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Human Error In Aviation

Carrie A. Lee
[email protected]

Carrie A. Lee 1
I. Introduction

Human error in aviation is somewhat of a sensitive topic due to the recent tragic events of September 11,

2001. The goal of this research is to understand human error in aviation, in order to understand how designing better

computer systems can assist in making the aviation industry safer for pilots and passengers, by reducing human

error. This paper does not attempt to address accidents caused by cowardly acts of terrorism.

Many people do not know that on February 20, 1981 a modern Argentine jet airliner, with 58 people on

board, almost crashed into the upper floors of the 110-story World Trade Center in New York (Grayson, 1988). The

Argentine jet was put on a holding pattern in the New York area. The ceilings were low, with heavy fog, and the sky

was mostly obscured. Because of a communication error between the pilot and the air traffic controller, the

Argentine flight maneuvered the airplane down to 1,500 feet, straight toward the north tower. The controller had

actually said 2,700 feet. The World Trade Center was 1,749 feet high! The pilot did ask for confirmation of the

altitude, and possibly due to radio interference, did not receive an answer. Unfortunately, the pilot did not pursue his

request for confirmation. An alarm sounded at the radar tracking station warning air traffic controllers of the low

altitude. The controller immediately instructed the pilot to turn right immediately and climb to 3,000 feet. Apologies

were shared, and the error was noted. When the controller was asked if there was any language problem in the

communication with the Argentine pilot, he answered, “Yes, on a scale of one to ten of understanding – least to best

– the level was about four.”

To err is human, that is how the saying goes. It is a fact of life. People are not precision machinery

designed for accuracy. In fact, we humans are a different kind of device entirely. Creativity, adaptability, and

flexibility are our strengths. Continual alertness and precision in action or memory are our weaknesses. We are

amazingly error tolerant. We are extremely flexible, robust, and creative, superb at finding explanations and

meanings from partial and noisy evidence. The same properties that lead to such robustness and creativity also

produce errors. The natural tendency to interpret partial information -- although often our prime virtue -- can cause

operators to misinterpret system behavior in such a plausible way that the misinterpretation can be difficult to


Errors are an inevitable part of flying. No matter how good a pilot’s training is, we can never hope to

eliminate all errors. Nowhere in life can we ever muster enough brainpower and diligence to make mistakes

impossible. Even at our very best, we see a shadow cast by our own brilliance. This paper will discuss human error

Carrie A. Lee 2
in a general sense, human error specific to aviation, maintaining situational awareness in aviation and human error

reduction techniques. The goal is to become educated in human error in order to determine how to reduce, if not

eliminate, human error in aviation.

II. Human Error

Many of the causal factors that contribute to accidents can be viewed as different “types” of human error.

Human error can be defined as inappropriate human behavior that lowers levels of system effectiveness or safety,

which may or may not result in an accident or injury (Wickens, Gordan, Liu, 1998). Technically, the term human

error could include mistakes made by humans operating a system, humans who designed the equipment, humans

who supervise the worker, and humans who trained or advised the worker. However, the term is usually used to

describe operator error, the inappropriate behavior of the person directly working with the system. There are

numerous ways to classify and categorize human error. We have a tendency to want to view error at the operator

level. First, we tend to blame the individual; second we try to identify any other factors. Shealey (1979) suggests

several reasons for why this narrow perspective is taken:

• It is human nature to apportion blame at someone else.

• Our legal system is geared to apportioning blame.

• It is easier for management to blame the worker than other aspects.

• It is in the interests of the company to blame the worker rather than admit deficiencies in their procedures

product or system.

Operator error is a very common cause of accidents. However, studies of accidents (Shanders & Shaw,

1988) revealed that in no case was human error the only factor. They proposed a model of contributing factors in

accident causation – CFAC. The factors are broad & encompass most factors found in other models. Their model

includes and emphasizes management, social and psychological factors. Also, human factors variables are

recognized in the categories: Physical environment, Equipment design, and Work itself.

