TOEFL Ibt Bulletin 2019-20
TOEFL Ibt Bulletin 2019-20
TOEFL Ibt Bulletin 2019-20
Policies in this Bulletin are in effect from July 2019 through June 2020 and are subject to change without notice.
Updated: December 2019
The TOEFL® Program does not operate, license, endorse or recommend any schools or study materials that claim to
prepare people for the test in a short time or that promise them high scores on the test. The TOEFL Program does not
endorse and is not responsible for the unauthorized activities of any independent enterprise that purports to offer local
services to facilitate registration for the test. The TOEFL Program assumes no liability for the failure to provide any
unauthorized services.
The policies and procedures explained in this Bulletin are effective only for the 2019-20 testing year and supersede
previous policies and procedures. The fees, terms and conditions in this Bulletin are subject to change without notice.
Always check the TOEFL website for the most up-to-date information.
Copyright © 2019 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, MEASURING THE POWER OF LEARNING, GRE, TOEFL and
TOEFL iBT are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is
a trademark of ETS. Lexile is a registered trademark of MetaMetrics Inc. Other products, services and brand names mentioned are registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
General Information ........................................................ 5 On Test Day ..................................................................... 16
The TOEFL iBT Test .............................................................. 5 Before Going to the Test Center ......................................... 16
Computer Keyboard ............................................................ 5 Arrival Time ........................................................................ 16
Test Preparation ................................................................. 6 What to Bring to the Test Center ....................................... 16
Alternate Format Materials ......................................... 6 Identification (ID) Requirements ....................................... 17
Other Resources ................................................................. 6 ID Document Requirements ......................................... 17
Test Takers with Disabilities Primary ID Documents ................................................. 18
or Health-related Needs .................................................. 6 Supplemental ID Documents ....................................... 18
Unacceptable ID Documents ....................................... 19
Contact Information ........................................................ 7 Exceptions and Requirements...................................... 19
TOEFL Services .................................................................... 7 Multiple-part Names ................................................... 19
ETS Disability Services ......................................................... 7 Single Name................................................................. 19
Test Center Comments ....................................................... 8 Driver’s License Renewals ............................................ 19
Test Question Inquiries ....................................................... 8 U.S. Military ................................................................. 19
Test Preparation Resources ................................................ 8 Testing Outside Your Country of Citizenship/
U.S. Non-Citizen Testing Within the U.S................... 20
Registration Information ................................................. 9 Testing in Mainland China ........................................... 20
Registration Checklist ......................................................... 9 Testing in Hong Kong and Macau................................ 20
Your ETS Account ................................................................ 10 Testing in Taiwan......................................................... 20
Services Available Through Your Account .................... 10 Testing in the Phillipines .............................................. 20
How to Register .................................................................. 10 Testing in Bangladesh, India, Nigeria or Pakistan ....... 20
Online/Mobile App ....................................................... 10 Testing in Saudi Arabia ................................................ 20
By Phone ...................................................................... 10 Testing in United Arab Emirates .................................. 21
By Mail ......................................................................... 11 Testing in Canada ........................................................ 21
Important Things to Know When You Register ................... 11 Testing in European Union/Schengen Zone/Gulf
Important Identification Information ................................. 12 Co-operation Council (GCC) Arab Countries
Test Dates ........................................................................... 12 or Mercosur Countries ............................................. 21
Test Locations ..................................................................... 12 Test Takers 15 Years of Age and Younger ................... 21
Registration Deadlines ........................................................ 12 Unable to Meet ID Requirements ............................... 21
Choosing Score Recipients .................................................. 12 Questions About ID Documents ................................... 21
Fees .................................................................................. 13 Test Center Procedures and Regulations............................ 22
Fees for Additional Services ......................................... 13 General Guidelines....................................................... 22
Acceptable Forms of Payment ..................................... 13 Testing Room Guidelines ............................................. 22
Unacceptable Forms of Payment ................................. 13 ID Verification ..................................................................... 24
Paying by Electronic Check (e-check) ........................... 14 Personal Items .................................................................... 24
Paying by Paper Check or Money Order ...................... 14 Taking a Break/Leaving Your Seat ...................................... 25
Payment Policies .......................................................... 14 Dismissal from a Test Center .............................................. 25
How to Cancel or Reschedule Your Test ............................. 15 Canceling Scores ................................................................. 27
Test Fee Refunds ................................................................. 15 Cancellation/Rescheduling of a Test Administration.......... 26
Refunds for Payments by Credit/Debit Card, Test Question Inquiries ....................................................... 28
PayPal or eCheck ...................................................... 15 Reporting Suspicious Behavior ........................................... 28
Refunds for Payments by Check or Money Order ........ 15
Refund Policy for Test Takers in Korea ......................... 15
Test Re-take Policy .............................................................. 15
Other Resources
The TOEFL Program offers many other resources to help
you prepare for the test, including:
• Online prep and books
• The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test
• Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio
• TOEFL Practice Online
• TOEFL Value Packs
• TOEFL Test Prep Planner
• Study tips and practice questions
• TOEFL TV Channel on YouTube
• Meet the Study Group video series
• Inside the TOEFL Test video series
• Tips from English-language teachers
• TOEFL Facebook page
• TOEFL Sina Weibo page
Use the information below to contact ETS for specific questions, or if your country/location is not listed on the Contact
web page. In email or other written correspondence, please include your full name, mailing address and phone number.
