Development of Interactive Media With Contextual Teaching Learning To Enhance Vocational Schools Student Creativity in Malang
Development of Interactive Media With Contextual Teaching Learning To Enhance Vocational Schools Student Creativity in Malang
Development of Interactive Media With Contextual Teaching Learning To Enhance Vocational Schools Student Creativity in Malang
Article history: Basic Graphic Design is one of the compulsory subjects that must be taken by
Received: May 17, 2021 students of class X Multimedia Department at SMK Negeri 7 Malang. This research and
Revised: Jun 21, 2021 development aim to produce products in the form of interactive media containing
Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Basic Graphic Design subjects to foster creativity.
Accepted: Jul 05, 2021
This type of research and analysis is included in mixed or quantitative and qualitative
research. The Research & Development model used is the ADDIE model. The
Keyword: development procedure is (1) Analyze; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4)
Interactive Learning Media Implementation; (5) Evaluation. The results of the validation by material experts were
Contextual Teaching Learning 88.75%, media experts 95%, small group trials 83.18%, large group trials 87.69%.
Student Creativity Therefore, it can be concluded that the basic interactive media of Graphic Design with
Vocational School CTL is suitable for use as a student learning medium. Based on the results of the study
as long as students used interactive media, it was found that 19 students (63%) had high
creativity, 10 students (33%) had moderate creativity, and 1 student (3%) had low
creativity. This indicates that the use of interactive media has been able to foster student
learning creativity in general.
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developers to choose basic graphic design subjects as media SMK Negeri 7 Malang, class X students, especially multimedia
subjects that are developed. X, did not have a recommended source of reference for Basic
The media used by the teacher did not attract the attention Graphic Design subjects. In the learning process students only
of students. Based on the results of observations and pay attention to explanations from the teacher with existing
questionnaires given to students, students are less interested in media and look for other reference sources on the internet. So
Basic Graphic Design subjects because the media used by from this problem, the interactive media created can be used as
teachers is only a blackboard and not infrequently also uses full a learning reference source for students in the learning process.
text PowerPoint media which makes students bored with This interactive media was developed not as a substitute
learning, there is no media other methods used by teachers to medium but as an additional medium (supplement).
attract students' attention. PowerPoint used by teachers is only Students tend to be passive during the implementation of the
limited to ordinary presentation media, there are no animations learning process. This is shown from the results of observations
or images that support the material. This is the background during KPL at SMK Negeri 7 Malang, especially in class X
behind the developer to create an interactive learning media, Multimedia students. In making a product design, students tend
which later this media can be used by teachers and students in to be passive and less creative. Students only work on
supporting the learning process. Students can study assignments according to the instructions given by the teacher
independently anytime and anywhere because they are flexible. without taking the initiative to develop the design creations
This interactive media was developed using the PowerPoint made. From this problem, students need teaching materials in
application, where in the process the developer tried to optimize the form of interactive media that contains structured steps in
the features available in PowerPoint. By optimizing its features, making a design that can be used by students for independent
media that are usually taken for granted, now the results can be study and able to foster student creativity.
equivalent to using other applications. Even PowerPoint media Creativity is very important, especially in the education
which is usually only for presentation media, can now be used system. MPR RI Decree No. 11/MPR/1983 states that the
as an independent learning medium. education system is adapted to development needs that require
The way of delivering material in the form of theory is not different types of expertise and skills while increasing
liked by students. Based on the results of observations and productivity, creativity, quality, and work efficiency. Creativity
questionnaires given to students, students are more likely to like exists in everyone and needs to be cultivated as early as possible
practical learning compared to theoretical learning, this is because it is important in life. Vocational High School students
because the way the delivery of learning in the form of theory are required to be as creative as possible in learning because
delivered by the teacher is still using the lecture method by their task is related to making a certain product which will be
utilizing full text PowerPoint media and whiteboard media. The useful after they graduate, as a portfolio in looking for work.
media used by the teacher has not been able to provide a real Given the importance of a technology-based learning media,
visualization of the material presented. The material presented especially interactive media, the developer develops interactive
is only theoretical and does not represent the real situation in learning media containing CTL in the Basic Graphic Design
everyday life. There is nothing new that can attract students to subject. In this subject the teacher still conveys material
be more active in studying the material presented. With these theoretically both with lectures and with PowerPoint media and
conditions, students sometimes feel bored with the appearance ordinary whiteboards, there is no use of other media in learning.