Operator errors can occur for many reasons, including inattentiveness, poor work habits, lack of training,

poor decision-making, personality traits, social pressures and so forth. There have been several attempts to classify

the types of errors that people make during task performance. These classifications are then used to try to improve

human performance. Currently, errors can be categorized into four widely used, general classifications:

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1) Slips – When the wrong action is performed.

2) Lapses – When an action is omitted or a memory failure occurs.

3) Rule-Based Mistakes – When the wrong rule is selected for an action.

4) Knowledge-Based Mistakes – When the wrong plan is generated for the given situation.

In 1971, one of the first theories of human error, the four Types of Failures (Meister, 1971) was introduced.

These types of failures are based on where the error originates:

1) Operating errors

2) Design Errors

3) Manufacturing Errors

4) Installation and Maintenance Errors

Rasmussen’s SRK model (skill, rule, knowledge) describes three different levels of cognitive control that

might potentially be used by a person during task performance (Wickens et al, 1998). If people are extremely

experienced with the task, they will process the information at the skill-based level of performance, reacting to the

raw perceptual elements at an automatic, subconscious level. When people are familiar with the task but do not have

extensive experience, they will process the information and perform at the rule-based level. When the situation is

novel, decision makers will not have any rules stored from previous experience to call on. They will therefore have

to operate at the knowledge-based level, which is essentially analytical processing using conceptual information.

Errors are sometimes categorized according to Rasmussen’s SRK model.

One scheme that is frequently used is a simple dichotomy between errors of omission and errors of

commission (Wickens et al, 1998). Errors of omission are instances where the operator fails to perform one or more

procedural step that is necessary for the particular circumstances they are facing. Errors of commission refer to

errors in which the operator performs extra steps that are incorrect or performs a step incorrectly. Swain and

Guttman (1983) proposed four Human Error Categories, expanding on errors of omission and commission:

1) Error of Omission

2) Error of Commission

3) Sequential Error – Performed actions out of the correct order.

4) Time Error – Performed actions too slow, too fast or too late.

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Norman (1981) differentiated between slips and mistakes: slips are errors in execution and include errors

resulting from inattention, misperceptions, losing track of one’s place, and so on. For example, if someone misses a

step going down a ladder, this is a slip. People don’t usually intend to miss a step when this happens. Mistakes on

the other hand, are errors in planning an action, i.e. having an inappropriate intention and carrying it out. For

example, if a person intentionally turns onto a one-way street going the wrong way, this is a mistake.

Error rates have also been studied at great length. In multiple contexts, and many scenarios humans have a

general error rate of 0.5% to 1.0%. Generally, humans make a mistake up to 1% of the time when performing any

given task. A study done by Chedru & Geschwind, (1972) found that when writing, humans would make a

grammatical error 1.1% of the time. A study by Potter (1995) revealed something a bit more shocking. The error rate

for pilots when making entries into an aircraft flight management system, per keystroke is 10%. It is even higher if

there is a heavy workload. For this reason alone, human error in aviation, with regard to system design should be

studied at great length.

Swain & Guttman (1980) introduced eight “Human-Machine and Error Analysis Steps” in order to

probabilistically determine whether errors will occur:

1) Describe system goals and functions

2) Describe situation

3) Describe tasks and jobs

4) Analyze tasks for where errors are likely

5) Estimate probability of each error

6) Estimate probability error is not corrected

7) Devise means to increase reliability

8) Repeat steps 4 - 7in light of changes

III. Human Error in Aviation

The number of pilots is far smaller than the number of drivers, and aircraft crashes are much less frequent

than auto accidents. Statistically the chances of death while riding in a motor vehicle are 30-50 times greater than

while riding in a commercial aircraft. However, the number of people who fly as passengers in aircrafts is large

enough, and the cost of a single air crash is sufficiently greater than that of a single car crash that the human factors

