Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Program Studi Manajemen - Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Program Studi Manajemen - Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Program Studi Manajemen - Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Fakultas FKIP
Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Kode Prodi:
Jenjang Sarjana
SKS dan Semester SKS 2 Semester 2 (Dua)
Prasyarat -
Status Mata Kuliah [ √ ] Wajib [ ... ] Pilihan
Dosen Pengampu ………………………………
Learning Outcomes 1. Faith in the Almighty God and be able to show religious attitudes;
Courses 2. Upholding human values in carrying out tasks based on religion, morals and ethics;
3. Having a national personality and identity;
4. Contributing in improving the quality of life in the community, nation, state and civilization based on the Pancasila;
5. Acting as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility in the country and
Attitude 6. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others;
7. Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment;
8. Obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state
9. Internalizing academic values, norms and ethics;
10. Demonstrates the attitude of being responsible for work in his area of expertise independently;
11. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship.
General Description 1. This course discusses grammar including pronouns, wh-questions, present tense, past tense, used to, phrasal verbs ,, adjective clauses, adjective
(Syllabus) with ing and ed. reported speech, the or no articles in names of institutions
2. This course studies the vocabulary and speaking skills related to the following topics: the people in my life, Geetings Customs, Explain Who
People Are, School Days, Your Achievement, Offering Hospitality, How You Feel about Things (music, restaurant, film ), Countries &
Government, Stories in News, and Reporting and Interview.
Learning methods 1. Ceramah/Kuliah Pakar √ 4. Praktik Laboratorium
2. Problem Based Learning/FGD √ 5. Self-Learning (V-Class) ✓
3. Project Based Learning 6. Lainnya: Latihan ✓
Learning / Task a. Tayangan Presentasi √ c. Online exercise/kuiz (V-class) ✓
Experience b. Review textbook/Jurnal d. Laporan
1. Sihotang Reinjaya, Sihite Jubiliezer, Sidabutar Usman, and Manik Sondang. English Academic, 2019
No The Final Ability Expected Study Material Learning Time Criteria and Indicators Rating Learning
. methods Allocation Weight Resources
1. Students are able to A. Reading: Tahitian Palms, 1,2,3 2x100 Students can read and 5% 1,2
understand the reading, , Linda’s House minutes Complete sentence well
structure of the language and B. Grammar: Phrasal verb Students can use and
mastering the speaking skils C. Speaking: How to get to writing of Phrasal verb.
related to the topic "Could the street on the map Students can speak how to
you tell me the way" get to the street on the map
2. Students are able to A. Reading: A dialogue 1,2,3 2x100 Students can understand 5% 1,2
understand reading, D. Grammar: Prepositional minutes and complete sentence
vocabulary, and being able to phrases 1 about meet and greet
speak in English related to B. Speaking: Talking about Students can use and
the topic of ‘Agreeing and agreeing and disagreeing writing of Prepositional
Disagreeing’ something phrases.
Students can speak how to
talking about agreeing and
disagreeing something.
3. Students are able to A. Reading : A dialogue 1,2,3 2x100 Students can read and 5% 1,2,3
understand reading, B. Speaking: Talking about minutes understand about the
vocabulary, and language Expressing anger and dialogue.
structure in English related resolving conflict Students can speak how to
to topics about ‘Expressing C. Exercise about confusing talking about Expressing
anger and resolving conflict' word anger and resolving
Students can answer the
question well.
4. Students are able to A. Listening the dialogue 1,2,3 2x100 Students can hear and 5% 1,3
understand reading, language B. Speaking : Apologizing minutes understand about apology
structure, and being able to and accepting an apology in the dialogue well.
speak in English related to C. Reading : Doing Business Students can speak the
the topic of 'I’m Sorry' in Japan Apologizing and accepting
an apology.
Students can read and
understand about the text
5. Students are able to A. Listening 1,2,3 2x100 Students can fine a new 5% 1,2,3
understand vocabulary, B. Grammar: Present Perfect minutes word and the meaning of
language structure, and being vs Past Simple part of achievement word
able to speak in English C. Speaking: Talking about Students can use and
related to topics about ‘What one’s job writing of the using of
do you do?” present perfect and past
Students can speak about
one’s job.
