Course Name:: EE 3541: Introduction To Microprocessors

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Prince Satta,11 bin Abdulaziz University

College of Engineering ~yt-114- 0-1 rl.b...i J'!'°~I

Electrical Engineering Department ~-4!14l5'
EE3541 Introduction to Microprocessors i:!i-11~~--u..:...l:!"{11.,..~ 4~~IL.4J1~
~_µ, ..:i~~, J 4,o..l,Q,o _A.5'3541
Pr n:e Sattalf\ 8,n ..tbcLVnl"l U.1!\-tU~ll

Course Name:

EE 3541: Introduction to Microprocessors

Homework No. (1):

Microprocessor Evolution and Architecture

Academic Year 1440H/1441H -2019G/2020G

Student Name
Group No.

ID No.
First Term

Assistant/Lecturer Notes Total I

Eng.: Instructor Name:
Prof. Fayez F. M. EI-Sousy


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1- 12

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Answer the Following Questions:
. _L~'1:! .the four build!1.~g_.~. ~qc,~~of amiCf(?£1"~.~essor SYl!~.m? .......... .
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. . . ..........-....- ............-.. ..... ... ........ .................... - - - .....- ... ... -.... _______ ....................... __ .. .................- ....

2 . ls the 8088 an 8-bit or a16-bit microprocessor?

_________ ___ .. _
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.......................... ................ ...... - -- - - - - - - ... ............................- . ..- -...............
__________ _

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3. Mention the address capability of 8086 and also show its memory map .
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I~ 2.. 12
4. Describe memory segmentation scheme of 8086.

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------------··-· - ... ··---· . -----·-··· -···-·-·····--··-----·--······-·-···-··-·······-·-------·---········ .. ·--·-·-·----

5. Name the two processing units of the 8088 microprocessor.

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·---··--·-- --

6. Which processing unit for the 8088 microprocessor is the interface to the outside world?

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7. What are the length of the 8086' s address bus and data bus?

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--\ G \)_d __ o°'\>___ "1 v-.-.Ls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·--··--·-······--···--------

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--------· - - - - - · - - - - · - - - · - - - - - - - - --

3- 12
8. List the elements of the execution unit.

-·-·-- s .1~. h,~--l..~d. . _.Luvil Y.J.L _u!,L"J-1-- - . . . . .. ..

___:._ ____ G, {_k!\__,'._' f..e_L __µ_\cl:_P,,~-"-- . .Yt~s.1 < 1, ---- ---·-···-- __ -----·- ··--···

-~e..~..p.o..'Lfil'i _____ QJk .¥~.t.J.. .. l .e'4.0 J . .£c_ ______.____________ - - - - - - - - -

9. What is the purpose of a software model for a microprocessor?

_ 4...LCL--.h. ._-t~G- G\..D..f::'..~ 11>-j·- - ~ :j--C._..9-YJ_~-~ -b.1.·_'1. 'l (C
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- - - -- .............. .........· - · · · - - - - - - - - - --
I 0. How many registers are located within the 8088 microprocessor?

--- _ _______

11 . How large is the 8088 ' s memory address space?

- - - -- - - - - - - - --

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12. Is the mem01y in the 8088 microprocessor organized as byte, word or doubleword?

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13 • Which of the 8088 's internal registers are used for memory segmentation?

--- ------------·- -·----·· ···-- -- ........ -·····--···· - -- - - -- - - -· --···--··--···-····---

- - - -- - · - - - -·--•· - - ·-· . ........... -·· ··········· - - - - - -- - - -··-·-·-·- ····-----

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14. What register defines the beginning of the current code segment in memory?


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- - -- - - - - -- - - - - · ·- ···-·······--···-·····- - - - - - -- - - - - - --

15 . What is the function of the instruction pointer register?

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I~ 5-12
~6 - What happens to the value m IP each time 8088 ,mcroprocessor completes an "''

l 7 . Make a list of the general purpose registers?

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_I~What kind of infonnaJi"'!i~e<l_Ul_tl1_<:j>ointer and incl<:]{_registers1__ ~ - - - --

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6 - 12
21. What do SI and DI stand for?

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22 . What is the difference between SI and DI?

_ ___,SJ ~o v fe~,A·--·-· --··--------··-·--- ... -·· . _··-··---·----· .... .. ··-·•-·-•-·•--·-·- . -··-· .. ·-

___l) \ _j_~ -~'1 \1 1J C ·····-·- -··-·-· .

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23 . Describe the function of each status flag .

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7. 12
24. What does TF stand for?

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25 . What is the word length of the 8088 ' s physical address?

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26. What two address elements are combined to fonn physical address?

27. Discuss logical address, base segment address and physical address .

8- 12
I 7
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I 28. Describe how the 20-bit physical address is generated.

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29. The cany flag bit is set by what arithmetic operations?

- - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - ---- -- - ----------·----

30. Calculate the value of each of the physical addresses that follows . Assume all numbers
are hexadecimal numbers.
(a) 1000: 1234
(b) 0100:ABCD
(c) A200 : 12CF
(d) B2C0:FA12

r, 1, lu kd d " r UL.ll:-B.13f-t0,'--"-'-H_ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _

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c\J g 2 c. ~-.ll~-1.ul. -r J A1_1
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-- C'L61 '1- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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- - - - -- - - - - -- - -

31 . Find the unknown value for eacl f . '::...r..:
numbers are he xa, decm,a
· 1numbers. 1 0 th e followmg physical address. Assume all
(a) A000:? ==Ao 123
(b) ?:14DA==235DA
(c) D765 :? ==DABCO
(d) ?:CD2 1==32D2 1

· - - -------------

(J) l I- J t UI 1

32. Find the memory address of the next instruction executed by the microprocessor, when
operated in the real mode, for the folJowing CS:IP combinations:
(a) CS = J 000H and IP = 2000H
(b) CS = 2000H and IP = IO00H
(c) CS = 2300H and JP = IA00H
(d) CS = JA00H and IP = B000H
(e) CS = 3456H and IP = ABCDH

- _ q-) __u.K__h .± T L l.2.!...-b H
_ b) _,, _____::_ 1, _ :;,... ·1.1 L c i 11
_ _() 1, r IL _ .. • 24-tLt:i.9 ___ _l·l _
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c.\ ) ,, /, _:_J_~~ o_c _!::I _ . _
Q._) f r, _ _>SJ l _\j .. __

I 0- 12
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33 . The stack memo1y is addressed by a combination of the 5 l·o- cl(, segment plus
)tc1ic \:; offset.

---- ----

- - - - -- - ----- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -
34. If the base pointer (BP) addresses memmy, the St li- C: \C segment contains the data.
---·------- ---- - - - -- -

- - - - - ----- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

---------------- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
35 . What is the function of the stack?

,t '"c_.. (I'. (,'\Ye(J, e; { \\l£r_"l _Ll-3--1,.0_t d ___So.L---1f~ ~- ~ D'\ f 1

•.l.-t.Ll ~LA-b c 11

D \'.J e p0~ >e d _D:i. Su.L~ -L.~L, ?. - -------·--- -···-- - - -- - - -

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--------•·-----·- - - - . --·---- ---- - -- - - - - - - - --
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----- ---- - -- - - - - - -

1_: 11 - 12
36. Dete1mine the memmy location addressed by the following 8086/8088 register
(a) DS = I000H and DI =2000H
(b) OS = 2000H and SI = l 002H
(c) SS = 2300H and BP =3200H
(d) DS =A000H and BX = I000H
(e) SS =2900H and SP = 3A00H

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