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Numerical Study of Ow Characteristics Around Wing Airfoil Eppler 562 With Variations of Rearward Wingtip Fence

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Numerical study of flow characteristics around wing airfoil Eppler 562 with
variations of rearward wingtip fence

Conference Paper  in  AIP Conference Proceedings · July 2018

DOI: 10.1063/1.5046207


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3 authors:

Setyo Hariyadi Suranto Putro S. Sutardi

Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Wawan aries Widodo

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


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Numerical study of flow characteristics around wing airfoil Eppler 562 with variations
of rearward wingtip fence
S.P. Setyo Hariyadi, Sutardi, and Wawan Aries Widodo

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1983, 020011 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5046207

View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5046207
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1983/1
Published by the American Institute of Physics

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AIP Conference Proceedings 1983, 020007 (2018); 10.1063/1.5046203
Numerical Study of Flow Characteristics Around Wing
Airfoil Eppler 562 with Variations of Rearward Wingtip
Setyo Hariyadi S.P.1, 2, a), Sutardi1, b) and Wawan Aries Widodo1, c)
Fluid Mechanic Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, FTI, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia
Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract. To produce lift on the wing of the aircraft, pressure distribution on the upper surface of the wing must be lower
than the pressure on the lower of the wing. This can be done by making the air passage on the upper surface is longer than
that on the bottom surface, or making the wing's relative angle to the direction of the incoming stream of air. Air will tend
to flow from areas with high pressure to areas with low pressure. The pressure difference between lower surface of the
wing higher than the top surface of the wing also results in the occurrence of this airflow. The place that allows for the
occurrence of "leakage" of this air is at the tip of the wing. The flow from lower surface to the upper upper surface of the
wings produces a vortex flow similar to a small tornado known as wingtip vortices. This whirl causes the air tend to flow
downward on the wing area, and referred to as the term downwash. One modification on the aircraft wing to reduce the
impact of the vortex tip is the use of the winglet on the tip of the aircraft wing. This has been widely applied to the latest
commercial aircraft to improve the efficiency of the aircraft. The numerical study was done using CFD software with 3D
geometry configuration. The geometry of the specimen is airplane wing Eppler 562 with chord length of 0.036 m, swept
angle 0° and modification of winglet type rearward wingtip fence winglet with cant angle of 75°. The airflow with velocity
at the inlet of 10 m /s. The turbulent modeling is k-ω SST. Present study uses hybrid mesh with boundary layer mesh
method. From the simulation results it is shown that there is an increase in lift coefficient (CL) and an increase in drag
coefficient (CD) along with the increase of angle of attack. In rearward wingtip fence with cant angle 0 o produce CL/CD
better than cant angle 75o and plain wing. Rearward wingtip fence shows optimum performance of α = 8o settings compared
to plain wing.

To produce lift on the wing of the aircraft, pressure distribution on the upper surface of the wing must be lower
than the pressure on the lower of the wing. This can be done by making the air passage on the upper surface is longer
than that on the bottom surface, or making the wing's relative angle to the direction of the incoming stream of air. Air
will tend to flow from areas with high pressure to areas with low pressure. The pressure difference between lower
surface of the wing higher than the top surface of the wing also results in the occurrence of this airflow. The place that
allows for the occurrence of "leakage" of this air is at the tip of the wing.
The flow from lower surface to the upper upper surface of the wings produces a vortex flow similar to a small
tornado known as wingtip vortices. This whirl causes the air tend to flow downward on the wing area, and referred to
as the term downwash. One modification on the aircraft wing to reduce the impact of the vortex tip is the use of the
winglet on the tip of the aircraft wing. This has been widely applied to the latest commercial aircraft to improve the
efficiency of the aircraft.
Yen (2011) also conducted an experimental study to see the effect of adding dihedral winglet to wingtip vortex on
airfoil NACA 0012 with cant angle variation δ = -30°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 90°, and Δ = 135 °. The result obtained at δ =

Disruptive Innovation in Mechanical Engineering for Industry Competitiveness

AIP Conf. Proc. 1983, 020011-1–020011-6; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5046207
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1699-4/$30.00

90° value of lift-to-drag ratio at stall condition and maximum lift-to-drag ratio are 32% and 17% larger than without
winglet respectively.
Turanoguz (2014) conducted a simulation using airfoil type eppler 562 by adding winglet in the form of hoerner
type wingtip, shifted downstream type wingtip, and blended type wingtip. In the research, it was found that the winglet
was able to increase the CL / CD value.
Hariyadi (2016) conducted a simulation using airfoil type NACA 43018 by adding winglet in the form of forward
wingtip fence and rearward wingtip fence. In the study it was found that the addition of winglet was able to increase
the CL / CD value up to 22.9% for forward wingtip fence type at α = 2o.
This simulation study using cant angle variation δ = 90 ° and δ = 75 ° to see the changes of wing performances.
The results that are evaluated include lift coefficient (CL) and reduction in drag coefficient (CD). In addition, this
research is used to show the formation of vortex tip in the form of animation in order to be evaluated further.