Note: The information below is for planning purposes only. It is important that you read and understand the Bulletin for
more detailed information about what you need to do before you take the TOEFL iBT test.
Task Refer to
If you have a disability or health-related need that “Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs”
requires you to bring equipment, beverages or snacks on page 6.
into the testing room or to take extra or extended
breaks, follow the accommodation request procedure
outlined in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers
with Disabilities or Health-related Needs.
Review this Registration Bulletin.
Review the fees, payment methods, and cancellation “Fees” on page 13.
and rescheduling policies. “How to Cancel or Reschedule Your Test” on page 15.
Before you can register, you’ll need to create an ETS “Your ETS Account” on page 10.
account, if you don’t already have one. You can do this
online at or with the TOEFL offi-
cial app. Download the free app from the App Store or
Google Play.
Be sure that the spelling of the name you use when “Identification (ID) Requirements” beginning on
you register exactly matches the name printed on the page 17.
ID document you will bring to the test center. Read
the specific requirements for your location, if any, and
have your ID ready when you register for the test.
Register for the test. “Registration Deadlines” on page 12.
Review free test preparation resources and purchase “Test Preparation” on page 6.
test prep materials.
Review the procedures and regulations for test day. “On Test Day” beginning on page 16.
Privacy You agree that we have the right to obtain, store, use,
and transmit your personal information, including your
ETS and the TOEFL Program take the privacy of our
full name, home address, email address, phone number,
test takers seriously and recognize your right to control
passport number, biometric data such as fingerprints,
the information about you that is stored by them. Our
audio recordings and video files, your answers to back-
policies are designed to safeguard that information
ground information questions, the test you are taking,
from unauthorized disclosure.
test date, payment information, and how you specifi-
cally use our website or our mobile app (“Personal
Because of laws protecting confidentiality and privacy,
only you can register yourself for a test or make inquir-
ies regarding your registration or your test scores. ETS Purpose and Use of Personal
takes reasonable precautions to protect the integrity of Information and Photographs
your personal information provided in connection with
Your personal information can be used to:
the registration process, as well as any information gen-
• Complete any registration, purchase or other trans-
erated internally that is specifically pertinent to you,
action you request
and to keep this information secure.
• Improve our products and services, and identify,
develop and offer new or expanded products and
Your private information will not be made available to
anyone but you; ETS (including the employees, agents,
contractors, or professional advisors of ETS); the educa- • Improve and personalize your experience on the
tional institutions or agencies you indicate before you website or the mobile app
take the test; and any person or entity required or • Notify you about updates, products, services and/or
authorized by law to receive this information. special offers from ETS, its affiliates and selected
third parties
• Ask you to participate in brief surveys or provide
At the Test Center other information
You must show the required identification documents • Generate aggregate statistical studies and conduct
to be admitted to test, and your photograph will be research ourselves or jointly with others related to
taken. See “Identification (ID) Requirements” beginning our products and services and the use of our web-
on page 17. site and app
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other
ETS or ETS affiliate’s (“ETS,” “we,” “us,” “our”) materials
or agreements with you, you consent to the terms and
conditions herein by registering for or taking an ETS
test, creating an account or using our app or our web-
site, providing survey information, requesting one of
our services, or completing an order or submitting pay-
ment information.
Note: If you are applying for graduate study, see the Department Code list below. Use the correct code to be sure your
scores go to the correct location at the institution.
