 78.8 %
One Sigma 68.0 % 39.3 % 19.9 %
Probable Error 50.0 % (0.67 σ) 50.0 % (1.18 σ) 50.0 % (1.54 σ)
The RNP types (see Tab. 2-2) specify the navigation performance accuracy of
all the user and navigation system combinations within an airspace. RNP
types can be used by airspace planners to determine airspace utilization
potential and as an input in defining route widths and traffic separation
requirements, although RNP by itself is not sufficient basis for setting a
separation standard.
Definition of precision
A measure of the tendency of a set of random numbers to cluster about a
number determined by the set. Usual measure: Standard deviation with
respect to the average or its reciprocal.
Definition of resolution
The smallest difference between two adjacent values which can be
represented in a measuring system. The number of decimal points or the
scale of units to which a measured or calculated data item can be recorded,
displayed or transferred.
Chapter 2 Accuracy Considerations of Points in Aviation 9
The terms 'precision' and 'resolution' are often interchangeable in general use.
Here it is a measure of the data field capacities that are available within a
specific system design. (Example: 54° 33' 15" is expressed to a resolution of
one second). Any process that manipulates data subsequent to the original
measurement or definition cannot increase the precision to which the data
were originally measured or defined, regardless of the resolution available
within the system itself.
Three types of positional data have been defined: surveyed points, declared
points and calculated points.
Surveyed Points
Declared Points
Calculated Points
Raw AIS data containing positional information can originate from a number
of different sources:
• En Route
The location of navaids and communication facilities (-> surveyed) are
normally provided by the owner/operator of the equipment.
The positional AIS data can be divided into a number of classes based upon More information on
the user requirements for accuracy and integrity. integrity in
Chapter 5
Tab. 2-4 classifies data as function of accuracy, integrity and resolution.
Chapter 2 Accuracy Considerations of Points in Aviation 11
2.2 Requirements
For AIS data to be useable it must be accurate and, in this context, it can be
sub-divided into two distinct categories:
• Evaluated data
• Reference data
The accuracy requirement for the reference data is absolute - the information
is either correct or it is not. Conversely, the degree of accuracy required of
the evaluated data will vary depending upon the use to which the data are to
be put. It follows that it is incumbent upon the users of the data to specify the
accuracy requirements. This manual only addresses evaluated positional data
but many of the procedures may be applied to other evaluated data and to
reference data, if required.
The requirements on data, which shall be contained within the data processing
procedures are explained in more detail in Chapter 5.
Chapter 3 The Global WGS 84 Coordinate System 13
Origin and axes of the WGS 84 coordinate system are defined as following:
Z-Axis = The direction of the Conventional Terrestrial Pole (CTP) for polar
motion, as defined by BIH on the basis of the coordinates adopted
for the BIH stations.
X-Axis = Intersection of the WGS 84 reference meridian plane and the plane
of the CTP’s equator, the reference meridian being the zero
meridian defined by the BIH on the basis of the coordinates
adopted for the BIH stations.
An illustration of the WGS 84 coordinate system origin and axes, which serve
also as the geometric centre and the X, Y, and Z axes of the WGS 84
Ellipsoid, is given in Fig. 3-1.
Chapter 3 The Global WGS 84 Coordinate System 14
The primary parameters are given in Tab. 3-1 and define the shape of an
earth ellipsoid, its angular velocity, and the earth-mass which is included in
the ellipsoid of reference.
Tab. 3-1. Primary
PARAMETER NAME WGS 84 parameters of WGS 84
Semimajor axis a 6378137 m
Flattening f 1/298.257223563
Angular velocity ω 7.292115 x 10-5 rad s-1
Geocentric gravitational constant GM 398600.5 km3 s-2
(Mass of earth’s atmosphere
Normalized 2nd degree zonal C 20 - 484.16685 x 10-6
harmonic coefficient of the
gravitational potential
Colorado Springs ln
Hawaii sl
ls ls
n Master Control Station Ascen- Diego
l Monitor Station cion Garcia
s Ground Antenna
Historically the coordinates of the GPS tracking sites have been determined Fig. 3-2. Realization of
by the use of doppler measurements to the TRANSIT satellite navigation origin and orientation
system. Long observation periods of data have been processed in order to of WGS 84
derive precise station coordinates.
These errors incorporate not only the observational error but the errors
associated with placing the origin of the WGS 84 coordinate system at the
earth´s centre of mass and determining the correct scale. These absolute
values should not be confused with the centimetre-precision of GPS
differential positioning. Historically, at the time of establishing WGS 84, only
Satellite Doppler measurements with corresponding accuracy were available
to determine the ground control segment of WGS 84.
Chapter 3 The Global WGS 84 Coordinate System 16
When considering the use of existing data it is important to check and See Chapter 2, Tab. 2-4
control the coordinates of navigation facilities with respect to accuracy and Chapter 5 if the
and integrity before transforming them to WGS 84 by mathematical coordinates fulfil the
accuracy and integrity
means. One has to keep in mind that coordinates in air navigation requirements. See also
could be safety critical and that high integrity requirements have to be Ref. [6] and [15] for
fulfilled. In order to fulfil the minimum requirements for coordinates further information.
the surveyor must ensure that: See Ref. [3] and [5] for
help on performing a
• point labels have not been interchanged or misidentified, local survey and re-
dundant measurements
• that the coordinates can be verified by aid of redundant
Yes Perform a computational datum transformation by using the datum DATUM (Ref. [2])
transformation formulas of Chapter 4.1.2 to determine the WGS 84 performs coordinate
transformations be-
coordinates. Several software programs exist to support this tween a variety of exist-
procedure, e.g. the DATUM program. ing geodetic reference
frames and WGS 84
No Use the GPS surveying technique to survey at known control stations See Chapter 4.2.2,
Appendix A and Tab. A-
(covering the area under consideration) to obtain WGS 84
2 for information on
coordinates. Since these control stations are known in the local GPS surveying
reference frame and in WGS 84, two sets of coordinates for identical
stations exist. These can then be used to determine the datum
parameters in the Helmert formula. At least three known control See Appendix E for a
stations have to be surveyed by GPS to get additional WGS 84 detailed description of
the Helmert Formula
coordinates for determining all seven Helmert transformation
parameters (using the Inverse Helmert transformation). However, in
practice it is usual to use as many common points as possible to
obtain the best estimate of the parameters by least squares (e.g., Ref.
For the following example it is assumed that only the shifts of origin
between the local reference frame and WGS 84 have to be
determined and that therefore only one known control station was
GPS surveyed. The inverse Helmert formula for solving for the three
shift of origin parameters reads:
See Appendix E for a
∆X X X detailed description of
∆Y = Y − Y the Helmert Formula
∆ Z
1 23 WGS84 Local
Shift of Origin
Assumption: No change in orientation (εX = εY = εZ = 0) and
scale (µ = 1) between the local reference frame and WGS − 84.
After determining all necessary transformation parameters, proceed
as explained in the beginning of chapter 4.1.1.
Chapter 4 A Guide to Get WGS 84 Coordinates 19
The way of referencing a local (e.g. relative) and sufficiently accurate See Chapter 2, Tab. 2-4
GPS aerodrome survey to WGS 84 by simply measuring the if the coordinates fulfil
the accuracy require-
coordinate differences between one aerodrome reference point to a ments.
known and monumented WGS 84 station is called direct geodetic See Chapter 4.2.2,
connection. On applying this procedure all the airport coordinates can Appendix A and Tab.
be directly transformed to WGS 84. However the problem is that A-2 for information on
even in Europe not many geodetic stations exist for which accurate GPS surveying.