of the material presented and many students pay less attention The material presented includes the principles of layout, vector
to the teacher's explanation. So, from this background it can be image processing software, and manipulation of vector images
concluded that students need a way of delivering material using the effects feature. The scope of the material in this
through a learning model that displays more real situations and subject is very complex, because knowledge of graphic design
is more liked by students. is needed in the industrial or business world. The combination
The use of interactive media with the CTL presentation of interactive media using the CTL (Contextual, Teaching, and
model is a learning concept that can help teachers relate the Learning) presentation model is expected to help and facilitate
material being taught to students' real-world situations [7], [8]. students in participating in learning activities, and can foster
It makes students become easier to understand the relationship student creativity. Based on some of the explanations above, the
between their knowledge and its application in life. especially developer took the title "Development of Interactive Media
in the world of graphic design. Loaded with CTL Learning Basic Graphic Design to Grow
There are no recommended sources of teaching materials Creativity in Class X Multimedia Students at SMK Negeri 7
that students can use in the learning process. Based on the Malang".
results of interviews and observations made during KPL at
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II. METHODS in the development of the program flow, it follows the flow of
The development model that will be used in this research is the structure that has been made. While the results of face-to-
the ADDIE model. The ADDIE development procedure has face interactive media refer to storyboards that have been made
five stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, of teaching material products. The main development
Implementation, Evaluation [9]. application uses the Microsoft PowerPoint application. The
preparation of the material contained in the interactive media
was assisted by material experts, namely the Basic Graphic
Design subject teacher at SMK Negeri 7 Malang. Preparation
of material according to KI and KD obtained from school. In
the development of interactive media, it consists of displaying
the main menu and sub menus (help, KI/KD, objectives,
materials, evaluation, and bibliography). At the development
stage there is validation from material and media experts.
Validation is carried out to obtain criticism and suggestions that
Fig. 1. ADDIE Development Model Flowchart
will be used to correct the shortcomings of the media, so that
the media can be even better.
The implementation stage is a real step in testing the media
The ADDIE development model was chosen for several that has been developed in such a way. Tests are divided into
reasons. The first reason is that the steps that need to be carried two, namely small group trials and large group trials. Small
out are simple and simplify the development process, with the group trials of 10 students from class X Multimedia 1, while
results of the implementation process being systematic. The large groups will be tested on 30 students of class X Multimedia
second reason is that there is an opportunity to evaluate and 2, in field trials using questionnaires as data collection to
revise at each stage, so that the product developed is valid and determine the level of media feasibility and direct observation
can actually be used in the learning process. This is because the to assess creativity. If there are deficiencies based on the results
resulting product is reliable and proven feasible to use. of the trials that have been carried out, it is necessary to make
The analysis phase has 2 activities in it, which include: improvements or revisions to improve the media.
Problem analysis and needs analysis. Problem analysis is After carrying out the implementation stage, the next stage
carried out to identify problems regarding learning in order to is the evaluation stage. There are two kinds of evaluation,
find out the necessary needs. Then after knowing the problem, namely formative evaluation and summative evaluation. This
a needs analysis is carried out which consists of analyzing the evaluation is carried out to test whether the product that has
needs of students and teachers, analyzing the type of learning been developed has been successful and feasible to be used in
media to be developed, analyzing the basic material for Graphic the learning process. Formative evaluation includes validation
Design. evaluation is carried out on input and suggestions from of content or material by material experts and the use of
the supervisor. After conducting a problem and needs analysis interactive media as learning media by media experts.
and evaluation, the next stage will be carried out. Summative evaluation is used because the measurement of
The design stage is carried out to prepare designs for creativity is carried out during the learning process, so that what
interactive media to be made, namely in the form of sketches is measured is their technique and way of doing the given task.
and interactive media displays. There are two activities at the At this stage, it has basically been carried out throughout the
design stage, including: creating a plot structure and implementation of the four steps in the ADDIE development
storyboarding. The flow structure in this development is made model. At the analysis stage, the evaluation is carried out from
to help design the path between the pages contained in the the suggestions and inputs given by the supervisor and the Basic
interactive media that will be developed. Storyboard is a rough Graphic Design subject teacher for the development of teaching
outline of the display of interactive media products that will be materials that will be made so that they can be continued to the
developed so that you can find out the components or menus next stage, namely the design stage. At the design stage, an
needed. Revisions are made based on consultation from the evaluation is carried out based on consultation from the
supervising lecturer. At this stage, a revision is carried out supervisor.
before moving to the next stage. At the development stage, the evaluation was obtained from
The development stage is carried out to build and develop analyzing data in the form of a validation questionnaire
media that has been designed or a follow-up to the creation of conducted by material experts and media experts. The
plot structures and storyboards from interactive media. Where implementation stage of the evaluation was carried out after
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testing the feasibility of interactive media products by the results of the ideal grouping of data are obtained in
analyzing the filling of feasibility questionnaires shown to class accordance with Table 4.
