More Magic of Thassilon: Relics of The Runelords
More Magic of Thassilon: Relics of The Runelords
More Magic of Thassilon: Relics of The Runelords
ven the passage of millennia has not erased the mirror. If the master mirror is destroyed, its bearer loses this
wonders of ancient Thassilon. Pathfinder #5 fea- bonus and the slave mirror is rendered inert, freeing any
tures “Magic of Thassilon,” an investigation into victim and restoring his Charisma.
the sinister sin magic and forgotten spells of that fallen Construction
empire’s decadent rulers. Yet, no one article can contain Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, eagle’s
all there is to know of the runelords’ magic. Revealed splendor; Cost 25,500 gp, 2,040 XP
here are 14 new magic items, fantastic treasures, and
deadly weapons that might lie waiting in the nameless Dust of Envy
vaults and forgotten crypts of ageless Thassilon. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 6th
Slot amulet; Price 900 gp
Relics of Envy Description
Upon a frail silver chain dangles a tiny crystalline phial filled
Vanity’s Eye with light blue dust. When one shatters the phial, it releases a
Aura moderate enchantment and transmutation; CL 12th potent flash of abjuration magic that affects all evocation and
Slot none; Price 51,000 gp necromancy magic in a 30-foot-radius with a targeted dispel
Weight 1 lb. magic. Each phial holds one use of the dust and, once used,
Description the item is destroyed. This phial can be used as a thrown
This pair of fine, silver hand mirrors secretly steals the weapon (PH 158).
confidence and finesse of one bearer and transfers them to While legends credit Runelord Belimarius with creating
another. Two distinct components make up vanity’s eye: a dust of envy, further historical accounts imply that the
silver hand mirror set with flawless glass (the master) and a remaining runelords also uncovered the secrets of making
silver hand mirror set with slightly warped glass (the slave). their own virtue-related dusts—all of which activate under
The mirrors have no effect until one looks into the slave similar circumstances and produce similar effects, being
mirror. Once a creature looks into the slave mirror, it must attuned to a specific sin and targeting spells of the schools
make a DC 20 Will save or be deceived by the mirror into related to the two opposing sins.
believing that it has magically made him more dashing, Construction
suave, and glib. In truth, however, the slave mirror is cursed Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic; Cost 450
and steals the bearer’s Charisma, causing him to take a –6 gp, 36 XP
penalty to his Charisma score. The bearer is unaware of this
penalty, and will not willingly part with the magical mirror. Relics of Gluttony
This penalty persists for as long as the mirror’s curse lasts.
Should the mirror be lost or taken, the bearer does all he can Famine Rod
to retrieve the mirror. Only break enchantment, limited wish, Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
remove curse, miracle, or wish can make the mirror’s holder Slot held; Price 24,000 gp
willingly part with the item and return his stolen Charisma. Weight 3 lbs.
Breaking the slave mirror also restores the victim’s Charisma. Description
The slave mirror can only affect one creature at a time and A famine rod is a 2-foot length of ebony carved in the likeness
has no affect on other creatures that look into it. of a gaunt, emaciated man. As a standard action, the wielder
For as long as the slave mirror imposes a Charisma penalty can expend 1 charge to make a ranged touch attack against
upon a victim, the bearer of the master mirror gains a +6 a foe within 60 feet, dealing 2d6 points of damage on a hit.
enhancement bonus to his Charisma. This bonus applies as The wielder gains temporary hit points equal to half of the
long as the master mirror’s bearer is within 10 feet of the damage the rod deals. The temporary hit points disappear
Rise of the runelords
1 hour later. The wielder can expend 3 charges to deal 4d6 he does not notice this, the bearer begins eating far more
points of damage instead. than before and rapidly puts on weight, his physical form
A famine rod has 10 charges when found. Spent charges beginning to emulate Zutha’s in life.