WGS 84 coordinates are known. Therefore it is recommended in
Europe to use, if available, ETRF 89 stations for this purpose. In For more information
most European countries many ETRF 89 stations exist. If no ETRF on ETRF see
station is near the navigation facility, the connection survey can be Appendix D
very laborious. In this case long distances have to be traversed by
surveying, which could be very expensive.
• Helmert´s formula to carry out the transformation in rectangular See Appendix E for a
Cartesian coordinates X,Y,Z using three-, four-, or seven parameter detailed description of
these datum trans-
transformations depending on the availability (and/or reliability) of the formations formulas
transformation parameters. See Tab. B-1 for a list
Helmert’s formula can also be applied for spatial ellipsoidal coordinates of reference ellipsoids
φ, λ, h by transforming from ellipsoidal coordinates to rectangular and parameters
coordinates and vice versa.
• Standard Molodensky Formula to solve the transformation in curvilinear See Tab. E-1 for a list
coordinates φ,λ,h. of WGS 84 trans-
formation parameters
• Multiple Regression Equation approach to account for the non-linear
distortion in the local geodetic datum.
Limitations of transformations
It should be noted that random and systematic errors in local survey data
transform directly to WGS 84.
The signal-to-noise ratio for the datum parameters is in many cases close to
one, i.e. the noise level is very high relative to the magnitude of the datum
parameter itself. E.g. the orientation angles of a datum could be published
typically as, say,: 0.5 " + 0.3 ".
The predicted error, or uncertainty, is often larger than the value itself.
Coordinate 50
Transfor- 40
mation 20
Error 0
0 10
30 Datum
Datum 50 Orientation
Shift Error Error
[m] ["] Fig. 4-1. Error
propagation in datum
The error sources in a datum transformation are errors in the shift parameters,
in the orientation parameters and in the scale factor. The scale factor error is
incorporated in the above in that it is treated like an orientation error, in
radians, applied to the coordinate value to be transformed by multiplication.
Even an accurate survey with an internal accuracy of say 0.1 m may show,
after the transformation parameters have been applied, only meter level
accuracy in WGS 84. Here the difference between absolute and relative point
accuracy has to be considered.
Chapter 4 A Guide to Get WGS 84 Coordinates 21
• Conventional surveying
• GPS surveying
• Photogrammetry
Help in deciding, which of the above techniques is the most efficient one for
the new field survey may be gained from the following:-
• Use the GPS technique for surveying limited and relatively small areas in a
very economical way.
Field Data
Some instruments
Levelling have interactive Downloading Post
Theodolite field computation Field Data Processing
Distance meter
Total Station
Reference WGS 84
Station Coordinates Fig. 4-2. From terres-
Data New Stations trial surveying data to
WGS 84 coordinates
Chapter 4 A Guide to Get WGS 84 Coordinates 22
Some of the conventional surveying instruments of modern type (levelling For more information
instrument, theodolite, distance meter, total station) have interactive field on conventional sur-
computational capabilities. After downloading the data via an interface into veying see Appendix F.
an office computer, final postprocessing is carried out.
Before the derived coordinates may enter the survey data base they have to See Chapter 5.2 for
be quality controlled and integrity checks have to be performed. Various more on quality control.
graphic visualizations of data and results can be done. See Chapter 5.3 for
more on integrity check
As already outlined in the beginning of this section most of the field For the choice of the
surveying which is necessary for the positioning of navigation aids, radars, GPS surveying
technique, i.e. static,
runways, etc., is best carried out by differential GPS satellite surveying. The
rapid static, kinematic
method has the advantages of 24-hour all-weather operations, ease of use, survey, etc., which
speed, very economical, high accuracy and, most importantly, direct depends to a great
compatibility with the WGS 84 datum. extent on the desired
accuracy see Appendix
GPS receivers store the field data. After finishing the survey the data have to A and Tab. A-2
be downloaded to a computer where they are postprocessed using software
packages provided by GPS hardware manufacturers and/or universities.
Aerial Photos
GPS Data
Photo Development
The parameters of the photogrammetric flight have to be determined as a Fig. 4-3. From results
function of anticipated coordinate accuracy of the ground stations. If no of photo-flights to WGS
84 coordinates
WGS 84 coordinates at ground stations are available, they have to be
established using GPS differential surveying techniques. So a network of
ground control points whose coordinates and heights are known in advance For more information
is an essential requirement for referencing the newly derived coordinates to a on aerophotogrammetry
national datum. The points to be coordinated have to be marked so that a and the minimization of
unique identification in the aerial photos is possible. ground control stations
see Appendix F
After obtaining permission to release photo data (if necessary), they are
developed and the stereo model construction is carried out in a
photogrammetric instrument in the office. After inputting the ground control
coordinates and, if available, GPS-derived camera positions, the data are
processed by a bundle block adjustment.
Again, before the derived coordinates may enter the survey data base they See Chapter 5.2 for
have to be quality controlled and integrity checks have to be performed. more on quality control.
See Chapter 5.3 for
Various graphic visualization of data and results can then be done. more on integrity check
Chapter 4 A Guide to Get WGS 84 Coordinates 24
4.3.1 Restrictions
While digitized data has no inherent scale information, the accuracy of the
data is clearly limited by the corresponding accuracy of the analogue map
from which it was originally extracted, and of the digitising process involved.
A new analogue map may be printed at a larger scale than that of the original
map, but in doing so one does not increase the accuracy to that normally
associated with the larger scale. The problem is further compounded by the
frequent revision and updating of the data base with newly surveyed field
The most important drawback of digitized maps, however, is the very nature
of an analogue data base. High precision mapping coordinates are generally
given in National Grid Northings and Eastings, which have been obtained by
converting geodetic (ellipsoidal) coordinates into a map projection. In
addition to these, one must consider the more significant projection scale and
orientation errors inherent to all map projections. While these can be reduced
by the judicious use of an orthomorphic projection (e.g. Transverse
Mercator), they are still substantial, rendering the process of extracting
coordinate information from a map precarious. For example, if the grid
coordinates of two points are extracted from the map and the grid distance
computed, the distance would be up to 30 cm per kilometre shorter than the
value measured on the ground. This is significant and may be substantial.
• Check how the map was established, by which technique (from analogue
data/digitizing of other maps, from digital data, etc.)
Finally, one has to bear in mind that maps never contain ellipsoidal heights!
• different type of height systems. (There are not only orthometric heights.
For example, you find, so-called normal heights in Eastern Europe.)
4.3.2 Transformations
Is the kind of map projection known, which was used in the local survey for
mapping the reference ellipsoid to the plane and for computing the plane
metric coordinates?
Yes If the type of map projection is known, the inverse map projection See Appendix G for
has to be calculated to compute latitude and longitude of the digitized different types of map
metric coordinates on the reference ellipsoid. projections
All the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality
system, and demonstrated as needed to provide adequate confidence that an
entity will fulfil requirements for quality (ISO 8402).
Once a method has been proven to produce the required product successfully,
a system is required that can assure the method or methods are followed
correctly each time the process is repeated. This is quality assurance and is
achieved through the use of a Quality System.
All activities and functions which affect the level of quality of a product are of
concern to Quality Assurance.
Quality Level
The extent to which the customers needs have been met. A quality level of
100% means that there has been a complete conformance to specification
every time.
Quality Management
Quality Record
Quality System
Work instructions
Actual steps to carry out a procedure. These are the details which are
specific, for example, to a particular piece of equipment used in the
production process.
Some steps may seem too obvious to be documented. But these can be items
frequently overlooked due to familiarity to some but not to other personnel.