Department Codes
Use the following codes when selecting institutions, agencies or programs to receive your scores. Using official depart-
ment codes will ensure your score reports are sent to the correct locations at the institutions.
00 – Undergraduate and all other test takers not applying for Graduate Study, Graduate Schools, or Business or Law Schools
01 – If you are applying for Graduate Study in a field other than Business or Law, use the appropriate code from the list below
02 – Graduate Schools of Management
03 – Law Schools
99 – Use this code for any department not listed below.
HUMANITIES 84 Economics NATURAL SCIENCES 55 Speech/Language
26 Art History 85 Education (including 31 Agriculture Pathology
13 Classical Languages M.A. in Teaching) 32 Anatomy 51 Veterinary Medicine
28 Comparative Literature 01 Educational 05 Audiology 52 Zoology
Administration 30 Other biological
53 Dramatic Arts 33 Bacteriology
70 Geography sciences
14 English 34 Biochemistry
29 Far Eastern Languages 35 Biology
and Literature 86 History 54 Applied Mathematics
45 Biomedical Sciences
15 Fine Arts, Art, Design 87 Industrial Relations and 12 Architecture
36 Biophysics
Personnel 61 Astronomy
16 French 37 Botany
88 International Relations 62 Chemistry
17 German 38 Dentistry
18 Journalism 78 Computer Sciences
04 Linguistics 39 Entomology
90 Library Science 63 Engineering,
19 Music 46 Environmental Science
91 Physical Education Aeronautical
57 Near Eastern Languages 40 Forestry
and Literature 97 Planning (City, 64 Engineering, Chemical
Community, Urban, 06 Genetics
20 Philosophy 65 Engineering, Civil
Regional) 41 Home Economics
21 Religious Studies or 66 Engineering, Electrical
89 Political Science 25 Hospital and Health
Religion 67 Engineering, Industrial
93 Psychology, Clinical Services Administration
22 Russian/Slavic Studies 68 Engineering,
09 Psychology, Educational 42 Medicine
23 Spanish Mechanical
58 Psychology, 07 Microbiology
24 Speech 69 Engineering, other
Experimental/ 74 Molecular and Cellular
10 Other foreign languages 71 Geology
Developmental Biology
98 Other humanities 72 Mathematics
79 Psychology, Social 43 Nursing
08 Psychology, other 77 Nutrition
11 Archaeology 75 Oceanography
94 Public Administration 44 Occupational Therapy
27 American Studies 76 Physics
50 Public Health 56 Pathology
81 Anthropology 59 Statistics
95 Social Work 47 Pharmacy
82 Business and Commerce 60 Other physical sciences
96 Sociology 48 Physical Therapy
83 Communications 80 Other social sciences 49 Physiology
2019–20 TOEFL iBT Registration Bulletin Institution and Department Codes \ 40
Country and Region Codes
Use this list when indicating the code for the country or location where you are currently living (your mailing address),
the code for your country or location of citizenship, and the code for your native country (the country or location where
you were born).
UND – Use this code for any country/region not listed below.
AFG Afghanistan COK Cook Islands IRL Ireland NPL Nepal SGS South Georgia &
ALA Aland Islands CRI Costa Rica ISR Israel NLD Netherlands South Sandwich
ALB Albania CIV Cote d’Ivoire ITA Italy ANT Netherlands Islands
DZA Algeria HRV Croatia JAM Jamaica Antilles SSD South Sudan
ASM American Samoa CUB Cuba JPN Japan NCL New Caledonia ESP Spain
AND Andorra CYP Cyprus JOR Jordan NZL New Zealand LKA Sri Lanka
AGO Angola CZE Czech Republic KAZ Kazakhstan NIC Nicaragua SDN Sudan
AIA Anguilla DNK Denmark KEN Kenya NER Niger SUR Suriname