This research is conducted using numerical simulation software with turbulent model k-ω SST. Freestream flow
rate is 10 m / s with angle of attack (α) = 0o, 2o, 4o, 6o, 8o, 10o, 12o 17o and 19o. Model specimens are airfoil Eppler
562 with and without winglet. The winglet to be used is wingtip fence with variation of rearward wingtip fence.
Reynolds number is based on the airfoil chord length. In this case the chord length is 20 cm. In figure 1, it is shown
the simulation domain and the boundary conditions used in the simulations wing and winglet specifications can be
seen in table 1. Figure 2 shows the shape of the model of the current research.

FIGURE 1. Meshing and Domain Modeling of 3D Airfoil

TABLE 1. Wing Specifications

No Descripsion Dimension Descripsion Dimension
1 Airfoil Type Plain Wing Eppler 562 Winglet Type Rearward Wingtip Fence
2 Wing Type Straight Constant Chord Winglet Span 10 cm
3 Sweep Angle 14° Winglet Height 0,5 C
4 Wing Span 20 cm Sweep Angle 39°
5 Aspect Ratio 5,5 Wingtip Thickness 0,04C
6 Maximum Chord 3,48 cm



FIGURE 2. Model of the research (a). Rearward Wingtip Fence Cant Angle 90 o (b). Rearward Wingtip Fence Cant Angle 75o

Grid Independency
Simulation method requires optimum grid and meshing in post processing steps and preprocessing. Grid
independence needed to determine the extent and structure of the grid so that the best and most efficient model results
closer to the truth. Grid independence is required to obtain the number of meshing which tends constantly to obtain
independence on this grid, the distribution of the number of meshing into 5 types, and then on the type of meshing
will be sought magnitude of the smallest value of each meshing by comparing graphs numerical CD. CD values of grid
independency are shown in table 2. Table 2 displays a meshing variation of the grid independence 3-D test model on
Reynolds number 2.3 x104.
Grid independence is a method for determining the optimum point that compare to an experimental value. It
should be understood that the use of the number of elements in numerical modeling affects the results. The more
elements the more accurate the results but the running time becomes longer. The optimum point is the point where the
result indicates the accuracy with the minimum number of elements possible. In addition, other considerations are
based on Anderson (1995), the most optimal results obtained when the drag coefficient drill with meshing previously
approximately 2%.
In this research, to get the best result then y+ used is less than 1 as done in Kontogiannis research (2016).
Based on Table 2. CD values tend to be smaller in Meshing C. One of the considerations in performing numerical
simulation is the time and memory used, then the meshing used for the next simulation is Meshing C.

TABLE 2. Analysis of the Grid Independence model E562 3 dimensions without winglet
Type Meshing Number of Cells Inflation Layer CD y+
Meshing A 469.682 40 0,8588 2,1
Meshing B 768.081 40 0,8833 1,4
Meshing C 569.313 40 0,90198 0,8
Meshing D 353.120 40 0,9207 2,1
Meshing E 335.582 40 0,9334 2,8


Drag Coefficient (CD)

The pressure difference between the lower and upper surface of the wing causes the air tends to "escape" around
the wingtip which reduces the existing lift. The air movement around the wingtip meets the air velocity of the air
moving over the wings to form a vortex around the wingtip. This leads to a decrease in the average attack angle relative

to the airflow around the wing. This phenomenon is seen in figure 3 (a). Drag coefficient increases with increase of
angle of attack. In figure 3 (b), it shown that with the addition of winglet will increase viscous drag compared to plain
wing. The addition of viscous drag is supported by an effective design that reduces the total drag as shown in figure 3
(c). In figure 3 (c), it is also shown that the use of winglets began to effectively reduce the drag start α = 10o. The
increase of drag pressure on the use of rearward wingtip fence cant angle 75 o increase drastically compared to plain
wing. The use of rearward wingtip fence cant angle 75o is possible if there is a design improvement e.g. height of
wingtip fence

(a) Drag Coefficient (CDP) (b) Drag Viscous Coefficient (CDV)

(c) Drag Total Coefficient (CDT)