Chapter 5 Quality Assurance and Integrity 30
5.2 QA implementation
Why do we need a Quality Assurance system?
The method used to acquire all the positional data to the required standard
has to address the problems of the size of the task. All the coordinates
produced should be traceable back to their origin along an unbroken trail.
Each point is unique so that quality control checks on a sample would not be
suitable. Considering the large number of points and the geographical spread
it would be impractical to independently check every single point. However,
it is possible to check the method by which the data is aqcuired. This can be
achieved by quality assurance.
Corrective action
Fig. 5-1. QA loop
U n s a t isfactory
Conform ance
II. non conformance where the process flow then should loop back to
the planning via a corrective (or remedial) action procedure.
Quality Plans
Note that the above QMS has been designed purely for the QA of the origin
of WGS 84 data, largely relying on the acquisition by survey crews. The
scope of this system does not extend to include the management of all the
navigation data processes that may be the responsibility of an AIS
department. However it is possible for this QMS to function as a subsidiary
element within a total QS having a wider scope. The demoted QMS is refered
to as a Quality Plan. For example the QMS described in Fig. 5-2 has been
Chapter 5 Quality Assurance and Integrity 33
labelled the State Quality Plan. This plan can be incorporated within an
existing Administration’s quality system or as part of a new one along with
other QP’s such as for managing the onward flow of data via data base
storage and publication. Fig. 5-3 gives an example relationship of such a total
data management system.
Data Quality
Management System
State Quality Plan
[for data acquisition] Maintenance
Format and
security External data
• Data accuracy
• Origin
• Details of changes made to the data;
• The reason for the change;
• References associated with the change;
• The source of the change;
• The identity of the person making the change
• Date of the change.
Chapter 5 Quality Assurance and Integrity 34
The quality records will need to be kept by the organization carrying out the
modification. Whilst an indicator allowing the retrieval of this information will
need to be associated to data transferred to the user organization together
with the CRC, the quality record itself does not need to be sent.
5.3 Integrity
Definition of integrity
The integrity of data can be regarded as the degree of assurance that any data
item retrieved from a storage system has not been corrupted or altered in any
way since the original data entry or its latest authorized amendment. This
integrity must be maintained throughout the data process from survey to
The integrity requirements for data are not absolute. The risk associated with
a point being in error is dependent upon how that data point is being used.
Thus the integrity of a point at threshold used for landing needs a higher
integrity than one used for guidance in cruise.
The use to which a data item is put also forms the basis for determining its A classification of
integrity requirement. A data classification is proposed which defines positional data with
respect to accuracy and
requirements based upon the potential risk resulting from corruption of the integrity can be found
data: in Tab. 2-4
Chapter 5 Quality Assurance and Integrity 35
Critical: This level is given to the runway data which defines the landing
point. For these data, two levels of criticality have been defined . These have
been related to the approach and landing criteria categories. The levels of
integrity have been derived from the integrity requirements for autoland and
are defined to ensure that the overall process, of which data is only a part, has
the required integrity. Thus:
-8 -10
CAT I : 3 x 10 CAT III : 8 x 10
Essential: This level is assigned to points which, whilst an error can in itself
result in an aircraft being outside of the envelope required, this excursion
does not necessarily result in a catastrophic failure. Examples include en route
navigation aids. The integrity requirement is defined as: 1 x 10
Routine : This level is assigned to data for which errors do not affect the
navigation performance. These include FIR boundaries and obstructions. The
reason why obstruction data can be held with a relatively low level of
integrity is that whilst the latter data needs to be accurate at the time the
procedures are derived, any subsequent corruption should have no impact
on the safety of the aircraft on condition that it conforms to the procedure
requirements. The integrity requirement for routine data is: 1 x 10
The accuracy of data is determined at the point where the data originates. In
the case of surveyed data, the Procedures necessary to ensure accuracy are
being addressed in the WGS 84 Implementation Programme. Declared points
must be declared to the accuracy required by the data model. Procedures for
calculating points must not only be detailed in the Quality Framework and
take account of the accuracy of the source data but must also ensure that
subsequent mathematical manipulation maintains the accuracy set by the data
model requirements.
independent verification, there is little that can be done to ensure the integrity
of data held in a manual system. However, once the data are held on
electronic media, there are a number of options available. When choosing
appropriate methods to protect the integrity of electronically stored data,
consideration must be given to the integrity requirements for the data and the
risk posed to that data.
The transfer of data from written or printed form into the format the data is
stored in a computer, is the greatest potential source of error in the entire
process. If end to end integrity, at the required levels, is to be achieved
careful consideration must be given to the means by which this transfer is to
be performed and verified.
Validation Checks
Validation checks, which can be performed once the data item is held in an
electronic format, will detect many of the errors induced by manual data
entry. It is doubtful though whether integrity can be improved even by one
order of magnitude on the basis of validation checks alone.
Software Aspects
Although hardware reliability has improved markedly over the years, there is
still a risk of corruption from component failure or power surge/spike.
Detection of corruption caused by hardware faults can be improved by the
use of validation and verification checks at regular intervals.
The risk to data, while being written to or read from magnetic/optical It is normal practice to
storage media, depends upon the devices used and the methods employed in provide this protection
and assurance by the
the packing and handling of the media. Protection is provided by the
use of CRC, see
software controlling the reading from/writing to operation. Chapter 6.2
Chapter 5 Quality Assurance and Integrity 37
An important reason for not achieving the required timescales for data change
notification could be a failure of a computer system used within the process
of dissemination. The effects of such system failure can only be reduced by
the use of independent, geographically separated back-up systems and regular
Chapter 6 Deliverables 38
It is therefore essential that the surveyors record all the necessary information
that will be required. To ensure this a minimum survey report specification
should be given in the Surveying Standard. This way all survey work
undertaken to determine the coordinates of navigation facilities can be
reported in a predefined format. Where existing national reporting practice
differs from that shown in the Surveying Standard the National
Administration may make a case in support of the national standard where
this can be shown to be compatible.
• Geodetic
• En Route
• Aerodrome
There is also the case of coordinate data that has been produced by
conversion from an existing data set, which itself should have originated from
one of the above survey types.
• its purpose,
• the date,
• Survey method used This is the actual way the survey was carried
out not just a description of the theory behind
the technique used.
The next list shows a complete reporting format specified in Ref. [6] for an
aerodrome survey.
2. Historical data giving the dates and purpose of the survey, the survey
company names and personnel.
6. Schedule of the points surveyed giving the coordinates and the date when
The above list provides the sections headings from which a set of checklists
can be developed. What is useful about the prepared checklists is not only
their application in the audit or assessment process, but that they can be used
in briefing the survey teams on the requirements of the Surveying Standard.
The benefits being consistency for the Administration.
Chapter 6 Deliverables 41
6.3.1 Formats
6.3.2 Algorithms
• CRC Algorithm
• DO 201: Waypoint coordinates
• ARINC 424: Path Terminators
6.3.3 UDDF
The UDDF details a digital format that can be used when delivering surveyed
data. It accommodates fields for various aeronautical data including
aerodrome/heliport runway, navigation aid and obstacle, in a standard ASCII
Fig. 6-1 shows a navigational aid data example for the UDDF format.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The items 1 to 6 are UDDF field descriptions with the following meaning:
3. FAA REGION/A4/20-23
4. SURVEY TYPE/A6/25-30
5. OC NUMBER/I5/32-36
6. OC EDITION/A3/38-40 Methods
Manual Entry
The transfer of data from written or printed form onto electronic media. The
procedures involved can vary but include one or more of the following:-
Careful consideration must be given to the means by which the transfer from
printed to electronic form is to be performed and verified, if end to end
integrity is to be achieved.