Carrie A. Lee 5
issues of airline safety are as important as those involved with ground transportation. The competing tasks that pilots

must perform involve maintaining situation awareness for hazards in the surrounding airspace, navigating to three-

dimensional points in the sky, following procedures related to aircraft and airspace operations, and communicating

with air traffic control and other personnel on the flight deck (Wickens et al, 1998). Much of the competition for

resources is visual, but a great deal more involves more general competition for perceptual, cognitive and response-

related resources. Depending on many factors, from the aircraft type to weather conditions, the pilot’s workload can

range from under load to extreme overload.

Aviation psychology is the field of study concerned with the development and operation of safe, effective

aviation systems from the standpoint of the human operators who are responsible for 70 percent of aircraft accidents.

Psychology applied to aviation is an integrative field involving knowledge of just about all areas in psychology,

including perception and attention, cognition, physiological, experimental, industrial/organizational, clinical, and

educational (Pereira Lima, 2000). In addition to having knowledge in the field of psychology, someone who is

interested in studying psychology applied to aviation must know about the aviation field including the pilot'
s tasks,

memory and decision making skills, pilot selection, cockpit designs, human-computer interaction, human factors

design, training systems development, program management and human performance research. An aviation

psychologist is concerned with pilot performance and reducing flight crew error. Someone interested in this field

will be challenged with the goal of inventing the most efficient way of allowing information to reach the pilot.

Important to the pilot is the clarity and speed of information about weather and hazards coming from the air traffic

controller, and the rest of his/her team members including copilot, flight engineers, and cabin attendants (Busse,

1999). The Aviation Psychologist works to prioritize information coming in to the pilot, so that the more crucial

information is salient. Because the field of aviation psychology is integrative, one may hold different titles

depending on their area of emphasis. For example, those with an experimental emphasis would be Aerospace

Experimental Psychologists, those with an engineering emphasis would be Aerospace Engineering Psychologist, and

those with a human factors emphasis would be Human Factor Specialists in aviation.

The history of human factors in aviation goes back to World War II, when pilots could not control an

airplane due to the poorly designed displays and controllers and were killed. Today, after all these years and after the

great influence of automation and computers on new aircraft designs, we still hear about the major aircraft accidents

in the news. Aircraft components, along with most other items of equipment, have become both more sophisticated

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and more reliable over these past three decades. On the other side, there is a growing appreciation that designers,

manufacturers, corporate decision makers, and maintenance managers can make mistakes, which, in turn, create the

conditions promoting errors on a flight (Reason, 1990). The combination of these two trends has resulted in more

and more reports of human errors rather than component-related failures. The following figure shows the Boeing

statistical summary of all the world transportation aircraft accidents for the last ten years (Boeing, 1997).

Although airplanes are built from thousands of parts, components, and small complex systems, most

aircraft accidents are not caused by system failures. Boeing’s statistical summary (1997) of worldwide commercial

jet airplane accidents shows that 71.7% of the hull loss accidents, in the last 10 years (1987-1996), were due to

cockpit crew rather than maintenance, weather, etc. These statistics show explicitly how important the direct role of

human and consequently human error is in aviation. Even, other factors like maintenance or airport traffic control

(ATC) that contribute to more than 10% of the accidents are not completely independent of human error. Many of

those ATC and maintenance problems are caused by operators’ lack of attention or in another word human error.

Human errors in aviation can easily lead to public disasters, whereas in an area like manufacturing the consequence

would rarely be this tragic.

