Trade Union
Trade Union
Trade Union
The desire for self-expression is a fundamental human drive for most people. the
workers also want the management to listen to them. A trade union provides such a
forum where the feelings, ideas and opinions of the workers could be discussed.
Betterment of relationships
Another reason for employees joining unions is that employees feel that unions can
fulfill the important need for adequate machinery for proper maintenance of employer-
employee relations. Unions help in betterment of industrial relations among
management and workers by solving the problems peacefully.
Classification of Trade Unions
Classification based on ideology
a. Revolutionary Unions: Believe in destruction of existing social/economic
order and creation of a new one. They want shift in power and authority and
use of force - Left Unions.
c. Uplift Unions: Advocate extensive reforms well beyond the area of working
condition i.e., change in taxation system, elimination of poverty etc.
Classification of Trade Unions (Cont.)
Classification based on trade
Many unions have memberships and jurisdictions based on the trades they
represent. The most narrow in membership is the craft union, which
represents only members certified in a given craft or trade, such as pipe
fitting, carpentry, and clerical work. Although very common in the western
world, craft unions are not common in countries like India and Sri Lanka.
a. Closed Shop: Where management and union agree that the union would have
sole responsibility and authority for the recruitment of workers, it is called a
Closed Shop agreement. The worker joins the union to become an employee of
the shop.
b. Union Shop: Where there is an agreement that all new recruits must join the
union within a fixed period after employment it is called a union shop.
Classification of Trade Unions (Cont.)
Classification based on agreement (Cont.)
Agency Shop: In terms of the agreement between management and the union
a non union member has to pay the union a sum equivalent to a member‟s
subscription in order to continue employment with the employer. This is
called an agency shop.
1. Militant(revolutionary) Functions
2. Fraternal Functions
3. Social Functions
4. Political functions
Militant Functions
When the unions fail to accomplish their aims by the method of
collective bargaining and negotiations, they adopt an approach and put up a fight
with the management in the form of go-slow tactics, strike, boycott, gherao‟s, etc.
Hence, these functions of the trade unions are known as militant or fighting
functions. Thus, the militant functions of trade unions can be summed up as:
improving their terms and conditions of employment to enable workers to meet their
physical needs, some unions have now started undertaking and organising welfare
activities and also providing variety of services to their members and sometimes to the
community of which they are a part, which may be grouped under following heads:
1) Welfare activities improve the quality of work life ,cooperative credit societies,
cooperative stores, cultural programmes, banking and medical facilities and training
for women
2) Education: awareness in the environment around them, enhancement of their knowledge
particularly in regard to issues that concern them, their statutory and other rights and
3) scheme, and procedure for redressing their grievances. Some central union
organizations are also assisting the Government in implementing the Workers‟ Education
with their members, making the latter aware of union policy and stand on certain principal
issues and personnel matters concerning members, such as births, deaths, marriages,
affairs of the union and its activities and union and management relations.
Political functions:
These functions include affiliating the union with a political party, helping the
a) United Labour Front Trade unions should form a sort of labour party and
all the trade unions in the country should be affiliated to it. It gives adequate
strength to the trade unions both industry and Parliament