• data has not been corrupted since the CRC was applied.
Independent derivation.
Graphic overlays.
Test procedures. Validation
The activity whereby a data item is checked as having a value which is fully
applicable to the identity ascribed to the data item.
Validation checks provide some assurance that data have been correctly
entered, maintained or transferred and they can assist the checking of the
integrity of the data to a limited degree. However, validation checks cannot
be used to improve the reported data quality. Their primary use is to filter
out gross errors. These checks include:-
• range limit - ensure that data fields which have been accorded
specific ranges of values, do not hold data values outside that range.
Validation checks are often confused with verification, they are two different
processes. Both are important as they can take place at different points of the
Chapter 6 Deliverables 45
Manual data entry methods can be made using software to check operator
entries for correct field format, range limitations, expected geographical
VALIDATION Verification
The activity whereby the value accorded to a data item is checked against the
source of that value.
Verification is a process for checking the integrity of a data item. It can take
place when data are input into a database, e.g. a visual check of the input
data against the original source document by an independent checker, or an
automatic check of the same data which is entered two or more times by one
Chapter 6 Deliverables 46
Note that the use of a CRC tool can only be effective in this instance if the
CRCV’s are applied at the point of origin by the data supplier i.e. verification
has taken place at this point. Validating a CRCV only confirms that the data
has not changed since the CRCV was derived and appended.
New data
derived MASTER
from DATABASE Publication
For example:-
16 bit
32 bit
CRC - 32Q
3 5 7 8 14 16 22 24 31 32
1+x+x +x +x +x +x +x +x +x +x +x
The algorithm providing the CRC must be quality controlled and meet defined
standards requirements. The rules for the application of the CRC are still being
developed. However, in order to ensure the integrity is assured from the start
of the surveys it is proposed to provide a CRC algorithm for use by States. If
this subsequently needs to be modified, a conversion programme will be
Note that the CRC - CCITT and CRC -32Q algorithms have been suggested
for uniform application by States worldwide. (Ref ICAO WGS 84
Manual First Edition, 1997). Whilst there remains a possibility of this
proposal not forming the final standard, it will be possible to recompute
CRC’s at a later date on condition that the integrity has been assured up to
that point.
Integrity cannot be added once it is lost. Thus the integrity assurance must be
provided from origination to final application. In this respect the WGS 84
Programme must be responsible for origination of the CRC.
The insertion into the data base at the start of the process is therefore a
critical point in the process. At this time it will be necessary to:
For the CRC to be used for checking the correctness of data, the chosen CRC
must be agreed between the system which produces the CRC and all systems
which wish to receive the data. Furthermore, it must meet the level of
integrity required for the individual data items to be transferred.
Chapter 6 Deliverables 50
This CRC value will need to be associated with the smallest related set of
data. Thus for much of the WGS 84 Implementation programme this smallest
element will be a single point. However a suitable set of data for a CRC
check could be a procedure and ultimately, as the delivered set of data
derived for the FMS which will not be changed, it could be a whole
navigation data base.
The CRC process does not provide security for the aeronautical data, in that
it does not prevent the ‘wrapped’ data from becoming corrupted. Within the
context of quality assurance, the CRC process can only detect inadvertent
corruption of aeronautical data. The CRC process is a tool and not a single
quality solution.
Ideally, once formed, the CRC would remain unchanged until its application
in the FMS or RNAV system. However, data formats change during the
process and a CRC is only valid for a particular format of data. For example
data is held in a computer in a format dependant upon word length which is
unlikely to be the same in the data base of the supplier and the RNAV/FMS.
In addition one step of the processing is the conversion to ASCII to meet the
ARINC 424 Format. Thus it will be necessary to recalculate the CRC at
various steps in the management of data. This recalculation of CRC must be
carried out under strict quality control if the CRC is to remain a valid
indication of integrity.
CRC offers absolute assurance of error detection when there is only a single
period of "burst error" within the stream of data which was subjected to the
CRC, provided that the sub-string containing all affected bits is shorter than
the length of the CRC employed. If the separation of corrupted bits is greater
than the length of the CRC, the probability of an undetected error is the
probability that the same CRC will be produced from both the original and
the corrupted data. Assuming an "even" mapping of valid data strings to
CRC, the probability of undetected error rises to a maximum of 2-n when the
number of bits protected by the CRC is several times the length of the CRC
Chapter 6 Deliverables 51
Tab. 6-1 gives the length of CRC required to achieve different levels of
assurance of detection of multiple bit error in the data, where there is no
guarantee that the separation of the bits in error is less than the length of the
In order to achieve an integrity assurance of 3x10 , it is therefore necessary
to employ a 32 bit CRC.
This can be shown with the following mathematics, carried out using module
2 arithmetic.
D + R0 = QR x GP + RR - at receiver
It follows that: QO x GP x RO = QR x GP + RR + RO
For this example, the data = 11011001, the GP = 11001 and the CRC is 4 bits
long. (One of the pre-requisites for the GP is that it is 1 bit longer than the
CRC). Four zeros are appended to the data (the length of the CRC) and the
data (with the four zeros added) is XORed with the GP. This operation
yields a quotient and a remainder (the CRC).
An example for the generation of a CRC shows Fig. 6-2. The data =
11011001, the GP = 11001 and the CRC is 4 bits long. One of the pre-
requisites for the GP is that it is 1 bit longer than the CRC. Four zeros are
appended to the data (the length of the CRC) and the data (with the four
zeros added) is XORed with the GP. This operation yields a quotient and a
remainder (the CRC).
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 QUOTIENT
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
X O R 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
Fig. 6-2. Data divided
0 0 1 1 1 by GP to generate the
Remainder (CRC) CRC
The CRC is now appended to the data. When the receiver of the data passes
this string through the same calculation again, there will be a zero remainder
if no errors have occurred (see
Fig. 6-3).
Chapter 6 Deliverables 53
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
X O R 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
Remainder = 0 (no error)
Fig. 6-3. Data with
CRC divided by GP to
establish, whether
corruption has occurred
Receiving data
The CRC is needed to confirm receipt of data without corruption. The CRC,
however, is no indicator of the quality of data. This has to be checked
Appendices - Background Information 54
System Organization
• The Control Segment with ground based equipment for monitoring the
satellites and updating the information they transmit. As its name suggests,
the Operational Control System (OCS), maintains and supports the rest of
the system. It has three main activities - tracking, prediction, and
uploading - and consists of a single Master Control Station (MCS), five
monitor stations, and three ground antennas.
• The Space Segment providing global coverage with four to eight
simultaneously observable satellites above 15° elevation. This is
accomplished by having satellites in six nearly circular orbits with an
altitude of about 20200 km above the earth and a period of approximately
12 hours. The number of operational satellites is 21, (plus three additional
active spares), with an inclination of 55° and with four satellites per plane.
The spare satellites are used to replace a malfunctioning "active" satellite.
• The User Segment, comprising an unlimited number of receivers, which
receive the satellite signals and calculate instantaneous position and other
navigation information.
The actual carrier broadcast by the satellite is a spread spectrum signal that
makes it less subject to intentional (or unintentional) jamming. The spread
spectrum technique is commonly used today by such diverse equipment as
hydrographic positioning ranging systems and wireless Local Area Network
(LAN) systems.