are renewed once per week, so that a wielder can expend up The Bone Grimoire: This portion of the tome bears the
to 10 charges in any 1-week period. leathery flesh front-cover, twisted rib binding, and a hundred
Construction pages of blood-scripted verse and grisly diagrams. Anyone
Requirements Craft Rod, vampiric touch; Cost 12,000 gp, 960 XP who reads the entire text of strange runic code (requiring
1 week of uninterrupted study and a DC 25 Decipher Script
The Gluttonous Tome check) must make a DC 20 Will save, or gain a +2 inherent
Major Artifact bonus to Intelligence and begin to take on traits of the
Aura overwhelming necromancy; CL 20th undead (see below). Regardless of this save’s result, the
Slot held; Price priceless bearer acquires a deep understanding of necromancy,
Weight 3 lbs. per section gaining a permanent +4 insight bonus on all Knowledge
Description (arcana) and Spellcraft checks involving this school of magic.
Karzoug is not alone in his restless sleep of the ages. Zutha, In addition, this section includes a flesh golem manual
The undead lord of Gastash and Runelord of Gluttony saw identical to the one in the Kardosian Codex.
the end in the stars just as his compatriots did and prepared After reading the Grimoire, the bearer’s flesh takes on a
accordingly. To ensure his vile soul’s return, the runelord pale cast and, if he failed his Will save, his life force is slowly
crafted a tome of leathered flesh, bound in bone, and inked replaced by necromantic unlife. After reading the entire
in the blood of a thousand slaves. The Gluttonous Tome was text of the Bone Grimoire, the bearer is no longer healed by
Zutha’s opus—the result of a decade’s toil and his plan to rise positive energy, but rather harmed by it. Negative energy
from the ashes of Thassilon. now heals him. If the bearer channels energy (if he is a cleric
Dividing his masterwork into three parts—each a potent for example) he now channels negative energy. Only a wish or
artifact in its own right—the Runelord of Greed secreted the miracle reverses this condition.
means of his resurrection away in three of his farthest-flung The Black Book: This portion of the Gluttonous Tome
holdings, protected by the stewardship of his most devout consists of a charred flesh back-cover and 100 pages of
servants. Thassilon’s cataclysmic end disrupted Zutha’s hopes smoked skin scrawled with blood runes in Zutha’s erudite
of a swift return, though, as his minions deserted, died, hand. Anyone reading the Black Book and keeping it on their
or betrayed their master, resulting in the sections being person gains the ability to rebuke or command undead as a
scatted across Avistan. For millennia, the potent abjurations cleric of his total character level. If the bearer already possess
protecting its pages saved the parts of the Gluttonous this ability, he doubles the amount of undead he can control
Tome from destruction, with each having been lost and at any one time. This section also includes a flesh golem
rediscovered countless times. Throughout the centuries the manual, just like the others.
evil tripartite book has schemed to rejoin its pages. The Black Book corrupts its reader’s mind and heart. Every
The three portions of the text and the abilities they confer day the GM should make a secret Will save for the bearer—
are as follows: the DC starts at 10 but increases by +1 for every consecutive
The Kardosian Codex: Named for a sinister devourer successful save the bearer makes. Every failed save shifts the
wizard who became its custodian a thousand years ago, this bearer’s alignment one step toward chaotic evil.