Researchers have done quite a large amount of studies on pilot error. The Aviation Psychology department

at the Naval Postgraduate School, School of Aviation Safety in Monterey, CA (1998) developed an error checklist

for airplane accidents to categorize different error factors. The eight different factor categories are:

Carrie A. Lee 7
1) Sensory-Perceptual Factors

2) Medical and Physiological Factors

3) Knowledge or Skill Factors

4) Personality and Safety Attitude

5) Risk Judgment/Decision Factors

6) Communications/Crew Coordination Factors

7) Design/System Factors

8) Supervisory Factors

Sensory-Perceptual Factors include:

o Misjudged distance, clearance, altitude, speed, etc.

o False perception due to Visual Illusion
o False Perception due to Vestibular Illusion
o Spatial Disorientation/Vertigo
o Experienced an Attention Failure
o Loss of Situation Awareness

Medical and Physiological Factors include:

o Self-medicated (without or against medical advice)

o Flew under influence of drugs/alcohol
o Flew with cold or flu (or other known illness)
o Flew while under excess personal Stress or Fatigue
o Flew without adequate nutrition (skipped meals)
o Experienced G-loc or G-excess on flight
o Experienced Hypoxia during flight

Knowledge or Skill Factors

o Showed inadequate knowledge of systems, procedures, etc

o Poor flight control/airmanship (Skill-based error)
o Misuse of procedures (performance of cockpit tasks)

Personality and Safety Attitude

o Showed pattern of Overconfidence

o Showed pattern of Excess Motivation
o Was "Hot Dogging" on mishap flight
o Exhibited anger/frustration
o Too assertive or non-assertive for situation
o Lacked confidence to perform tasks/mission(s)
o Yielded to social pressure (command or peers)

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Risk Judgment / Decision Factors

o Knowingly accepted a high risk situation

o Misjudged actual risks of mission (complacency)
o Did not monitor flight progress/conditions (complacency)
o Used incorrect task priorities
o Knowingly deviated from safe procedure (imprudence)
o Intentionally violated Safety Standard or Regulation
o Willfully ignored warning input
o Knowingly exceeded personal limits
o Knowingly exceeded published aircraft limits
o Knowingly exceeded prescribed mission profile/parameters
o Yielded to social pressure (command or peers)

Communications/Crew Coordination Factors

o Inadequate Mission Plan/Brief or Preflight

o Failed to communicate plan/intentions
o Failed to use standard/accepted language
o Misunderstood or unacknowledged communication
o Inadequate crew challenge or crosscheck
o Crewmember intentionally withheld vital safety data
o Pilot in Command failed to lead and/or delegate
o Pilot in Command failed to use all available resources
o Interpersonal conflict/crew argument

Design/System Factors

o Used wrong switch/lever or control

o Misread or misinterpreted instrument reading
o Could not reach or see control
o Could not see or read instrument or indicator
o Failed to respond to warning signal
o Selected/Used wrong system operating mode
o Over-reliance on automated system (automation complacency)

Supervisory Factors

o Inappropriate schedule/crew assignment

o Failed to monitor Crew Rest/Duty Allowance
o Failed to establish adequate standards
o Failed to monitor compliance to standards
o Failed to monitor crew training/qualifications
o Failed to screen/remove High-Risk Aviator
o Failed to establish/monitor Quality Standards
o Intentionally violated or directed other(s) to violate a standard, rule or regulation

IV. Situational Awareness

Successfully operating complex systems depends upon knowing not only what tasks to perform and how to

perform them, but also when to do so. To become proficient, an operator of a complex system must know several

types of knowledge: declarative knowledge (what to do), procedural knowledge (how to do it), and operational skill

Carrie A. Lee 9
(when to do it) (Bass et al, 1996). Consequently, training for such an environment should focus on declarative

knowledge and procedural skill, as well as on the integration of that knowledge into operational skills. Operational

skills are critical in a dynamic environment where the operator has to make decisions about what to do and when to

do it. In order to make these types of decisions in dynamic and risky domains, operators must acquire and maintain

situation awareness.

The definition of Situation Awareness that has been agreed upon by the Enhanced Safety through Situation

Awareness Integration (ESSAI) consortium: "the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of

time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future".