Appendix A The Global Positioning System (GPS) 56
The key to the system’s accuracy is the fact that all signal components are
precisely controlled by atomic clocks. The Block II satellites have four on-
board time standards - two rubidium and two cesium clocks. These highly
accurate frequency standards being the heart of GPS satellites produce the
fundamental L-band frequency of 10.23 MHz. Coherently derived from this
fundamental frequency are two signals, the L1 and the L2 carrier waves
generated by multiplying the fundamental frequency by 154 and 120,
respectively, thus yielding
These dual frequencies are essential for the elimination of the major source of
error, i.e., ionospheric refraction. The pseudoranges that are derived from
measured travel time of the signal from each satellite to the receiver use two
pseudo-random noise (PRN) codes that are modulated (superimposed) onto
the two base carrier waves.
In addition to the PRN codes a data message is modulated onto the carriers
consisting of:
• satellite ephemerides,
• ionospheric modelling coefficients,
• status information,
• system time and satellite clock bias, and
• drift information.
The following Fig. A-1 shows pseudorange and carrier phase measurements.
Comparing the transmitted code from the satellite with a replica of it
generated by the receiver results in the measurement of a time shift ∆t called
also pseudorange. Multiplying it by the velocity of light c (plus various
corrections) results in a user-to-satellite distance.
The carrier of the signal emitted by the satellite is received (doppler-shifted) Fig. A-1. Pseudorange
by the receiver and compared with a generated carrier. The phase difference and carrier phase
between both is the so-called carrier phase measurement.
There are basically two methods for denying civilian users full use of the GPS
Anti-Spoofing (A-S)
The design of the GPS system includes the ability to essentially "turn off" the
P-code or invoke an encrypted code (Y-code) as a means of denying access
to the P-code to all but authorized users. The rationale for doing this is to
keep adversaries from sending out false signals with the GPS signature to
create confusion and cause users to misposition themselves. Access to the P-
code is only possible by installing on each receiver channel an Auxiliary
Output Chip (AOC) which is available only on an authorized basis. A-S
affects many of the high accuracy survey uses of the system.
The extra measurement is to determine the clock offset between the very
precise caesium clock of the satellite and the non-precise quartz clock of the
( x1 - x )2 + ( y1 - y )2 + ( z1 - z )2 + dT = ( PR1 )2 (A-1)
( x2 - x )2 + ( y2 - y )2 + ( z2 - z )2 + dT = ( PR2 )2 (A-2)
( x3 - x )2 + ( y3 - y )2 + ( z3 - z )2 + dT = ( PR3 )2 (A-3)
( x4 - x )2 + ( y4 - y )2 + ( z4 - z )2 + dT = ( PR4 )2 (A-4)
• Satellite orbit
• Satellite clock
• Satellite code: Selective Availability (S/A)
• Receiver: Resolution of the observation
• Receiver: Observation noise
• Antenna: Multipath effect
• Atmospheric refraction (ionosphere, troposphere)
Tab. A-1 shows the receiver noise and the theoretically expected differential
position error when assuming a favourable satellite geometry (PDOP = 3;
PDOP is a measure of satellite geometry: the smaller the number the better).
Appendix A The Global Positioning System (GPS) 60
Depending on the desired coordinate accuracies, one can choose between the
following processing techniques:
Centimetre accuracies:
Tab. A-2 shows the various GPS surveying techniques and the corresponding
resulting baseline accuracies.
of any necessity for immediate results, but in order to carry out a quality
control in the field.
Three types of corrections sent out by the reference station are possible:
The advantage over formerly used position corrections is that biases due to
different satellite tracking scenarios at reference and user stations are
Possible real-time surveying accuracy: 3 ... 6 m
Appendix A The Global Positioning System (GPS) 62
The principle is the same as for the differential pseudorange corrections, but
now the carrier phases are used to smooth the pseudoranges in a filter. This
results in higher positioning accuracies and antenna multipath is eliminated to
a large extent. No repair of cycle slips is necessary, only the necessity to
detect them.
Possible real-time surveying accuracy: 0.6 ... 2 m
The following Fig. A-4 shows the GPS (absolute) and DGPS (relative)
navigation and surveying accuracies achievable along with corresponding
statistical distributions.
Appendix A The Global Positioning System (GPS) 63
Geodesy is the science concerned with the study of the shape and
size of the earth in the geometric sense as well as with the form
of the equipotential surfaces of the gravity potential.
Friedrich R. Helmert (1880)
This definition refers to Friedrich R. Helmert [8], one of the main founders of
geodesy of the 19th century.
More on height
Secondly, in defining heights we have to use an equipotential surface of definitions at the end of
the gravity field as vertical reference (Where does water flow ?). this Appendix
Appendix B Principles of Geodesy 65
The figure of the earth was approximated first by a sphere and later by an
ellipsoid. Whereas these approximations are of geometrical character, the
geoid represents a dynamical reference surface, a certain equipotential surface
of the earth´s gravity field.
Various opinions on the form of the earth prevailed in the past, e. g., the
notion of an earth disk encircled by Oceanus (Homer´s Illiad, ~ 800 BC).
Pythagoras ( ~ 580-500 BC) and his school as well as Aristotle (384-322 BC)
among others expressed themselves for the spherical shape.
The founder of scientific geodesy was Eratosthenes (276-195 BC.) of Fig. B-1. The Earth as
Alexandria who, assuming the earth was spherical, deduced from a sphere, derived from
measurements a radius for the earth with an uncertainty of 2% (left hand side arc measurements
of Fig. B-1).
Towards the end of the seventeenth century, Newton demonstrated that the
concept of a truly spherical earth was inadequate as an explanation of the
equilibrium of the ocean surface. He argued that because the earth is a
rotating planet, the forces created by its own rotation would tend to force any
liquids on the surface to the equator. He showed, by means of a simple
theoretical model, that hydrostatic equilibrium would be maintained if the
equatorial axis of the earth were longer than the polar axis. This is equivalent
to the statement that the body is flattened towards the poles.
Appendix B Principles of Geodesy 66
Flattening is defined by
f = (a - b)/a (B-1)
Laplace (1802), Gauss (1828), Bessel (1837) and others had already
recognized that the assumption of an ellipsoidal earth model was not tenable
when compared against high accuracy observations. One could no longer
ignore the deflection of the physical plumb line, to which measurements refer,
from the ellipsoidal normal (deviation of the vertical, see
Fig. B-3. The Earth as
Mean sea undulation a geoid
surface (geoid) Geoid
n E llip
ea soid
to ellipsoid Perpendicular to
geoid (plumbline)
Deviation of
the vertical
Listing (1873) had given the name ‘geoid’, Helmert (1880,1884) made the
transition to the current concept of the figure of the earth. Here the
deflections of the vertical are also taken into account in the computation of
the ellipsoidal parameters.
The determination of the geoid has been, for the last hundred years, a major
goal of geodesy. Its importance increased recently by the new concept of
replacing the measurements of spirit levelling by GPS space observations and
the use of precise geoid heights. Other global considerations require a unified
vertical reference, i.e. a geoid determination with centimetre or even
millimetre accuracy. This remains a challenge for geodesy in the coming
The Geodetic Glossary [7] gives the following general geodetic definitions:
One of a set of N numbers designating the location of a point in N-
dimensional space
Coordinate system
A set of rules for specifying how coordinates are to be assigned to points
→ origin, set of axes
Appendix B Principles of Geodesy 68
P (X, Y, Z)
Mean meridian
Mean rotational axis
plane of
P (X, Y, Z)
Fig. B-4. Earth-fixed
Mean equatorial plane spatial Cartesian
system (X, Y, Z)
The mean equatorial plane perpendicular to this axis forms the (X-Y) plane.
