Process Optimization For Dietary Fiber Production From Cassava Pulp Using Acid Treatment
Process Optimization For Dietary Fiber Production From Cassava Pulp Using Acid Treatment
Process Optimization For Dietary Fiber Production From Cassava Pulp Using Acid Treatment
10.2478/aucft-2018-0009 Series
– Research paper –
Abstract: Cassava pulp, the side product of tapioca industry consists of starch and fiber as the major component.
Acid treatment was employed in the conversion process of cassava pulp into dietary fiber to remove the starch
component, to increase fiber content, and to modify the structure of fiber. This study purposed to obtain optimum
process conditions (acid concentration, temperature, and reaction time) in the production of dietary fiber from
cassava pulp. Process optimization was conducted using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for maximizing
Total Dietary Fiber (TDF), Water Holding Capacity (WHC) and Oil Holding Capacity (OHC) as the responses.
The optimum process was gained at 6% H2SO4 concentration, 127oC, and 45 mins. Prediction values of TDF,
WHC, and OHC were 100%, 10.47 g/g, and 3.60 g/g, respectively. Validation was carried out and resulted in TDF
96.95%, WHC 10.47 g/g, and OHC 3.55 g/g. Physicochemical properties of the resulting dietary fiber were
significantly improved. The fiber structure has modified which characterized by the changes in morphology and
Keywords: cassava pulp, dietary fiber, optimization, acid treatment, physicochemical properties
Pramana et al., Process optimization for dietary fiber production from cassava pulp 22
using acid treatment
by adding SDF and IDF. Moisture, protein, fat, 200 mg of sample was placed into a centrifuge
and ash content were determined using the tube, then 20 ml of distilled water was added.
method previously explained by AOAC (1995). The tube was incubated for 24 h in the water bath
Starch content was measured by the enzymatic shaker, then centrifugation at 3,000 x g for 60
method, through determination of glucose min was performed. The supernatant was
obtained from the saccharification using enzyme removed and the water content of the pre-
of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase (AMG). weighed pellet was measured by drying using an
Glucose was measured using the Spectroquant® oven at 120°C for 2 h. WHC of the sample was
UV-Vis pharo300 spectrophotometer using the stated as the weight of water held by one gram
dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. of sample.
Oil Holding Capacity (OHC) measurement was
Morphology: The morphology of cassava pulp conducted using the method previously
and dietary fiber obtained were analyzed by described by Caprez et al. (1986).
scanning electron microscopy (EVO MA 10, Approximately 2 g of sample was placed in a 50
Carl Zeiss, Germany) at 1500x magnification. ml centrifuge tube, then 20 ml of corn oil was
The sample surface was coated with a thin gold added. The tube is left for 30 minutes at room
layer at 60 second sputter time and 20 mA temperature with agitation. Then, centrifugation
sputter current. Samples were fed into the SEM (2,500 x g, at room temperature for 30 mins) was
tool and the surface image was taken using the performed and the oil supernatant was poured
Secondary Electron (SE) detector, working and weighed. The OHC of the sample was stated
distance (WD) 8-9 mm and EHT 12.0 kV. as the gram of oil retained by one gram of
Crystallinity: The X-Ray Diffractogram and Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC) was analyzed
crystallinity of the material were analyzed using according to Moorman et al. (1983).
X-Ray Diffraction. Measurements were Emulsifying Activity (EA) was determined
performed at 2Ɵ: 5-45° intervals, at 40 kV, 30 according to Yasutmasu et al. (1972). Viscosity
mA, and speed of 2° per min. was determined using viscometer. Swelling
Capacity (SC) was performed according to
Physicochemical properties analysis: Water Gómez-Ordóñez et al. (2010). Solubility
Holding Capacity (WHC) was measured using measurement was performed using the method
the procedure previously described by Suzuki et previously described by Paton and Spratt,
al. (1996) with minor modification. A total of (1984).