Piloting takes place in a very dynamic environment. To a far greater extent than driving, much of the

information that is relevant for safety is not directly visible in its intuitive “special” form. Rather, the pilot must

depend on an understanding or awareness of the location and future implications of hazards, relative to the current

aspect of the aircraft; that is, the pilot must achieve an awareness of the situation (Wickens et al, 1998). Historically,

a significant number of accidents in complex systems have been attributed to a lack of situation awareness (SA).

Despite increased use of automation and improvements in display design to improve SA, re-design is unable to

completely eliminate accidents of these types. One viable option is to train operators to acquire and to maintain

situation awareness.

Although the impact of situation awareness on operators in complex systems has been recognized, no

single accepted theory for situation awareness has emerged. Situation awareness is a state of knowledge, which

directly relates the elements of a dynamic environment to the operator's target goals. Although separate from the

processes of decision-making and performance, situation awareness is intricately associated with them. Achieving

situation awareness is a difficult and often imprecise process for the human operators of complex systems.

Acquiring and maintaining situational awareness is enhanced by operators' internal long-term memory structures

that enable processing of large amounts of information required in complex situations.

The reasons for not recognizing an impending situational awareness problem typically fall into three

general categories: 1) system data problems, 2) human limitations, and 3) time-related problems (Bass et al, 1996).

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1) System data problems

In modern complex systems, system data problems arise despite the careful design and development of

computer-human interfaces that include new technologies to help reduce these problems. Types of system

data problems include:

o Data pertinent to the deteriorating situation are obscured by other system data.

o Data are sometimes hidden within automated functions.

o Data are sometimes spread across many displays, leaving the operator to integrate the data into

usable information.

o Data are presented at a level of detail that is inappropriate for the tasks being accomplished,

leaving the human to abstract useful information from a glut of system data.

2) Human limitations

Unfortunately, it is not possible to engineer solutions for all situation awareness related problems. Even

when system data are complete and available, human limitations may lead to missing the signs that a

dangerous situation is developing. Some reasons that operators have trouble performing situation

assessment relate to features of the work environment, such as high workload and interruptions. Others

reasons relate to characteristics of human behavior. Such behaviors include the tendency to fixate on the

task at hand to the exclusion of others and poor passive system monitoring.

3) Time-related problems

Another element of the situation assessment problem in complex systems is dynamic state data. This

behavior adds to the difficulty of detecting potentially dangerous system states because it requires that data

monitoring and interpretation be exercised repeatedly over time, further reducing the likelihood of it being

done properly. The need to monitor particular data among all the system states during that period

compounds this problem

V. Human Error Reduction

In order to reduce human error, one of the first things needed is a change in attitude. The behavior we call

human error is just as predictable as system noise, perhaps more so: therefore, instead of blaming the human who

happens to be involved, it would be better to try to identify the system characteristics that led to the incident and

Carrie A. Lee 11
then to modify the design, either to eliminate the situation or at least to minimize the impact for future events. One

major step would be to remove the term "human error" from our vocabulary and to re-evaluate the need to blame

individuals. A second major step would be to develop design specifications that consider the functionality of the

human with the same degree of care that has been given to the rest of the system (Norman, 1990).

Human error and their negative consequences are decreased in one of three ways (Wickens et al, 1998):

1) System design

2) Training

3) Personnel selection

For system design, errors can be reduced by: making it impossible for a person to commit an error, making

it difficult to commit an error, or making the system error tolerant so that when errors occur, the negative

consequences are avoided. Error tolerance can be achieved by methods such as feedback to the operator about

current consequences, feedback about future consequences, and monitoring actions for possible errors. Design

features can be included so that erroneous actions can be reversed, if they are noticed, before they have serious

consequences on system performance. Human Factors principles should be applied to design. The goal is to reduce,

if not eliminate, risk through design. An important thing to remember is that reliability goes down as complexity

goes up.