The (X-Z) plane is generated by the mean meridian plane of Greenwich. The
latter is defined by the mean rotational axis and the zero meridian of the BIH
(Bureau International de l´Heure) adopted longitudes ("mean" observatory of
Greenwich). The Y-axis is directed so as to obtain a right handed system. The
introduction of a mean rotational axis is necessary because in the course of
time, the rotation changes with respect to the earth´s body. This applies to the
position of the earth´s rotation axis (polar motion) and to the angular velocity
of the rotation.
Appendix B Principles of Geodesy 69
λ= λP
φ= φ
0 Y
φ =0
The rotational ellipsoid is created by rotating the meridian ellipse about its
minor axis. The shape of the ellipsoid is therefore described by two geometric
parameters, the semimajor axis a and the semiminor axis b. Generally, b is
replaced by a smaller parameter which is more suitable: the (geometrical)
flattening f.
f = (a - b)/a (B-2)
Further definitions:
• Origin
Earth´s centre of mass
For the spatial determination of points on the physical surface of the earth (or
in space) with respect to the rotational ellipsoid, the height h above the
ellipsoid is introduced in addition to the geographic coordinates φ, λ. The
ellipsoidal height ‘h’is measured along the surface normal (Fig. B-6).
P (φ, λ, h; a, f) Z
P (X, Y, Z)
rQ h
0 n
Fig. B-6. Spatial
X Q (XQ, YQ, ZQ) ellipsoidal coordinate
If we now require the surface of this ellipsoid to be a level surface of its own
gravity field then, according to Stokes Theorem, the gravity field is uniquely
defined in the space exterior to this surface. This body is known as a level (or
equipotential) ellipsoid. Additionally, the geocentric gravitational constant
GM and the dynamic flattening C 2,0 (2nd order zonal harmonic of an earth
gravity model) are given. If the ellipsoidal parameters are given those values
which correspond to the real earth, then this yields the optimum
approximation to the geometry of the geoid and to the external gravity field:
mean earth ellipsoid.
Tab. B-1 lists the reference ellipsoids and their constants (a,f) associated with
local geodetic datums which are tied to WGS 84 through datum
transformation constants and/or multiple regression equations.
Appendix B Principles of Geodesy 71
Global GRS
• Y-axis: Orthogonal
Local GRS
Geodetic datum
Note: The term “datum” is often used when one actually means “reference
• 3 rotations: α,β,γ
These 7 parameters are needed to relate two Cartesian 3-d reference frames.
Rule of thumb:
• Scale factor µ,
define the location and orientation of a (local) coordinate system with respect
to a global reference frame.
These parameters are needed for a computational coordinate transformation More on Helmert’s
Formula in Appendix E
using Helmert’s formula.
What is a "Height"
Usually, the implicit imagination behind the term "height" is the answer to the
question: Where does water flow?
Geodetic Networks
Tide Gauge
Ocean h Geoid
Ellipsoid Fig. B-7. The geoid as
reference surface for
The geoid is realized in practice by observing "mean sea level" (MSL) at tide
gauges at the coasts over a certain time period. However, there are certain
complications brought about by wind, salinity, currents, etc. producing
deviations from the geoid of up to 2 m ("sea surface topography"). This
means, that the zero point, and consequently the heights, of different national
networks may differ by similar magnitudes.
Heights above the geoid are called "orthometric heights H". The relation
between an ellipsoidal height h and H is given by
H=h-N (B-3)
One has to be very careful when dealing with heights. The differences
between the different zero points of national vertical networks may vary up to
3 m!
The most precise geodetic measuring techniques for long base-lines are at
present Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Very Long Base-Line
Interferometry (VLBI). Both techniques guarantee a precision of 1-3 cm
over distances up to about 5000 km. Global networks of up to 70 SLR- and
up to 81 VLBI-stations are observing continuously, respectively were
observed for limited periods. Since 1987 a new International Earth Rotation
Service (IERS) is operating making use of SLR- and VLBI-results
predominantly and producing every year a new global set of x, y, z-
coordinates by combining various SLR- and VLBI-solutions [14].
The precise satellite laser ranging technique has led to a precise worldwide
terrestrial coordinates system, called the International Terrestrial Reference
System (ITRS). The ITRS is maintained by the IERS and the realization of
the ITRS is the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
Bearing in mind the necessity for a new very precise European Geodetic
Reference System - called EUREF -, the International Association of
Geodesy (IAG) decided in August 1987 to establish a new Sub-Commission
to solve this task. One month later CERCO (Comité Européen des
Responsables de la Cartographie Officielle) decided to establish a new
Working Group VIII on GPS which was appointed to draw practical
consequences resulting from the capabilities of GPS as a high precision
positioning system for surveying and mapping. In October 1988 both bodies
agreed that the definition and realization of a new European Reference
System should be delt with as a common activity [14].
Due to the fact that the combined SLR/VLBI-network is of highest For SLR/VLBI and
achievable accuracy and by far the best global realization, the two European ITRS see Appendix C
bodies decided to establish EUREF to be based on ITRS. Therefore 35
European SLR- and VLBI-positions being part of the ITRF-solution
computed for 1989.0 were selected as the basic set of coordinates defining
the realization of EUREF: ETRF, the European Terrestrial Reference
Frame. So ETRF is a subset of the global solution ITRF at epoch 1989.0.
Fig. D-1 shows the countries where, until the date above, EUREF campaigns
were carried out to establish precise ETRF-89 coordinates (using GPS).
Appendix D The European Terrestrial Reference Frame (ETRF) 79
P (φL o c a l , λL o c a l , h L o c a l ; a L o c a l , f L o c a l )
Form u las
• Helmert´s formula
Note: All datum transformations require the use of the ellipsoidal height h in See APPENDIX B for
the local system which is h = H + N with H ... orthometric height and N ... more on height defi-
height of the geoid. In general, only the orthometric height is known (and
found also in maps). The geoid height has to be taken from a digital model (if
X = ( ν + h ) cos φcos λ
Y = ( ν + h ) cos φsin λ
Z = ( ν(1 − e 2 ) + h )sin φ
ν : Radius of curvature in the prime vertical
See Tab. B-1 for a list
ν = of reference ellipsoids
(1 − e sin 2 φ)1/ 2
and parameters
a : Seemi − major axis of ellipsoid
e : Eccentricity of ellipsoid
e2 = f (2 − f )
f : Flattening of ellipsoid
Appendix E Datum Transformation Formulas 82
X X µ + εZ − εY X ∆X
Y = Y + − ε µ + εX Y + ∆Y
Local + ε − ε µ
∆ Z
14 Y4 4 2X4 4 43
1 23
Rotation angles Shift of
and scale factor origin
Z ν
φ = arctan 1 − e 2
X 2 + Y2 ν+ h
λ = arctan
X 2 + Y2
h = − ν
cos φ
Appendix E Datum Transformation Formulas 83
φWGS84 = φLocal + ∆φ
λWGS84 = λLocal + ∆λ
h WGS84 = h Local + ∆h
a,b Semi-major axis, semi-minor axis of the local geodetic datum See Tab. B-1 for a list
of reference ellipsoids
ellipsoid. and parameters
f Flattening
See Tab. E-1 for a list
∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z Shift of origin of WGS 84 trans-
formation parameters
∆a, ∆f Difference between the semi-major axis and the flattening of
the local geodetic datum ellipsoid and the WGS 84 ellipsoid,
respectively (WGS 84 minus Local).
e Eccentricity
The formulas should not to be used between 89 latitude and the pole !
