Earth Science: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Metamorphism
Earth Science: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Metamorphism
Earth Science: Quarter 2 - Module 4: Metamorphism
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Earth Science
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 4: Metamorphism
First Edition, 2020
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independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
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This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
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What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
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5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
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If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
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not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the concept on process of metamorphism accompanying the changes in rocks’
composition and texture. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
The module discussions are evolving in the different factors affecting the
process of metamorphism and its effect on the mineral and texture of the rocks.
Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
Note: If your answer to this pre-assessment is one hundred percent correct, you
may skip and proceed to the next module.
7. Which of the following metamorphic rocks would NOT come from mud rock?
a. Gneiss
b. Marble
c. Schist
d. Slate
9. Rigel argued with his classmates that the rock he found in the campsite near
the foot of Taal volcano was a metamorphic rock. Others claimed that it was
igneous because it was found near a volcano so it must have been a volcanic
rock, hence, an igneous rock. What features of the rock would have convinced
Rigel that it was a metamorphic rock and not an igneous rock?
a. The minerals in rocks are almost invisible to be seen.
b. The rock contains bits of old shells of snails and wood.
c. The surface of the rock has holes similar to a Swiss cheese.
d. The rock contains interlocking and large crystals of minerals compared
to minerals found in igneous rocks.
10. Diamonds are minerals made through the process similar to metamorphism
which results into formation of very dense arrangement of carbon atoms. What
type of metamorphism would create a diamond?
i. Burial metamorphism
ii. Contact metamorphism
iii. Shock metamorphism
iv. High-pressure metamorphism
v. Hydrothermal metamorphism
a. i and ii
b. ii and v
c. iii and iv
d. iv and v
11. Which of the following metamorphic rocks may have come from a shale?
a. gneiss
b. phyllite
c. schist
d. all of the above
12. In which geographic area will there be a metamorphic rock with very distinct
a. near magma intrusion
b. at the core of the Himalayas
c. in the mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean
d. in convergent boundaries where plates move towards each other
1 Metamorphism
This lesson contains activities and readings about one of the geologic activities
that take place inside the Earth’s crust. You will learn basic concept and information
about metamorphism through brief discussion on the process of metamorphism, the
factors involved during the process and its connection to tectonic settings and
environment where metamorphism occurs. In the activities, you are expected to use
the knowledge and skills that you learned and gained from the previous modules in
connection to the new set of skills and information that you will learn from this
What’s In
In the previous module you learned about the three processes that take place
inside the Earth that influence the shape and structure of the Earth – the
magmatism, volcanism and plutonism. In this module you will learn another
important geologic process that also takes place inside the earth – the
Metamorphism. Metamorphism is one of the geologic processes in which rocks
change in the form, composition, and structure due to intense heat and pressure
and sometimes with the introduction of chemically active fluids. While learning
through this module, you can make concept connections between major geologic
features such as tectonic features of Earth and endogenic processes that you learned
previously with the processes that rocks undergo during metamorphism - how those
geologic processes influence the changes that rocks undergo and form the so-called
metamorphic rocks.
Activity 1
Geologic processesthat take place underneath the ground is very hard to
decribe because we cannot directly observe what’s going on beneath us. Hence, to
visualize the events that are taking place in the Earth’s crust, let us do this
simulation activity.
For this activity you may ask the help of your parents or siblings with you at
home. You may use materials as alternatives if the ones given are not availabe at
your house. Let’s start.
Set-up 1
Materials for set up 1:
Raw egg white
A shallow pan (you may use plate as alternative)
Boiled water in a glass jar or bottle
1. Separate yolk from the egg white (you will be using only the egg white) and
pour it in a shallow pan.
2. Transfer your boiled water on a glass jar or a bottle and place it in the
middle of the pan.
3. Observe the changes in the egg white.
1. What did you notice on the egg white near the glass jar with hot water? What
do you think caused that change?
2. Did you observe any changes on the egg white far from the hot glass jar?
How can you explain this observation?
Set-up 2
Materials for set up 2:
Pieces of sticks taken from walis ting-ting with different lengths.
2 rulers (you may use any alternatives for the purpose)
1. Drop the sticks onto an even surface and let them take different direction or
2. Using two rulers, placed on either side of the sticks, pull them toward the
center while trapping the sticks in the middle.
1. The sticks represent the minerals present in the rocks. What changes did you
observe on the sticks when you pulled the rulers together towards the middle?
2. In the activity, the rulers represent the tectonic forces that push rocks. What
can you infer from this activity about the minerals in rocks when undergoing
the same forces?
3. In this process, can you name the factor that is resposible to the changes that
What is It
The activity demonstrates how rocks respond to geologic factors such as heat
and pressure forming metamorphic rocks through the process called
metamorphism. The process of metamorphism takes place tens of kilometers below
the surface where temperatures and pressures are high enough to transform rock
without melting it. The increase in temperature and pressure and change of the
chemical environment can change the mineral composition and crystalline textures
of the rock while remaining solid all the while. The metamorphic rocks under these
change conditions depends on the original rock chemistry, the exact pressures and
temperature to which rocks are subjected and the amount of water available for
chemical reaction.
For example, (see figure below) when sedimentary rock (mud rock) - shale
become buried deeper and deeper, the clay minerals in the rock will begin to
recrystallize and form new minerals, such as micas in slate – a metamorphic rock
from shale. With additional burial, at greater depth, where temperature is higher,
mineral micas begin to transform into a new mineral garnet in schist – another
metamorphic rock with higher grade. The rate at which temperature increases with
depth in the Earth’s crust is known as geothermal gradient which varies on plate
tectonic settings like the thickness of the crust or whether the area is in the
subduction zone between oceanic and continental or under the converging two
continental crusts.
