National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Lesson Planning and Materials Development

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National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Lesson Planning and Materials Development

Instructor: Dr. Kosmas Vlachos

1st Student’s Name: Κωστοπούλου Σοφία

1st Student’s ID: 1563201700099
1st Student’s Email: [email protected]

2nd Student’s Name: Καραβίδα Χριστίνα

2nd Students’ I.D: 1563201700069
2nd Student’s Email: [email protected]

Spring 2020-Αssignment 2: on CLIL (In combination with assignment 1)

Assignment 2: Creating a CLIL lesson

For this assignment you are expected to design a CLIL lesson that will last 45-60 minutes for a group of
students of your own choice. You will select the topic of the lesson and create both content and language

● First you will have to indicate the age, the language level, the teaching context, the number of
students, the duration of the lesson and the can do statements in terms of content and language


Students’ age 10

Students’ language level A2

Teaching context (eg. Primary school) Primary school

Number of students 21

Duration of the lesson 60 minutes

Title of the lesson Exploring the Seven Continents!

Can do statements for content Students can:

● define the term “continent”

● identify the different continents

and locate them on a map

● rank the continents depending on

their size

● describe general information

regarding the continents

● describe various cultural

characteristics corresponding to
the continents- and their countries-
such as historical facts and

Can do statements for language Students can:

● use vocabulary related to

continents, countries, nature,
attractions and culture

● put adjectives in their appropriate

superlative form

● choose the appropriate word

depending on its surrounding

● use the appropriate words and

expressions in order to describe
their imaginative continent
● Then you will create a plan in which you will indicate the order and type and describe the activity.


No of Type of activity Description of activity (What students and teacher do)


1 Warm-up activity In the introductory part of the lesson, the teacher mentions
that it is “World Tourism Day”. S/he presents the students with
a collage (see “Warm-up Activity Picture 1” in the material
section) which is shown on the classroom’s interactive
whiteboard. The teacher asks the students to describe what
they see. This way the teacher elicits helpful vocabulary and
information that is relevant to the concept “world” and other
concepts such as “continents”, “countries” ,“cultures” and
“nature”. Students’ answers and reactions determine
whether or not the teacher should adapt the warm-up

2 Content activity The students view a 4 minute video (see link “The Seven
Continents of the World” in the material section) about the
“Seven Continents”.

After viewing the video the teacher divides the students into
seven groups of three. Students are assigned to these groups
throughout the whole lesson; each group represents a
continent. In order to create random groups, the teacher asks
each student to pick the name of a continent from a hat. In this
hat the teacher includes the name of each continent three
times. Students with the same continent are members of the
same group.

Each group is given a worksheet (see “Worksheet 1: a, b, c” in

the material section) that contains some basic facts about the
seven continents. The worksheet includes a definition of the
word “continent” as well as some general information about
each one. It also includes a ranking of the seven continents
from largest to smallest.

After reading the facts about the seven continents, and in

order to have a more realistic view of the morphology of each
continent, the seven teams find their allocated continent on
Google Earth (see link “Google Earth Project” in the material

During this activity the teacher monitors and provides help

when needed.

3 Language activity + In Worksheet 2 (see in the material section) students are

Back-up activity asked to complete the crossword with the correct form of the

If some students face difficulties regarding spelling and the

formation of superlatives, they are given a separate worksheet
(Back-up activity for Worksheet 2, see in the material section)
containing the same information as the first but in the form of
a matching activity.

The teacher monitors and answers questions when necessary.

4 Language and In Worksheet 3 (see the material section) students are asked

content activity + to complete the gaps with the appropriate words. The missing

Back-up activity words are included in the beginning of the exercise. Students
learn additional facts about each continent. At the same time,
they learn words that are relevant to the overall context of the

If some students manage to complete the worksheet before

the majority of the class, they are given an additional activity
(Back-up activity for Worksheet 3, see in the material section).
They are asked to identify and name the continent
corresponding to each picture. The pictures are related to the
sentences of the previous activity (worksheet 3).
5 Language activity In Worksheet 4 (see in the material section) students are
asked to design their own continent. Each team has to think of
a creative name for their continent and describe some of its
main features. After collaborating with each other, the
members of each group present their continent to the rest of
the class.

The students write down their answers on a separate piece of

paper: “Describe your Own Continent” (see in the material

6 Self-evaluation and At the end of the lesson, students are given time to evaluate
what they have learnt. In addition, they are asked to evaluate
their group performance. (Self-Evaluation and Group-
Evaluation form, see in the material section).

7 Homework activity At the end of the lesson the teacher assigns a related
homework activity (“Going on Holiday”, see in the material
section). Students are asked to decide on a travel destination
for an upcoming school trip. They have to choose a country and
provide specific information about a) a monument they would
like to see b) a traditional dish they would like to taste and c) a
natural attraction they would like to visit. In order to persuade
their classmates about their destination, they are asked to take
notes regarding the specific information mentioned above, and
provide two reasons for choosing the specific country.

In the next lesson which will focus on the topic of “countries”,

the students will be asked to discuss their homework ideas and
vote for the best destination.
MATERIALS (presented in the order of the activities)

Warm-up Activity, Picture 1

“The Seven Continents of the World”
Worksheet 1 (a, b, c)


The information was taken from: and
DK Find Out! | Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History ...

(We designed the worksheet using Photoshop)


(We designed the worksheet using Photoshop)

c) Google Earth Project, link:
Worksheet 2

(We designed the crossword using )

Back-up Activity for Worksheet 2 (for those who may have difficulty with
spelling or forming the superlative) 

Match the correct form of the superlative with the

appropriate sentence! 

1. Russia is in Europe.     windiest
2. The Himalayas are the...mountains in the world.      longest

3. Australia is the...continent in the world.      richest

4. The United States is in the world.     smallest

5. The Atacama Desert is on earth.      highest

6. The Nile is the world.      largest

7. Antarctica is the...continent.      richest

Worksheet 3
Complete the sentences with the words from the box below! 

      desert, sacred, tribes, protection, continents, communicate, adapt

● The Indigenous Aboriginal arts and cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultures in the
world because of their ability to …………… to change! 
● Cows are seen as ………… India – nobody eats beef, and most people are vegetarians. 
● Both Egyptian men and women wore make-up. As well as offering………………....from the sun,
the Egyptians believed make-up had magical healing powers, too!
● Brazil's Amazon is home to more uncontacted………………….... than anywhere in the world.
There are thought to be at least 100 isolated groups in this rainforest.

● Native American tribes that could not communicate verbally due to differences in language,
often used sign language to..................
● The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia in 700 B.C. to honour Zeus. Nowadays, the
Olympic Rings are five interlocking rings that stand for the five
original.............................Africa, America (North and South), Asia, Australia, and Europe.

● Antarctica is an icy …….............with very little rainfall throughout the year. It is considered to
be the driest continent.

Back-up Activity for Worksheet 3 (for those who have finished the third
worksheet before the rest of the class)
Name the continent that corresponds to each picture! You can look again at
worksheet 3 if you need some help!

Worksheet 4
(We created the activity using Photoshop)

“Describe your Own Continent”

(We created the activity using Photoshop)

Self-Evaluation and Group Evaluation Form

Homework Activity
(We designed the activity using Photoshop)

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