X students of SMK Negeri 7 Malang in small groups and large
The types of data used in this study are quantitative data and Category Description
qualitative data. Quantitative data were obtained from the High All students who have an average score
results of filling out questionnaires during validation tests, of +1 standard deviation and above
product trials and usage trials. The results of filling out the (≥M+SD)
questionnaire are in the form of a score calculated from the Medium All students who have a score between
a mean of +1 standard deviation and a
number of answered questions that have been filled in.
mean score of -1 standard deviation
Meanwhile, qualitative data were obtained from the results of (M–SD > a < M+SD)
tests conducted by media experts, material experts, and students Low All students who have a mean score of -
of class X Multimedia at SMK Negeri 7 Malang. The test results 1 standard deviation and less than that
are in the form of suggestions and criticisms of the interactive (≤M – SD)
media that have been developed.
The data collection instrument in this study used a TABLE IV. CATEGORY CREATIVITY LEVEL
questionnaire determined through the Linkert scale to Interval Category
determine the percentage of the product. The Linkert scale ≥ 43 High
indicators are shown in Table 1. 41 – 42 Medium
≤ 40 Low
4 Very good
3 Pretty good The design used in the development of interactive media is
2 Not good made to produce interactive media that is attractive and easy to
1 Very Not Good use where there are 8 main pages, namely: (1) the main menu
page; (2) sub menus; (3) help page; (4) KI/KD page; (5) goals;
The data analysis technique was carried out after all the (6) material pages; (7) evaluation page; (8) bibliography page.
required data were obtained. The data analysis process is The result of the product resulting from research and
carried out by calculating the percentage of answers from the development is a teaching material in the form of interactive
previously prepared questionnaire. To determine the feasibility media that can be run using computers/PCs, laptops and
of interactive media, namely matching the results of the smartphones that can be used by class X students of the
questionnaire with the media validation criteria adapted from Multimedia expertise program at SMK Negeri 7 Malang. In
[10]. The validity criteria are shown in Table 2. addition, in the development of material in interactive media, it
is arranged according to KI and KD Basic Graphic Design
TABLE II. VALIDITY CRITERIA subjects at SMK Negeri 7 Malang.
The main menu is the first part that is seen when opening
Percentage (%) Description Follow-up
> 85 Very Valid Can be used interactive media. In this main menu there are 3 choices of sub
without revision menus which later if selected will move to another page,
70,01 - 85,00 Quite Valid Can be used with including: (1) KD menu 3.3 Principles of Layout; (2) menu KD
minor revisions 3.6 Vector Image Processing Software; and (3) KD menu 3.7
50,01 - 70,00 Less Valid Not Vector Image Manipulation. The main menu also contains
recommended, information about: (1) Malang State University logo; (2) the
need major
logo of SMK Negeri 7 Malang; (3) the name of the subject; (4)
< 50,01 Invalid Cannot be used name of class, department and name of school; (5) Exit button
to exit interactive media.
To find out the level of student learning creativity, it is
done by matching it with the ideal limit of the learning
creativity category which was adapted from [11].
Determination of the ideal limit can be seen in Table 3. So that
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KI/KD contains core competencies and basic competencies
in Basic Graphic Design material. On the KI/KD menu, there
are 3 buttons that students can choose from, including the home
button to go to the main menu page, the sub menu button to go
to the sub menu page, and shortcut buttons to go to the help
page, KI/KD, destination, material, evaluation, and
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Based on the validation data above, in the aspect of the
feasibility of the content of the material obtained a percentage
of 81.25% of the total score and is included in the criteria quite
valid. In the aspect of delivering material content, the
percentage is 93.75%, meaning that this aspect is very valid.
For aspects of the characteristics of the media in learning to
obtain a percentage of 87.5% which is included in the very valid
criteria. In the linguistic aspect, the percentage is 87.5%, which
means it is included in the very valid criteria. Based on all these
validations, an average value of 88.75% was obtained, which
Fig. 7. Learning Materials Page means that the material and content in interactive media is very
valid to be used without revision, but it is necessary to pay
attention to the advice given by material experts to improve the
learning media products that have been developed.
