Academic VS Non-Academic
Academic VS Non-Academic
Academic VS Non-Academic
- The overall tone refers to the attitude (All outputs that will be submitted in EAPP
conveyed in a piece of writing. The and PR must always have citations or list of
arguments of others are fairly references)
presented and with an appropriate Academic Text is based on facts and
narrative tone. When presenting a evidences and in depth discussion of a
position or argument that disagrees certain topic in a certain discipline.
with one’s perspectives, describe the
argument accurately without loaded or
biased language.
- Narrative Tone (Narrating and
Complexity Formal and Impersonal means you should avoid
colloquialism, slang, or contractions.
- An academic text addresses complex
issues that require higher-order In Non-academic text, this is the time where we
thinking skills to comprehend. can use personal pronouns (I, my, me).
Academic vs non-academic