6. Students are able to A. Reading : The dialogue 1,2,3 2x100 Students can read and 10% 1,2,3
understand reading, and B. Speaking: Talking about minutes understand about sentence
language structure in English thanking people for teen dream
related to the topic of C. Speaking: Talking about Students can speak about
‘Thinking people and replying to thanks how to thanking people
replying to thanks' Students can speak about
how to replying to thanks
7. Students are able to A. Grammar & Vocabulary: - 1,2,3 2x100 Students can use and 15% 1,3
understand language ed and –ing minutes understand the using of ed
structure, and are able to B. Speaking: Telling about and –ing in a sentence.
speak in English related to Your Feelings about Students cam speak about
topics about ‘How to Say Things telling their feeling for
How You Feel about Things something in front of
9 Students are able to A. Reading : Are you into 1,2,3 2x100 Students can read and 5% 1,2,3
understand reading, language music? minutes undertand about text of
structure, and being able to B. Grammar: Comparative & music
speak in English related to Superlative Students can understand
the topic of ‘How to Talk C. Speaking: Telling about how to use the
about Music’ Music You Like comparative degree
Students can
communication about the
music that they like
10. Students are able to A. Vocabulary: Expressing 1,2,3 2x100 Students can understand 5% 1,2, 3
understand reading, likes & dislikes minutes the words of how to likes
vocabulary and being able to B. Speaking: Telling about and dislikes something
speak in English related to the Restaurant You Would Students can speak about
topics about ‘How to like or Wouldn’t like to something that they like
Compare and Discuss Visit and dislike
11. Students are able to A. Vocabulary: Types of film 1,2,3 2x100 Students can understand 5% 1,3
understand vocabulary, B. Grammar: Defining minutes the tyes of film and the
language structure in English Relative Clauses meaning
related to topics about ‘How Students can undertand
to explain what a film is how to use relative clauses
12. Students are able to A. Vocabulary: Politics 1,2,3 2x100 Students can undertand the 5% 1,2,3
understand vocabulary and Words minutes meaning of the politic
language structure in English B. Grammar: The or no word
related to the topic of "How articles in names of Students can understand
to Talk about Countries and institutions how to use The or no
Governments" articles
13 Students are able to A. Grammar: Active or 1,2,3,5 2x100 Students can write a active 5% 1,2,3
understand language Passive minutes and passive voice in
structure, and being able to B. Speaking: Telling about sentence
speak in English related to News Stories You Have Students can speak the
the topic of "How to Talk Read from the Text new stories that have read.
about Stories in the news”
14 Students are able to A. Reading :The Man Who 1,2,3,5 2x100 Students can read and 10% 1,2,3
understand reading, Sold The Eiffel Tower minutes understand the text
vocabulary and being able to B. Vocabulary: Say and Tell Students can understand
speak in English related to C. Speaking: Telling about the meaning of say and tell
the topic of "How to Express What People Said word
strong feelings" Students can speak and
undertstand what people
15 Students are able to A. Grammar: Reported 1,2,3,5 2x100 Students can understand 15% 1,2,3
understand language Questions minutes and use the reported
structure, and being able to B. Speaking: Reporting an questions
speak in English related to Interview Students can speak how to
the topic of "How to Talk reporting an interview in
about people in your front of class
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris used to dan kosa kata tentang School Words dengan baik dan benar yang
terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Talk about Your School Day’
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Used to dan penggunaan kosa kata tentang School Words sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect vs Past Simple dan kosa kata Achievement Words
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Talk about Your Achievement”
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Present Perfect vs Past Simple dan kosa kata Achievement Words sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris dan kosa kata Phrasal Verbs
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Offer Hospitality’
d. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa dan kosa kata Phrasal Verbs sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris Comparative & Superlative dan kosa kata Music
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Talk about Music’
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Comparative & Superlative dan kosa kata Music sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris Defining Relatives Clauses dan kosa kata Types of Film
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Explain What a Film is about’
d. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Defining Relatives Clauses dan kosa kata Types of Film sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris Active & Passive Voice dan kosa kata Crime Verbs
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘How to Talk about Stories in News’
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Active & Passive Voice dan kosa kata Crime Verbs
sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris Tenses in Reported Speech dan kosa kata Say & Tell
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘‘How to Report What People Said’
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Tenses in Reported Speech dan kosa kata Say & Tell
sesuai konteksnya
Mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, mengaplikasikan tata bahasa Bahasa Reported Speech in Questions dan kosa kata Say & Tell
dengan baik dan benar yang terintegrasi dalam percakapan dengan tema ‘‘How to Report What People Said’