Appendix E Datum Transformation Formulas 84
The development of Local Geodetic Datum to WGS 84 Datum Local geodetic datum to
transformation Multiple Regression Equations was initiated to obtain better WGS 84 datum
transformation Multiple
fits over continental size land areas than could be achieved using the
Regression Equations
Standard Molodensky Formula with datum shifts ∆x, ∆y, ∆z. for seven major
continental size datums,
covering contiguous
∆φ= A 0 + A 1 U + A 2 V + A 3 U 2 + A 4 UV + A 5 V 2 + K + A 99 U 9 V 9 continental size land
areas with large
∆λ= B0 + B1 U + B2 V + B3 U 2 + B4 UV + B5 V 2 + K + B99 U 9 V 9 distortion, are provided
in Ref. [4]
∆h = C 0 + C1 U + C 2 V + C 3 U 2 + C 4 UV + C 5 V 2 + K + C 99 U 9 V 9
The main advantage lies in the modelling of distortion for better fit in
geodetic applications.
Note, that 1" in the rotation angle is approximately equal to 31 m on the Tab. E-1. WGS 84
earth-surface : transformation para-
1" = 6 400 000 m x 3.141593 / ( 180 x 3600 ") = 31.03 m
Definition of Surveying
WGS 84 coordinates can be obtained by collocating the point(s) with a WGS For more information
84 (ETRF / ITRF) station (measurement of relative coordinate differences). on ITRS and ETRF see
Appendices C and D
Conventional surveying techniques determine
Total Stations
Spirit Levelling
Fig. F-1 shows the principle of Spirit levelling, which is used to determine
height differences relative to a point of known (orthometric) height. The
accuracy derived can be up to ± 0.3 mm / √s (km). Although automated
instruments with complete digital data handling are available, the technique is
very time-consuming, elaborate and expensive and the error propagation
formula mentioned above is only applicable in a local area, say up to 50 km.
Hence, the main application of spirit levelling is with respect to the local area.
Field operations with modern total stations take a very short time and a
surveyor with an assistant can, typically, survey up to 1000 points per day in
favourable meteorological circumstances (theodolite, EDM instruments as
well as spirit levelling instruments are less efficient). However, this technique
has a number of drawbacks.
After the photos are developed, precise image coordinates are determined by
photogrammetric instruments. The transformation of these image coordinates
into the WGS 84 (ETRF) coordinates of the ground stations is computed by
using ground control (identifiable ground stations with WGS 84 coordinates).
Relative Orientation
Analogue photo cameras are likely to be replaced in the near future by digital
Absolute Orientation
Fig. F-4 shows the minimal amount of ground control required in the case
where the camera position coordinates are determined by using DGPS.
Horizontal Control
Height Control
Working Steps
• Photo flights can be carried out only in clear weather conditions. For
precise coordinate determination it is necessary to fly the strips using flight
guidance with approx. 50 m horizontal accuracy.
• The analogue photos which are taken for coordinate determination contain
a lot of analogue information which might be useful for other tasks
(interpretation, etc.)
• Due to the fact that the flights should be carried out when the vegetation is
low (spring or late autumn) and the weather is clear, long waiting times my
• Due to flight constraints and air traffic control certain restrictions may be
The advances in information technology during the last two decades have
given a boost to automatic cartography and hence, to digital mapping. A hard
copy analogue map can now be digitized and transformed into a computer
compatible data base, which can then be used for a variety of Computer
Aided Design (CAD) applications in planning, civil engineering and
Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
National surveying and mapping organizations are now well advanced in the
digitising of their national mapping, typical at scales from 1:1 000 for urban
areas and up to 1: 10 000 for rural areas.
x = f1 (φλ
, )
y = f 2 (φλ
, )
Note: Some map projections show the same meridian twice, because the
geographical poles are represented by lines instead of by points, or because
certain parts of the earth´s surface cannot be shown on the projection. These
peculiarities arise from the simple fact that a sphere has a continuous surface
whereas a plane map must have a boundary.
The correspondence between points on the surface of the earth and the plane
cannot be exact. In the first place a scale change must occur. Secondly, the
curved surface of the earth cannot be fitted to a plane without introducing
some deformation or distortion which is equivalent to stretching or tearing
the curved surface.
Appendix G Map Projections 93
- Azimuthal plane
- Tangent cone
- Tangent cylinder.
Properties of projections
One particular scale is made equal to the principal scale throughout the map.
Usually, this is the meridional scale.
An equal area map is one in which a . b = 1 (a, b are the axes of the ellipse of
• The reference ellipsoid is the one used by the national surveying agency.
X = R ln(sec θ + tan θ)
Y = R(cos − 1 (tan θ cot(λ− λ0 ) − φ0 ))
θ = sin − 1 (cos φsin( λ− λ0 ))
R = F0 νρ
φ0 , λ0 = latitude of origin po int,
longitude of central meridian
F0 = Central meridian scale factor
( F0 = 0 for tan gential )
Stereographic polar
− 2 R cos φcos(λ− λ0 )
X =
1 + sin φ
2 R cos φsin( λ− λ0 )
Y =
1 + sin φ
R = Radius of the sphere, as given by R = νρ
λ0 = Longitude of central meridian
Stereographic oblique
Similar to the stereographic polar, with the exception that the plane is
tangential to the sphere at any point. The X (north) axis is directed towards
the north pole and the Y (east) axis to the east.
X = r0 − r cos θ
Y = r sin θ
θ = (λ− λ0 )sin φ0
r0 = R cot φ0
sin φ0
tan(45 − 0.5φ)
r = r0
tan(45 − 0.5φ0 )
R = νρ
φ0 , λ0 = Latitude of s tan dard parallel
Longitude of central meridian
Appendix G Map Projections 96
Similar to tangential case, but with a secant cone which cuts the sphere at two
standard parallels φ1 and φ2. The origin of the cartesian coordinates is at an
implied mid latitude φ0.
X = r0 − r cos θ
Y = r sin θ
θ = (λ− λ0 )sin φ0
sin φ0
R cos φ1 tan(45 − 0.5φ0 )
r0 =
sin φ0 tan(45 − 0.5φ1 )
sin φ0
R cos φ1 tan(45 − 0.5φ)
r =
sin φ0 tan(45 − 0.5φ1 )
ln cos φ1 − ln cos φ2
sin φ0 =
ln tan(45 − 0.5φ1 ) − ln tan(45 − 0.5φ2 )
Note: For the ellipsoidal formulae the descriptions and definitions of cartesian
axes are the same as for the spherical formulae. As a result only the formulae
are given with no further comment.
Stereographic polar
X = − r cos θ
Y = r sin θ
θ = λ− λ0
1/ 2 e
− 1/ 2 (1+ e ) − 1/ 2 (1− e ) cos φ 1 + e sin φ
r = 2a (1 + e) (1 − e)
1 + sin φ1 − e sin φ
λ0 = longitude of central meridian
a = semi − major axis of ellipsoid
e = eccentricity of ellipsoid
Appendix G Map Projections 97
Stereographic oblique
− 1/ 2 − 1/ 2
1+ e sin φcos φ0 − cos φsin φ0 cos(λ− λ0 ) 1 + e sinh
X = 2 ν0
1 − e 1 + sinh 1 − e sinh
− 1/ 2 − 1/ 2
1+ e cos φsin( λ− λ0 ) 1 + e sinh
Y = 2 ν0
1 − e 1 + sinh 1 − e sinh
sinh = sin φsin φ0 + cos φcos φ0 cos(λ− λ0 )
1/ 2
υ0 =
(1 − e sin φ0 )
2 2
X = r0 − r cos θ
Y = r sin θ
θ = (λ− λ0 )sin φ0
r0 = υ 0 cot φ0
sin φ0
1/ 2 e
tan( 45 − 0.5φ)
1+ e sin φ
1 − e sin φ
r = r0 1/ 2 e
tan(45 − 0.5φ )1+ e sin φ0
1 − e sin φ0
ν0 =
(1 − e sin 2 φ0 )1/ 2
X = r0 − r cos θ
Y = r sin θ
θ = (λ− λ0 )sin φ0
sin φ0
e sin φ0
1/ 2 e
tan(45 − 0.5φ1 )
− ln tan(45 − 0.5φ2 )
1 − e sin φ1 1 − e sin φ2
ν1 =
(1 − e sin 2 φ1 )1/ 2
ν2 =
(1 − e sin 2 φ2 )1/ 2
Appendix G Map Projections 99
a(1 − e 2 )
ρ =
(1 − e 2 sin φ)3/ 2
a− b
η =
a+ b
b = a(1 − f )
η2 = −1
Easting In order to avoid negative signs, each central meridian has the
constant y = 500 000 m. The first two digits represent the zone
number which is the longitude of the central meridian divided by
The following transformation example shows the way for determining the
WGS 84 coordinates of the tower of the town hall of Berlin, which is given in
Gauss-Krüger coordinates. The transformation equations are taken from [9].