ATA Antarctica DJI Djibouti KIR Kiribati NGA Nigeria SJM Svalbard & Jan
ATG Antigua and DMA Dominica PRK Korea, NIU Niue Mayen
Barbuda DOM Dominican Democratic NFK Norfolk Island SWZ Swaziland
ARG Argentina Republic People’s Republic MNP Northern Mariana SWE Sweden
ARM Armenia ECU Ecuador of Islands CHE Switzerland
ABW Aruba EGY Egypt KOR Korea, Republic of NOR Norway SYR Syrian Arab
AUS Australia SLV El Salvador KOS Kosovo, Republic OMN Oman Republic
AUT Austria GNQ Equatorial Guinea of PAK Pakistan TWN Taiwan, China
AZE Azerbaijan ERI Eritrea KWT Kuwait PLW Palau TJK Tajikistan
BHS Bahamas EST Estonia KGZ Kyrgyzstan PSE Palestine TZA Tanzania, United
BHR Bahrain ETH Ethiopia LAO Lao, People’s Territories Republic of
BGD Bangladesh FLK Falkland Islands Democratic PAN Panama THA Thailand
BRB Barbados (Malvinas) Republic PNG Papua New TLS Timor-Leste
BLR Belarus FRO Faroe Islands LVA Latvia Guinea TGO Togo
BEL Belgium FJI Fiji LBN Lebanon PRY Paraguay TKL Tokelau
BLZ Belize FIN Finland LSO Lesotho PER Peru TON Tonga
BEN Benin FRA France LBR Liberia PHL Philippines TTO Trinidad and
BMU Bermuda GUF French Guiana LBY Libya PCN Pitcairn Tobago
BTN Bhutan PYF French Polynesia LIE Liechtenstein POL Poland TUN Tunisia
BOL Bolivia ATF French Southern LTU Lithuania PRT Portugal TUR Turkey
BIH Bosnia and Territories LUX Luxembourg PRI Puerto Rico TKM Turkmenistan
Herzegovina GAB Gabon MAC Macao, China QAT Qatar TCA Turks and Caicos
BWA Botswana GMB Gambia MKD Macedonia, REU Reunion Islands
BVT Bouvet Island GZS Gaza Strip Former Yugoslav ROU Romania TUV Tuvalu
BRA Brazil GEO Georgia Republic of RUS Russian UGA Uganda
IOT British Indian DEU Germany MDG Madagascar Federation UKR Ukraine
Ocean Territory GHA Ghana MWI Malawi RWA Rwanda ARE United Arab
BRN Brunei GIB Gibraltar MYS Malaysia SHN Saint Helena Emirates
Darussalam GRC Greece MDV Maldives KNA St. Kitts and Nevis GBR United Kingdom
BGR Bulgaria GRL Greenland MLI Mali LCA St. Lucia USA United States
BFA Burkina Faso GRD Grenada MLT Malta SPM Saint Pierre & URY Uruguay
BDI Burundi GLP Guadeloupe MHL Marshall Islands Miquelon UMI U.S. Minor
KHM Cambodia GUM Guam MTQ Martinique VCT St. Vincent and Outlying Islands
CMR Cameroon GTM Guatemala MRT Mauritania the Grenadines UZB Uzbekistan
CAN Canada GIN Guinea MUS Mauritius WSM Samoa VUT Vanuatu
CPV Cape Verde GNB Guinea-Bissau MYT Mayotte SMR San Marino VEN Venezuela
CYM Cayman Islands GUY Guyana MEX Mexico STP Sao Tome and VNM Vietnam
CAF Central African HTI Haiti FSM Micronesia, Principe VGB Virgin Islands
Republic HMD Heard & Federated States SAU Saudi Arabia (British)
TCD Chad McDonald Islands of SEN Senegal VIR Virgin Islands
CHL Chile VAT Holy See (Vatican MDA Moldova, SRB Serbia (U.S.)
CHN China City State) Republic of SYC Seychelles WLS Wallis & Futuna
CXR Christmas Island HND Honduras MCO Monaco SLE Sierra Leone Islands
CCK Cocos (Keeling) HKG Hong Kong, China MNG Mongolia SGP Singapore WBA West Bank
Islands HUN Hungary MNE Montenegro SVK Slovakia ESH Western Sahara
COL Colombia ISL Iceland MSR Montserrat SVN Slovenia YEM Yemen
COM Comoros IND India MAR Morocco SLB Solomon Islands ZMB Zambia
COD Congo, The IDN Indonesia MOZ Mozambique SOM Somalia ZWE Zimbabwe
Democratic IRN Iran, Islamic MMR Myanmar ZAF South Africa
Republic of Republic of NAM Namibia
COG Congo IRQ Iraq NRU Nauru
2019–20 TOEFL iBT Registration Bulletin Country and Region Codes \ 41
Native Language Codes
Use this list when indicating the code for your native language.
UND – Use this code for any language not listed below.