Portfolio - Met5 - Genesis Molina

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oGenesis Molina
Course :Met 5
INSTRUCTOR: Cecilia Mendoza L.
12 – Testing


Discrete item testing technique: Two-option answers

Type: True or false

● Circle the correct answer

1) Where did he brokened his pen? This is a pronunciation error.

Is it true or false?

a) True
b) False

2) Gap fill-in technique is a discrete item. Is it true or false?

a) True
b) False

3) A test will not be so troublesome to mark. Is it true or false?

a) True

b) False

4) A proficiency test is to measure student progress. Is it true or false?

a) True
b) False

5) Discrete item tasks is to test specific points of individual language. Is it true or




6) Discrete items are likely to be marked objectively; integrative tests are more
likely to be marked subjectively. Is it true or false?



Answer Key:
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True

12 – Assessing Speaking
Speaking Tasks 2

SPEAKING TASK: Role play in pairs

Ss will role play, one as a foreigner and the other one as a local of the area, the foreigner is lost
in the city, and they ask a random person on the street for directions to the Hilton Hotel.

Topic: Ask and Giving directions

Criteria: The SS know how to give and ask for directions and using prepositions of place

Score: 2 points

Notes about the assessment:

Student A (Local) made some mistakes when giving directions, for example, “turn to right”
instead of “turn to the right”. Lack of use of prepositions to indicate where a place is and some
pronunciation problems. Showed that they can understand but need to work on lexis. (Accuracy)
Score: 1 point.

Student B (Foreigner) showed fluency and understanding when given the correct questions.
Used prepositions to ask directions. Score: 2 points.

Teaching Different

Kind of English class Main focus / topics

1. ESP (English for Specific Teach to jobs like hotel receptionists,

Purposes) pharmaceutical salesmen, call center
operators, architects. This to take the
needs and objectives of the client to
course adapting it to requirements.

Some topics are:

Start with the general job

Focus onto one specific task
Explore wide-ranging details of that task
Dig deeper
2. Business English There are three types of this like Pre-
experience courses, In-service courses,
In-company courses, and each one has
different focus to apply in a specific
A work activity that can be done in this
type of class is a role play where they
recreate events that happen in their jobs.
3. EAP This class is focuses on the
language and skills that students will
need on a future course of study,
typically a higher education course and
the students are young. with the main
objective of elevating the students to a
point where they can obtain the
maximum by focusing on the specific
needs of the students, to make it

Some of the activities that are carried out

are, make presentations, activities with
essay and avoid plagiarism
4. Exam Classes The exams are standards to measure
the level and abilities of students both at
a specific or general level.

Some types are:

Cambridge ESOL
CHAPTER 13 – Large

Item 4: CHAPTER 13 – Large Classes

Make a chart with 4 possible difficulties when working with large classes, and
their corresponding solutions.
Working with large classes
Possible Difficulties Possible Solutions
1. You can’t give attention equally to 1. go to each group and give
all students assistance or help in any doubt, if not
everyone can try to leave a little box
where they can leave their doubts
and solve them for the other class or
tell the students if they have any
doubts to stay and so on to solve
2. Many do not perform the activities 2. try to verify that they are working or
assigned to them not, visiting each group, if they are
not working, designate one more
3. A lot of techniques outlined in this 3. accommodate the activities in the
book seem impossible. book and adapt them to the class or
create new activities that go
according to the curriculum.
4. There is limited eye contact from 4. try to walk around the room as
you to students. much as possible when the class is
being taught or try to arrange the
chairs in a way that the contact is
efficient. In the case of virtual
classes, try to keep all the cameras
on and watch the students.
Final Reflection
I liked the topics that we have covered in these units because they explain the process of
each one and give us the techniques in different ways. This month it has been very useful
to improve my knowledge, the classes were good, we were not in a hurry with the
evaluations, the teacher showed a lot of patience and understanding with each of the
students. The teacher's attitude was good, the way he handled the class, how he
captures our attention, and the tasks that she left us were very useful to begin to unfold.
Another thing that I liked was the good relationship that existed between the classmates,
they were all very respectful, the good vibes and that they want to participate in the
activities encourage the person who is presenting the class at that moment and makes it
more dynamic than when they do not participate and everything is in uncomfortable
In this cycle I don't think there are many challenge in the class, I consider that in general
everything has gone correctly and that there have not been many difficulties or almost
not one that I remember.
In conclusion, I personally feel that this has been the cycle where I have learned the most
and I have gained more confidence and the things that I have learned I will use them
because they have remained in my memory.

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