Validation by media experts is used to determine the
feasibility of the media contained in the Graphic Design Basic
interactive media both in the percentage scale of validity,
criticism and suggestions given by media experts. Based on the
results of the validation by media experts, the results were in
the form of quantitative and qualitative data. These results will
be used as a reference to revise the products that have been
produced. The results of the validation by media experts are
Fig. 8. Learning Evaluation Page shown in Table 6.
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Small group trials were conducted on 10 students of class X Based on the data from the large group trial above, in the
Multimedia 1 at SMK Negeri 7 Malang who had taken Basic attractiveness aspect, a percentage of 91.33% of the total score
Graphic Design subjects. On the research sheet, the aspects is obtained and is included in the very valid criteria. In the
assessed include: (1) attractiveness aspects; (2) aspects of aspect of convenience, the percentage obtained is 88.17%,
convenience; (3) benefit aspect; (4) motivational aspects. The meaning that this aspect is very valid. For the benefit aspect, the
trial was carried out by giving a questionnaire instrument percentage is 85.48% which is included in the very valid
totaling 22 items in accordance with the assessment indicators. criteria. In the aspect of motivation, the percentage obtained is
The small group trial was conducted on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. 86.67%, which means that it is included in the very valid
The results of the small group trial can be seen in Table 7. criteria. Based on all these validations, an average value of
87.69% was obtained, which means that the material and
TABLE VII. SMALL GROUP TRIAL RESULTS content in interactive media is very valid to be used without
Aspect Tse Tsh Validity Category revision, but it is necessary to pay attention to the suggestions
Attractiveness 172 200 86,2% Very Valid given by the test subjects to improve the learning media
Convenience 164 200 82% Quite Valid products that have been developed.
Convenience 230 280 82,14% Quite Valid This product usability trial was conducted to determine the
Language 166 200 83% Quite Valid effectiveness of the product made in fostering student
Average 83,18% Quite Valid
creativity. This trial was carried out on Wednesday, June 19,
Based on the data from the small group trial above, in the 2019. In this trial, data were collected from Observers 1 and 2.
attractiveness aspect, a percentage of 86% of the total score is The data used were observations from the two Observers. The
obtained and is included in the very valid criteria. In the aspect results obtained were then calculated on the average of the
of convenience, the percentage obtained is 82%, meaning that processed frequencies using SPSS version 22. For the results of
this aspect is quite valid. For the benefit aspect, the percentage determining group data from observer results, it can be seen in
is 82.14% which is included in the quite valid criteria. In the Table 9.
aspect of motivation, the percentage obtained is 83%, which
means that it is included in the criteria quite valid. Based on all RESULTS
these validations, an average value of 83.18% was obtained,
Category Interval Frequency Percentage
which means that the material and content in interactive media
High ≥ 40 19 63%
is valid enough to be used but needs minor revisions by taking Medium 36 – 39 10 33%
into account comments, criticisms, and suggestions that have Low ≤ 35 1 3%
been given to improve the learning media products that have
been developed. Based on the results of learning creativity in Table 4.6, there
Large group trials were conducted on 30 students of class X is a high group (≥40) with a percentage of 63% with a total of
Multimedia 2 at SMK Negeri 7 Malang who had taken Basic 19 students, a medium group (36 – 39) with a percentage of
Graphic Design subjects. On the research sheet, the aspects 33%, namely 10 students, and a low group (≤ 35) of 3% with
assessed include: (1) attractiveness aspects; (2) aspects of the number of 1 student. It can be concluded that the level of
convenience; (3) benefit aspect; (4) motivational aspects. The creativity of students using the basic interactive media of
trial was carried out by giving a questionnaire instrument Graphic Design is included in the category of high creativity.
totaling 22 items in accordance with the assessment indicators. This is in line with previous studies [12], [13].
The large group trial was conducted on Wednesday, June 19,
2019. The results of the large group trial can be seen in Table IV. CONCLUSION
8. Based on the results of research and development, it can be
concluded that the final product produced is interactive media
TABLE VIII. LARGE GROUP TRIAL RESULTS containing CTL for Basic Graphic Design subjects to foster
Aspect Tse Tsh Validity Category student creativity, supported by the results of learning creativity
Attractiveness 548 200 91,33% Very Valid trials, the results obtained are 19 students (63%) have high
Convenience 529 200 88,17% Very Valid creativity, 10 students (33%) had moderate creativity, and 1
Convenience 718 280 85,48% Very Valid student (3%) had low creativity. This indicates that the use of
Language 520 200 86,6% Very Valid interactive media has been able to foster student learning
Average 87,69% Very Valid creativity. Interactive media are suitable for use in the learning
process as well as for independent study. The feasibility of
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