Firstly, the tower coordinates have to be projected onto the Bessel ellipsoid
by taking the central meridian λ0 = 12°. Secondly, the geographical
coordinates φ and λ with respect to the Bessel ellipsoid have to be
transformed to the WGS 84 ellipsoid.
The tower of the town hall of Berlin has the Gauss-Krüger coordinates:
Easting y = 45 95 696.17 m, Northing x =5821529.31 m
The parameters for the Bessel ellipsoid can be taken from Tab. B-1:
x 2x 4x 6x 8x
φf = + β sin + γsin + δsin + ε sin + ...
α α α α α
a+ b 1 1 4 21 2 55 4
α= (1 + n 2 + n + ...) γ= n − n + ...
2 4 64 16 32
3 27 3 269 5 151 3 417 5 1097 4
β= n− n + n + ... δ= n − n + ... ; ε = n + ...
2 32 512 96 128 512
a2 a2
Nf = = ; t f = tan φf
b 1 + e ' 2 cos 2 φf b 1 + η2 f
tf tf
φ= φf + 2
(− 1 − η2f )y 2 + 4
(5 + 3t 2f + 6 η 2f − 6 t 2f η2f − 3η 4f − 9t 2f η 4f )y 4
2N f 24 N f
+ 6
( − 61 − 90 t 2f − 45t 4f − 107 η 2f + 162 t 2f η 2f + 45t 4f η 2f )y 6 + ...
720 N f
1 1
λ = λ0 + y+ ( − 1 − 2 t 2f − η 2f )y 3
N f cos φf 6 N f cos φf
+ (5 + 28t 2f + 24 t 2f + 6 η 2f + 8t 2f η 2f )y 5 + ...
120 N cos φf
Using the DATUM software gives the WGS 84 coordinates of the tower of
the town hall of Berlin:
The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system - often used for military
maps - comprises the following features:
on the meridian 180 and the zones proceed eastwards to zone 60 which
has its eastern edge at 180 longitude. The central meridian of each zone
0 0 0
is therefore 177 in zone 1, 171 in zone 2 and 165 in zone 3.
Appendix G Map Projections 102
• The origin of each zone is the point on the equator where it is intersected
by the central meridian of the zone.
• Each zone extends as far pole-wards as 84 N and 80 S. Initially these
0 0
0 0
limits were set at 80 N and 80 S.
• The eastings of the origin of each zone is assigned the value of 500000 m.
• The scale factor on the central meridian is 0.9996.
• The UTM employs five different figures, for specific areas.
Appendix H Sample Questionnaire 103
Civil Aviation
Contact Name
[] Yes [] No
DME [] Yes [] No
VOR [] Yes [] No
VOR/DME [] Yes [] No
NDB [] Yes [] No
VORTAC [] Yes [] No
TACAN [] Yes [] No
Appendix H Sample Questionnaire 105
5. If coordinates are obtained graphically from map products, what map scale (or nearest equivalent)
was generally used ?
Note: This may differ from the resolution to which they are quoted in the AIP
7. If coordinates were extracted from a map, is it known on which datum the map is based ?
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
10. Is the determination of the geographical coordinates of navigation aids covered by a formal
system of quality assurance, such as ISO 9000 or equivalent ?
11. What level of staff are used for coordinating en-route navaids ?
[] Professional surveyors
[] Qualified technicians
[] Untrained staff
[] Not known
Appendix H Sample Questionnaire 107
12. Is specific training given for the particular task of surveying navigation aids ?
[] Yes [] No
13. Were field inspections undertaken to verify the location of the navigation aids and are they
part of an on-going programme for inspection ?
[] Yes [] No
14. Are such inspections, or similar inspections part of an on-going programme for inspection or
calibration ?
[] Yes [] No
15. Where coordinates are supplied by other government agencies, is any further form of checking
performed ?
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
18. Is it possible to trace the data and method of the survey/coordination of individual navaids ?
[] Yes [] No
19. Are the survey records held centrally and are they easily accessible ?
[] Yes [] No
Appendix H Sample Questionnaire 108
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
22. In the case of collocated navigation aids (VOR/DME) is it known to which facility the published
coordinates relate ?
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
24. Where central records of precise coordinates of navigation aids are kept are their published AIP
coordinates checked for consistency ?
[] Yes [] No
25. Please indicate in Column A the number of navaids for which coordinates are published.
In Column B state the number of navaids for which the coordinates are determined by the
National Civil Aviation Administration itself.
Appendix H Sample Questionnaire 109
The following information is required for each DME, VOR, DME/VOR, TACAN and VORTAC. The
information is not required for NDBs.
(i) Identifier
(iii) Is there any documentary record of the date of survey (ie date on which coordinates were
determined) ?
[] Yes [] No
[] Yes [] No
[] ED 50 [] Not known
(vi) If the answer to (v) was National Datum, please state its name
[] Yes [] No
(viii) In the case of VOR, TACAN and VORTAC please state, if available, the value of the SITE
DECLINATION (VARIATION) set at the last calibration
(ix) For collocated aids (eg VOR/DME) do the coordinates relate to the distance measuring element ?
[] Yes [] No
References 110
Transverse Mercator, 99 — S—
Types, 93
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator), 101 SARPS. See FOREWORD
Molodensky, 19, 83 SAVVAN, 1
Multiple Regression Equations, 19, 84 security and integrity, 50
Selective Availability (S/A), 57
Software Aspects, 36
— N— Sphere, 65
NAD (North American Datum), 4 Spirit Levelling, 87
Survey Inventory Questionnaire, 5, 103
Surveyed Points, 9
— P— Surveying, 86
Positional Data, 9
Precision, 8 — T—
Total Station, 86
— Q— Traceability, 34
QMS (Quality Management System). See Quality Transformation. See Datum Transformation
Assurance, 28, 30 — U—
Definitions, 27
Level, 28 UDDF·(Universal Data Delivery Format), 41
Management, 28
Management System, 30 — V—
Record, 28
Standard, 28 Validation, 44
System, 30 Validation Checks, 36
Quality Plan, 32 Verification, 45
Questionnaire. See Survey Inventory Questionnaire Vertical Datum, 75
— R— — W—
Reference Data, 12 WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984), 2
Requirements, 12 Accuracy, 15
Resolution, 8 Definition, 13
RNAV. See Area Navigation Realization, 15
RNP (Required Navigation Performance), 8
Routine Data, 35
RTRF (European Terrestrial Reference Frame), 78