is the middle portion of Zutha’s masterpiece, a 4-inch-thick Rebinding the Gluttonous Tome: If two or more portions
sheaf of bone-white blank parchment, indestructible and of the Gluttonous Tome are brought within 10 feet of each
completely impossible to mark. The Codex’s power is a secret other, they surge together, tearing free from anyone holding
only told in blood. Soaking its pages in fresh gore reveals them and bathing a 30-foot radius spread with ghoulish
it to be a spellbook containing spells from the necromancy green light. This light causes all living creatures within it to
school. The only marring the book’s pristine pages suffer is become nauseated for 1d6 rounds (no save). The sections
the addition of more necromancy spells penned in blood. mesh and meld, flesh knitting with flesh and bones grinding
The book contains every arcane necromancy spell of 1st to 7th together. If two or more individuals control a portion of the
level. Any necromancy spell prepared from the Codex is cast tome when they fuse together, the one with the highest total
at +1 caster level. The book also absorbs necromantic energy, character level gains control (determined randomly if there is
granting the bearer a +4 bonus on saves versus necromancy a tie). Two fused sections grant the bearer the effects of both
effects and immunity to energy draining effects of any kind parts and the following spell-like abilities at a caster level
(such as from enervation or a vampire’s slam attack). Finally equal to the bearer’s HD:
this section of the Gluttonous Tome includes a flesh golem At will—detect undead, gentle repose
manual that re-scribes itself one year after it’s used. 3/day—empowered ray of enfeeblement, false life
The Codex’s hunger passes to the bearer as well. Although 1/day—bestow curse
If all three parts of the Gluttonous Tome are brought touch; Cost 3,000 gp, 240 XP
together, their bearer is granted the benefits noted above as
well as the following: Golden Helm of Xin-Shalast
3/day—maximized vampiric touch, create undead Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th
1/day—create greater undead, waves of exhaustion Slot head; Price 48,000 gp
The Gluttonous Tome is Zutha’s phylactery, a slow-burning DESCRIPTION
vessel of hate that infests any who read it. It corrupts This ornate, crested helmet of gold is typical of those worn
everyone it touches, offering them great power over life and by palace and household guards in and around Xin-Shalast.
death, but at a secret price. Once the tome is fully rejoined, Topped with a brush of platinum bristles and filigreed with
its bearer is slowly seduced and devoured by Zutha, the silver around the rim and nose guard, the golden helm is
Runelord of Gluttony. The tome manifests an insidious, as much a display of wealth and status as it is a powerful
seductive intellect (see below), which it uses to tempt its magic tool. When donning a golden helm of Xin-Shalast, the
bearer to feats of greater and greater depravity. Zutha’s soul wearer takes on the appearance of a masterfully sculpted
feeds on the necromantic power embraced by the bearer. golden statue. This change is purely cosmetic, except for 10
Every month, the bearer must make a DC 30 Fortitude save minutes per day when the owner can activate the effects of
or gain a +1 inherent bonus to Intelligence (this stacks with an iron body spell. The iron body effect can be activated as a
that bonus granted by the Bone Grimoire to a maximum free action.
gain up to Intelligence 26) and permanently lose 1 point CONSTRUCTION
of Constitution. This reduction in Constitution cannot be Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, iron body; Cost 24,000
restored by mortal magic as long as the Tome is retained. gp, 1,920 XP
Despite this wasting away, the bearer becomes addicted to
the necromantic power the tome grants, and must make a Relics of Lust
DC 40 Will save to part with the book. Once the tome slays
the bearer, Zutha gains complete control of the body, which Sadist’s lash
soon transforms into the runelord’s original, bloated, undead Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th
body, freeing him to wreak his evil upon Golarion once more. Slot held; Price 22,301 gp
The Gluttonous Tome: AL LE; Int 26, Wis 20, Cha 23; speech, DESCRIPTION
telepathy; 120 ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego score 35. The sadist’s lash is a long whip of black leather, with sliver
Lesser powers: detect magic at will, major image 1/day, 10 wires running the length of its lash. The lash acts as a +1
ranks in Bluff (total modifier +16), 10 ranks in Knowledge wounding whip, which aids enchantment spells in two simple
(arcana) (total modifier +18). ways. First, it can deliver enchantment spells with a range of
Greater powers: clairvoyance 3/day, detect undead at will, touch (most notably irresistible dance and touch of idiocy) as if
fear 3/day. the wielder had touched the creature struck. Additionally, any
Destruction creature that takes damage from the lash does not get the
The assembled tome must be used as the fuel to cook a meal normal +5 bonus on its saving throw to resist charm person or
for a pious king who has not eaten in over 14 days. similar enchantment spells cast by the wielder or his allies.
This effect lasts 1 minute after a creature has been struck.