FIGURE 3. Drag coefficient

Lift Coefficient (CL)

One of the post-processing results of the simulation on CFD is the lift coefficient. From these results calculated to
get the lift coefficient that occurred. Observation of lift coefficient is done by 3D simulation for plain airfoil and airfoil
by using winglet. As an initial reference in analyzing the coefficient of the lift so that it can be known how much
influence the variation of Reynolds number and the addition of winglet then simulation of plain airfoil first. Figure 4
shows a graph of CL vs α relation for plain airfoil E562 with Reynolds number of 2.3 x 10 4.
In figure 4, it is appeared that the lift coefficient increases with the increase of angle of attack. The addition of the
winglet effective enough to prevent air rotation (vortex) on the wingtips caused by the encounter of the lower air of
the high pressure wing with low pressure upper air wing which reduces the angle of attack effectively. It is also seen
that the use of wingtip fence can delay the occurrence of stalls. In plain wing, the stall occurs at α =12o of angle of
attack as it was also found by Turanoguz research (2014) whereas in addition of the wingtip fence stall occurs at a α
= 12o for rearward wingtip fence with cant angle 90o and α = 17o in the contrsaary for rearward wingtip fence with
cant angle 75o.

Lift to Drag Ratio (CL / CD)
By using the winglet, the strength of the vortex can be reduced and the induced drag can also be reduced. This
performance improvement is critical for improving performance during take off and landing which will allow shorter
runway lengths. Such performance improvements can be seen in the CL / CD comparison graph. Increases in CL / CD
occur among them due to the effective area of the wing wider. Vortex tips derived from the lower side wings contribute
to reducing this effective area and also increase the induced drag of the wing. If the winglet can function effectively
it can reduce tip vortex.
Figure 5 shows comparison of lift coefficient (CL) on plain wing and with winglet in some angle of attack. This
indicates that with the addition of winglet will enhance the coefficient of lift and show an increasing trend along with
the increase of angle of attack ecspecially rearward wingtip fence with cant angle 90o. Figure 5 also shows that the
addition of the winglet will increase the effective wing performance at α =10o in rearward wingtip fence.
In figure 5, it is displayed the decrease in wing performance after being equipped with rearward wingtip fence with
cant angle 75o compared to plain wing. This is due to the increase of drag pressure on the use of rearward wingtip
fence cant angle 75o increase drastically compared to plain wing. g

FIGURE 4. Lift Coefficient (CL) FIGURE 5. Lift to Drag Ratio (CL / CD)

Visualization of Vorticity Contours

In figure 6, it is appeared that the vorticity magnitude of the vortex will increase as the increment angle of attack
increases. The closer to the trailing edge the concentration of vorticity strength is also stronger. The further the power
vorticity is decreased but the extent of the increase. Figure 8 shows that the addition of rearward wingtip fence cant
angle 75o results more effective effect than rearward wingtip fence cant angle 90o. The resulting vorticity magnitude
contour of plain wing is wider and its strength is higher than the rearward wingtip fence. The amount of available
vorticity is possible because the airflow that will jump from the lower side to the upper side accumulates the leak
through the root of the lower winglet.

Numerical studies on airfoils Eppler 562 using variations of wingtip fence have been performed and the conclusion
of this results include :
x As angle of attack increase, the lift coefficient (CL) of the airfoil with rearward wingtip fence is larger than plain
wing Eppler 562. However, the value of drag coefficient (CD) also increases in airfoil with rearward wingtip
fence winglet especially on pressure drag coefficient. The increase of drag pressure on the use of rearward
wingtip fence with cant angle 75o increase drastically compared to plain wing. It is cause lift to drag ratio
rearward wingtip fence with cant angle 75o lower than plain wing .
x Rearward wingtip fence cant angle 90o where CL / CD is higher than on the plain wing.
x Vorticity magnitude of the vortex will increase as angle of attack increases. The addition of rearward wingtip
fence with cant angle 75o results more effective effect than rearward wingtip fence cant angle 90o. The resulting
vorticity magnitude of plain wing is wider distributed and its strength is higher than the rearward wingtip fence.

(a) Plain Wing α = 17 o (d) Plain Wing α = 19 o

(b) Rearward Wingtip Fence α = 17 o Cant Angle 90o (e) Rearward Wingtip Fence α = 19 o Cant Angle 90o

(c) Rearward Wingtip Fence α = 17 o Cant Angle 75o (f) Rearward Wingtip Fence α = 19 o Cant Angle 75o
FIGURE 6. Visualisasi Kontur Vorticity Magnitude Pada Rearward Wingtip Fence

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