ANOVA of TDF response model indicates that of H2SO4 (A), temperature (B) and reaction time
TDF is a function of H2SO4 concentration (A), (C). The obtained model is a regression equation
temperature (B) and reaction time (C). By for a linear model as follow:
applying multiple regression analysis, it was Water Holding Capacity = 8.61 + 0.34A +
obtained the regression equation for the 1.31B + 0.21C (2)
quadratic model as follows: The linear model p-value of 0.0001 indicates a
Total Dietary Fiber = 76.23 + 4.22A + 8.60B significant model. There is only a possible
+ 4.05C + 0.91AB – 1.05AC + 1.71BC – 0.01% error in drawing conclusions. In this case,
1.16A + 3.10B2 + 3.91C2 (1) B is a significant component, which means that
The quadratic model p-value of 0.0033 indicates the temperature is a variable that significantly
a significant model. There is only a possible affects the WHC response. From the "Lack of Fit
0.33% error in drawing conclusions. p-value less test" of the model, it was obtained p-value
than 0.0500 indicates components of model are 0.1589> 0.05 indicates that the “Lack of Fit” is
significant. In this case, A, B, C, and C2 are not significant relative to the pure error. Non-
significant model components to the TDF significant “lack of fit” implies that the model is
response. The values of R2 (0.857) and R2adj good. The values of R2 (0.7227) and R2adj
(0.7283) indicate that the ability of the (0.6707) indicate that the ability of the
independent variable to explain the variance of independent variable to explain the variance of
the dependent variable is good (85.7% and the dependent variable is good enough (72.3%
72.8% respectively). “Adequate precision” is a and 67.1% respectively). An “adequate
measure to compare predicted design point precision” value of 12.571 (greater than 4)
values to the predicted mean error values. The indicates a model with high precision is eligible
value of “adequate precision” must be greater for use.
than 4.0, meaning that the model has high The ANOVA of OHC response model shows
precision (Kumari et al., 2008). “Adequate that the OHC is a function of the concentration
precision” value of 8.725 indicates an adequate of H2SO4 (A), temperature (B) and reaction time
signal that this model has a high precision and it (C). The obtained model is a regression equation
is eligible for use. for a linear model as follow:
The ANOVA of WHC response model shows Oil Holding Capacity = 2.76 + 0.24A + 0.39B +
that the WHC is a function of the concentration 0.21C (3)
Pramana et al., Process optimization for dietary fiber production from cassava pulp 24
using acid treatment
The linear model p-value of 0.0001 indicates a R2adj (0.667) indicate that the ability of the
significant model. There is only a possible independent variable to explain the variance of
0.01% error in drawing conclusions. In this case, the dependent variable is good enough (72.03%
A, B, and C are the significant model and 66.7% respectively). An “adequate
components to the OHC response. From the precision” value of 12.938 (greater than 4)
"Lack of Fit test" of the model, it was obtained indicates that this model has a high precision and
p-value 0.0505> 0.05 indicates that the “Lack of eligible for use. Response surface of the TDF,
Fit” is not significant relative to the pure error. WHC, and OHC and the effect of interaction
Non-significant “lack of fit” implies that the between variables can be seen in Figures 1(a)-(i).
model is good. The values of R2 (0.7203) and
Figure 1(a). Response surface of TDF on the effect Figure 1(b). Response surface of TDF on the effect of
of H2SO4 concentration and temperature H2SO4 concentration and time of reaction
Figure 1(c). Response surface of TDF on the Figure 1(d). Response surface of WHC on the effect
effect of temperature and time of reaction of H2SO4 concentration and temperature
Figure 1(e). Response surface of WHC on the effect Figure 1(f). Response surface of WHC on the effect
of H2SO4 concentration and time of reaction of temperature and time of reaction
Figure 1(i). Response surface of OHC on the effect of temperature and time of reaction
Pramana et al., Process optimization for dietary fiber production from cassava pulp 26
using acid treatment
the concentration of H2SO4, the activation maltose and maltose and can then break down
energy became smaller, and the reaction rate into glucose (Gaman and Sherrington, 1981).
constant became larger (Artanti and Andik, The process of acid hydrolysis will produce
2006). While the reaction rate increased, the hydrolyzate (by-products) which can be
starch hydrolyzed into sugars became more. separated from the fiber component in the
Then, TDF content increased when hydrolyzate cassava pulp. The hydrolyzate products need to
(sugar syrup) separated from the fiber. be detoxified to eliminate toxic compounds such
Figure 1(d),(e),(f) describe the interaction effects as furfural and HMF before used in applications
of the factors on the WHC. In this case, the in the industry. At high temperatures and
temperature was a variable that significantly pressures, the sugar from hydrolysis of starch
affected the WHC, whereas the H2SO4 and hemicellulose such as glucose, galactose,
concentration and reaction time had no and mannose is degraded into HMF and xylose
significant effect on the WHC. The higher the into furfural. HMF compounds can also be
temperature the WHC value increased. WHC derived from browning (Maillard) reactions
optimum achieved at temperature 127oC. between amino groups derived from proteins in
Figure 1(g),(h),(i) describe the interaction effects cassava pulp and glucose formed (Palmqvist and
of the factors on the OHC. The concentration of Hagerdal, 2000). Detoxification method using
H2SO4, temperature and time were the variables activated carbon is a good method with relatively
that significantly affected the OHC. There was a lower costs (Mussatto and Roberto, 2001). The
linear relationship between concentration of use of 5% activated carbon concentration could
H2SO4, temperature and reaction time with reduce HMF concentrations by 85% (Hodge et
OHC, where the increase of each variable would al., 2009).