a. Obyek Garapan
Penjelasan tata bahasa Tenses in Reported Speech dan kosa kata Say & Tell
sesuai konteksnya
1. In spite of her friends’ complaints, he decided to live with ___ girl friend in Los Angeles.
a. Him c. his
b. Her d. our
2. If you to see my family next weekend, give ___ my best regards and don’t forget to bring the gifts.
a. Us c. its
b. Them d. it
3. I can’t understand ___ when they speak Spain. They seem weird. They should study more.
a. Me c. her
b. His d. them
4. We can find the magazine in the library. is very complete. We can find various books there.
a. My c. they
b. We d. It
5. The following is what you say to someone when you meet him/her in the afternoon?
a. drink
b. drinks
c. is drinking
d. are drinking
a. am not wanting
b. isn't wanting
c. doesn't want
d. don't want
11.when I was in high school, I wore a uniform to school. I______ a uniform to school, but now I don’t.
12.When I was a child, I drank a lot of milk. I never drank coffee. How about you? I ______milk with every meal. I_______coffee, but now I have at least one cup every
day.______a lot of milk when you were a child.
13.when I was a child, I watched cartoons on on TV. I don’t watch cartoons aymore. Now I watch news programs. How about you? I _______cartoons on TV, but I don’t
anymore. I_____news programs, but now I do. what______on tv when you were a little kid?
14. I told him I …….. something to show to his brother last week. a. had b. has c. have d. have had
Jes : …………………………….
II. In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Use the correct form of the verb each time.
• Break down
• Speak up ( = speak louder)
• Turn up ( = appear / arrive)
• Close down
• Clear up ( = become bright – for weather)
• Show off ( = show how good you are at something)
• Get on
• Grow up
• Fall of
• Move in
1. Make a conversation for introduce yourself and other in one’s life by your own words.
2. Explain by your own word the differences of present tense and present continous tense with the example.
3. Explain about phrasal verb.
4. Make a dialoge about how you feeling about things by your own word.
5. Make a paragraph about your experience in the past.
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. Used to wear
12. Used to drink, didn’t use to drink, didn’t use to
13. Used to watch, didn’t use to watch, did use to
14. A
15. D
1. Fall off
2. Broke down
3. Get on
4. Closed down
5. Moving in
6. Grows up
7. Turn up
8. Clear up
9. Show off
10. Speak up
Kelengkapan struktur SPOK, kosa Lengkap dan terpadu Lengkap SPOK & Lengkap SPOK, SPOK dengan susunan Tidak ada konsep
kata tepat guna dan kaya penggunaan kosa kata penggunaan kosa kata yang terbalik
dengan tepat kurang tepat dan kaya
Kesesuaian tata bahasa, kosa kata Lengkap & terpadu Kesesuaian tata bahasa Ada kesesuian tata Terdapat kesalahan Tidak ada konsep tata
yang baik dan benar sesuai konteks, & kosa kata yang baik bahasa, minor pada penggunaan bahasa, kosa kata yng
bentuk umum tata bahasa dan dan benar sesuai tata bahasa dan kosa baik dan benar sesuai
penulisan konteks, bentuk umum penggunaan kosa kata kata yang sesuai konteks
tata bahasa, ada belum sesuai konteks, konteks,
kesalahan minor pada
kesalahan minor pada kesalahan penulisan
penulisan yang dominan
Pronounciation, Pronounciation & Pronounciation & Pronounciation & Pronounciation & No concept
Articulation are Articulation are Articulation are Articulation are not
Articulation very clear like clear, Quite easy to quite clear so clear
native speakers understand
Using common Using uncommon Using uncommon &
words & idioms Attractive Gesture good Intonation, words complicated words
& Expression stressin, volume,
Easy to understand, gesture & Quite easy to difficult to
Great intonation, Expression understand, understand,
Intonation, stressing & volume
stressing& volume poor intonation,
Using common stressing, volume,
Gesture & words & idioms gesture &
expression expression
Easy to understand