Subduction zones, for instance, are characterized by low temperature metamorphism
and the area at which collision takes place between two converging crustal plates is
characterized by high temperature metamorphism. In a nutshell, the higher the
temperature, the higher the metamorphism grade until such time when temperature
is high enough to melt the rocks resulting to formation of magma.
There are two types of pressures known also as stresses that exert force to
rocks causing changes.
Calcite vein
deposits in
limestone rock
What’s More
A. Directions: Identify the geologic area and the respective type metamorphism
that occur in the encircled portion in the illustration below. Write
your answers in the table.
No. Geologic area Type of Metamorphism
B. Directions: Fill in the table below with the correct information about
Most strategic
Agent/factor Example of
Type of Changes that geographic
responsible for metamorphic
metamorphism occurs in rocks location where it
the change rock
(1) Alignment of (2) (3) (4)
perpendicular to
(5) (6) (7) (8)
What I can Do
Semi-fieldwork Activity
Go to your backyard, home, or school garden or in any place near and safe for
you to collect some metamorphic rocks and bring them home. (make sure to clean
them first and don’t forget to wash your hands)
Make a table similar to the one below and make a log of the information about
the rocks that you collected.
Describe the
Rock Classify the type of Write your inference about
features of the
Sample Picture the metamorphic rock how the rock samples
number sample undergone metamorphism.
rock sample
Directions. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
2. Which of the following has the correct set of major agents of metamorphism?
a. Temperature and pressure
b. Pressure and tectonic forces
c. Temperature and mineral fluids
d. Hydrothermal fluids and pressure
4. What type of metamorphic rock will form if a mud rock experiences high-grade
a. Gneiss
b. Phyllite
c. Schist
d. Slate
7. While walking, Daniel picked up a rock that have been washed up on the beach.
Noticing that it has wavy bands of light and dark colored minerals, he claimed
that the rock is a metamorphic rock. Which of the following inferences about
its formation is the most correct?
a. Pressure was the main agent in rock’s formation which aligned the
minerals into new orientation.
b. The rock was formed through high-pressure made by the impact of
large body into the Earth’s surface.
c. The minerals in the rocks were altered through recrystallization
changing their size into large crystals.
d. The bands in the rock was formed through deposition of minerals from
the hot fluids that surround it during formation process.
9. Which of the following metamorphic rocks can NOT form from a shale?
a. hornfels
b. marble
c. schist
d. slate
10. On a local field trip, a group of students noticed that they are walking across
a path made of rocks that starts from a shale into a slate and into a phyllite.
What can you infer to the direction taken by the students in relation the grades
of metamorphic rocks?
a. It follows a decreasing metamorphic grade.
b. It indicates an increasing metamorphic grade.
c. It indicates an increasing degree of contact metamorphism.
d. It shows an in decreasing degree to regional metamorphism.
11. In which geographic area will there be a highest potential for regional
a. In the Philippine trench
b. Near an igneous intrusion
c. At the core of the Himalayas
d. Mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean
12. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Gneiss
b. Hornfels
c. Marble
d. Quartzite
13. Blueschist metamorphism takes place within subduction zones. What is the
temperature and pressure characteristics of this geological setting?
a. Low temperature and pressure
b. High temperature and pressure
c. Low temperature and high pressure
d. High temperature and low pressure
a. Only i is correct
b. Only ii is correct
c. i and ii are correct
d. All are correct
Additional Activities
Directions: Using the important terms or vocabularies and concept from this
module, create a concept map about the process of metamorphism. You
may use computer in creating your concept map or draw it in a piece of
typewriter paper. Once you are done, please submit your work to your
teacher. Good luck!
What’s More
Part B.
1. Regional metamorphism
1. D 2. Pressure
2. A 3. in convergence zone area
3. A 4. Gneiss
4. C 5. Contact metamorphism
5. A 6. increasing size of crystal
6. D 7. Heat
7. A
8. along magma intrusion
8. D
9. Impact Metamorphism
9. B
10. transition of minerals into
10. B
another mineral
11. D
11. Impact zone
12. C
12. Diamond
13. B
14. C 13. High-pressure
15. C metamorphism
14. change in mineralogy and
What’s More What is it
Part A. Pre- Assessment
1. Metamorphism begins at
1. Shock metamorphism; on the Earth about 8 to 15 kilometers 1. D
surface around meteor or asteroid below. As the 2. B
impact zone temperature and 3. A
2. Burial metamorphism; below pressure increase 4. A
sedimentary rock layers metamorphism also 5. D
3. Regional metamorphism; on the increase until such time 6. A
convergence zone area, deep below when temperature is too 7. B
the mountain ranges
high that rocks melts to 8. A
4. High-pressure metamorphism; on the
form magma. 9. D
2. Foliated texture 10. C
subduction zone area
5. Hydrothermal metamorphism; on
3. The greater the 11. D
mid-ocean ridges area temperature, the higher 12. D
6. Contact metamorphism; Below the the metamorphic grade 13. D
Earth surface along magma/igneous 4. gneiss 14. C
intrusion 15. D
Answer Key
Grotzinger, John., and Thomas H. Jordan. The Essential Earth. USA: W.H. Freeman
and Company, 2008.
King, Hobart M. “How do diamonds form.” 2020. Accessed June 7,