increase the OHC value. In the previous
discussion, it was known that the increased Physicochemical functional properties
concentration of H2SO4, temperature and Physiological effects are correlated with the
reaction time would increase the TDF. The physicochemical properties of dietary fiber and
higher TDF content indicates that the fiber its fractions (Marsono, 2004). Dietary fiber
component which can absorb/retain oil will also specific properties associated with their
increase. The more oil retained the higher the physiological effects include fermentability,
OHC value. water-binding capacity, organic molecular
absorption, viscosity and ion exchange
Chemical composition of dietary fiber properties. Some physicochemical properties for
products this investigation are summarised in Table 2.
The chemical composition of dietary fiber Table 2 shows that there are significant
obtained from the optimization result was improvements of cassava pulp physicochemical
analyzed. Dietary fiber consisted of 2.7% starch, properties after conversion to dietary fiber
96.95% of TDF (94.36% of IDF and 2.59% of through acid treatment. The dietary fiber
SDF), and 1.3% of ash. The TDF content in obtained from optimization results has the
dietary fiber product increased significantly highest WHC, followed by barley bran, wheat
from originally 27.4% in cassava pulp (raw bran, and cassava pulp. Fiber especially IDF has
material), while the starch content in dietary the ability to hold the water (Marsono, 2004).
fiber decreased significantly from originally WHC and swelling capacity values follow the
69.76% in cassava pulp. This occurred because trend of fiber content in the ingredients. It was
the starch component of cassava pulp was found that dietary fiber had the highest TDF
hydrolyzed by acid as a catalyst into hydrolyzate content (96.95%), followed by barley bran and
in the form of sugar syrup which was then wheat bran, 54.83% and 31.73% (Matin et al.,
separated as a byproduct. 2013), respectively. WHC is a measure of the
Starch granules on the cassava pulp were trapped quantity of water held on to the fibers after
within the matrix by the fiber structure. To undergoing pressures as centrifugation (Nelson,
remove the starch granules, the acid through the 2001). WHC properties need to be measured
hydrolysis process will cut the polysaccharide before the dietary fiber is used as a functional
bonds, especially the starch with the α-1,4 food. OHC is a physicochemical property of
glycosidic bonds into smaller molecules fiber material that can be applied in food
sequentially. The starch molecule initially formulations. The porosity of fiber structures is
breaks into shorter chains of glucose called a a major factor affecting the ability of fibers to
dextrin. Dextrin has broken down again into retain oils (Nelson, 2001). In addition,
Table 2. Physicochemical properties of cassava pulp, the dietary fiber obtained, wheat bran and barley
Properties Cassava Pulp Dietary Fiber Wheat bran Barley bran
(Raw material) (Product (Matin et al. (Matin et al.
Obtained) 2013) 2013)
Water Holding Capacity (g/g) 2.97 10.47 3.41 4.57
Oil Holding Capacity (g/g) 1.36 3.55 1.21 1.79
Cation-Exchange Capacity (meq/kg) 3.7 12.7 16.9 29.9
Emulsifying Activity (%) 57 77.89 32.84 52
Viscosity (cP) 0.3 0.35 1.74 2
Swelling Capacity (ml/g) 6.35 11.47 5.75 8
Solubility (%) 0.45 0.53 - -
Pramana et al., Process optimization for dietary fiber production from cassava pulp 28
using acid treatment
fiber matrix, so that resulted in dietary fiber with processing conditions are important things that
a porous fiber structure. Microstructure influence the physicochemical properties of
(porosity, particle size, and fiber length) and dietary fiber related to water (Nelson, 2001).
Figure 2. Scanning electron microscope image of : (a) untreated cassava pulp; (b) after treatment at 2% H 2SO4;
107oC; 15 mins; (c) after treatment at 4% H2SO4; 117oC; 30 mins; (d) after treatment at 6% H2SO4; 127oC; 45
This research work is supported by Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT),
as well as the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
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