Physical Education and Health Week 1 and 2

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Quarter 2 – Module 1: Moving On: Adapting the New Normal

Name : ______________________________________ Section:__________________________

Week 1
Lesson 1- Facing the Giants- I Can Do It
Activity 2. Describe Me Now
1. Look around. Choose an object to represent yourself. Draw it.
2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, describe your drawing and make a connection by discussing your thoughts and
feelings about your experiences during the quarantine period.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for drawing and explanation.

Activity 3. The Frontliners, My Heroes

1. Reflect on the sacrifices of the frontliners in our community.
2. Write a letter of appreciation to them for serving selflessly and risking their lives (buwis-buhay) just to give us a
better and safer life during the pandemic.

1. Describe your role as a citizen-student during this pandemic.

Week 2
Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the New Normal
Activity 2: Me and My Family
1. Think of the recreational/ positive activities you and your family did during the quarantine period.
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other to move forward through these activities. Did you find
enjoyment in what you did at home? Write your observations below.

Activity 3. #COVID -FREE

1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing.

Reflection: Visit and observe your neighborhood by the window. Based on your observation, write a reflection on how
the people there do things that bring significant changes and contributions in the society during this pandemic. Did they
follow existing rules and regulations set by the local government unit for everybody’s safety? How?


Module 2: Outdoor Recreation

Name : ______________________________________ Section:__________________________

Reflection: (page 8)
Based on the lesson, what type of recreational activities did you do with your family during free time? Is it important to
spend your leisure time with them?

What Is It? (page 10)

Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of recreational activities can be done in rivers,
beaches, swimming pools, and the like. These activities are a good source of relaxation, enjoyment and exercise. What
recreational environments do you have in your community? Feel free to briefly share your most unforgettable experiences
in these environments long before the community quarantine in your place started, in the space provided below.

Activity 3. MY BUCKET LIST (page 13)

1. Think of one or more recreational activities that you dream of doing with your loved ones (family or friends) when the
pandemic is over.
2. Draw it in one (1) whole bond paper. Make your drawing colorful.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing.

Activity 2. SIMPLE RECALL page 18

1. Have you gone to camping, whether in school, in church or with family? Share your experience.
2. Did you find enjoyment in the activity? What lesson/s did you learn from this activity? Write your observations below.
Reflection page 20
1. Write a reflection on the importance of your participation in outdoor recreational activities to yourself and to your
family. How is doing outdoor recreational activity with your loved ones contribute significant changes to you as an
individual. Write your answer below

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