Relics of Greed Construction
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dominate person;
Glove of Strength-Stealing Cost 11,301 gp, 880 XP
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
Slot gloves; Price 6,000 gp Scintillating Garment
Description Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
This single, seamless glove of gray calfskin is fitted with Slot torso; Price 14,000 gp
silver finger bones, covering the wearer’s hand snugly yet DESCRIPTION
stretching to accommodate movement. Once per day, the A scintillating garment can become either a tight-fitting tunic
wearer of a glove of strength-stealing may spend a free action of any style or a long, tight dress of any cut. It appears to
to activate a chill touch effect, as per the spell. Any Strength be made of mist and shimmering silks, hinting at the form
damage inflicted by the wearer’s touch for the 6 rounds and color of the skin beneath without revealing it. When
it remains in effect is added to his Strength score as an worn, it gives any successful Diplomacy check made by the
enhancement bonus (to a maximum of +6). This bonus fades wearer the chance to increase one target’s attitude by one
1 hour after the glove is activated. additional step (PH 72). The wearer chooses a single target
Construction affected by her Diplomacy check to make a DC 13 Will save.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, chill If the target fails, his attitude improves by one step above the
Rise of the runelords
attitude indicated by the check. If the target succeeds, he is
unaffected by the garment but his attitude is still adjusted by Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, greater
the successful Diplomacy check as normal. Any target that command, shout; Cost 11,500 gp, 920 XP
successfully saves against the garment’s effects is immune to
its magic for 24 hours. A scintillating garment has no affect on Magic of Sloth
a failed Diplomacy check.
Construction Effigy of the Favored Servant
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor; Cost Aura Strong transmutation and necromancy; CL 15th
7,000 gp, 560 XP Slot hand; Price 60,000 gp
Magic of Pride An effigy of the favored servant is a thumb-sized figurine of
wondrous power depicting a marble, toga-wearing slave. When
Empty hands commanded, the statue grows and animates with the same
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th statistics as a hill giant. The giant has no hint of personality,
Slot gloves; Price 18,000 gp but is capable of telepathically receiving orders from the item’s
DESCRIPTION possessor up to a range of 100 feet. The item can be used
The empty hands are an innocuous looking pair of well- twice a week for up to 6 hours per use. If animated in an area
crafted gloves made of soft, tanned brown leather. As a too small for the giant to appear in, the figurine simply doesn’t
standard action, the wearer can cause any weapon or item animate, with no weekly use expended.
he holds to become invisible for 3 minutes, during which it In addition to its use as a figurine of wondrous power, an
is clear the wearer is holding something, but it’s not possible effigy of the favored servant can be used as the repository of a
to see exactly what it is. The wearer gains a +1 circumstance dying soul once per day. By spending a full round action on
bonus on attack rolls with an invisible weapon, a +5 a sentient, living creature reduced to –1 or fewer hit points,
circumstance bonus on opposed Bluff checks made to feint the effigy’s bearer can draw its soul into the statuette, killing
in combat or claim to be unarmed, and a +10 circumstance the creature if it fails a DC 22 Will save. From that time
bonus on opposed Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal forward, the giant summoned by the figurine has the same
a weapon or item. This invisibility can be dismissed as a free personality as the killed creature. The creature must obey
action. The 3 minutes a held item is invisible need not be the figurine bearer’s commands, and the effigy functions as
consecutive, but must be expended in 1-minute increments. normal. The creature retains none of the skills or abilities
Empty hands grant no bonuses against foes able to see it had in life, being effectively trapped within the statuette.
invisible objects, as per spells like see invisibility or true seeing. The creature cannot be resurrected or otherwise returned to
Empty hands can only affect one item at a time, even if one life unless the effigy is destroyed. If the effigy is used to trap
item is held in each hand. another dying soul, the first is released and may be raised
Construction normally.