When system design or information support cannot be used, then selection and training methods should be

designed to minimize operator error. Training and Personnel Selection are important factors; however because

mistakes are unavoidable in human performance even the most experienced, and best trained pilots will make errors.

The notion of “error management'' has developed in the past two decades in order to help solve this problem. While

we must accept the inevitability of error, we must nevertheless maintain performance standards. Error management

demands that we distinguish between an individual being reckless or showing a disregard for the rules, and mistakes

that are simply the product of human limitations (Ragman, 1999). "Error management" represents a fundamental

shift in aviation philosophy from “excellent airmen commit no errors” to “excellent airmen commit, recognize and

resolve errors.”

The first and most basic premise of error management is that human error is universal and inevitable. Error

management views human performance as a two-sided coin -- human performance and human error. The coin's two

sides are inextricably linked. We cannot have one without the other. Error is universal. Error is inevitable. One

Carrie A. Lee 12
cannot engage in human performance of any form without human error. A second, and equally critical, premise of

error management is that error does not, has not, and will not cause an incident, an accident, or a fatality.

Consequences cause incidents, accidents, and fatalities. While error is universal and inevitable, consequences are not

universal or inevitable. The logic of this premise is beyond dispute. Errors happen all the time. Incidents, accidents,

and fatalities do not. Error management targets the gap between the errors and their consequences. Error

management holds the view that any attempt to address flight safety, which does not acknowledge universal and

inevitable human error will fall short of the mark. The acknowledgement removes the stigma associated with error.

It depersonalizes error. Error is no longer a reflection upon the crewmember. Just as the sun will rise in the

east and set in the west, errors will occur. Error management also assumes technical proficiency. Technically

proficient crewmembers commit errors. Incompetent crewmembers shouldn’t be flying airplanes.

It is undeniable however that the training for pilots should be more inclusive. Robert Cohn is a pilot. In his

book, They Called It Pilot Error, he said, “In retrospect, I was short-changed. When I thought more about it, I

realized that I had never been taught or even made aware of many of the things that are crucial to the safe and proper

use of an airplane. I had to learn those the hard way.” He had never had any training on most physiological, mental

and purely human factors that can seriously detract from or mentally contribute to safe flying. In order to provide

better pilot training, procedural checklists should always be provided to pilots. Also, incentive programs can be

used to reward pilots for error recovery.

VI. Conclusion

This paper has discussed human error, human error in aviation, situational awareness and error reduction.

The goal was to become educated in human error in order to determine how to reduce if not eliminate human error

in aviation.

Human error can be categorized in many different ways, from Meister’s Types of Failures to Swain &

Guttman’s probabilities of error. Human error is impossible to eliminate since all humans make mistakes. Instead

of placing blame on the operator, research should be done to determine why the operator made the error.

Errors are an inevitable part of flying as well, documented as far back as World War II. The aviation industry

was one of the first to embrace human factors research in order to reduce pilot error. What has been discovered is no

Carrie A. Lee 13
matter how good a pilot’s training is we can never hope to eliminate all errors. Yet, it is crucial that pilot’s do not

make any errors. This is hardly possible.

One of the most common errors for pilots is a loss of situational awareness. Situational awareness is defined as

the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their

meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. Situational awareness problems can be categorized

into system data problems, human limitation problems, or time related problems.

Nowhere in life can mistakes be made impossible. Human error and their negative consequences are decreased

in three ways, system design, training, and personnel selection. Although personnel selection and training are

extremely important factors, it is known that even the best-trained pilot will still make mistakes. Focusing training

on error recovery, rather than error prevention will make a more successful pilot. Since it is known that all pilots, all

humans, will make mistakes it is the job of the human-computer interaction professional to design systems that help

eliminate or reduce the potential for errors. Design features can be included so that erroneous actions can be

reversed, if they are noticed, before they have serious consequences on system performance. Human Factors

principles should be applied to design. The goal is to reduce, if not eliminate, risk and errors through design.

Carrie A. Lee 14

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