Requirements Craft Rod, greater invisibility; Cost 9,000 gp, CONSTRUCTION
720 XP Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, death
knell, trap the soul; Cost 30,000 gp, 2,400 XP
Mantle of Lordly Command
Aura moderate illusion and enchantment; CL 10th Ring of the Clean Hands
Slot mantle; Price 23,000 gp Aura strong transmutation; CL 9th
DESCRIPTION Slot hand; Price 18,000 gp
This intimidating mantle of gold and silver is set with several DESCRIPTION
large gems, which seem to change in cut and type of stone This delicate ring of forged bronze is formed into the shape
every time it’s viewed. The wearer of this mantle always of two hands, which do not quite touch as they meet at the
appears to be clean, uninjured, and calm, granting him a +5 top of the wearer’s finger. A ring of the clean hands grants use
bonus on Diplomacy checks. Also, once per day as a standard of telekinesis as a standard action and has 10 charges. These
action, the wearer can bellow a single word in a thundering, charges return at the start of the next day.
imperious tone. This functions as the spell shout, and the The ring’s charges can be expended to create the
word can be heard by any creature within 200 feet. If this following effects:
word is one of the five orders detailed by the spell command, Combat maneuver: This effect costs 3 charges for each
in addition to the effects of shout, all creatures within 25 feet round it is active, but otherwise functions as described by
must make a DC 16 Will save or be affected as if by the spell the spell telekinesis. The force created by this effect has a +9
command. Those damaged by shout take a –4 penalty on this base attack bonus, and is considered to have Strength 20 and
Will save. Dexterity 20.
Force lash: This effect costs 3 charges, striking out as if with on the spear and deals 5d6 points of fire damage to all
an invisible whip. One target within 60 feet must make a DC creatures within a 20-foot-radius spread. The spear’s bearer
17 Will save or be struck for 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. or allies are not immune to this damage (unless they have
This attack does not affect targets with a +3 or higher natural immunity to fire from another source) and the weapon is
armor bonus, or a +1 or higher armor bonus. destroyed.
Sustained force: This effect costs 1 charge for each round A sacrificial spear can be detonated at a range by spending
it is active, but otherwise functions as described by the spell a full-round action to throw the spear and crush the gem.
telekinesis, making it capable of lifting 225 lbs. If the attack roll hits the target, the fireball is centered on
Violent thrust: This effect costs 5 charges, but otherwise the target, otherwise refer to the thrown weapons chart to
functions as described by the spell telekinesis, allowing you to determine where the spear lands (PH 158). Each spear has a
throw up to 9 creatures or objects up to 90 feet, with a total specific shard attuned to it at the time of its creation, which
weight of 225 lbs. The attack roll has a +9 modifier. The Will can be removed or reaffixed to its spear as a standard action.
CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fireball; Cost
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, telekinesis; Cost 9,000 1,052 gp, 60 XP
gp, 720 XP
Magic of Wrath
Rod of Malrion
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot held; Price 22,400 gp
This 14-inch rod of simple white oak is sheathed with a
3-inch sleeve of rune-carved steel in the middle. The ends
are seared, as if the wood had endured a forest fire. Once
per day, the wielder of a rod of Malrion can surround a target
with four walls of fire, forming a square around the target.
The caster determines whether the walls spring up within 10
or 20 feet of the target and whether the heat affects creatures
within or outside the barrier of flames. If the walls are raised
within 10 feet of the target with the heat spreading inward,
the target takes 8d4 points of fire damage by standing at
the centermost space; if they are created within 20 feet,
the target takes no damage if he does not move from the
centermost space. The size of the target does not affect how
far away from a creature the walls appear. Passing through
any of the walls deals 2d6+7 points of fire damage (double
damage to undead).
The rod creates as many of the four walls of fire as it can,
though barriers and cramped quarters might prevent the
walls from appearing at their full size. The flames created by
the rod last for 1 minute.
Requirements Craft Rod, wall of fire; Cost 11,200 gp, 896 XP
Sacrificial Spear
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot held; Price 1,802 gp
An ashen shaft with a steel blade, this finely crafted
masterwork shortspear holds a removable shard of carnelian
at its base. By crushing the gem as a move action, the spear
explodes as per the spell fireball. This detonation is centered